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In Conventions

7/12/2008 Martians: Scheduling for the '09 convention circuit
Hello everyone, I've been lurking on these forums for quite some time now, working on and off on a game I've had in my mind for the past few years...But…
In Conventions
Participants: Martians, Ron Edwards, abzu.

7/11/2008 wunderllama: [GenCon 2008] Demo preparation
So I'm working on putting together a demo kit for my game and I'm wondering... how many kits should I bring? One? Many? edited to make un-sticky - RE
In Conventions
Participants: wunderllama, iago, jasonm, Eero Tuovinen.

7/10/2008 Denise: [ENnie Awards] 2008 Nominees announced
Congratulations to all the pulishers, great and small! Voting goes live July 21st-August 3rd, so there's plenty of time for gamers to get to know the nominated products. If…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise, Eero Tuovinen, Graham Walmsley, btrc, Thunder_God.

7/8/2008 Denise: [ENnies] Best Publisher Nominees and more
Hi there. I'm the Business Manager for the Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards, and I'm here to give everyone a quick update as to what's going on, and…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise.

7/5/2008 spectrumcomicsga: Game Nights Return to Kennesaw, Georgia! Check it Out!
Here's a great comic/gaming store in Kennesaw, Georga that is starting a game night after hours.  Here's the information on it: HEROES INK GAME NIGHT Hosted by Atlanta Gamers’ Guild…
In Conventions
Participants: spectrumcomicsga, Ron Edwards.

7/3/2008 PeterAdkison: Looking for IPR Gamers at Gen Con Oz
I'm off to Gen Con Oz and will be looking to play some RPG's while I'm there.  I'll try play anything, or will happily run Inspectres or Grey Ranks.  Not…
In Conventions
Participants: PeterAdkison, Rusty, Andrew Smith.

6/25/2008 rafael: CollectiveCon: How to get the word out?
I'm running my first con -- a gaming minicon. It's called Collective Consciousness, and it's being held in the Triangle region of North Carolina. I've got a few sessions lined…
In Conventions
Participants: rafael, Matt-M-McElroy, David Artman, jag.

6/21/2008 wunderllama: GenCon accomodations? Looking for space
So I have rotten luck with GenCon. For the second year in a row, my arrangements for accommodations have fallen through thanks to employment woes on the part of the…
In Conventions
Participants: wunderllama, Eero Tuovinen.

6/17/2008 Paul Czege: who and what we're expecting at The Ashcan Front at Gen Con '08
Hey all, Here's who and what we're expecting at booth 2039: Ralph Mazza with Blood Red Sands Darcy Burgess with Black Cadillacs Justin Jacobson with Bullseye Grant Davis with Secrets…
In Conventions
Participants: Paul Czege.

6/16/2008 Valamir: GenCon Forge Booth Chairs
Once again I will be bringing the sponsored metal folding chairs to GenCon.  I won't be at the Forge Booth this year, but the chairs will be there. Be advised…
In Conventions
Participants: Valamir, iago, jrs, Eero Tuovinen, segedy, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, jasonm, Tim C Koppang, Blankshield, SirValence.

6/9/2008 Michael S. Miller: IGE at DexCon 11
Hi, all. Time has all-but overtaken us this year. Kat and I would like to run an Indie Games Explosion at DexCon this year. The convention is in East Brunswick,…
In Conventions
Participants: Michael S. Miller.

6/5/2008 Gaerik: [GenCon] Indie Games Explosion and Games on Demand volunteers
All but two of the IGE events have been approved and assigned space.  (Two of them were shot back to me because the name of the event can't match the…
In Conventions
Participants: Gaerik, Blankshield.

5/29/2008 buzz: Play BW and Agon at ENWorld Chicago Gameday XX, 6/14
I'm going to be running "The Gift" at ENWorld Chicago Gameday XX. If you're going to be anywhere near Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, IL on June 14th, you can…
In Conventions
Participants: buzz.

5/27/2008 Denise: 2008 ENnies
Just a quick pop in to say that the submission period is nearing a close for this year's Gen Con EN World RPG Awards.  We've received a great selection of…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise, btrc, JustinB.

5/19/2008 forlorn1: [DexCon 2008]
Is anyone organizing the Indie games at Dexcon this year?  (as has been the case in years past) or are we all just registering our game proposals seprately? Jeff
In Conventions
Participants: forlorn1, TonyLB, Bill_White.

5/8/2008 iago: [GenCon 2008] Forge Booth: Recruitment pitching
Hey folks, don't forget that we need to *hear from you* and get your commitment (and cash) before June 1st.  That's a little over three weeks away.  Don't miss out!
In Conventions
Participants: iago, Eero Tuovinen, Justin D. Jacobson, JustinB, Ron Edwards, segedy, Capulet, GreatWolf.

3/6/2007 Matt Snyder: [Forge Midwest] Official Thread, Part 2 of 2
Ok, the details are confirmed now. Forge Midwest will be held Friday April 20th through Sunday April 22nd. The location is the DoubleTree Hotel in Rosemont. We have 1 slightly…
In Conventions
Participants: Matt Snyder, Roy Batty, Buceph, Banesfinger, Ludanto, Valvorik, mauriciocabaleiro, Ken, chris_moore, Filip Luszczyk, cydmab, Eric J., GB Steve, David Artman, GreatWolf, MatrixGamer, Jarx, Matt Wilson, gds.

5/7/2008 Darcy Burgess: [Go-Play Ottawa] Spooling Up
Hey! Go-Play Ottawa is looking for GMs and players! Not only that, we're looking for a venue and a date! Wow, we're really organized. But we're Ottawa's only casual gaming…
In Conventions
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Ned.

5/5/2008 rafael: [CollectiveCon 2008] Request for data: table size
I'm running my first mini-con this July, and I'm not sure about the table size. The con's being hosted at a local game store. They have lots of room in…
In Conventions
Participants: rafael, jasonm, Paul Czege, abzu.

4/28/2008 iago: Indie Games Passport 2008
Hey folks, I will likely not be doing the Indie Games Passport for 2008 -- with Brennan missing GenCon, the amount of additional work I'll be taking on as IPR…
In Conventions
Participants: iago, hix, Jonathan Walton, Eero Tuovinen, Matt-M-McElroy, Justin D. Jacobson, Darcy Burgess, Andy Kitkowski, SaintandSinner, Gaerik.

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In Conventions

7/17/2008 iago: [GenCon 2008] Forge Booth: Getting Your Products There
I've sent out an email to all the publishers whose contact information I could get from my own resources and Ron, requesting title and pricing information, so I can make…
In Conventions
Participants: iago, Eero Tuovinen, Capulet, Gregor Hutton.

7/22/2008 iago: [GenCon 2008] Forge Booth: Still Seeking Product and Price Info
I still need product and price info from several folks who will have new stuff and/or non-IPR-carried stuff at the Forge booth, so we can make sure the register is…
In Conventions
Participants: iago, Eero Tuovinen, JustinB, Valamir, segedy, Ben Lehman, jasonm.

7/29/2008 GreatWolf: [Go Play Peoria] Go Play Peoria summer minicon
I know that the current buzz is all about GenCon, but we're still pressing on with our Go Play Peoria minicons. The next one will be held on August 30,…
In Conventions
Participants: GreatWolf, Nev the Deranged, Darcy Burgess, Ron Edwards.

8/1/2008 Malcolm: [Gen Con 2008] The Play Collective is back
Yes, at Gen Con Indy 08, we're back! The Play Collective returns for its second year, a juggernaut of gaming goodness, enthusiasm and energy! And this time, we've brought a…
In Conventions
Participants: Malcolm.

8/2/2008 SaintandSinner: DragonCon 2008
I will be running the following games at DragonCon in Atlanta, August 29 - September 1, 2008: Strike Force: DAGON Type: Role-Playing Games (Non-RPGA) Game System: Don’t Rest Your Head…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner.

8/2/2008 Darcy Burgess: [Black Cadillacs] - Games at GenCon Indy 2008
Hi, Black Cadillacs is coming to GenCon Indy.  I'm a member of the Ashcan Front (booth #2039), and I'll be demo'ing and selling the ashcan there. Here's the back cover…
In Conventions
Participants: Darcy Burgess.

8/8/2008 SirValence: {GenCon 2008] Forge Booth: Exhibitor arrival
Maybe some of these have been covered elsewhere, but I have a few remaining questions: 1. How do we pick up our Forge badges? Can we get them at the…
In Conventions
Participants: SirValence, segedy, iago, Ron Edwards, btrc.

8/21/2008 segedy: [Gen Con 2008] Post-Mortem
I've found these post-Gen Con discussions interesting and helpful in the past, so let's start a new one for Gen Con Indy 2008.  What worked in the booth (and in…
In Conventions
Participants: segedy, iago, Tim C Koppang, JustinB, jenskot, Ron Edwards, rafael, Nathan P., Andy Kitkowski, jasonm, Gregor Hutton, abzu, SirValence, wunderllama, Paul Czege, TonyLB, Darcy Burgess, buzz, inthisstyle, tonyd, Jonathan Walton, Paka, Adam Dray, Graham Walmsley, RobNJ.

8/22/2008 SirValence: GenCon Forge Booth Chairs, part 2
I was reimbursed for all but $19 for the chairs, and I can cover that much. That's $1 for each StoryCards deck that sold. :)
In Conventions
Participants: SirValence, segedy, Valamir, iago.

8/25/2008 GreatWolf: [Go Play Peoria] Some brainstorming on selling stuffs at Go Play Peoria
Crystal and I were discussing Go Play Peoria, and she suggested the idea of allowing local designers to sell stuff at the minicons. I was mulling this over, when I…
In Conventions
Participants: GreatWolf.

8/28/2008 WildElf: [DunDraCon] Advice on starting up a Games on Demand
So, there's a big annual RPG convention in the bay area, DunraCon, that I want a greater indie game presence at. The main hurdle to running games is that they…
In Conventions
Participants: WildElf, Willow.

9/1/2008 Andrew Smith: [Go Play Brisbane] - September 20, 2008
After the rousing success of the Indie Games Explosion at Gencon Oz 2008, the outcry for more opportunities to play indie games has been heard.  Thus, the inaugural Go Play…
In Conventions
Participants: Andrew Smith.

9/1/2008 Graham Walmsley: Games on Demand
I wondered if anyone had thoughts about how Games On Demand worked this year? I have thoughts myself, but I'm in a motel with limited Internet access, so I'll add…
In Conventions
Participants: Graham Walmsley, Gregor Hutton, Ron Edwards, Darcy Burgess, jasonm, ejh, Wolfen.

9/2/2008 segedy: FlatCon 2008 Seeking Sponsors
I met a couple of nice gentlemen at Gen Con who asked me to pass along some information to the Forge community about <a href="">FlatCon</a>, a small local con taking…
In Conventions
Participants: segedy, GreatWolf.

9/2/2008 Paul Czege: The Ashcan Front Gen Con 2008 post-mortem
This year The Ashcan Front had ten participating designers (plus Rob Bohl and Joshua A.C. Newman with ashcans on our shelves as part of our partnership with The Playcollective, and…
In Conventions
Participants: Paul Czege, Tim C Koppang.

9/8/2008 Kai_lord: MillenniumCon 11
Will anyone else be attending MillenniumCon 11? I'm planning on running at least one session of Capes there.
In Conventions
Participants: Kai_lord.

9/15/2008 rohoe: GASPcon 9, Pittsburgh
In November I am running a convention in Pittsburgh and I am trying to drum up some interest for our GM’s. We have several Indie games on the schedule…
In Conventions
Participants: rohoe.

9/28/2008 Vulpinoid: Sydcon
I apologise for the short notice, but October 4-6 is Sydcon, in Sydney Australia. Specifically at St Scholastica's College. 4 Avenue Road, Glebe NSW 2037. So if anyone happens to…
In Conventions
Participants: Vulpinoid.

10/17/2008 Ron Edwards: The Forge Booth 2009
This is a companion thread to Independence, Adept Press, and Indie Press Revolution and The New Thing. Well, as painlessly perceived and agreed upon during GenCon this year, IPR won't…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, jag, nikola, Valamir, Darcy Burgess, Paul Czege, Gregor Hutton, RobNJ, Nathan P., JustinB.

10/29/2008 hoefer: PentaCon Fort Wayne, IN
Anyone going to PentaCon next weekend?  I'm running the Century's Edge demo I did for GenCon there, and wanted to know if anyone else would be there from this forum. …
In Conventions
Participants: hoefer.

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