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In Indie Game Design

10/15/2001 Cameron: Quirky Metagame Mechanic
This came up a while back. I'm working on a crime drama game and I was thinking of optional metagame mechanics that would add another degree of fun to the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Cameron, Laurel, Manu, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, Jack Spencer Jr.

10/13/2001 Manu: The Hands of Fate
Hello all, I've just posted my new system for a cooperative narrative, usable with all RPGs.I'll be glad to hear your comments and suggestions. Thanks !
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Manu, Zak Arntson, Mike Holmes, xiombarg, Laurel.

10/11/2001 Epoch: Amber - Abashedly Narrativist?
Ron Edwards said in another thread: Amber is an interesting choice to be using, because I think its design is (to use Jim Henley's term for Everway) "abashedly…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Epoch, Uncle Dark, Ron Edwards.

10/10/2001 Tor Erickson: Intense war-games
Hi Mithras, On 2001-10-10 15:28, Mithras wrote: Running with this doomed attitude from the word go, I'm working on a horror in war RPG focussed on the Vietnam War.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tor Erickson, Mike Holmes, Laurel, contracycle, wyrdlyng, Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins, lumpley, Mithras, Bankuei, Gordon C. Landis, Thededine, Balbinus, unheilig, erithromycin.

10/10/2001 JSDiamond: minimum effort vs. "I can do THIS!"
With all the talk about the Pool and then the 'anti-Pool' I thought I'd offer this up. I wrote a system mechanic wherein the character's *minimum effort* required for a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: JSDiamond, Mike Holmes.

10/9/2001 Ron Edwards: killin' puppies for you-know-who
Oh, man. This is fun. Well, fun to read, anyway, I'm not sure about playing it, but it's SO obnoxiously dead-on, that I might. I'm talking about the Lumpster's "unfunny"…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ron Edwards, lumpley.

10/5/2001 Nathan: The Thousand Setting Project
Hello Game Designers, I am proud to give you the first take on what should be an ambitious project -- the Thousand Setting Project. The goal of this project is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathan.

10/4/2001 Nathan: The Wild's Modified Pot Read
For those of you who are not familiar, the Wild can be found here" The system is beyond simple -- but it needs something. It doesn't work perfectly…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathan, Mike Holmes, hardcoremoose.

10/2/2001 Ferry Bazelmans: Redesigning SOAP
The subject says it all, doesn't it? I want to revise, expand and update SOAP to reflect actual playtesting (which has been done extensively by you guys - you rule).…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ferry Bazelmans, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

10/2/2001 Marco: Cultists!
Ok, maybe this has been done before (which is why I'm asking). I've been brainstorming for ideas for a source-book for our multi-genre game system (Universal, Ron! Universal! hah!) JAGS…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Marco, Matt, GB Steve, contracycle.

10/1/2001 Galfraxas: My New Project
From the cluttered desk of Tim: I'm working on a new RPG, "The Blackest Sea". It's about pirates in space. I'm talking about pirates like Blackbeard, not those silly space…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Galfraxas, Jared A. Sorensen.

9/30/2001 Zak Arntson: Sitcom - Freebie RPG
[H3][A HREF=""]Sitcom - roleplaying in tv hell[/A][/H3] Okay, it's a silly game where you play a part in a Sitcom. I'd love to hear opinions and get custom-variations from y'all.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, James V. West, hardcoremoose, Matt, Jack Spencer Jr.

9/28/2001 Galfraxas: Dead Eyes
I just finished a small RPG within the past hour. It's called Dead Eyes, and it's just plain simple, and it's about being a zombie. Less than a page in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Galfraxas, Mike Holmes, unodiablo.

9/27/2001 lumpley: Narrative Sharing for Gamists
Over at is a bit from a game of mine about narrative sharing for gamists. I'd love to hear what all y'all smart people think. However, and this is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: lumpley, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, James V. West, Mike Holmes, contracycle, random, Mytholder.

9/26/2001 Galfraxas: Magical Crimes Division Is Now Available
Hey everybody, I've finally finished the first edit of Magical Crimes Division, the Magical Cops RPG. It's available on my webpage, or there's a direct download link below. I hope…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Galfraxas, Ron Edwards.

9/25/2001 Jack Spencer Jr: since The Wheel...
After what seems like decades of talk I've finally typed down my game The Wheel. It's a little rought but if you email me at I'll happily send you…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, hardcoremoose, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

9/24/2001 Mike Holmes: Name of the Game
Since we're (well I am at least) itching to talk about the game that Ralph and I am finishing up I thought that I'd bring up a relatively innocuous subject…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, Valamir, hardcoremoose, Paul Czege, Jack Spencer Jr, Mytholder, Jeffrey Straszheim, Jason L Blair, Epoch, James V. West.

9/24/2001 jdrakeh: Clarity
Recently I have been trapped in a state of deep depression, but did I let that daunt me for long? No! Putting my complete apathy to work for me, I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh, Jason L Blair.

9/24/2001 hardcoremoose: The Hero Emergent...another rpg
Well, after much deliberation, I've decided to make this one available to the Forgerites. My apologies in advance to any one I might have stolen ideas from; I know for…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: hardcoremoose, Mike Holmes, contracycle, Valamir, James V. West, Tor Erickson.

9/21/2001 Galfraxas: The 43rd Dimension on The Left, and A Fifth Trait thing...
Hello Everybody... I got my webpage up now, and I've posted the text file for "The Fifth Trait", my simple generic RPG, on said site, as well as a few…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Galfraxas.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

10/19/2001 Zak Arntson: How to Design a Bad Game
Okay, as you can see from my Harlekin-Maus site, I design short games. Usually with a ridiculous Premise (for a serious Premise, wait for my Chthonian redux). So, a short…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, Mike Holmes, Jason L Blair, unodiablo.

10/22/2001 Matt Gwinn: Name My Game!!
Well, I just found out that the name for my wrestling game Kayfabe has already been used for a recently published trade paperback. Now I have to come up with…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Gwinn, unodiablo, Paul Czege, JSDiamond, Galfraxas, Mike Holmes, Jack Spencer Jr, unheilig, Ron Edwards, Time, hardcoremoose, Matt, Doc Midnight.

10/25/2001 unheilig: How annoying is Sorceror?
okay, so discovering Sorceror unplugged a game I'd been working on for years by doing the same thing, only better. ("Fiends" it was called) But I didn't realize HOW WELL…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: unheilig, unodiablo, hardcoremoose, jburneko, Ian O'Rourke, Matt, Jack Spencer Jr.

10/26/2001 Matt: IMP - yet another game idea
Okay, this is an idea I had the other day: A game where you play invisible, rowdy, squabbling gremlins causing havoc in the modern world. Think of the goblins from…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

10/26/2001 Time: System I'm working on - Anyone willing to beat it up a bit?
Ok, I'm new to the Forge so forgive me if this is a "no-no" - or at least don't kick me too hard. I've been working on a game system…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Time, Ron Edwards, unheilig.

10/26/2001 Time: Time's system - Release the Hounds!
I've broken this up into chapters for ease of posting. I'll put up the first one now. The chapter separation isn't carved in stone so if you have ideas on…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Time, Zak Arntson, Mike Holmes, Mithras, Valamir.

10/29/2001 Time: Time's system - Chapter 2 & 3
Here's the conflict resolution systems for you. I said in the other thread that I wanted this to be the "best it can be" by that I mean I want…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Time, Bankuei, kwill, Mithras, Mike Holmes.

10/30/2001 Don Lag: Skills & Attributes
I've been working on a game for sometime, basically because I want to, I could probably play a space opera setting using Monopoly rules and still have a good time…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Don Lag, kwill, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

10/30/2001 Ferry Bazelmans: Scene resolution instead of individual task resolution
I hope that, although I rarely post, when I do it is worth something. :smile: I was tinkering with several ideas for interesting core mechanics when I hite upon the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ferry Bazelmans, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, James V. West, JSDiamond.

10/31/2001 Trench: System for Jorune
Hello Everyone, I may well be posting this into the wrong area of the forum so please accept my appologies in advance if that is the case. I scanned the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Trench, Jeffrey Straszheim, Ron Edwards, kwill, Mike Holmes.

11/1/2001 Mike Holmes: Heavy Setting Prep (from Jorune thread)
[quote] On 2001-10-31 18:17, kwill wrote: so I guess the question is, given a rich setting, where do you begin introducing the players and the characters? [/quote] Excellent question. This…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

11/1/2001 Zak Arntson: SLURPS - Harlekin-Maus Monthly RPG
[H3][A HREF=""]SLURPS[/A][/H3] This the Simplest Little Unitarian Role Playing System. This one's kind of hard to explain. What if you played a Character [I]and[/I] the manifestation of your Character's monotheism?…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, Matt.

11/5/2001 Galfraxas: Small Updates
Hey Everybody, My website has been updated, and the new version of MCD has been uploaded. I have added a set of vehicle rules to the game, and changed 1…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Galfraxas, Zak Arntson, Matt.

11/5/2001 Jason L Blair: Tea Leaves
[i]Tea Leaves[/i] is a little game I'm currently working on that actually has me quite intrigued. It's a light-hearted game about witches through the ages taking more from from superstition,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jason L Blair, Bankuei, Mike Holmes, 333Chronzon, kwill, Ron Edwards, Matt, Laurel.

11/7/2001 unodiablo: Mike Holmes - question @ success %
Hi Mike, I'm working on changing the game mechanics to Dead Meat... And I know this is your forte'. Can you tell me what the success chance is if you…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: unodiablo, Epoch, Le Joueur, Mike Holmes.

11/7/2001 Zak Arntson: Call for Probability Formulas
Okay, this was spurred by numerous questions (a few on here, tons on about dice probabilities. Is there some way we can just collect a bunch of formulas and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, Don Lag, Mike Holmes, kwill.

11/8/2001 Julian Kelsey: Variation, derivation, innovation
Some of my game design is based on reaction against or extensions to other games, sometimes uniquely developed ideas that I've belated realised are well developed in other games. Although…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Julian Kelsey, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

11/9/2001 Zak Arntson: Superpets - Preliminary Game Design
[A HREF=""]Superpets[/A] It's in the LiveJournal phase, which is somewhere between Idea & Initial Notes and Harlekin-Maus Freebie. So now is the best time to provide input. It's a simple…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson.

11/9/2001 Damocles: levelling down
A while ago, I was trying to come up with an original approach to rpgs by looking at the standard things you find in most rpgs and... fiddling with them,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Damocles, Jared A. Sorensen, Zak Arntson, JSDiamond, Ron Edwards, Laurel, Matt Gwinn, Mithras, Matt.

11/12/2001 rpghost: Feedback on an idea...
You know, I've had the idea for a while of working on a solo-adventure game system. Something that you could play by yourself (without a GM). I know there is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: rpghost, Jack Spencer Jr, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Stivven, unodiablo, jburneko, JSDiamond, Bankuei.

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