Previous Topics In Connections 10/18/2007 Sydsquicious: Pantaloons & Poltergeists - Playtesters Wanted Pantaloons & Poltergeists is a Victorian era gothic horror finishing school game coming out soon from game designer Matt Schlotte (Atarashi Games, co-designer of Panty Explosion) and Kim Baker-Schlotte. We… In Connections Participants: Sydsquicious, sirelfinjedi.
10/17/2007 Rodolfo: Ten Thousand Worlds 1.01 This seemed to be the section for making this sort of post:
If anyone is interested, Ten Thousand Worlds is ready to be seen. Enjoy. In Connections Participants: Rodolfo, Vulpinoid.
10/13/2007 GregStolze: Squinting Amateur Illustrator Seeks Models This thread on my web site...
...pretty much describes it. I'm looking for interesting looking, vain or just lacksadaisical people to pose for art in the REIGN wiki and… In Connections Participants: GregStolze.
10/10/2007 Scott Purdy: Looking for John Grigas Hey everyone,
If you know Jon Grigas could you please tell him that my emails to him are bouncing, it's looking like his email account has added me as SPAM..… In Connections Participants: Scott Purdy, StrongBadMun.
10/4/2007 Thunder_God: [Juiced Rider, Memory Mecha] Looking for Playtesters. <b>Juiced Rider, Memory Mecha</b>, a game where there is a grim war going on and you're on the front-line, in your mecha. In order to interface with the mecha you… In Connections Participants: Thunder_God.
10/4/2007 David C: Looking for a word-smith Are you able to come up with the right word to describe any situation? Do you enjoy coming up with words to describe anything?
I'm looking for what I'm calling… In Connections Participants: David C, Eero Tuovinen, David Artman, RobNJ.
10/3/2007 Jon H: Cover art available for license... Hi all,
Jon Hodgson calling. If I'm lucky, you might be aware of my work from the cover and some of the internals for Dust Devils, the cover graphics for… In Connections Participants: Jon H.
10/1/2007 ValentineS: illustrator for Hire Howdy all. I'm looking for a new project to work on, and i've had good experiences here in the past. I'm available for black & white, color, interiors, or covers.… In Connections Participants: ValentineS, David C, StrongBadMun.
9/27/2007 Aman the Rejected: [Dungeon Squad! + Coin Op] Playtesters Wanted! Hello, everyone!
I have written a game inspired by the arcade game Shadow Over Mystara. It is a fun system that uses Jason Morningstar's Dungeon Squad! as a basis and… In Connections Participants: Aman the Rejected, Eero Tuovinen, Filip Luszczyk.
9/27/2007 StrongBadMun: Looking for Artists and writers for Gods Gone Wild? Ok I know asking for free art or writing is like asking Palestine and Israel to share a smoothie but hear me out. Gods Gone Wild is the free RPG… In Connections Participants: StrongBadMun.
9/26/2007 ChrisLane: Cheap freelance web stuff I am a general purpose computer nerd. I'd like to do some freelance bid work as a part time supplemental job, but I need a portfolio of work to point… In Connections Participants: ChrisLane, StrongBadMun.
9/23/2007 ideawizard: help with design I've got most of my beginning content ready for a game I was thinking about but I was wondering if someone a bit more experienced might want to be the… In Connections Participants: ideawizard, StrongBadMun.
9/20/2007 Elliott: Requesting a Girls' Manga style cartoonist for a cover picture I would like a cover illustration for my game, Reaper Beauties, a Story Game in a Girls' Manga Style. It practically screams for a cover image also in a Girls'… In Connections Participants: Elliott.
9/19/2007 Coyote247: Looking For PDF conversion of my 5 page freeware game I'v designed The Other, a free 5 page horror game, which I have zipped in it's text only form. I'v got a volunteer working on pdf's of the character sheets… In Connections Participants: Coyote247, Clay, Eero Tuovinen.
9/19/2007 rafael: Ad swap for 'dark' games Got a game in the works? Interested in trading ads?
It doesn't have to be a horror game (though that helps). It can be dark fantasy, suspense, or anything that… In Connections Participants: rafael.
9/15/2007 Graham Walmsley: I'd like a photo of a burning d20 It's to use as a book cover, so it'd need to look good. Preferably against a black background.
An actual photo would be great. If not, a Photoshop thing might… In Connections Participants: Graham Walmsley.
9/15/2007 johnnyr: [Candlelight Inn] Playtesters wanted for PbP Storytelling game Hello!
I've fleshed out a storytelling system that i've been working on for a few months, and would love some feedback. Please le me know if you are interested. To… In Connections Participants: johnnyr.
9/13/2007 preludetotheend: Decent hosting hard to find? I am faced with a dilemma as a test version of my game draws near I am not sure where to host my site. The problem is I want a… In Connections Participants: preludetotheend, David Artman, TwoCrows, xenopulse, Clay.
9/12/2007 Simons: [Game X or Escape from Illeria] Call for Playtesters Hey all,
Escape from Illeria (or Game X, haven’t quite decided yet) is approaching a state of doneness, though I probably still have a lot to go. I think I’ve… In Connections Participants: Simons.
9/10/2007 DrNostromo: Need Artists for To Be King - RPG Strategy Good day, people
I'm currently developing a strategy adventure RPG called To Be King that's sort of a cross between D&D and the hex-based war simulation games. It's been in… In Connections Participants: DrNostromo.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In Connections 10/28/2007 masqueradeball: So, you Want to Be a Super Hero (Or, Playtesters Please) I've designed a super hero game, that for now I'm calling Forces, that I hope approaches the genre from a new lite. Its very narrativistic and structured, but focuses less… In Connections Participants: masqueradeball, sirelfinjedi.
10/29/2007 tonyd: I Draw Maps I draw maps. I did the map and page corner illustrations for Luke Crane's Blossom are Falling and did some maps and diagrams for Ron Edwards' Spione (if you guys… In Connections Participants: tonyd.
11/4/2007 thirdkingdom: Looking for comments (and artists) Hi everyone,
I'm about 260 pages into the Player's Handbook for the frpg I am designing, The Third Kingdom. It is a classless rpg driven by a point-based… In Connections Participants: thirdkingdom, masqueradeball.
11/6/2007 dhorstman: Illustrator/Designer Looking for Projects & Collaboration Hello to Everyone out there on the Forge!
I'd like to introduce myself. I'm an Illustrator (also an RPG enthusiast) and I'd really like to start doing work in the… In Connections Participants: dhorstman, Scott Purdy, StrongBadMun, Ron Edwards.
11/12/2007 Willow: Awesome Adventures needs Awesome Playtesters Hey All-
I'm developing a Fate 3.0 game called Awesome Adventures. It's similar to Spirit of the Century, but with lighter, more focused rules, and no default setting. If you… In Connections Participants: Willow.
11/18/2007 rafael: Cover artist needed Hello!
I need an artist who can deliver a cover illustration for an RPG that I'll be releasing next year. It's a modern horror RPG, heavy on the gore. I'm… In Connections Participants: rafael, adamhunterpeck, elijahart, northerain.
11/19/2007 Pelgrane: Mutant City Blues playtest If you are interested in playtesting Mutant City Blues, please contact me off list It's set ten years in the future after the Sudden Mutation Event, and you are… In Connections Participants: Pelgrane.
11/23/2007 StrongBadMun: Need female partner for RPG project. Ember is nearing completion and the first supplement is mostly complete as well so I've had time to think of new ideas and I suddenly find myself obsessed with one… In Connections Participants: StrongBadMun.
11/24/2007 matthijs: Do you want a review of your game? I sometimes review stuff for I haven't done so for a while, but I'd like to write a few reviews again.
Have you written/published a game you want me… In Connections Participants: matthijs.
11/26/2007 epweissengruber: Ice-O-Hedron: a mid-winter d20 mini-con This is a proposal. Hopefully some Torontonians get back to me and/or I get some feedback on the potential of this proposal to gather players.
I haven't seen any… In Connections Participants: epweissengruber.
12/3/2007 rafael: Graphic designer needed Hello!
I need an artist who can deliver some graphic designs for me. Specifically, I need book cover text.
I have four books. I will soon have cover art for… In Connections Participants: rafael, cns1138, iago, jessejesse.
12/4/2007 imaginarypeople: artist available i'm an artist that is looking for an opportunity to get my work published
some of my art is at the link above please contact me at
if… In Connections Participants: imaginarypeople, Ben Lehman.
12/5/2007 bookworm_85: Roleplaying research survey Hello. Myself and a group of friends are working on writing a roleplaying game system. As part of this, we've decided to conduct some research to see what roleplayers are… In Connections Participants: bookworm_85, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Miskatonic, matthijs, David Artman, M. J. Young.
12/6/2007 jessejesse: Illustrator for hire... New piece uploaded. I am an artist and designer looking for freelance work. Let me know. As well, Here is a link to a recently completed piece, in addition to my website... thanks!… In Connections Participants: jessejesse, Ben Lehman, Eero Tuovinen.
12/8/2007 animagnum: Cover/map artist available I can create covers or maps for RPG books. My cover designs are similar to the look of the D&D 3/3.5 manuals in case that is a style you might… In Connections Participants: animagnum.
12/10/2007 choughton: Anyone here interested in free custom illustration work or cover art? Hi. Anyone looking for a cover artist or an illustrator?
In an effort to gain exposure I am offering free original illustration work for any printed jobs. Find out more… In Connections Participants: choughton, Wolfen, northerain, xenopulse, guildofblades, joepub.
12/11/2007 guildofblades: Art Prints - POD - at retail? Hi All,
Ok, so we've been working on designing a new retail model for games, combining all of our printing capacities together with game retailing. As such, the Guild will… In Connections Participants: guildofblades.
12/13/2007 Jonathan Walton: Indie Games Relationship Map Project Hey Cats,
I posted companion threads about this on Story Games and Knife Fight:
I'm attempting to make a relationship map of game design influences, which I think… In Connections Participants: Jonathan Walton, guildofblades, M. J. Young, GreatWolf, Eero Tuovinen, Peter Nordstrand, David Artman, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, lumpley, Nev the Deranged, matthijs.
12/20/2007 StrongBadMun: Help with a Website Ok I'm getting to the point where I'd like to get a nice website up to help me publicize my Ember project as I trudge toward publishing it. I won't… In Connections Participants: StrongBadMun, Eero Tuovinen, Clay.
12/23/2007 sirelfinjedi: Super-Fantasy Power System - d20 play-testers wanted. I've been working on a d20 supplement for superheroes. I'm calling it the Super-Fantasy Powers System. While I've used and enjoyed both Mutants & Masterminds and Blood & Vigilance, I… In Connections Participants: sirelfinjedi.
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