The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In First Thoughts

8/23/2006 Nick: [Endings] Secret Communication
So, I'm working on a game about the apocalypse, and have run into a problem in the preliminary stages. One of the game's main themes is secrets, and it has…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Nick, TonyLB, itesser, RobNJ, LordRahvin, Ron Edwards.

8/23/2006 Isbo: Token mechanics?
Ok, here I am wading into the shallows, testing the waters a little before taking a bigger plunge. I have been working on a game for some time now, one…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Isbo, WhiteRat, Paul Czege, Andrew Morris, GregStolze.

8/23/2006 Roy Batty: America vs. insurgents: RPG campaign allegory
I’m looking to get back into gaming after a long hiatus.  The idea that’s itching my noodle so bad that I have to run it:  explore the moral difficulties in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Roy Batty, joepub, mikefernandez, anders_larsen, aaronil, lollerkeet, NN, MatrixGamer, TonyPace.

8/23/2006 Noon: Crouching causality, hidden crane
I got into the issues of the previous design thread ('Must learn crane technique') and the problem point really, really surprised me. Which is a good thing. I'm going to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Noon, Bill Masek, contracycle.

8/22/2006 joepub: [Boulevard] Ranting! and how it works.
[url][/url] The link above my head shows a sample Ranting board. For a bit of context, check out this thread if you like: [url][/url]. I closed that one and opened…
In First Thoughts
Participants: joepub, David Artman, stefoid, contracycle.

8/22/2006 Bret Gillan: [The Apostles] Setting Good Stakes
The basic notion: this game is supposed to reward good stakes-setting. That's sort of the point of it. To take a scene, dig down beneath the layers of what's going…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bret Gillan, Joshua BishopRoby, TonyLB, Bill_White, LordRahvin.

8/22/2006 Samarkand: A newbie question about a dice mechanic
    I'm working out the details of a descriptor based challenge ladder inspired by FUDGE, only not using the 4dF dice.  The ladder is -5 to +5, with 0…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Samarkand, Kesher, Joshua BishopRoby, Darcy Burgess, Mcrow.

8/21/2006 ElliottBelser MKII: [The War for Eridani] The Big Three and some questions.
[i]What's the game's about?[/i]  The War for Eridani is a roleplaying wargame that asks: Can you win the War for Eridani and remain a decent human being? [i]What do the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ElliottBelser MKII, jasonm.

8/21/2006 joepub: [Boulevard] Moving between the Issues
So, I’ve got this game I’m working on. It’s called Boulevard, and it’s pretty fucking cool. It’s about these nihilistic, pretentious, lowlife, poverty-line, naïve, alternative kids. These kids are like…
In First Thoughts
Participants: joepub, Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards, marknau, David Artman, Joshua BishopRoby.

8/21/2006 mikefernandez: Origins
Hello internet.     I am working on a miniatures encounters system featuring Chargen, Groupgen, and a dynamic interaction system.     I would say I am about 8% towards…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mikefernandez, Troy_Costisick, Joshua BishopRoby.

8/18/2006 BeUrgaust: Character Creation through a developing history?
Okay I just checked out the Fate variant to Fudge and I think that the character creation system is stellar!!! The way its presented the GM provides a general history,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BeUrgaust, Ron Edwards, Joshua BishopRoby, Mcrow, joepub, dindenver.

8/18/2006 anders_larsen: [Distant Horizons] Character concept
Distant Horizons is a game that have been brewing in the back of my mind for some time, but I could never find some way to get started on it.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: anders_larsen, Joshua BishopRoby, Eric J. Boyd, David Artman, Roy Batty.

8/18/2006 Tomas HVM: A silent game
I've read the thread "What is possible to achieve with game design", and had a thought: How about making a game that is supposed to be played out in silence…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Tomas HVM, Kevin Allen Jr, matthijs, David Artman, Bret Gillan, a302b, itesser.

8/18/2006 Steven Stewart: [Vice!] [Discordia] [The Pool] and other stuff...
Well, not sure where to post, so I think that first thoughts is always a good place if you can't find another one. I am still working on the Big…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Steven Stewart, Ron Edwards.

8/18/2006 Vaxalon: Amber by the Cards Design Diary, Part One: Power Nineteen
I've posted the Power Nineteen for the Amber manuscript I'm working on. Here's the link: Or we could discuss it here: The introductions have been made. I've started gathering…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vaxalon, JakeVanDam, stack0v3rflow, Troy_Costisick, Arturo G., c, demiurgeastaroth, Dotan Dimet.

8/17/2006 ElliottBelser MKII: [Conflict: Eridani / The War For Eridani] Power 19, Second Version
My old game ideas are rising from the grave and eating my brains.  This is Not Good.  I only hope some cool gamenosity will result. 1) What is your game…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ElliottBelser MKII.

8/17/2006 eruditus: mechanical Character Development
I have a line of games I am trying to flesh out, of which this is the first.  Thanks, in advance, for your input. First, let me say that I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: eruditus, TonyLB, aaronil, gains.

8/16/2006 ElliottBelser MKII: [HENSHIN! / Guardians] I have a resolution mechanic. I think.
Hokahey. In Guardians, previously titled HENSHIN!, you are the teenaged, Sailor Moon / Buffy / Spiderman-esque Guardians of a town under seige from forces supernatural, and for your characters at…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ElliottBelser MKII, Kesher, Troy_Costisick, anders_larsen, TonyLB, knicknevin.

8/16/2006 The Duke: Big Model and GNS
Hello. I'm new to the Forge and the GNS and Big Model theory(ies). I have read all but the top one of the articles in the Articles section, and I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: The Duke, Ron Edwards.

8/15/2006 c: What is possible to achieve with game design? (Adult with some vulgarities)
So Gen Con was a great experience for me and cleared up a lot of issues I have been having with my game design, and lit a fire under my…
In First Thoughts
Participants: c, Meguey, Ron Edwards, Blankshield, billvolk, Grand_Commander13, Nathan P., Sydney Freedberg, Paul Czege, Isbo, BeUrgaust, Falc, Tomas HVM, mikefernandez.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

8/24/2006 RobNJ: Misspent Youth: A Game of Juvenile Delinquency and Being Awesome
On another thread, James suggested a new thread, and I shall comply. 2) Does this matter?  Am I going to get anything…
In First Thoughts
Participants: RobNJ, iago, joepub.

8/24/2006 JustinB: Card Questions
I'm thinking about doing my second RPG with a card-based mechanic rather than using dice. The cards would be a custom deck that each player would need. So I have…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JustinB, RobNJ, Mcrow, marknau.

8/24/2006 Marco: Emissaries and Empire
The link is here: This is a very, very rough, very very early draft of the game. The Synopsis You are Emissaries of a vast empire that has thousands…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marco, Ron Edwards.

8/25/2006 JohnTynes: The Fundamental Mechanic
So I went to GenCon last week for the first time in four years or so. And I found it a really fun experience. I had to work most of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JohnTynes, Gordon C. Landis, LordRahvin, jasonm, Ben Lehman, Clinton R. Nixon, stuartr, iago, greyorm, Roger, Ron Edwards, John Kim, Thunder_God, Noon, jim pinto, Telarus, KSC, MatrixGamer, komradebob.

8/25/2006 Eric Minton: [Degenerate States] Metamorphosis
So I’ve been toying with a vampire LARP idea in which vampirism isn’t a metaphor for adolescence, but rather about growing out of adolescence.  Vampires start out beautiful and hungry,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eric Minton.

8/26/2006 mikefernandez: Foundational elements and the illusion of setting...
Theme is (oddly enough) the theme on this site. Its not that it confuses me that a site that "pioneered" rpg theory would generate an evolving doctrine of procedure, but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mikefernandez, Ron Edwards, aaronil.

8/26/2006 PJ Jacoby: "Weekly Sensationalist Tabloid" the RPG. . .
Hehe, I think you know where I'm going with this. The first thing I need to know is if this premise has ever been published (real curious about that). The…
In First Thoughts
Participants: PJ Jacoby, neko ewen.

8/27/2006 Turbo: Getting My Feet Wet -- 'Capes in the Wasteland'
Lo, after overloading my geek batteries (in the good way) at GenCon, an idea has grabbed a hold of me and refuses to let go. It's bad enough that my…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Turbo, Ken, Hans.

8/27/2006 jim pinto: from the desk of...
Hi Everyone, This is my first excursion into the forums of the Forge. I had the pleasure of meeting a great deal of the lead Indie publishers at GenCon and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jim pinto, Ron Edwards.

8/28/2006 Jye Nicolson: [Last Exile] Mystery and the Group
I'm doing the groundwork for a game that will let groups run stories riffing off the anime series Last Exile.  It's a great setting, but it's used up by the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jye Nicolson, dindenver, Emily Care, Gasten.

8/28/2006 Bailywolf: [Unseen] a thumbnail sketch of a possible game
I just read Christopher Priest's book The Glamour, and beyond being Priest's usual alternately intriguing and frustrating blend of unreliable narrators and psychological schisms, it also got me thinking about…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bailywolf, Paka, David Artman, Qi Chin, Pol Jackson, knicknevin, Castlin, Sovem.

8/28/2006 jim pinto: George's Children
Jon Hodgson (illustrator) and I are in the midst of designing a new indie game based on a 2-hour conversation we had the other night about global politiics. I can't…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jim pinto, joepub, dindenver, Kesher, Meguey.

8/29/2006 Jye Nicolson: [Last Exile] Proxy characters for battles
Hi, I don't want PCs in my Last Exile game to die until the finale of a campaign, but I do want the players to feel the danger of combat…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jye Nicolson, joepub, anders_larsen, dindenver, muddlepud, Shreyas Sampat, Noon.

8/29/2006 Qi Chin: [TriPent] Some ideas needed
Hi there. This is my very first venture into the Forge, about which I've heard so much. Since this is not an introduction forum (I haven't seen one on here),…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Qi Chin, Eero Tuovinen, Doug Ruff, anders_larsen.

8/29/2006 Kensan_Oni: Quandery of which direction to go...
Hello All! For the last couple of years, when not consumed by other, more important things, I have been writting a setting for a campaign that I would like to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kensan_Oni, dindenver, Qi Chin, Doug Ruff.

8/30/2006 DigitalDevilDog: Formulating A starting Point
Hello everybody. Im not saying Im new to the gaming industrie, namely tabletop gaming, but I am how ever still green when it comes to game design, which is why…
In First Thoughts
Participants: DigitalDevilDog, Troy_Costisick, Adam Dray.

8/31/2006 Aussigamer: Not sure what to say or do here so?
Hi, I have been designing a d20 based system for several years now. A lot of the ideas and writing are in place now but I need to refine the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aussigamer, Kesher, Sydney Freedberg, Kintara.

8/31/2006 Adam Kleizer: Using the book in the system
Hey all! Ok, we all know that games (and game systems) come in the form of books. And we all know games use a lot of physical objects like dice,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Adam Kleizer, baron samedi, Nathan P., Castlin, David Artman.

8/31/2006 Altharis: You play the Elemental!
I've been thinking about a rpg based on "the magician's apprentice" by walt disney, in which you play the brooms! You play as an elemental being animated for a purpose....…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Altharis, Noon, Adam Dray, Sovem, Ron Edwards, brainwipe.

9/1/2006 Nev the Deranged: [The Isle] - First Thoughts
So, I have some First Thoughts. Actually they are only First as far as this forum is concerned, this idea is actually the tail end of a looong history of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Nev the Deranged.

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