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In The Riddle of Steel

10/13/2003 julien: Falling in Armor
I have this picture of melee fights where if a heavily armored fighter (like a knight in full plate armor ) falls on the ground, it will take him considerable…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: julien, Valamir, spunky, Theron, Kaare Berg.

10/13/2003 Rico: Adrenaline
You hear stories now and then, about amazing things people do when they are hiped up on Adrenaline. I don't know if there are already rules for this for TROS…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Rico, Salamander, Ville, spunky, Ace.

10/12/2003 chade0: one very simple combat question, again =)
A has CP of 10, B has CP of 10. A has initiative. A attacks with 10 dice, B defends with 7. A wins the contest by 1 but B's…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: chade0, Brian Leybourne, Salamander.

10/12/2003 chade0: How to prevent someone from going past you? and some other q
You are guarding an open gate and an evol thief or thieves are trying to run past you... How would you slash them with your sword while they're trying past…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: chade0, Ville, Wolfen, Ashren Va'Hale, Salamander, Jake Norwood, failrate.

10/12/2003 Sir Gawain: Some basic stuff
Hallo everybody! I am totally new to the forum and to TROS too (I found a copy in Germany a month ago), but I'm fascinated by the system and by…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Sir Gawain, Sir Mathodius Black.

10/12/2003 chade0: Once again; about multiple opponents
Hi, I have problems understanding how a combat with multiple opponents engaged works. Example: A is fighting alone against B and C. 1. B and C wants to attack A,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: chade0, Brian Leybourne, Abbs.

10/12/2003 Ville: Does TROS need to much house rules?
Before I start I'd llike to point out the following: I am a huge fan of TROS rules and it is the first game in 10 yrs that really got…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ville, Ashren Va'Hale, Tywin Lannister, Brian Leybourne, kenjib, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood, Spartan.

10/12/2003 chade0: Basic newbie questions
How does these affect your combat: 1. Drawing a weapons (assuming you were surprised and you did not have a weapon in your hand)? 2. Standing up from prone (After…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: chade0, Ashren Va'Hale, Brian Leybourne, kenjib, Salamander.

10/12/2003 chade0: Simple question about Evasive Attack
Hello, Is evasive attack used only when too fighters attack each other at the same time? Or can you increase your opponent's attack TN for the next exchange with this…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: chade0, Salamander, Brian Leybourne.

10/12/2003 ironick: Two Questions Regarding Defaults
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but how exactly do the proficiency defaults work? I was under the impression from the book that you only use the defaults if…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: ironick, Salamander, Ashren Va'Hale.

10/8/2003 Jake Norwood: Jake Rants about Art
From this thread ( Though some artwork is very amateurish and reminds me more about 80s RPG books. That's not a big deal and I can understand little amateurish look.…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jake Norwood, xiombarg, Janne Halmetoja, jeffd, Brian Leybourne, kenjib, Ashren Va'Hale, toli, greyorm, 6inTruder, Dan Sellars, Kaare Berg, Thierry Michel, Lxndr, Mike Holmes, Svyatoslav_Igorevich.

10/8/2003 Swordmagnet: TROS for Sharpe's
I was thinking that the Sharpe's series of books would work well as a setting using TROS as the basis as the books often feature the theme of: what is…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Swordmagnet, ZenDog.

10/8/2003 spunky: Jumping Back to...
Jumping back to: "What's the point of partial armor in a system where the attacker declares where his blow will land?" Style, baby. Style. Part of being a hero is…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: spunky, Brian Leybourne, Jake Norwood, Ashren Va'Hale, toli, Caz, ZenDog, Crusader, Salamander, contracycle, Richard_Strey, Erik D. Schmid, julien.

10/7/2003 Janne Halmetoja: Character Generator problem
I get message "Unable to write to" when I try save on free creating mode. I have tried several NPCs and everytime get this message. If I create character using…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Janne Halmetoja, Sir Mathodius Black, Brian Leybourne, Lxndr.

10/6/2003 MonkeyWrench: to run a demo
I'll be running my first demo of a game in a couple of weeks and I was wondering if anyone has any pointers or tips for me. It's been hard…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: MonkeyWrench, Brian Leybourne, Mike Holmes, bluegargantua.

10/6/2003 Thierry Michel: Combat questions
After reading the rulebook and toying a bit with the combat simulator (very nice piece of work, by the way), I have a few questions: (1) an armored guy on…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Thierry Michel, Overdrive, Richard_Strey, contracycle, Darcy Burgess, Brian Leybourne, Caz, Salamander, Dan Sellars.

10/5/2003 Sir Mathodius Black: Areas Armor Protects
Since it isnt in the rulebook and i havnt found any posts on it, is there any place i can find exactly what parts of the body each piece of…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Sir Mathodius Black, Caz, Brian Leybourne, Crusader, Salamander.

10/4/2003 Tywin Lannister: Question about falling damage
Another day, another thing I need clarified...concerning falling damage, that is. The way I interpret the rules on p. 96, you do not take into account Toughness and Armor Values…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Tywin Lannister, Richard_Strey, Ashren Va'Hale, Wolfen, contracycle, Thagorod Alynsson, Salamander, Mike Holmes.

10/4/2003 kenjib: Question about the Flower of Battle
I finished Stephen Pressfield's Gates of Fire a couple of weeks ago and the vivid battles in the book really blew me away. I was just wondering if anyone with…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: kenjib, Brian Leybourne, -Akora-, Ville.

10/3/2003 Mokkurkalfe: I've got OBAM! And some questions...
First of all, splendid work. My horseriding player's are gonna love this. Still, I have a few questions. Why the armour-limiting on the berserker gift? It seems suspicously D&D-ish. Doesn't…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Mokkurkalfe, Brian Leybourne, Richard_Strey, contracycle, Pantera, Mike Holmes.

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Subsequent Topics
In The Riddle of Steel

10/15/2003 Sir Mathodius Black: Fear
How, in ROS, would one handle fear of characters and NPC's? There are no rules stating what can scare characters, and it isnt like there arent any things that cant…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Sir Mathodius Black, Brian Leybourne, Mike Holmes, AnyaTheBlue, Salamander.

10/16/2003 BirdMan: Heh. About The Sorcery Pool.
So anyway, I feel kind of silly asking this, but try as I might, I can't readily discern the answer. Let us say that Bob (he of Account Temps fame)…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: BirdMan, Ben, Brian Leybourne, kenjib, Spartan, Andrew Ciotti, Ron Edwards, LordSmerf, Wolfen.

10/16/2003 ZenDog: The Riddle of Steel: First impressions of a newcomer.
My copy of ‘The Riddle of Steel’ arrived last Monday; I flicked through it with great interest, then started reading it in earnest from start to finish. I finished it…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: ZenDog, Valamir, Brian Leybourne, Tim Alexander, joshua neff, Thanaeon, Anthony I, Tywin Lannister, Jake Norwood.

10/17/2003 Durgil: Dice Pool Games
I just thought I'd point out that there is a half-way lively discussion HERE on the HârnForum about the pros and cons of dice pool FRP's. I have brought up…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Durgil, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

10/17/2003 LordSmerf: Question on Mail Delivery time...
I ordered a copy of TRoS last Saturday. My question is: what shipping method is used and how long should i expect to wait. To go to the mail box…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: LordSmerf, Valamir, Richard_Strey, Brian Leybourne.

10/17/2003 chade0: about skill/attribute rolls
Hello, I've got a couple of simple questions about basic skill/attribute checks.. what skills/attributes would be used for these? : 1) to search something (in a room/forest/body/etc) 2) to spot…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: chade0, Brian Leybourne.

10/17/2003 chade0: Disarm?
'lo again, I have not found rules for disarming a foe.. both with a weapon and with bare hands. Are there some rules or have you guys created somehouse rules…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: chade0, MonkeyWrench, Richard_Strey, Brian Leybourne, Wolfen, Ville, Mike Holmes.

10/18/2003 AnyaTheBlue: Dumb combat question...
Okay, I'm sure this is answered somewhere already, but I didn't find it while we were dueling, I didn't find it poking around in the rules after we finished the…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: AnyaTheBlue, Salamander.

10/19/2003 Tim Alexander: Acrobatics, evasion, and something I'm missing?
Hey Guys, Under the acrobatics description on pg. 31 it says: Failure or fumble on the roll is equivalent to a failed dodge -- all of the attacker's successes count!…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Tim Alexander, Draigh, Brian Leybourne.

10/20/2003 julien: Bleeding
Is there a rule for handling the effects of loss of blood due to a wound immediately after a fight ? As it stands, if you get cut while fighting,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: julien, Caz, Noon, Thanaeon, Sneaky Git, Valamir, Salamander, Durgil, kenjib, Loki, Mike Holmes, Ithron, Brian Leybourne.

10/20/2003 Draigh: Attacking your opponent's weapon
I was watching an episode of Conquest the other night in which they were showing the strengths and weaknesses of the axe in it's many forms. One of the strengths…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Draigh, Caz, Ben Lehman, Salamander, Richard_Strey, BirdMan, Brian Leybourne, Tom, Jake Norwood, Tash, Turin, aaronharmon.

10/22/2003 Rico: Movement
This has probably been answered already but i couldn't find anything When doing a senario a character decided to sprint and run up to atack an archer that was 36…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Rico, Durgil, Brian Leybourne, StahlMeister, Ashren Va'Hale, Caz, Wolfen.

10/23/2003 JamesDJIII: Pools Up, Skills Down - Comment by a First Time Reader
I purchased a copy of TROS and began to digest. One point stood out (to my thinking): as I undertand the rules, when you must make a contested roll, you…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: JamesDJIII, Spartan, Thanaeon, Brian Leybourne, Lxndr.

10/24/2003 Caz: ?proficiencies at character creation?
Hey all, I need some clarification on this one. When first making a new character, and spending proficency points, I got a little confused. 1 Do you buy them on…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Caz, toli.

10/24/2003 Caz: Another quick question
If someone has no proficiencies (however that occurred) and they choose to attack or defend themselves, do you just use their reflex as their combat pool?
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Caz, Jasper the Mimbo.

10/24/2003 Stephen: An alternate skill system
An optional suggestion for those who don't like the lower-SR-is-better system.... Instead of getting a numerical SR, skills (which now come in three types, Easy, Average and Hard) are ranked…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Stephen.

10/24/2003 Stephen: A new flaw
One of the things I noticed is that a lot of the peoples in Weyrth suffer SOC penalties based on their national character: Stahlners, for instance, get -1 SOC because…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Stephen.

10/28/2003 Thanaeon: David Gemmell... Anyone familiar with him?
As the topic name says... Are you people familiar with the British fantasy author David Gemmell? The reason I'm asking is because reading TRoS I couldn't help thinking every other…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Thanaeon, Brian Leybourne, Bloodstryke, Snikwas, Caz.

10/29/2003 Loki: the Riddle of d20 conversion
Hey all, I've been running a low-magic game for about a year now using d20, and my group has become increasingly unhappy with the built-in powergaming of the system--so we're…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Loki, Caz, kenjib, Ville, Mike Holmes, Brian Leybourne, Wolfen, Stephen.

10/29/2003 Deacon Blues: Experience and SAs - New GM's Concerns
Being a veteran GM and a fan of AEG's 7th Sea, I'm a big fan of rewarding players for having their character's follow their destiny. In fact, the "Background" system…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Deacon Blues, Caz, Valamir, Lxndr, Anthony I, Spartan, Jake Norwood, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne, Vanguard, Tywin Lannister, Noon, Dan Sellars.

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