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In Universalis

9/16/2007 rycanada: Card-based
I did the search and read the old thread on this, but I have a different idea for making Coins and Dice into cards. Here's the deal:  Facedown cards are…
In Universalis
Participants: rycanada, twilight, Valvorik, Mike Holmes.

9/14/2007 rycanada: Universalis Flow Charts
Well, here they are.  This is as far as I'm going to take the concept until I have an actual play session coming up. I hereby pass yon torch to…
In Universalis
Participants: rycanada, Mike Holmes.

9/7/2007 rycanada: Two questions
Does there exist a master flowchart for the game?  I'm working on one to get my head around the flow, it's going to be quite large (but helpful for my…
In Universalis
Participants: rycanada, hix, Trevis Martin, Valamir.

9/6/2007 Valvorik: Complication question
Sorry if this was answered (went back 6 pages and couldn't find something). Once a complication is declared, it is the case that you can "buy dice" narrating and get…
In Universalis
Participants: Valvorik, Valamir, rycanada, epweissengruber, Robotech_Master.

9/3/2007 rycanada: Shut up and Tenet
I finally (finally finally finally) got a physical copy of Universalis (so I don't have to go off of my recollections of others games and a few handouts anymore).  I…
In Universalis
Participants: rycanada, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Valvorik.

8/25/2007 rycanada: Rules Gimmicks for a scribe?
My wife, who loves to host and listen in on games but hates playing them (strange and wonderful at the same time) is very interested in scribing for a game…
In Universalis
Participants: rycanada, Mike Holmes.

5/23/2007 epweissengruber: Indie RPG Toronto Takes on Universalis: AGAINST THE 13th REICH! We had a good experience with the game and I hope to pull it out again for our next social meeting.
In Universalis
Participants: epweissengruber.

5/21/2007 ( o Y o ): Re: [Robots & Rapiers v2.3] some questions
Hi Valamir, I mean the Difficulty. Your comment on RAM9 suggests that the "other way" round (Bonus is my Bonus and Difficulty is my Difficulty) it would be more intuitive.…
In Universalis
Participants: ( o Y o ), Valamir.

5/21/2007 epweissengruber: Universalis and IndieRPG Toronto: Against the 13th Reich
The full details of our tenents, etc. can be found here: - feel: Buck Rodgers Raygun Sci-Fi Tenents * Science-fictiony space adventure * Buck Rodgers Rockets and tight 1-piece…
In Universalis
Participants: epweissengruber, Mike Holmes, rycanada, Tony Irwin, Valvorik.

5/14/2007 Thor Olavsrud: [Robots & Rapiers v2.3] Session I
Due to a logistical error, John took the notes for this last session and is now in Hawaii, so I’m just going to touch on some of our major findings…
In Universalis
Participants: Thor Olavsrud, Valamir, Ron Edwards, ( o Y o ), Iskander, mtiru, Matt Wilson.

4/24/2007 LukeSineath: Idea for a Conflict-based historical game
I'm interested in roleplaying in historical periods.  I started to think about a way to run a game based on the fall of the Roman monarchy using Burning Wheel, but…
In Universalis
Participants: LukeSineath, Mike Holmes.

4/22/2007 Robotech_Master: Second Game: Zombies of Orion
This game had four players, at a gaming-group picnic a friend put on. I proposed as the the first tenet, "Orion needs to be rescued." The guy to my left…
In Universalis
Participants: Robotech_Master, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

At long last, Robots & Rapiers is nearing completion of the design stage.  The game has gone through major revisions the last couple of years but is now at a…
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir.

4/2/2007 Thor Olavsrud: [Robots & Rapiers Playtest v2.3] Character Creation
So we held another playtest session on Thursday. I had not had a chance to read through the revised document, and the revisions didn't update the sample characters we'd been…
In Universalis
Participants: Thor Olavsrud, Eero Tuovinen, Valamir, GreatWolf, Mike Holmes, Iskander, mtiru.

4/1/2007 Valvorik: Adding traits during complication and elimination costs
If a complication is about eliminating a component (e.g., character), and during the resolution the component is narrated as having additional traits (the controller seeking to give them traits resisting…
In Universalis
Participants: Valvorik, Valamir.

3/22/2007 Robotech_Master: Ficlets!
I've recently started writing on You get to write stories in 64-to-1024-character chunks ("ficlets"), then someone else gets to write a follow-up sequel or prequel chunk. And multiple people…
In Universalis
Participants: Robotech_Master, Mike Holmes.

3/4/2007 Thor Olavsrud: [Robots & Rapiers Playtest] A Simple Letter
Hi Ralph, Some thoughts following our first session of Robots & Rapiers: 1. We had a good deal of fun, which is unusual and a pleasant surprise for a playtest.…
In Universalis
Participants: Thor Olavsrud, Valamir, drozdal, Robotech_Master, Iskander, Mike Holmes, jenskot, GreatWolf, mtiru.

2/14/2007 Robotech_Master: Mini-scenes vs. interruptions
It says in the rules that a mini-scene only lasts until the end of the turn of the person who created it. What if he's interrupted?
In Universalis
Participants: Robotech_Master, Valamir.

2/14/2007 Robotech_Master: Unclear on groups
I'm having a little trouble understanding the groups trait. On page 33, in the mini-scene example, it mentions the creation of a "team of Slytheran" and that it's "1 Coin…
In Universalis
Participants: Robotech_Master, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

2/12/2007 unexpected: Another way to start a Confrontation?
Hello! I'm quite new to Universalis (one session so far), I really like it, but - of course - my gaming group has encountered a situation, were we are not…
In Universalis
Participants: unexpected, hix, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

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Subsequent Topics
In Universalis

9/19/2007 Robotech_Master: Wholescale RPG conversions: who pays?
Say that I wanted to do a Robotech roleplaying game. And that I wrote up the master-class templates for all the various mecha. Who pays for all these things? And…
In Universalis
Participants: Robotech_Master, Eero Tuovinen, Mike Holmes, Valamir.

10/14/2007 Robotech_Master: Third Game: "Sid Loves Nancy"
Today at a local geek picnic fest, I started a game of Universalis. Four of us hadn't played it before, two of us had. My friend Sandy, the other one…
In Universalis
Participants: Robotech_Master.

10/15/2007 Robotech_Master: Counter suggestion: party money
My brother first suggested this to me, and I tried it out today and found it works pretty well. A local party supply store has a pack of 144 shiny…
In Universalis
Participants: Robotech_Master, David Artman.

10/15/2007 Robotech_Master: "Orion needs to be rescued"—1 coin or 2?
Elsewhere, the tenet "Orion needs to be rescued" has been proposed as a good seed tenet, a starter to get people thinking about what the game will be about. But…
In Universalis
Participants: Robotech_Master, Valamir.

10/15/2007 David Artman: Alternate Ideas for Coins
A recent thread has me wondering (ALERT! POLL THREAD!).... Coins are fairly common and are easy to acquire and cost relatively little (as low as 1¢ per coin--or even lower,…
In Universalis
Participants: David Artman, rycanada, Valvorik, Robotech_Master.

11/6/2007 rycanada: Lots of questions
1)  What happens when you tightly limit the number of Traits a Component can have?  (I'm thinking 5 for a non-named, 10 for a named character, max 3 named characters…
In Universalis
Participants: rycanada, David Artman, Valamir.

11/28/2007 Valamir: Neat thread on Board Game Geek
[url=]Thread on Gimmicks to make Uni more competitive, like Once Upon a Time[/url] Check it out if you're interested. Ralph
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir.

12/5/2007 wburdick: Universalis + PDQ + FATE
We've combined all three in our current campaign and it's working out swell!  I posted about it on the FATE group, but here are some more details.  As GMs (there…
In Universalis
Participants: wburdick, Valamir, David Artman.

12/24/2007 Knoble: Few quick ?s
Hi Guys, I just got the book and stayed up waaay too late last night reading the first 5 chapters. I'm very excited about this game, and look forward to…
In Universalis
Participants: Knoble, Valamir.

2/22/2008 derthnada: PDF...again
I see that this has been brought up a few times over the years, but I just wanted to share my opinion, in case it matters: If this game was…
In Universalis
Participants: derthnada, Valamir, snej, Robotech_Master, David Artman.

5/29/2008 Maitresinh: Universalis Vs setting as a RPG scenario
hi there First of all sorry for my english. i've discover Uni after making some search in order to find a way to play RPG quickly/easily, ( -> without preparation…
In Universalis
Participants: Maitresinh, Valamir.

7/27/2008 Jumanji83: Advice sought for introducing Universalis in a con
This fall, I will be running games for the first time at a con (Draconis, in Montreal), and one of the game I'm thinking of maybe running is Universalis. Now,…
In Universalis
Participants: Jumanji83, David Artman.

10/14/2008 LemmingLord: Zero or Less on One Side of a Complication
The question came up recently - what happens if one side of the complication is at 0 or less dice at the time everyone decides to resolve? Is it just…
In Universalis
Participants: LemmingLord, Valamir.

11/2/2008 EvilCat: Are there any Universalis gaming communities online?
I got to know this wonderful system during an RPG event in my city, but currently I reside in other, smaller town with no RPG community. Suffice to say, I…
In Universalis
Participants: EvilCat, Lord Goon, Trevis Martin.

11/10/2008 fuxoft: "My Queen,the fire was set as per your orders" - Confused about Rulebook example
Hello there. I am fascinated by Universalis and I just tried our first game (after translating the main game terms into Czech for my fellow players). We made many mistakes…
In Universalis
Participants: fuxoft, Eero Tuovinen, Valamir.

11/22/2008 deinol: Universalis Review
Just posted my Universalis Review:
In Universalis
Participants: deinol, Valamir.

1/10/2009 daemonjax: Rules (Challenge/Interrupt/Tenet/Gimmicks) Clarification Request...
Forgive my ignorance of the rules as written, but just to cement these things in my head...  1) You can challenge another player's introduction of a fact at any time…
In Universalis
Participants: daemonjax, Valamir.

1/23/2009 Robotech_Master: Universalis @ VisionCon, Springfield MO, this weekend (maybe)
I'm going to be at VisionCon at the Clarion in Springfield, Missouri with a copy of Universalis, a bag of D10s, and a box of poker chips. I'll be staffing…
In Universalis
Participants: Robotech_Master.

1/23/2009 Robotech_Master: Universalis + Ficlets
You know, I wish I had thought to propose this while was still alive. Up until earlier this month, there was a website run under the auspices of AOL…
In Universalis
Participants: Robotech_Master, snej.

3/27/2009 EvilCat: A game of naval horror looking for more players!
Game is already in process, but just began. You can read it here. Tenets: Story elements - Naval adventure. Lovecraft-esque horror. Pseudo-historic setting of Elizabethan time. Moral choice between…
In Universalis
Participants: EvilCat.

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