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In lumpley games

2/8/2006 14thWarrior: Deloreans in Time - A 'Back To The Future' Alternate Setting
DELOREANS IN TIME An Alternate Setting for Dogs In the Vineyard. This alternate setting is designed to replicate the setting of the Back To The Future movies as though it…
In lumpley games
Participants: 14thWarrior.

2/6/2006 jburneko: Do Dogs Ever Get Fired?
So, yesterday, I finally finished reading Dogs all the way through.  Now, the question I'm about to ask is going to earn me a long stay in hell but I…
In lumpley games
Participants: jburneko, Vaxalon, Brand_Robins, 14thWarrior, lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, Paka, Transit, coffeestain.

2/6/2006 Vaxalon: The Dogs totally blow it - then what?
What happens when the Demons get their way?  When "What the demons want" is what actually happens? Do you hold onto that town, on the offchance that the Dogs decide…
In lumpley games
Participants: Vaxalon, Eero Tuovinen, Technocrat13, Ron Edwards, Levi Kornelsen, lumpley, Frank T, wunderllama, nikola, The_Tim, 14thWarrior, dunlaing, TonyLB.

2/6/2006 Dev: Rule Suggestion: Musical Cues!
Here's my rule suggestion: Players will give the GM songs that they feel are appropriate for their character or the setting. Once per session, in a conflict, the player may…
In lumpley games
Participants: Dev, Vaxalon, lumpley.

2/6/2006 14thWarrior: Canine Bluffs - my first crack at town design.
Hey all, This is both my first post on the Forge, and my first crack at town design.  So without further ado, here is Canine Bluffs for your reading pleasure…
In lumpley games
Participants: 14thWarrior, Levi Kornelsen.

2/4/2006 Levi Kornelsen: Little Details of your setting
The setting in Dogs gets fleshed up a little differently by each group that plays it, I think.  I'm going to put down some of the things my group has…
In lumpley games
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, TonyLB, Supplanter, Tindalos, Vaxalon, 14thWarrior, Alex Fradera, Andrew Morris, Transit, Warren, IMAGinES.

2/4/2006 xjermx: [DitV] First Initiation, and Podcast!
Well I ran an initiation for an interested player the other day, and we podcasted it. A couple of small questions came up along the way, but the biggest has…
In lumpley games
Participants: xjermx, coffeestain.

2/3/2006 Iskander: Rules Questions and gifts.
Hullo. Before I get to the questions, I come bearing gifts: I created a couple of play aid PDFs today, which you can download from my website. One is an…
In lumpley games
Participants: Iskander, Supplanter, dunlaing.

2/1/2006 Levi Kornelsen: Have theme, but no ideas.
One of my players has, as a character theme, the idea of inherited sin.  Also, his momma was a whore.  3d4. Next game is day-after-tomorrow. I want to put together…
In lumpley games
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, Paka, Brand_Robins, Vaxalon.

2/1/2006 SabreCat: Coming up on first game
It looks as if I'll get a chance to GM a game of Dogs within the next week.  I've read the book, and I'm curious about a couple of things…
In lumpley games
Participants: SabreCat, Vaxalon, Supplanter, lumpley, Alex Fradera, ffilz.

1/31/2006 Warren: Cottonwood Creek: A one-shot town for "Vampires"
Hello all, Further to my Actual Play thread about introducing a Vampire LARP group to Dogs in the Vineyard I needed to create a one-shot town for them. Following Vincent's…
In lumpley games
Participants: Warren.

1/29/2006 Liminaut: Chien Noir (Film Noir with DitV)
The setting is Film Noir in Los Angeles, 1947.  There are some rules re-interpretations: FAITH --------------- The King of Life? Thought I saw him in a Mission Street soup kitchen.…
In lumpley games
Participants: Liminaut.

1/29/2006 Christopher Kubasik: Thanks for a great game.
Hi Vincent, Just read DitV tonight. (I'll be playing it for the first time tomorrow.) I was startled and inspired by this passage in particular: "— As GM, you should…
In lumpley games
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Vaxalon, lumpley.

1/28/2006 Iskander: [Czege'n'Bake(r)] - Dogs chargen
The fourth season of the Gotham Gaming Guild starts next Friday, and I am running one of the games, which I've oh-so-wittily dubbed "Czege'n'Bake(r)". We will be dividing the seven…
In lumpley games
Participants: Iskander.

1/27/2006 dunlaing: Raises that ought to be Stakes of their own...
What do you do in a situation where someone makes a Raise that really ought to be the Stakes of another conflict? Here's my example: Brother Azaria and Brother Caleb…
In lumpley games
Participants: dunlaing, Vaxalon, Brendan, lumpley, Wolfen, Supplanter, Gugliandalf.

1/27/2006 Graham Walmsley: [DitV] Lone Willow Branch revisited
I played through Lone Willow Branch again last night, with two American friends, Tyler and Jamie. It was very satisfying but much harder going (for me) than before. Any comments…
In lumpley games
Participants: Graham Walmsley, oliof, dunlaing.

1/25/2006 jasonm: September Dawn
Hey, I just read about this in the NYT:  September Dawn, an upcoming film about the Mountain Meadows massacre.  Here's what the Desert News has to say.  Looking forward to…
In lumpley games
Participants: jasonm, Vaxalon.

1/24/2006 Vaxalon: Proto-NPC's to NPC's before play
I realized, in a thread over on Vincent's blog, that I had mistaken my own way of doing NPC's for the book way. My bad. That being said, I'd like…
In lumpley games
Participants: Vaxalon, lumpley, Arturo G..

1/24/2006 agony: Returning to a town
Read this in another thread: Cool Alex. One thing I've heard here is that if Dogs return to a town, any new Sin can't be the consequences of the Dogs'…
In lumpley games
Participants: agony, Vaxalon, Andrew Morris, lumpley, Alex Fradera.

1/24/2006 Vaxalon: Recorded Dogs game
I recorded three hours of Dogs play yesterday, but the files are a little noisy.  If anyone would like them, to try to pull out useful "actual play" examples to…
In lumpley games
Participants: Vaxalon, coffeestain, pedyo, xjermx.

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Subsequent Topics
In lumpley games

2/16/2006 Supplanter: Town: Bat Eshta/Skeleton Dell
I apologize in advance for the shocking lack of sex. Instead you get: dinosaurs! We're not done with this one yet, though everything's been revealed to the Dogs, so there's…
In lumpley games
Participants: Supplanter, dunlaing, Vaxalon.

2/17/2006 Vaxalon: What do your Dogs sound like?
I have noticed that many of my players, not only in my current game but in other FTF games I have run in the past, have affected a Texas drawl…
In lumpley games
Participants: Vaxalon, lumpley, Levi Kornelsen, Adam Dray, Iskander, Technocrat13, Frank T, Arturo G., Ben Lehman, Blankshield, James Holloway, Krista E, drnuncheon, Graham Walmsley.

2/18/2006 Tyberious Funk: Another alternative setting - seeking opinions
I read through the alternative settings thread and was surprised that there wasn't really mention of any cop show styled games.  I think the conflict resolution mechanics would be really…
In lumpley games
Participants: Tyberious Funk, Vaxalon, Levi Kornelsen, lumpley, HenryT, Liminaut.

2/19/2006 Iskander: [DitV] Player conflict resolved in play.
I wrote about a player conflict that came up in the Czege'n'Bake(r) series I am running at the GGG. The first conflict of last Friday night's session was a neatly…
In lumpley games
Participants: Iskander.

2/20/2006 Vaxalon: Bridal Falls City
The Dogs in my game have decided that in order to Make Right What's Wrong for the town of Gospel Ridge, they need to escort Sister Azubah (a back-easter who…
In lumpley games
Participants: Vaxalon, 14thWarrior, Paka.

2/21/2006 Alephnul: Backstory and False Doctrine: How the Ancients have fallen
This comes out of some <a href="">discussion</a> with Vincent in his open house thread at Anyway, but is mostly my own weirdness. I don't think I am actually going to…
In lumpley games
Participants: Alephnul, Emily Care, cdr.

2/21/2006 Alephnul: Modern morality and Dogs
I am just starting out my first game of Dogs, and I'm interested in doing it short campaign style (I am totally coming from the perspective of multi-year games, so…
In lumpley games
Participants: Alephnul, Calithena, Vaxalon, nikola, Valamir, Sydney Freedberg.

2/21/2006 cdr: [DitV] Why I like Tower Creek so much
[quote author=lumpley link=topic=18813.msg197855#msg197855 date=1140536860] Why Tower Creek? I think it's awesome that you've played the town so many times [...] what do you dig about that one in particular? [/quote]…
In lumpley games
Participants: cdr, pedyo, lumpley, Technocrat13, ffilz, IMAGinES.

2/22/2006 jburneko: The Supernatural Dial
Hello, I'm very interested in how the supernatural dial generally gets set, in your game, and once set, how it ultimately affects your game.  This weekend I had the opportunity…
In lumpley games
Participants: jburneko, ffilz, cdr, Iskander, Vaxalon, coffeestain, Levi Kornelsen, Supplanter, Ben Lehman, Alephnul, Wolfen, lumpley, ironick.

2/23/2006 Emily Care: sin hierachy in pump up the volume
Okay, this may be a pretty frivolous thread, I admit it. I watched the 1990 movie Pump Up the Volume the other night. Unexpectedly, it didn't suck.  Christian Slater et…
In lumpley games
Participants: Emily Care, TonyLB, Vaxalon, Blankshield, Everspinner, lumpley.

2/24/2006 ffilz: [DitV] I'm gonna run Dogs tommorow - need suggestion for a short town
I'm going to run Dogs tommorow for a couple of my players. I'm hoping to be able to get through chargen, initiation, and run a small town. Any suggestions (the…
In lumpley games
Participants: ffilz, jasonm, cdr, Andrew Morris, Supplanter, fmac.

2/24/2006 Levi Kornelsen: Demo on Sunday... Need Characters
So.  Sunday, myself and and one of my players will be running demo games of Dogs at the grand opening of our newest FLGS.  We're expecting about 12-30 players over…
In lumpley games
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, Andrew Morris, cdr, ffilz.

2/24/2006 inky: [DitV] Why do the players lose conflicts?
Sorry if this has been covered in the past, but I looked back a few pages and couldn't find anything. I've played in/GMed two short games of Dogs now (three…
In lumpley games
Participants: inky, Vaxalon, Andrew Morris, coffeestain, dunlaing, ffilz, Valamir.

2/24/2006 jburneko: Multiple Named NPCs in a Conflict
I was reading a thread about Dogs today on and I noticed that someone mentioned that the GM only ever rolls one single die pool in a conflict even…
In lumpley games
Participants: jburneko, Vaxalon, coffeestain.

2/24/2006 ffilz: [DitV] A few questions
Looking back over my one play session, I have some questions: First, in that session, we had a conflict on the way to town. The conflict was cool and all…
In lumpley games
Participants: ffilz, Vaxalon, Joe Zeutenhorst, Eero Tuovinen, lumpley.

2/25/2006 Supplanter: Crowds and Power
Say I have a gang of four armed men. I get the group stat, trait and relationship dice rules in the NPC chapter, no problem. But how many gun dice…
In lumpley games
Participants: Supplanter, ffilz, cdr, lumpley, Vaxalon.

2/25/2006 Everspinner: Best online Dogs roller?
Hello One of the players in our group lives away and can rarely make it to the city. Still, we like to have him playing with us and thus use…
In lumpley games
Participants: Everspinner, Vaxalon.

2/25/2006 Emily Care: Group Conflicts
Hello there, It seems like the issue of how to deal with group conflicts is a common question. My friend Charles is running a game right now and ran into…
In lumpley games
Participants: Emily Care, Warren, Alephnul, Levi Kornelsen, Valamir, jlarke, lumpley, jburneko, coffeestain, ffilz, dunlaing.

3/1/2006 Judaicdiablo: How to highlight what DitV is really about
Hello All,     I was speaking with John Harper and Philaros last night about a number of topics.  One of them was about whether DitV was basically Narrativist or…
In lumpley games
Participants: Judaicdiablo, Brand_Robins, lumpley, agony, Frank T, Sydney Freedberg, John Harper.

3/1/2006 Particle_Man: [Humor] Game Ninjae in the Vineyard
[I wonder if this counts as a metagame?] The players are each a Ninja sent to go from Gamer Group to Gamer Group, fixing whatever dysfunctions they find. Here is…
In lumpley games
Participants: Particle_Man.

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