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In Forge Birthday Forum

4/6/2004 Walt Freitag: Morbid Topic
[b]Happy Birthday -- Uggh! -- Happy Birthday -- Uggh! Doom and gloom and deep despair People dying everywhere Happy Birthdday -- Ughh! -- Happy Birthday -- Uggh! When you reach…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Walt Freitag, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, ethan_greer.

4/6/2004 Anonymous: Best Horror Movie Ever
Dark Water, directed by Hideo Nagata. It made me scream in a move theatre for the first time ever. Steve.
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Anonymous, hix, hardcoremoose, Dav, GreatWolf, Ron Edwards, Walt Freitag, Scourge108, Rich Forest, C. Edwards, talysman, Christopher Kubasik, Malechi, jrs, Marhault, Andy Kitkowski, taalyn, lumpley, Christopher Weeks, Mike Holmes, orbsmatt, quozl, JamesSterrett, KingstonC, clehrich, Shreyas Sampat, greyorm, WDFlores, joshua neff, Jason13, Blankshield, Troy_Costisick, Jonathan Hastings, Vibilo, demiurgeastaroth, Frank T, Lisa Padol, timfire, Dave Panchyk, Matt Snyder, Alex Fradera, inthisstyle, Eric J-D, Latreya Sena.

4/6/2004 hix: When did You 'Belong' to the Forge
Okay, so you discovered this place however long ago and you got involved with everyone doing the whole posting and debating thing. But when and why did you first really…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: hix, Lxndr, Shreyas Sampat, Valamir, Rich Forest, Christopher Weeks, Eero Tuovinen, clehrich, Rob MacDougall, orbsmatt, Marhault, xiombarg, gobi, ScottM, lumpley, jrs, Mike Holmes, cruciel, Trevis Martin, RDU Neil, GreatWolf, Anonymous, Jeph, JamesSterrett.

4/6/2004 Jack Spencer Jr: "What I want to know is who's plooking the monkeys?&quo
"What I want to know is who's plooking the monkeys?" Who said this? When and in what context?
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, Rich Forest, talysman.

4/5/2004 Wolfen: I've got a few..
Unfinished game ideas.. Well, there's this little thing I was kicking around for a while, Mage Blade.. Then there's a more recent project, ReCoil.. Heh. Yeah, I take forever to…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Wolfen.

4/5/2004 Christopher Weeks: Favorite Board Games?
I've noticed over the eight months that I've been here that a bunch of people play board games. Seth's Gipf query made me think of this more concretely. What board…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Christopher Weeks, xiombarg, GreatWolf, Umberhulk, rafial, quozl, Valamir, Ron Edwards, ScottM, Jonathan Walton, Christopher Kubasik, ethan_greer, Asrogoth, coxcomb, Paganini, Ben Lehman, Walt Freitag, Marhault, Jack Aidley, Sean, orbsmatt, Mike Holmes, Peter Nordstrand, JamesSterrett, Brian Leybourne.

4/5/2004 Andy Kitkowski: I Need Meat to Feed the 2003 Indie RPG Awards (apply within)
Hey all. After a long hiatus, and a loose plan to start this year's Awards registration in the Spring and declare winners in the Fall, I've come again to my…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards, Christopher Weeks, Dav, coxcomb, Anonymous.

4/5/2004 Green: new game this summer . . . anyone interested?
This summer, I think I want to start another game, preferably using Kathanaksaya, which you can get in the Resource Library. Mainly this is for playtesting purposes to see how…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Green.

4/5/2004 GreatWolf: GIPF project
This may be a long shot, but hey, who cares. It's a birthday party! I've started playing the different games of the GIPF Project and have been enjoying them. So…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: GreatWolf, Christopher Weeks.

4/5/2004 quozl: Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA
In the spirit of the D.C. thread, do any Forgers in the area want to get together and play some games?
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: quozl, anonymouse, xenopulse, Chris Goodwin.

4/5/2004 lumpley: The Me Principle
So this is kind of self-involved and pointless, but if I can't post it drunk at the birthday party when can I? I didn't name the Lumpley Principle. I wouldn't'a…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: lumpley, Andy Kitkowski, Gordon C. Landis.

4/5/2004 Rich Forest: So what kind of snob are you?
C’mon, you know you are one. Maybe it’s wine, maybe it’s beer, maybe it’s manga or even (gasp) roleplaying games. Maybe it’s some kind of indie music, maybe it’s your…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Rich Forest, Ron Edwards, hardcoremoose, coxcomb, Jonathan Walton, lumpley, Andy Kitkowski, BPetroff93, greyorm, Clinton R. Nixon, Walt Freitag, Christopher Weeks, GreatWolf, Lxndr, cruciel, Matt Snyder, Dev, taalyn, joshua neff, Dav, Matt, Mike Holmes, Asrogoth, Chris Passeno, Scourge108, Gordon C. Landis, Wolfen, Sirogit?, Spartan, Bob McNamee, Ben Lehman, talysman, Trevis Martin, hanschristianandersen, Sean, clehrich, Jack Aidley, orbsmatt, Rich Stokes.

4/5/2004 Michael S. Miller: Dumb GNS jokes
How many Gamists does it take to change a lightbulb? Depends on how many tie for the low roll. How many Narrativists does it take to change a lightbulb? "How…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Dav, Jonathan Walton, Matt Wilson, Ron Edwards, Valamir, joshua neff, quozl, rafial, Guest, coxcomb, Scourge108, Anonymous, Wolfen, Nicolas Crost, Doug Ruff, Lord_Steelhand.

4/5/2004 Sean: One thing the Forge has meant to me that I've been able to design character-specific games. My new MO since coming here is that I get together with a friend, talk about a character, and we write…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Sean, Mike Holmes, Jack Aidley, orbsmatt, clehrich.

4/5/2004 Christopher Kubasik: All right, fuck it: Iraq!
I suspect this thread will burn brighter than any thread we could produce on religion or sodomy, but what the hell.... Ralph wrote: What we basically had is a vile…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, cruciel, Anonymous, contracycle, Ben Lehman, montag, Valamir, Itse, ethan_greer, Sean, Jonathan Walton, greyorm, Christopher Weeks, Rich Forest, Gordon C. Landis, quozl, joshua neff, Nicolas Crost, clehrich, Paul Watson, timfire, Matt Wilson, Mike Holmes, John Kim, ADGConscience.

4/5/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Oh, BTW, I've completely given up Game Design
Yeah, so after some progress, then failures, with my Kyuseisha game (started out as a mini-sup for Sorcerer, became its own full game, etc), I've decided that I really don't…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Dev, komradebob.

4/5/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Who are you?!? (Putting Pictures to Posters)
Any forum with a self-fellatio forum HAS to have that thread where people post pictures of themselves (usually the best, apt pictures- the ones that conceal the acne, make them…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Ben Lehman, Dev, John Harper, talysman, rafial, Rich Forest, contracycle, bcook1971, Anonymous, Eero Tuovinen, Itse, Matt, Matt Wilson, xiombarg, Bob McNamee, Yasha, Jonathan Walton, Paul Czege, Shreyas Sampat, Chris Passeno, gobi.

4/5/2004 hardcoremoose: a Forge greater than the sum of its parts
Following the B-day party theme… You know how sometimes you get drunk and brutal honesty follows. This is that thread. Remember, it's the booze talking. My posting here has been…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: hardcoremoose, Lxndr, Ben Lehman, greyorm, Rich Forest, Michael S. Miller, Paka, Matt Snyder, Paganini, xiombarg, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, Paul Czege, Dav, ethan_greer, Mike Holmes, montag, John Kim, Valamir, Jack Aidley, Christopher Weeks, KingstonC, JamesSterrett, Emily Care, Bob McNamee.

4/5/2004 Rich Forest: Tell me about... your unfinished game ideas
[url=]Over here in the RPG Dreams thread[/url], [quote="Lxndr"]Parts of Fastlane came to me in a dream and/or hypnagogic state; same with good portions of [b]Shangri-la[/b] and [b]Mudsylvania[/b], neither of which…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Rich Forest, Paka, Jonathan Walton, Lxndr, Andy Kitkowski, John Harper, Ben Lehman, Dev, talysman, Shreyas Sampat, timfire, Christopher Weeks, greyorm, John Kim, coxcomb, taalyn, Matt, Walt Freitag, hix, b_bankhead, hanschristianandersen, Rob MacDougall, Marhault, lumpley, Valamir, WDFlores, gobi, orbsmatt, Spooky Fanboy, Umberhulk, Wolfen, daMoose_Neo, Michael S. Miller, Anonymous, Bob Goat, Emily Care, Jared A. Sorensen, Sean, joshua neff, xenopulse, Selene Tan, Lee Short, Tony Irwin, Trevis Martin, Andrew Morris, Bankuei, Andrew Norris, Kit, Jinx.

4/5/2004 Asrogoth: Caterpillar Poop
I just saw a caterpillar poop in my son's "butterfly farm". What's really weird is that the last two times we've been to the zoo, we've seen several of the…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Asrogoth, Argetlamh, C. Edwards, Green, Scourge108.

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Subsequent Topics
In Forge Birthday Forum

4/6/2004 Rich Forest: The Forge reads, watches, and listens
What is the most recent: Book you read? Movie you watched? Song you listened to? You can feel free to just list 'em, or feel free to elaborate, but don't…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Rich Forest, Clinton R. Nixon, joshua neff, Alan, Rich Stokes, Matt, Paka, clehrich, taalyn, Simon W, Ben Terry, WDFlores, Paul Czege, jrs, GreatWolf, Sean, Marhault, Matt Snyder, Christopher Weeks, Goutetsu, orbsmatt, Matt Wilson, Ron Edwards, quozl, RDU Neil, ScottM, Asrogoth, Jonathan Walton, Anonymous, Gordon C. Landis, talysman, Paul's Girl, Andy Kitkowski, greyorm, Ben Lehman, contracycle, Emily Care, Bob Goat, Christopher Kubasik, Bob McNamee, kregmosier.

4/6/2004 GB Steve: I hate the Forge!
Gets right up my nose, and long may it continue to do so.
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: GB Steve, orbsmatt, Christopher Kubasik, C. Edwards.

4/6/2004 Rob MacDougall: Games You'd Like To Run
We have a thread going of games people would like to design. This thread is even less ambitious: what are some games (one-shots, campaigns, miniseries, whatever) you're planning to run…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Rob MacDougall, Marhault, xiombarg, Rich Forest, GreatWolf, Doyce, Simon W, joshua neff, Mike Holmes, Clinton R. Nixon, Anonymous, DannyK, hix, Valamir, Shreyas Sampat.

4/6/2004 Michael S. Miller: Summer Cons--Who's going?
Who's going to Origins this year? Who's going to GenCon? What do you want to play? I'll be at both. At Origins, I'm runnin 4 ticketed events: 2 Orkworld, 2…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Marhault, Christopher Weeks, Lisa Padol, Lxndr, Mike Holmes, talysman, Ben Lehman, Brian Leybourne.

4/6/2004 gobi: When designing, do you ever think of a cool trait first?
I have a habit of coming up with names for traits that sound evocative and somewhat appropriate for a game without actually having a reason for those traits to exist…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: gobi, Shreyas Sampat, Ron Edwards, Lxndr, orbsmatt, xiombarg, Clinton R. Nixon, taalyn, Jonathan Walton, talysman, Rich Forest, clehrich.

4/6/2004 orbsmatt: Reality Check - Money money money... $$$
How many people have actually made money from their indie-rpg? And don't worry, I know that's not the actual purpose. It's for the fun, right? RIGHT?
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: orbsmatt, clehrich, lumpley, Lxndr, Mike Holmes, Clinton R. Nixon, montag, Valamir, Matt, Dav, Paul Czege, Sean.

4/6/2004 Dev: "Talk amongst you selves..."
(High-Concept Sim with Narr dirft is neither...) Actually, it's just that as GM I run out of bloody accents and personalities some times, y'know? And I feel like a single…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Dev, GreatWolf, Mike Holmes, Michael S. Miller.

4/6/2004 gobi: Tell me about... your undeveloped system
Sometimes weird system ideas just pop into your head without anything to for them to which to attach themselves. It's a shame, it is. Well, let's not let these systems…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: gobi, Jeph, Wolfen.

4/6/2004 Christopher Weeks: Summarized Personal Politics of Forgies
OK, here's a game based on a line of Ralph's from over in the Iraq thread: For the record, my personal political platform is about 1/3 Right, 1/3 Left, and…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Christopher Weeks, Jonathan Walton, Andy Kitkowski, taalyn, Ben Terry, lumpley, Argetlamh, Marhault, Matt Wilson, RDU Neil, cruciel, Walt Freitag, Anonymous, Gordon C. Landis, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, Sean, joshua neff, Valamir, Lxndr, quozl, ScottM, Chris Goodwin, Rich Forest, montag, Shreyas Sampat, greyorm, Dev, C. Edwards, Dav, Ben Lehman, contracycle, ADGConscience, xiombarg, Asrogoth, Malechi.

4/6/2004 Sean: Avant-Gardeism and Forge Design
Here's the thing: 1) Many of the concepts here are general, robust, and applicable to a wide variety of styles of gaming. Many of the ideas in the games produced…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Sean, coxcomb, ADGConscience.

4/6/2004 Jack Spencer Jr: Personal question: got smokes?
It just struck me that one thing that we know exceptionally well about the people we know in real life we rarely talk about online. At least I don't. No…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, joshua neff, Sean, clehrich, Matt Wilson, Lxndr, Walt Freitag, Clinton R. Nixon, taalyn, Gordon C. Landis, cruciel, Ben Terry, Christopher Weeks, C. Edwards, Shreyas Sampat, greyorm, montag, WDFlores, Ben Lehman, Ole, ethan_greer, Marhault, lumpley, Malechi, Rich Stokes, Dav, Bob Goat, Jason L Blair, Chris Passeno.

4/6/2004 clehrich: Yee F-ing Ha!
Hey, since we're all getting sloshed and not paying attention to the normal rules about what is and is not an appropriate topic of conversation here on the Forge, I…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: clehrich, Sean, coxcomb, Valamir, Rob MacDougall, Walt Freitag, taalyn, jrs, ScottM, Rich Forest, JamesSterrett, Shreyas Sampat, Ben Lehman, WDFlores, montag, ADGConscience, Emily Care, Nick Pagnucco, Piers Brown.

4/6/2004 hix: Any Kiwi Forgers?
Just trying to get a handle on how many of us are hanging out in these parts. I think there's Brian up in Auckland and Andrew in Napier. Me, I'm…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: hix, Walt Freitag, Brian Leybourne, Ron Edwards, Gordon C. Landis.

4/6/2004 Andy Kitkowski: RPGs that Turned You On over the past year...
So, I'm wondering what RPGs that fell across your desk over the past year (they can be older) gave you some sort of inspiration, and why? Doesn't have to be…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, coxcomb, Shreyas Sampat, C. Edwards, Dev, Doyce, Ben Lehman, cruciel, Jack Aidley, Paka, Brian Leybourne, hix, Alan, joshua neff, Marhault, Muggins, GreatWolf, Lisa Padol, Spooky Fanboy, Rich Stokes, Anonymous, rafial.

4/7/2004 Jack Spencer Jr: I'm such a wuss
I was going to try to start a thread about FATAL, but I just can't do it. Even on the birthday forum.
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, talysman, Marhault, ethan_greer, Lxndr, montag.

4/7/2004 Walt Freitag: Pointless Quiz Questions
Of all the products you can buy at a supermarket, which is the most frequently manufactured at home instead of purchased at the supermarket? (post your own, and/or answer) -…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Walt Freitag, Rich Forest, Dav, clehrich, Christopher Weeks, JamesSterrett, C. Edwards, jrs, Jack Aidley, Matt Wilson, coxcomb, Emily Care, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

4/7/2004 ADGConscience: I still love you, man...
No, no moonshine this year, but I just wanted to express my appreciation for the Forge. Clinton and Ron have provided such a wonderful service, and I greatly admire Ron's…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: ADGConscience, Dev.

4/7/2004 Christopher Weeks: Radical politics?
OK, so screw the political summaries, what are you radical about? Me: taxation is thievery, there is no implicit social contract it is merely a thuggery-based protection racket. The minimum…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Christopher Weeks, Ben Lehman, Dev, Valamir, quozl, lumpley, Clinton R. Nixon, Jack Aidley, coxcomb, Marhault, Shreyas Sampat, Alan, contracycle, joshua neff, greyorm, cruciel, Lxndr, Matt Wilson, GreatWolf, clehrich, BPetroff93.

4/7/2004 Ben Lehman: Grand Forge Cross-Country Road Trip!
Hi all-- Since I'm not a Company (yet) I don't know if this would belong in the Conventions forum, but it's definitely "on-topic" for this forum. So, I'm pondering the…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Ben Lehman, Wolfen, lumpley.

4/7/2004 Marhault: Family
It's a little late, but I just thought of a good thread topic. Who all is married, has kids, that sort of thing? A few people are pretty open about…
In Forge Birthday Forum
Participants: Marhault, Christopher Weeks, joshua neff, Lxndr, Ron Edwards, quozl, GreatWolf, John Kim, Matt Wilson, Chris Passeno, Bob Goat, Matt Snyder, coxcomb.

more subsequent topics >>