Previous Topics In The Riddle of Steel 5/16/2002 Christopher Kubasik: Why Riddle of Steel Hi everybody,
Christopher here, recently lurking, but now too curious to hold back.
I've plowed through the Thread. I've read everything here. (Except, perhaps, Ron's review? I thought he… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Rattlehead, Wolfen, Nick Pagnucco, Clinton R. Nixon, Bankuei, Jake Norwood, Shadow, Le Joueur, Bob Richter, Brian Leybourne, Lyrax.
5/15/2002 Steve Danielson: Questions about Spiritual Attributes Having just received the book and quickly read through it I must say I am impressed. There are a few questions that I do have regarding spiritual attributes.
There are… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Steve Danielson, Jake Norwood, Bankuei, Wolfen, Nick Pagnucco, Rattlehead, Jaif, Ron Edwards, Atomic Requiem, OllyG, Sneaky Git, Brian Leybourne, Lyrax, Mike Holmes.
5/14/2002 Jake Norwood: The one true faith Although the world for TROS, Weyrth, is intentionally broad, we did something special with the religions--something that is pretty uncommon for FRPGs...
We left the matter of religion up in… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Wolfen, Ace, Nick Pagnucco, Bankuei, Jaif, Mike Holmes.
5/12/2002 Jake Norwood: Limited Edition Leatherbounds We've just got the first Limited ed. Leatherbounds in and they are really really really frickin' cool. All leather cover, each one is hand-bound and is done a bit differently,… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Wolfen.
5/11/2002 Nick Pagnucco: Gelure ok, so about the setting...
As I've said before, I like the setting, especially the Mainlund part of Wyrth, which I think is a very good psuedo-historical setting (or quasi...… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Nick Pagnucco, Jake Norwood, Jaif, Wolfen, The_Fey, 6inTruder, Morfedel, Anthony I.
5/10/2002 Ace: A Mini review on Net Sword I just posted a mini "review" posting on the netsword forum
The review doesn't give a lot of information do to space restrictions but it does discuss the ARMA… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ace, Jake Norwood.
5/10/2002 Jaif: Gritty supplements Ok, call me lazy but sometimes I'd just like to grab a module, change the city name to my campaign city, and run with it. Unfortunately, in today's d20 climate… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jaif, Valamir, Jake Norwood, Clinton R. Nixon, Bladesinger.
5/10/2002 Reprisal: [Character Generation] Weapon, Ranged and Combat Pool... Hey all,
I just received my copy of The Riddle of Steel, and I got started almost immediately, but I hit something of a comprehension snag when I got to… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Reprisal, Wolfen, Nick Pagnucco, Ron Edwards, Jaif, Valamir.
5/10/2002 Bankuei: Manuevers questions Clinton is starting his ROS campaign next week, and we were making characters today. Since he's taking it full hilt as far as mechanics, I had some questions about the… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Bankuei, Rattlehead, Wolfen, Jaif, Jake Norwood, Nick Pagnucco, Valamir, Brian Leybourne, Mokkurkalfe, ScarletJester, contracycle.
5/9/2002 Ace: Drat No TROS game It looks like the TROS campaign I was going to join died on the vine
However one of the better roleplayers in the group has my copy of TROS and… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ace, Nick Pagnucco, Rattlehead.
5/9/2002 Brian Leybourne: tRoS Combat simulator Hi all.
I'm working on a new version of the tRoS combat simulator that you may have downloaded from the webpage. It's a prettier windows based simulator and should contain… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Brian Leybourne, Wolfen, Nick Pagnucco, Skywalker, Jake Norwood, Mokkurkalfe, Jaif.
5/8/2002 Lyrax: Riddle of... Gold? Hello folks, I'm the fool doing the Thieves' supplement. Right now, we call it "The Riddle of Gold," but that's not what I want to talk about.
I want feedback… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Lyrax, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Nick Pagnucco, Ace, Rattlehead, Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Bladesinger, Mokkurkalfe.
5/7/2002 Jaif: Weryth geography questions Every year for the week before Memorial Day a bunch of high-school & college buddies of mine go on a vactaion to a cabin in Pennsylvania (some for a week,… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jaif, Nick Pagnucco, Lyrax, Wolfen.
5/7/2002 Rattlehead: Adventure Ideas Hi All! The forum seems to have slowed down just a bit in the past couple of days, so I thought I'd toss this out to generate some discussion...
Anyone… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Rattlehead, werewolf, Henry Fitch, Nick Pagnucco, Skywalker, Jake Norwood, Lyrax, Jaif, Wolfen.
5/6/2002 Jake Norwood: Enhanced Reading List TROS has a suggested reading list on p. 242-243, but it's pretty small (due to paper costs and what not...those of you that have dealt with small printing know what… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, werewolf, Jakob Lightbringer, Skywalker, Rattlehead, Wolfen, malum, Jaif, Steve Danielson.
5/6/2002 Nick Pagnucco: weapon schools I thought of an institution in tROS that I think would 1) exist, 2) would be very relevant to a lot of PCs, and 3) I have no clue about.… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Nick Pagnucco, Lyrax, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne, Rattlehead, Bankuei.
5/5/2002 Jaif: We played last night, and had a blast! That's the first time my regular group has stayed up to 3am playing an RPG in a long time. We had a blast. I'm not going write up the whole… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jaif, Nick Pagnucco, Lyrax.
5/5/2002 Henry Fitch: Magic Items You mentioned in the RPGnet thread that the Sorcery supplement will contain rules for magic items. Can you discuss a little bit how that's going to work? I'm hoping it'll… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Henry Fitch, Nick Pagnucco.
5/3/2002 Wolfen: Dueling I just finished a duel between my character Tiberius, and Rattlehead's character Julianos. I lost due to a bad gamble.. The combatants and battle is posted below. After that are… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Wolfen, Rattlehead, Jaif, Jake Norwood, Lyrax, Ron Edwards, Nick Pagnucco, Shadow.
5/3/2002 Ace: Played the Riddle of Steel combat yesterday(long) I had a very intersting experience as Senechal of the Riddle of Steel Senechal yesterday.
With a bit a luck I managed to get three of the players in the… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ace, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Jaif, Nick Pagnucco, Lyrax, Jake Norwood.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In The Riddle of Steel 5/16/2002 Jürgen Mayer: Why Riddle of Steel - the title I was wondering why the game has the title "The Riddle of Steel"
If this was mentioned somewhere in a thread, I must have missed it... In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jürgen Mayer, Ron Edwards, Christopher Kubasik, Nick Pagnucco.
5/16/2002 Jake Norwood: TROS Contests I'd love to run some contests on the forum at some point, rewarding folks for particularly insightful or meaningful posts and threads.
Any ideas on how? In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Bankuei, Brian Leybourne, Wolfen.
5/16/2002 malum: siehe characters i am a little confused about how to make individual siehe characters. the book gives them all the same bonuses, but it mentions there being many different kinds of seelie… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: malum, Nick Pagnucco, Jake Norwood.
5/16/2002 malum: riddle masters and attributes two questions, and sorry if i ask something already posted, or in the book somewhere, for i havent got to read every word of it yet.
first, if a character… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: malum, Brian Leybourne, Wolfen, Rattlehead.
5/17/2002 Atomic Requiem: Balance Hi there. I guess I'm committing an horrible breach of etiquette or else jumping into the midst of things, depending on how you look at it, by starting a new… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Atomic Requiem, Rattlehead, Bankuei, contracycle.
5/17/2002 Rattlehead: Getting together online This might be bad form, but here goes...
Lance (Wolfen) and I have been using OpenRPG, a free program, to stage duels, chat, and spread the word about TROS. Others… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Rattlehead, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne, Draigh, Mokkurkalfe, Jake Norwood, Bob Richter, Lyrax.
5/17/2002 Jake Norwood: TROS T-Shirts We've had growing interest in TROS t-shirts (hell, we want 'em). So here's my question...
What should it look like? How much would you pay for them (so I can… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Clinton R. Nixon, Ace, Bankuei, Brian Leybourne, Henry Fitch, Wolfen, Casey Goddard, Rattlehead, Jhilahd, Jürgen Mayer, Ron Edwards, Shadow.
5/17/2002 Ace: Learning to play and Run the riddle (and a humorous bit) [quote="contracycle"]I agree with the above - when weapons are actually dangerous, much of the positive feedback powergamers seek vanishes.[/quote]
That quote above got me to thinking how hard it is… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ace, Bankuei, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Jake Norwood, Jaif, jburneko, Wolfen, Rattlehead, contracycle.
5/17/2002 Brian Leybourne: Quick question.. moons? So, assuming the gods are not really real (yes, it's up to the individual Seneschals to decide)...
... where did the five new moons come from?
Ideas? Theories? etc... In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Brian Leybourne, malum, Rattlehead, Valamir, OllyG, Sneaky Git, Jake Norwood, J B Bell, Nick Pagnucco, Lyrax.
5/18/2002 Jaif: Defending against Sorcery Ok, I mentioned this in another thread, so I'd like to pose a question to the viewing audience.
1) How do sorcerers defend themselves from other sorcerers? Let's be clear,… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jaif, Rattlehead, Wolfen, Ian O'Rourke, Shadow, Christopher Kubasik, Atomic Requiem, The_Fey, Jake Norwood, Lyrax.
5/18/2002 Jake Norwood: Who's gonna be at some Cons this summer? I'm going to be at Origins and GenCon, as well as some smaller Con down in Phoenix at the end of July...any chance I'll get to see some of you… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Wolfen, Jürgen Mayer, Valamir.
5/18/2002 Shadow: TROS Weapon Statistics (ATN, DTN, & Damage) (*Long post, mainly focused on damage rating of the rapier)
From my reading of the game rules, I find that TROS uses a (very impressive) combat system in which the… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Shadow, Jake Norwood, Casey Goddard, Jaif, Rattlehead, Wolfen, Ron Edwards.
5/18/2002 Jhilahd: When is the site coming back up and... is there any other sites on the web that sell RoS? Or how about fan sites. After reading all of the goodies on this forum and then all the thread… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jhilahd, Jake Norwood, Wolfen, ReverendCuster187, Ian Cooper, Rattlehead.
5/19/2002 Atomic Requiem: Technical Questions Regarding Simultaneity So I advanced to Step 2 in experiencing TROS (Step 1: Read about it on the Forum; Step 2: Read Rule Book and Duel Characters; Step 3: Play actual game… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Atomic Requiem, Wolfen.
5/20/2002 malum: permanent spells can someone point me to the pages in the rulebook where it talks about how to make a spell permanent? i have heard it can be done, but dont see… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: malum, Casey Goddard, Jake Norwood, Atomic Requiem, Wolfen, The_Fey, Brian Leybourne, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Lyrax, Sneaky Git, Bankuei, Silanthous.
5/20/2002 Ace: Things for the Flower of Battle I know I am jumping the gun a little on this (game isn't really out yeet, 2 supps in the pipe line before it) but I still would like to… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ace, Jake Norwood, Atomic Requiem, Wolfen, Julian Kelsey, contracycle, Valamir, The_Fey, Bankuei, Shadow, malum, Rattlehead, Mokkurkalfe, Salamander, arxhon, tauman, Noon, Brian Leybourne, Aaron, Bob Richter, Todd M. Sullivan, Vanguard, MrGeneHa, Ashren Va'Hale, Eamon Voss, Ben Lehman, kanseg, Ryuuko, svenlein.
5/20/2002 Ron Edwards: More prep help requested Hello,
After some delays, my ROS play begins this week. Here are some more questions that have arisen as I've prepared for it.
Anyone with knowledge of Hungarian or… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ron Edwards, Jake Norwood, Christopher Kubasik, Rattlehead, Clinton R. Nixon, Jasper.
5/20/2002 Jake Norwood: Help with Spells Hey all.
I'm looking for a hand in updating (and perhaps editing several out of) the example spells in Book VI. The thing is...time...I need to do this now, and… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Casey Goddard.
5/21/2002 peterogers: FAQ ? Hi all,
I was wondering if there was an FAQ anywhere. I have a couple of questions from my reading through the book that I'm sure someone else will have… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: peterogers, Rattlehead, Wolfen, Jake Norwood, Steve Danielson, Ron Edwards.
5/22/2002 Jake Norwood: Qualities of Real Weapons Someone mentioned this as a good idea, so I figured I'd get the ball rolling. What are the real qualities of the weapons we all love and adore? I know… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Bankuei, Brian Leybourne, Rattlehead, Ron Edwards, Ace, Clinton R. Nixon, contracycle, Wolfen, Valamir, Lyrax, Atomic Requiem, Jaif, Ben, Bob Richter, Furious D, Shadow.
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