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In lumpley games

12/8/2008 TomTitTot: [Mechaton] Line of Sight?
A short, stupid question, but... Am I right in thinking that a mech has to at least be visible to their attacker slightly, otherwise they can't attack? Because the text…
In lumpley games
Participants: TomTitTot, rafial, lumpley.

12/5/2008 Paka: The Last Watchdog Over the Faithful
A solo campaign in a wild west that never was and has moved on, starting off in a ghost-town called Bridal Falls, winding through what is left of the Desert…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paka, agony, Brand_Robins, Graham Walmsley, jefgodesky.

11/26/2008 spooked: [DitV] Question from a new-ish GM.
Perhaps this is the intention of the rule and not a flaw, but... I'm find that with four players that while I can force them into SEEing all my raises,…
In lumpley games
Participants: spooked, Eliarhiman6.

11/24/2008 Dionysus: [IaWA] using different dice?
Howdy. Just wondering if anyone has given thougt to changing the dice? I have a metric ton of d6 and d10, but no d12, d8 or d4 dice. Has anyone…
In lumpley games
Participants: Dionysus, lumpley, Paul T, Brand_Robins, rycanada, Valvorik, way.

11/22/2008 deinol: Dogs in the Vineyard Review
If anyone is interested, I wrote a review of Dogs in the Vineyard:
In lumpley games
Participants: deinol.

11/22/2008 gardenphilosoph: Accomplishments
So for working out accomplishments, instead of actually rolling the NPC's dice, you instead roll 4d6+4d10?
In lumpley games
Participants: gardenphilosoph, lumpley.

11/21/2008 cra2: Using Poker Cards vs Dice
I saw this post about using Poker Cards instead of dice. Has anyone else experimented with that?
In lumpley games
Participants: cra2, Paul T, Wordman.

11/18/2008 gardenphilosoph: [DitV]Play-by-Post
So as a first time Dogs in the Vineyard GM, I am going to try and run a play-by-post game on these forums. I've, to be perfectly honest, never ran…
In lumpley games
Participants: gardenphilosoph.

11/17/2008 Paul T: [IaWA] Rules question: forces of nature as NPCs?
I have feeling this might have been covered before, but I can't seem to find it: Does/would it make sense to represent some powerful abstract force in the setting as…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paul T, Brand_Robins, lumpley.

11/14/2008 Yokiboy: [IaWA]
Hey, I have a couple of questions for experienced In a Wicked Age... players. 1) How long does the Oracle part and creation of characters take you on average? That…
In lumpley games
Participants: Yokiboy, Brand_Robins, lumpley, GreatWolf, jburneko, Valamir.

11/12/2008 Melinglor: [IAWA] Exclusivity of Forms?
Hi! I'm playing In a Wicked Age tonight (first time GMing) and I had a question: how exclusive are the Forms supposed to be, in terms of narrowing down narrative…
In lumpley games
Participants: Melinglor, David Artman, lumpley, Valamir, Eliarhiman6, GreatWolf.

11/11/2008 Graham Walmsley: [Poison'd] More simple questions
1. What do I do when a player says: "I want to talk to the crew and incite a mutiny"? What he really wants is to be Captain without a…
In lumpley games
Participants: Graham Walmsley, lumpley.

11/6/2008 deinol: Can't Find Dogs in Store
I was going to put in an order for Dogs in the Vineyard today at the IPR site, but I can't find it listed anymore. Is there no way to…
In lumpley games
Participants: deinol, Ben Lehman, lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, Ante, Axhead, Dionysus, Eliarhiman6.

11/6/2008 Filip Luszczyk: [DitV] Shooting UFOs and escalations
In our last game we had the following situation: The conflict was about the community's trust in the Sorcerer. We've already "opened" Just Talking and Physical arenas, it was still…
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Warren, lumpley, David Artman, Paul T.

10/31/2008 Paul T: [IaWA] Negotiating consequences based on circumstances
This is a rule application question that arose for me during a game of IaWA. My character had a Best Interest to convince an illegal surgeon to stop from carrying…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paul T, Brand_Robins, lumpley.

10/30/2008 14thWarrior: [DitV] Crusaders of Tarscolis - a fantasy adaptation.
Let me first provide a brief introduction to the ideas that spawned this adaptation. I recently decided to use an idea from a thread at about "the city build…
In lumpley games
Participants: 14thWarrior, ShallowThoughts, Pelgrane.

10/28/2008 Filip Luszczyk: [DitV] Alternative rules for NPCs questions
So, I knew the alternative NPC templates based on Afraid rules were supposed to be included in the hardcover edition, but it's only last week that I've learned they were…
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, lumpley.

10/27/2008 Caesar_X: [DitV] Questions from a first-time GM
I ran Dogs for the first time this weekend, and had a fun time. But ended up with some questions about confusing issues or where I thought I might have…
In lumpley games
Participants: Caesar_X, Noclue, Warren, lumpley.

10/21/2008 Graham Walmsley: [Poison'd] An assisting rule
Poison'd went well on Saturday night, and I have stories about that, but there was grumbling about the lack of an "assist" rule. If you're fighting the Captain, and I…
In lumpley games
Participants: Graham Walmsley, lumpley.

10/21/2008 Graham Walmsley: [Poison'd] I don't use NPC Brinkmanship
The only thing NPC Brinkmanship does is decide whether the GM can escalate, right? The rules, as written, are: 1. Roll two dice. Take the higher for Brinkmanship. 2. If…
In lumpley games
Participants: Graham Walmsley, lumpley, Arturo G., Eero Tuovinen, watergoesred.

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Subsequent Topics
In lumpley games

12/8/2008 Dionysus: [DitV] How many dice?
Howdy.. guess i'm going to succumb and get myself some d4 and d8s (d6 ad d10 i've got plenty of) about how many would i need to play this game?…
In lumpley games
Participants: Dionysus, lumpley.

12/9/2008 Axhead: [DitV] My first town: Gerdenshaw
I would love to get some feed back positive or other wise, so lemme know what you think.  I have some ideas that I will post after the posting the…
In lumpley games
Participants: Axhead, lumpley, Noclue.

12/10/2008 Dionysus: [DitV][IaWA] combinations?
Howdy. This seemed to be the perfect place to ask - as bot these games are by the same great author :) I adore the see/raise mechanics and flow in…
In lumpley games
Participants: Dionysus, David Artman, Filip Luszczyk.

12/10/2008 Dionysus: Holy Dogs!
Well, on reading through the rules some more, I noticed the sorcerors get to have a relationship with "demons". If i were to push the game into more "supernatural" themes,…
In lumpley games
Participants: Dionysus, oliof, Jumanji83, lumpley, David Artman.

12/17/2008 watergoesred: [Poison'd] Success rolls and ship-to-ship conflict
I ran a game of Poison'd with five players on Monday night. All up it went pretty well. See here for an account of play. We floundered a bit, however,…
In lumpley games
Participants: watergoesred, Graham Walmsley, lumpley.

12/17/2008 cra2: # of Players for DiTV ?
Hey, Starting to read the rules for DiTV. Loving the theme. Hoping to run it in 2 weekends. Question though - I recall reading somewhere that it's really not suitable…
In lumpley games
Participants: cra2, lumpley, cdr, TomTitTot, oliof, robotsunshine, David Artman, chance.thirteen.

1/3/2009 Eliarhiman6: [DitV] Family, conflict, and again family
Hello! Rule question: During a conflict, against a member of the dog's family (let's say it's a cousin, for the sake of the example), the Dog take a new relationship…
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, 5niper9, Brand_Robins.

1/9/2009 Mantisking: [Mechaton] Game Tomorrow
If anyone in the Massachusetts area is interested, I'll be playing Mechaton tomorrow afternoon over at Pandemonium Books in Cambridge.  Feel free to stop by and say "hi".  I believe…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mantisking, lumpley.

1/12/2009 madviking: [Storming the Wizard's Tower] Actual Play..Loooonnngg
We decided to play Storming the Wizard's Tower for last Thursday's session. It was a fun time with one hiccup that was decidedly not the fault of the game itself,…
In lumpley games
Participants: madviking, lumpley.

1/17/2009 Peter Nordstrand: Mechaton Heaven?
I saw this article at Film Roster and immediately thought of Mechaton. ”Mark Borlase has built a 5' x 10' Hoth base diorama consisting of between 55,000 to 60,000 pieces…
In lumpley games
Participants: Peter Nordstrand.

1/27/2009 violet: Black Rock City
I'm running Dogs soon! This is my first town, so I thought I'd drop it here and see whatall everyone thinks. I need to flesh out a few more NPCs…
In lumpley games
Participants: violet.

1/27/2009 Insect King: [DITV] Cheatsheet help for new game with new gamers
Hi all, I have decided to put down my REIGN game for a spell and run some one-shot indie games. For this I chose Dogs in the Vineyard. I have…
In lumpley games
Participants: Insect King, lumpley, oliof, cdr.

2/8/2009 dindenver: [otherkind] Design questions
Vincent,   I just had a couple of questions about this design: 1) There are 5 rules about bonus dice, one about adding to the value of those dice and…
In lumpley games
Participants: dindenver, lumpley.

2/14/2009 Mantisking: [Mechaton] New Lego Microfigs
Lego is supposed to be releasing some boardgames in the near future.  One of the parts for the game is something that looks like a microfig.  Take a look at…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mantisking, Zeek, lumpley.

2/18/2009 Joe Murphy (Broin): [DitV] NPCs can escalate, right?
Following the thread on escalation in Poison'd, I wondered if NPCs can escalate at all in Dogs? I can't see this in the rulebook, and I wondered if the GM's…
In lumpley games
Participants: Joe Murphy (Broin), lumpley.

2/19/2009 Filip Luszczyk: [DitV] The text
In the other thread Joe Murphy wrote: I didn't think it was clear, no. Because the text is so genial and conversational, and refers to 'you' all the time. As…
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, 5niper9, lumpley, Axhead.

2/25/2009 Willow: [Storming...] My First Attempt at a Town
Here's my first shot at a town for Storming the Wizard's tower.  It's inspired by kung-fu stories.  Not starting over the top like I'm used to, but a down to…
In lumpley games
Participants: Willow, lumpley.

2/27/2009 Mantisking: [Mechaton] Great Time To Be Playing?
I've only been into Mechaton for two years or so now, but it seems like now is a great time to be playing the game.  There are great new blogs…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mantisking, lumpley, Simon C, Zeek.

2/28/2009 TomTitTot: [Storming the Wizard's Tower] The God In The Glacier AP + Audio
So, I don't know when Raf will get to posting the two following sessions, but I thought people here and maybe Vincent would be interested in this account of our…
In lumpley games
Participants: TomTitTot.

3/2/2009 fnord3125: [Poison'd] Success Rolls question
Confession before I ask my question: I just got the pdf of the game today and I haven't read everything yet. Now, I wanted to check exactly how success rolls…
In lumpley games
Participants: fnord3125, lumpley.

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