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1/30/2006 Nathan P.: [Carry] Revision 2 Complete. Readers, Artists & Playtesters Wanted.
I finished the latest revision of Carry, my soldiers-dealing-with-issues Vietnam game. You can download the zip file here. There's also this AP thread, which was very useful to me, and…
In Connections
Participants: Nathan P., joepub.

1/29/2006 shahanyr: Une collaboration francophone / anglophone
Hello ! I'm sorry for the french topic but i would like in my poor english propose a collaboration with someone who has a good knowledge of my natural langage.…
In Connections
Participants: shahanyr.

1/26/2006 Ron Edwards: Podcasting and video on-line
Hello, I am utterly clueless about this process and what it entails, and I'm months behind schedule for what I'm trying to do with it. So this is sort of…
In Connections
Participants: Ron Edwards, Andrew Morris, TonyLB, Nathan P., Alex Fradera, Clay, talysman, rafial, jasonm.

1/26/2006 GreatWolf: Needing some PDF assistance
I have a small problem that I'm hoping one of you folks will be able to assist me with. I have a PDF of a character sheet for Legends of…
In Connections
Participants: GreatWolf, Eero Tuovinen, dindenver.

1/26/2006 Alexander XVX: DIY Game Designer in Desparate Need of Art
Hello all, My name is Alexander, and, as you might have rightly guessed, I'm new to the Forge.  Games have always been a strong part of my life, and my…
In Connections
Participants: Alexander XVX, racingspoons.

1/24/2006 Vaxalon: Any audio engineers?
I recorded a nearly complete Dogs game yesterday, but it has some annoying noise in it that I can't get rid of with my puny audio skilz and Audacity. If…
In Connections
Participants: Vaxalon, WRPIgeek.

1/17/2006 Chad: [Zhang Zhung] Art preview -seeking co-developer
Hi There, Posting this in the connections forum also, but thought this would be a good place to start. I am seeking a co-developer with which to collaborate on The…
In Connections
Participants: Chad.

1/16/2006 Hrimnir: Free Art for Creative Rpg's
Hello there. Yes I am another random artist looking for "work" so to speak. Now, I am not exactly looking to make money here. I intend on publishing an rpg…
In Connections
Participants: Hrimnir, Technocrat13, energy, komradebob, Alexander XVX, DarkAsmodeous, Thunder_God, SCSM2650, bifster, sean2099.

1/15/2006 Space Cowboy: Wild Sphere is seeking a Web Guru
Wild Sphere is seeking a new energetic, highly-talented, and motivated Web Designer/Site Administrator to join our growing team.  Wild Sphere is a Space Western multimedia project: The original flagship product…
In Connections
Participants: Space Cowboy.

1/4/2006 Platemier: Frames And Icons for a CCG
I'm designing a Collectible card game, and I'm currently looking at making frames for my cards, icons representing various gameplay elements, and a few simple place holder graphics for the…
In Connections
Participants: Platemier.

1/3/2006 redivider: In-person game writing group, Los Angeles region
I'm interested in setting up an in-person writing group focusing on rpgs. The goal would be to hold monthly meetings in the L.A. area to provide feedback on game drafts,…
In Connections
Participants: redivider, Joshua BishopRoby, Ron Edwards.

1/3/2006 iain: Seattle area gaming comunity
I am potentially going to over in the Seattle area come March/April this year and was wondering what there was in the way of activity and gaming shops in the…
In Connections
Participants: iain, rafial.

1/3/2006 iain: CGS looking for playtesters
Hi folks, I am currently looking for playtesters for a new CGS project called 'Mob Justice' which I am currently writing. The game is a modern day gangster RPG and…
In Connections
Participants: iain.

1/2/2006 Brijam: An introduction - and a new book coming
Hi everyone- My real name is Brian Jamison.  My background -- let's see, in gaming I've been roleplaying for almost 30 years, a GM for most of that time.  My…
In Connections
Participants: Brijam, Paul Czege, Troy_Costisick, energy.

1/1/2006 rumble: [Dead of Night] Earn CASH for writing a game review!
Earn CASH for writing a game review! Happy 2006 to everyone! My name is Merwin, and I'm the CEO of Plague Games™ and the primary author of _Dead of Night_,…
In Connections
Participants: rumble.

12/30/2005 Joshua BishopRoby: [FLFS] Call for Playtesters
[url=]Full Light, Full Steam[/url]'s Playtest Edition will be complete in the next couple of days, and I'm looking for playtesters to give the game a whirl in the first few…
In Connections
Participants: Joshua BishopRoby.

12/28/2005 tokiyojimbo: An introduction, of sorts...
Y'ello all.  I've been thumbing through the connections forum and thought I'd do this up all formal. There's a lot of talented folks here, and I'd be happy to be…
In Connections
Participants: tokiyojimbo, joepub, daMoose_Neo, energy.

12/23/2005 MegaMinis: Game Designer wanted TABLETOP Miniatures
  We are looking for a game designer interested in utilizing our existing miniatures products to develop a tabletop game system (we have some ideas so you won't be starting…
In Connections
Participants: MegaMinis.

12/21/2005 Ron Edwards: Let's make a deal
I want a picture of the Big Model. No, not a diagram with circles and arrows. I mean a character, who is obviously the Big Model. Uh huh. Yes, I…
In Connections
Participants: Ron Edwards, komradebob.

12/20/2005 sayter: Lineart Quotes (question)
Generally speaking, what is a rough figure on a per-character basis for lineart (single character,  not scene)? We talking 50-100? Or is the going rate larger? (hopes not)
In Connections
Participants: sayter, devilbunny, Joeslucher, Troy_Costisick.

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Subsequent Topics
In Connections

2/1/2006 rumble: I will pay YOU to review the Dead of Night RPG!
No takers yet! A month has gone by, and two Dead of Night reviews have been published: one online, and the other in print. I think both reviews were from…
In Connections
Participants: rumble.

2/1/2006 Keith Senkowski: French to English Translation Wanted
I got an email today in French.  I can't read that shit, so I am looking to see if any of the monkeys on this board might be able to…
In Connections
Participants: Keith Senkowski, timfire, Artanis.

2/3/2006 JSDiamond: All's quiet... alpha-beta test
I have stripped down the die-rolling and rules a bit for my low-fantasy thieving rpg.  If you would like to critique, playest and otherwise try to wring the life essence…
In Connections
Participants: JSDiamond.

2/4/2006 Ben Lehman: [Drifter's Escape] Wants Playtesting
I ain't got no home. I'm just a wandering 'round. I'm just a wandering working man; I go from town to town, and the police make it hard wherever I…
In Connections
Participants: Ben Lehman.

2/7/2006 mratomek: Playtest a new approach to RPGing
Monster RulesTM is a new approach to RPGing. It allows players to create their own characters and scenarios using a simple point-based system, and then play games in a head-to-head…
In Connections
Participants: mratomek, nikola, Ben Lehman.

2/10/2006 Highlander: World of Empire -- looking for playtesters
Louisville area GM looking for a few regular playtesters.  The game system I am using is original, designed by another gamer and extensively modified by me with new systems.  You…
In Connections
Participants: Highlander, Tommi Brander.

2/10/2006 MikeSands: Badass Space Marines - Call For Playtesters
I need playtesters for Badass Space Marines, a game of action/science fiction/horror films (basically it's a homage to Aliens). It is designed for zero-preparation, single session play. Each mission uses…
In Connections
Participants: MikeSands, CommonDialog.

2/11/2006 abzu: Playtesters Wanted for Luke's Current Super Secret Project
Want to help change the face of roleplaying games? Want to be in the burning inner circle? Want to see what the hell I've been doing for the past 6…
In Connections
Participants: abzu, Andy Kitkowski, Eero Tuovinen, Kevin Allen Jr, Keith Senkowski, mtiru, Iskander, argology, Paka.

2/12/2006 Matt-M-McElroy: Promotions/News
Hey folks, Flames Rising is a website dedicated to the fans of horror and dark fantasy entertainment. While Flames Rising started out in gaming, we've grown into a site for…
In Connections
Participants: Matt-M-McElroy, Jake Richmond.

2/12/2006 btrc: Looking for "realistic" indie game
Posted this once before elsewhere on the Forge, but got no bites, so I'm trying again here. My current project is a design book (weapons, vehicles, etc.) and I have…
In Connections
Participants: btrc, CSBone, M. J. Young.

2/14/2006 kingschizo: Looking for Staff for new Game Workshop
Okay I will try not to be to vauge on what I am looking for.  The first thing you should know is that I have set up a Role-Playing Game…
In Connections
Participants: kingschizo, Eero Tuovinen, Arpie, M. J. Young, daMoose_Neo, CommonDialog.

2/14/2006 jrs: Art buttons
This is for any artists out there who want some additional exposure for their artwork.  I recently discovered Prickie.  Basically artists can sell their artwork as buttons, get 25% commission…
In Connections
Participants: jrs.

2/17/2006 vgsmart: Cover Artist and Editor
You know, it is funny that I am posting here; but I am betting I can find both items I am looking for. I work in the video game field,…
In Connections
Participants: vgsmart.

2/19/2006 Ben Lehman: [Bliss Stage] Looking for an artist
Hello <i>Bliss Stage: Love, Sex, and Giant Robots</i>, which is one of my forthcoming games, needs an artist.  I'm pretty picky about the requirements for this, just so you're warned…
In Connections
Participants: Ben Lehman, TonyLB.

2/19/2006 fastswimmer: Dev's wanted
Alot of people here love to play MMORPG's. Have you ever wanted to help make one? Here's your chance. I am the sound developer at Addition Gaming Entertainment. We are…
In Connections
Participants: fastswimmer, Eero Tuovinen.

2/22/2006 Troy_Costisick: Website Help (part 1)
Heya, I need to upload a pdf file to a website I own.  I have a FTP client software.  I just can't make the two talk to each other.  What…
In Connections
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Joshua BishopRoby, Wolfen, Eero Tuovinen.

2/24/2006 Peter Nordstrand: Sweden: A Study Course in Gaming
Hi, If you want to study games full time for two years and live in Sweden, check out this link (in Swedish). It is a course for people who want…
In Connections
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, LordSmerf.

2/27/2006 Troy_Costisick: Maps of London
Heya, Does anyone know where I could find a map of London in the mid 1800's online?  Especially one that's copyright free? :) Peace, -Troy
In Connections
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Iskander, contracycle, Joshua BishopRoby, jasonm, Thor, micah.

2/28/2006 Richard Douek: Writer looking to contribute fiction
Hello Game Designers! My name is Rich. I write fiction in the fantasy/science fiction genre. I'm currently working on a novel, but I am still interested in writing short fiction.…
In Connections
Participants: Richard Douek, Wolfen, abzu, DarkAsmodeous.

3/1/2006 rumble: Can you write a $60 review of the Dead of Night RPG?
February's over, and no one has claimed the first $40 in review payouts. For the month of March, I'm adding another $20 to the payout pool. You could earn up…
In Connections
Participants: rumble.

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