Previous Topics In RPGevolution Contributors 7/15/2002 Jake Norwood: Permission to write articles for diverse games Clinton asked me if I'd let folks write and Publish TROS articles for RPGE, and I said yes. Who else is hopping in on that? Who's going to let their… In RPGevolution Contributors Participants: Jake Norwood, Jason L Blair, Matt Snyder, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes.
7/15/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: Schedule for first magazine I'm thinking of doing the first issue on an accelerated schedule - September 1st would be the deadline for articles, and I'd publish (hopefully) on September 15th.
After that, deadlines… In RPGevolution Contributors Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Jake Norwood.
7/15/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: RPGevolution Proposal This is the same proposal I've e-mailed you, preserved here for reference.
RPGevolution: A Proposal
I, Clinton R. Nixon, am interested in restarting the web-based independent magazine I started in… In RPGevolution Contributors Participants: Clinton R. Nixon.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In RPGevolution Contributors 7/15/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: Types of articles I'm looking for After this first issue, I'm going to have an open call for submissions. For the first issue, though, I'm going to keep it amongst invited contributors, and perhaps people you… In RPGevolution Contributors Participants: Clinton R. Nixon.
7/16/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: RPGevolution website I've started work on the RPGevolution website. I'll let everyone know when it's ready to check out all the features, but the start's up at
- Clinton In RPGevolution Contributors Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Jason L Blair, Jared A. Sorensen.
7/29/2002 Jake Norwood: Paladin settings as articles I was thinking that since many Paladin settings are going to be small ones (2-3 pages, although I think my Heaven and Hell one might be longer) that RPGevolution would… In RPGevolution Contributors Participants: Jake Norwood, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, Valamir.
7/29/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: Articles I'm looking for, part II Here is a big list of ideas for articles I've come up with. I've listed some of you by name below, but don't feel like I'm demanding anything - these… In RPGevolution Contributors Participants: Clinton R. Nixon.
8/15/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: Issue 1, yet again Ok:
So far I have the following articles being submitted for issue 1:
Jake Norwood's take on angels for Paladin
Jason Blair's samurai version of Dust Devils, called "RoniN"
I… In RPGevolution Contributors Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, hardcoremoose, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Jared A. Sorensen.
8/27/2002 Valamir: Articles of General Support In going over the types of articles I see "Support for Indie-RPGs"
What about articles of general use, not just applicable to a specific game.
I had an idea for… In RPGevolution Contributors Participants: Valamir, Clinton R. Nixon.
9/10/2002 Valamir: How strict is the indie requirement? Hey Clinton,
I had sent you a couple of articles on the history of Texas which I had used for a Deadlands Campaign. Didn't hear back as to whether you… In RPGevolution Contributors Participants: Valamir, Clinton R. Nixon.
9/15/2002 Jake Norwood: Submission Deadline? Is today still the submission deadline? How tardy can I be on this one?
Jake In RPGevolution Contributors Participants: Jake Norwood, Valamir, Jason L Blair, Clinton R. Nixon, Matt Snyder.
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