The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In First Thoughts

7/21/2006 algi: Heroism of the Dour-men and the Silvans
Hi! This is my first post, but please don't be gentle with my wanna-be-rpg. First of all: I try to focus on the point but I kinda used to stray,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: algi, apeiron, Smithy, billvolk, Ron Edwards, Paka, Bret Gillan.

7/21/2006 Call Me Curly: The Forer Effect and Narrativist Illusionism
The Forer Effect is a psychology term for when some gullible person believes a generic description of personality (such as a horoscope) is unique-to-them/customized/special/personal/scientific. From wikipedia: In 1948, psychologist Bertram…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Call Me Curly, Ron Edwards, baron samedi, Noon.

7/21/2006 MJGraham: [Insurrection]GM rewards.
I'm toying with the idea of having GM control of a scene purchased through a bidding system in which any player can become the GM if they are willing and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MJGraham, apeiron, Sydney Freedberg, Smithy.

7/20/2006 Bill_White: [Ganakagok] The Messenger Feast
In Ganakagok, players belong to an Inuit-like culture that lives on a dark ice-world to which is about to come the dawn.  I ran a great game over the weekend…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bill_White, ubergeek2012, jasonm, thwaak, Shawn De Arment.

7/20/2006 gains: Short-term Memory as resolution system
I'm experimenting with using a test of short-term memory as a mechanic to determine simple success or failure. In execution, the GM will read a list of numbers, letters or…
In First Thoughts
Participants: gains, thwaak, matthijs, TonyLB, Noon, contracycle, c, Czar Fnord, Andrew Morris, Kevin Allen Jr.

7/19/2006 Justin Berman: Onion Skinnable Rules System
Hi everyone. I have been reading heavily on the RPG Theory and GNS Theory forums. A friend and I were speaking today about the universal system he was trying to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Justin Berman, Madheretic, matthijs, Call Me Curly, contracycle, apeiron, Czar Fnord.

7/19/2006 apeiron: RfC on a Mechanic - Inspired by Sorcerer and Verge
[i]If this is the wrong thread area for this, let me know where it belongs, please.[/i] i recently picked up Sorcerer at my local store and i'm enjoying the read…
In First Thoughts
Participants: apeiron, Justin Berman.

7/19/2006 Alex-01: Similarities of two characters (“brothers”) on two different worlds
[b]The situation:[/b] - There are two characters. They live on two different worlds (maybe with two different tech-levels). These two characters are “brothers” and “connected” together. The two brothers can…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Alex-01, lumpley, matthijs, Joshua BishopRoby.

7/19/2006 Pangaea: Mechanic Suggestion!
If I may ask a question of you all of what system you would prefer out of the two. Mechanic #1 2d10 Open Ended System: Re-rolls on any 10.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Pangaea, Arturo G., Matt Wilson, apeiron, dindenver.

7/19/2006 Call Me Curly: 911rpg automatic typing design 'method'
For your consideration: I just started typing with no conscious premeditation, and this interview-format rpg-thing came out. The coin-flipping moral victory mechanic was as spontaneous as the rest. Warning:…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Call Me Curly, Noon, apeiron, xoet, Mike Sugarbaker.

7/18/2006 thwaak: [Animated Heroes] Story/Episode Structure and Rules
Hello Gang, Before I begin; thanks to everyone who helped solidify the ideas presented in the previous thread. Now, the current thing I've been tinkering with is the mechanics of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thwaak, Ken, Matt Wilson, dindenver.

7/17/2006 iain: [What a Shambles!] Encouraging humorous play
Hi guys I am almost finished the first draft of 'What a shambles', a game about love, guts and guns in a zombie apocalypse, and was lookiong for some advice…
In First Thoughts
Participants: iain, andrew_kenrick, Thunder_God, Czar Fnord, Christophe Kelm.

7/16/2006 AsuraDemon: The Hero's Journey (Spirit-Touched)
So I've been thinking about what do I really want my game to be about, and what sort of things do I want the characters to have to deal with. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: AsuraDemon, matthijs, Call Me Curly, Graham Walmsley.

7/16/2006 Hope: Me and my friends plot draft
We're making a table-top RP called Pandora's Box. This is out basic plot idea. The basic plot is there a was war on this planet Galatica  and one side created…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Hope, Ron Edwards.

7/16/2006 signoftheserpent: serious supers for serious peopl
Yes, it's time for another superhero game. Even worse, a poe-faced aberrant ripoff that doesn't even have a name yet! Seriously though, I am devising a game that's a serious…
In First Thoughts
Participants: signoftheserpent, matthijs, dindenver, Bankuei, Certified, Dumirik, Ken.

7/13/2006 museleading: links pls
In poking around, I came across this thread ( in which part of the converstation is about "old illusionism habits". Could someone explain this, or provide a few links so…
In First Thoughts
Participants: museleading, Ron Edwards.

7/13/2006 Ron Edwards: Regarding copyright and intellectual property
If you have questions about these topics, please take them to the Publishing forum. This forum is about role-playing design ideas. However, before posting, also please take some time to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ron Edwards.

7/13/2006 MJGraham: Insurrection
Hello, I'm a fledgling game designer in the early to middle stages of creating an independent roleplaying game. The game's working title is Insurrection and it is based around characters…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MJGraham, contracycle, Ron Edwards.

7/13/2006 thwaak: [Animated Heroes] First Pass
Hello Gang, As you might remember from this thread ( ), I had worked on a background chargen system to determine the number of points players have to develop…
In First Thoughts
Participants: thwaak, Ken, dindenver, billvolk, sean2099, stefoid.

7/13/2006 AsuraDemon: Spirit-Touched: The Iron World and game mechanics
So I'm creating a new RPG, and so far have just over 170 pages written for it.  The gist of it is that the characters are beings that are basically…
In First Thoughts
Participants: AsuraDemon, Eliahad, Filip Luszczyk, greyorm, Quixotica, Noon.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

7/21/2006 Grand_Commander13: [The Company] Initial Guidance
And I return to The Forge once more, a bit older and with a project I feel more strongly about than any of my previous solo projects (I can only…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Grand_Commander13, slade the sniper, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, dindenver.

7/21/2006 Mcrow: Ghost Walkers: The Ninth Life
So I'm working on a new game concept. One of the things that is a big part of the game is alternate death. For example: You are driving down the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mcrow, Certified, Madheretic, coldblackwind, Ron Edwards, Paka, sean2099.

7/22/2006 RockyRaccoon: System before World?
Hey folks, I've been lurking for a few days, and finally feel the need to post! My user name is RockyRaccoon, but you can also call me 'Dan' if you…
In First Thoughts
Participants: RockyRaccoon, Noon, eruditus, Valamir, Call Me Curly, billvolk, slade the sniper.

7/22/2006 Gasten: [The butler did it!]
Hi! I've been writing (and thinking) of a role playing game in the same spirit as Agatha Christy's novells (I.e detective novells) in a couple of days now (with a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Gasten, oreso, matthijs, Troy_Costisick.

7/22/2006 c: [MFUC]The risk of hurting players (adult language)
So my game Outside is getting a name change to reflect my new understanding of what I've been subconsciously wanting to accomplish. More about those particulars here. So ... "My…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, Ron Edwards, nikola, Noon.

7/23/2006 signoftheserpent: Designging the City of Tomorrow
Hi, I am soliciting advice and suggestions for the landmarks and makeup of a Metropolis style city; a 'city of tomorrow' in the pulp vein. Not somewhere set in the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: signoftheserpent, andrew_kenrick, TonyLB, Ken, dindenver, Latigo.

7/25/2006 Mr. Sluagh: Making it Big: the Band Roleplaying Game
This is a game idea I've been tossing around for a while, although I only started figuring out the specifics earlier tonight.  The default premise has the PCs as members…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mr. Sluagh, Glendower, billvolk, slade the sniper, Tim M Ralphs, Nathan P., Arturo G., Call Me Curly, iago.

7/26/2006 coldblackwind: Of Gods and Men Role-Playing Gods at the Dawn of Civilization
Hello Again, I went back to the drawing board and wanted to throw my idea for a RPG again. I do not have all the rules down, but a good…
In First Thoughts
Participants: coldblackwind, c, Thunder_God, Czar Fnord.

7/26/2006 c: [MFUC] First shot at situation + Setting (adult language + blasphemy)
So I've been thinking about how I would like My Fucked Up Childhood to be played. I would like it to be good for one-shot's or short campaigns. This seems…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, coldblackwind, Ron Edwards, slavemind.

7/26/2006 c: [MFUC] Mechanical ideas.
So I've got a thread about the initial ideas for setting and situation for My Fucked Up Childhood right here. Here's the few mechanical ideas I have so far. I'd…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, Ron Edwards.

7/26/2006 Jon Scott Miller: [The Long Dark] Sins and Motivations
Hello. I am working on a game focused on the perils of sin. The rules are based on BRP (modified beyond recognition) with two important additions: Sins and Motivations. Every…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jon Scott Miller, anders_larsen, sean2099, Joshua BishopRoby, TonyLB.

7/27/2006 WNightBlade: The Weird
Howdy all. This is my first time here (a friend referred me when I started thinking about doing a game). Anyway... I'd appreciate any feedback on my system/world idea. I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: WNightBlade, Ron Edwards, slavemind, Joshua BishopRoby, apeiron, Mcrow.

7/27/2006 museleading: [Paranoia] GNS and short attention spans
I came across this the other day. - My Eyes Glaze Over: Roleplaying theory for short attention spans by Allen Varney This bit struck me -------------------- The Fruits of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: museleading, Ron Edwards, oliof.

7/28/2006 Darcy Burgess: [Walk With Dragons] RPG/Boardgame query
I'm in the early stages of a tragic-yet-satyrical project called Walk With Dragons.  It's shaping up to be a weird mixture of Fellowship of the Ring and 1930's Germany.  That's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Darcy Burgess, slavemind, stuartr, Wolfen, Lxndr, joepub, coldblackwind.

7/28/2006 Don Johnson: HEIST
HEIST What you need: Three or more players. One player is the Ringleader. The rest of the players are the Crew. The Hire: (IC RP) The Ringleader presents the heist…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Don Johnson, TonyLB, jasonm, Kevin Allen Jr, Zathreyel, Ron Edwards.

7/31/2006 Thomas D: Group Character Creation
I’ve got an idea for a game with a character pool where during the course of play any player can choose characters that are on the table as the main…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thomas D, Ben Lehman, Adam Kleizer, Bill_White, jasonm, TonyLB, daMoose_Neo, Arturo G., Nathan P., Joshua BishopRoby, Ron Edwards, aaronil.

7/31/2006 museleading: Happily ever after - design thoughts
I'm designing a game and I'd like to get some input on it.  I have a set of characters with a strong backstory and set of relationships.  I have a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: museleading, TonyLB, Matt Wilson, dindenver, Selene Tan.

7/31/2006 xoet: 3d/4 person chess game >>into rpg
heya, these are the two games I am working on and or designing 1    the 3d 4 person chess set up This is the idea I just got about…
In First Thoughts
Participants: xoet.

7/31/2006 Marhault: [Afterworld] Resolution problems
The world as it once was has come to an end.  All that is left is a few scattered pockets of survivors trying to rebuild.  The Player Characters are members…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marhault, Matt Wilson, Nathan P., Joshua BishopRoby, Bill_White.

7/31/2006 Joe Dizzy: [Retro Runner] First draft. - General feedback requested
Hello all. This is my first foray into designing a game, as opposed to house-ruling an existing one into oblivion. This is very much modeled on my first exposure to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Joe Dizzy, leapin lizard, Bill_White, Sydney Freedberg, Ron Edwards, Noon.

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