The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

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In First Thoughts

8/29/2006 Qi Chin: [TriPent] Some ideas needed
Hi there. This is my very first venture into the Forge, about which I've heard so much. Since this is not an introduction forum (I haven't seen one on here),…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Qi Chin, Eero Tuovinen, Doug Ruff, anders_larsen.

8/29/2006 Jye Nicolson: [Last Exile] Proxy characters for battles
Hi, I don't want PCs in my Last Exile game to die until the finale of a campaign, but I do want the players to feel the danger of combat…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jye Nicolson, joepub, anders_larsen, dindenver, muddlepud, Shreyas Sampat, Noon.

8/28/2006 jim pinto: George's Children
Jon Hodgson (illustrator) and I are in the midst of designing a new indie game based on a 2-hour conversation we had the other night about global politiics. I can't…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jim pinto, joepub, dindenver, Kesher, Meguey.

8/28/2006 Bailywolf: [Unseen] a thumbnail sketch of a possible game
I just read Christopher Priest's book The Glamour, and beyond being Priest's usual alternately intriguing and frustrating blend of unreliable narrators and psychological schisms, it also got me thinking about…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bailywolf, Paka, David Artman, Qi Chin, Pol Jackson, knicknevin, Castlin, Sovem.

8/28/2006 Jye Nicolson: [Last Exile] Mystery and the Group
I'm doing the groundwork for a game that will let groups run stories riffing off the anime series Last Exile.  It's a great setting, but it's used up by the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jye Nicolson, dindenver, Emily Care, Gasten.

8/27/2006 jim pinto: from the desk of...
Hi Everyone, This is my first excursion into the forums of the Forge. I had the pleasure of meeting a great deal of the lead Indie publishers at GenCon and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jim pinto, Ron Edwards.

8/27/2006 Turbo: Getting My Feet Wet -- 'Capes in the Wasteland'
Lo, after overloading my geek batteries (in the good way) at GenCon, an idea has grabbed a hold of me and refuses to let go. It's bad enough that my…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Turbo, Ken, Hans.

8/26/2006 PJ Jacoby: "Weekly Sensationalist Tabloid" the RPG. . .
Hehe, I think you know where I'm going with this. The first thing I need to know is if this premise has ever been published (real curious about that). The…
In First Thoughts
Participants: PJ Jacoby, neko ewen.

8/26/2006 mikefernandez: Foundational elements and the illusion of setting...
Theme is (oddly enough) the theme on this site. Its not that it confuses me that a site that "pioneered" rpg theory would generate an evolving doctrine of procedure, but…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mikefernandez, Ron Edwards, aaronil.

8/25/2006 Eric Minton: [Degenerate States] Metamorphosis
So I’ve been toying with a vampire LARP idea in which vampirism isn’t a metaphor for adolescence, but rather about growing out of adolescence.  Vampires start out beautiful and hungry,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eric Minton.

8/25/2006 JohnTynes: The Fundamental Mechanic
So I went to GenCon last week for the first time in four years or so. And I found it a really fun experience. I had to work most of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JohnTynes, Gordon C. Landis, LordRahvin, jasonm, Ben Lehman, Clinton R. Nixon, stuartr, iago, greyorm, Roger, Ron Edwards, John Kim, Thunder_God, Noon, jim pinto, Telarus, KSC, MatrixGamer, komradebob.

8/24/2006 Marco: Emissaries and Empire
The link is here: This is a very, very rough, very very early draft of the game. The Synopsis You are Emissaries of a vast empire that has thousands…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marco, Ron Edwards.

8/24/2006 JustinB: Card Questions
I'm thinking about doing my second RPG with a card-based mechanic rather than using dice. The cards would be a custom deck that each player would need. So I have…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JustinB, RobNJ, Mcrow, marknau.

8/24/2006 RobNJ: Misspent Youth: A Game of Juvenile Delinquency and Being Awesome
On another thread, James suggested a new thread, and I shall comply. 2) Does this matter?  Am I going to get anything…
In First Thoughts
Participants: RobNJ, iago, joepub.

8/24/2006 stack0v3rflow: [Blazon] Four types of relationships
A game on the Forge with a relationship mechanic!  Another fool tries to re-invent the wheel? Yep. My game Blazon is a game where all the characters play some sort…
In First Thoughts
Participants: stack0v3rflow, Shreyas Sampat, Kesher, Troy_Costisick, RobNJ, LordRahvin, Ron Edwards, Vaxalon, demiurgeastaroth.

8/23/2006 Nick: [Endings] Secret Communication
So, I'm working on a game about the apocalypse, and have run into a problem in the preliminary stages. One of the game's main themes is secrets, and it has…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Nick, TonyLB, itesser, RobNJ, LordRahvin, Ron Edwards.

8/23/2006 Isbo: Token mechanics?
Ok, here I am wading into the shallows, testing the waters a little before taking a bigger plunge. I have been working on a game for some time now, one…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Isbo, WhiteRat, Paul Czege, Andrew Morris, GregStolze.

8/23/2006 Roy Batty: America vs. insurgents: RPG campaign allegory
I’m looking to get back into gaming after a long hiatus.  The idea that’s itching my noodle so bad that I have to run it:  explore the moral difficulties in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Roy Batty, joepub, mikefernandez, anders_larsen, aaronil, lollerkeet, NN, MatrixGamer, TonyPace.

8/23/2006 Noon: Crouching causality, hidden crane
I got into the issues of the previous design thread ('Must learn crane technique') and the problem point really, really surprised me. Which is a good thing. I'm going to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Noon, Bill Masek, contracycle.

8/22/2006 joepub: [Boulevard] Ranting! and how it works.
[url][/url] The link above my head shows a sample Ranting board. For a bit of context, check out this thread if you like: [url][/url]. I closed that one and opened…
In First Thoughts
Participants: joepub, David Artman, stefoid, contracycle.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

8/30/2006 DigitalDevilDog: Formulating A starting Point
Hello everybody. Im not saying Im new to the gaming industrie, namely tabletop gaming, but I am how ever still green when it comes to game design, which is why…
In First Thoughts
Participants: DigitalDevilDog, Troy_Costisick, Adam Dray.

8/31/2006 Aussigamer: Not sure what to say or do here so?
Hi, I have been designing a d20 based system for several years now. A lot of the ideas and writing are in place now but I need to refine the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aussigamer, Kesher, Sydney Freedberg, Kintara.

8/31/2006 Adam Kleizer: Using the book in the system
Hey all! Ok, we all know that games (and game systems) come in the form of books. And we all know games use a lot of physical objects like dice,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Adam Kleizer, baron samedi, Nathan P., Castlin, David Artman.

8/31/2006 Altharis: You play the Elemental!
I've been thinking about a rpg based on "the magician's apprentice" by walt disney, in which you play the brooms! You play as an elemental being animated for a purpose....…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Altharis, Noon, Adam Dray, Sovem, Ron Edwards, brainwipe.

9/1/2006 Nev the Deranged: [The Isle] - First Thoughts
So, I have some First Thoughts. Actually they are only First as far as this forum is concerned, this idea is actually the tail end of a looong history of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Nev the Deranged.

9/1/2006 abjourne: History, Dream, Time, Hope, Confusion, Despair, Enlightenment, 3-19 & Thanks
I started playing D&D (blue & red) way back in 6th grade. I remember playing with the Caves of Chaos pull-out cover map sprawled out on the table as I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: abjourne, Troy_Costisick.

9/1/2006 Wood: [Messenger] Introduction
Hey there. I'm Wood. I write RPG books for (what passes for) a living on behalf of, among others, a big-ish publisher that doesn't get a huge amount of love…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Wood, Troy_Costisick, Skallagrim, TonyLB, WhiteRat.

9/1/2006 gwangi: The Fundamental Mechanic (II)
I'm glad to have happened on this forum. I have been designing an rpg for just two days now in response to the "reveresed engineer" challenge. Basically, I inherited a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: gwangi, komradebob, Pol Jackson.

9/1/2006 r_donato: My first attempt at game design
I've never seriously tried to design a game from top to bottom before, but I've had this idea kicking around in my head for a while and I thought I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: r_donato, Adam Dray, dindenver, sean2099, David Artman, contracycle, Doug Ruff, stefoid.

9/1/2006 metaltoad: Draconian d20
In the last D&D game I played we started coming up with a home brew variation of rules for the d20 system.  The result was a system that stripped down…
In First Thoughts
Participants: metaltoad, abjourne, neko ewen, Noon, Wood, TroyLovesRPG, anders_larsen.

9/2/2006 dindenver: [LoL] Chargen idea
Hi!   I'm pretty happy with the character generation rules of LoL, but there is one part that always sort of nagged at the back of my mind: GM approval…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dindenver, anders_larsen.

9/3/2006 ed_keer: [Wasteland] A modernist RPG
I've got an idea for an RPG based on modernist literature. This would be my first RPG and I admit I have never played an indie game. Oh, and I'm…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ed_keer, Technocrat13, Wood, Troy_Costisick, Nathan P., TroyLovesRPG, tonyd, Thunder_God, joepub.

9/4/2006 Aussigamer: Magic System [Nexus] - Comments please
[b]SPELL CASTING BASICS[/b] Arcane spells are abilities beyond the scope of most ordinary individuals. [b]SPELLS[/b] A spell is a one-time magical effect. Magic is used by individuals with magical power,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aussigamer, Qi Chin, dindenver.

9/4/2006 Aussigamer: Nexus Stuff for your input There are several items already there so pick one and lets chat.
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aussigamer, MikeH.

9/5/2006 Brian_W: [Channeling] Skill mix and match
In my game Channeling i'm working with a skill based system that was actually suggested on this board. The system works by investing points into tiers, where higher tiers are…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brian_W, Aussigamer, Skallagrim, Qi Chin, Sovem.

9/5/2006 Thomas Lawrence: "Gestalt" - does this idea have any legs?
First time poster. Hi, everyone. So, I have been reading a great deal about Conflict Resolution, IIEE and related concepts of late, and also I have been thinking about Dogs…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thomas Lawrence, Troy_Costisick, Nathan P..

9/5/2006 Sovem: [Divinity Horizons] Power 19
Well, I've finally done it. First draft of the Power 19 for my upcoming game, Divinity Horizons. Comments or questions are welcome. Right now, I'm really just putting this up…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sovem, Troy_Costisick, sean2099.

9/6/2006 baron samedi: (Question) Game mechanisms for buildings in RPGs?
Hi, I'm working on a design idea and wondering... Has there been any RPG out there that integreated the role of *buildings* or places into the game system? I'm not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: baron samedi, Adam Dray, joepub, Valamir, WhiteRat, Joshua BishopRoby.

9/7/2006 Damakun: Modify existing systems vs. creating new ones : any ideas ?
Hello ! I have been lurking on this forum off and on for a while now, and have decided to get into the research/design phase for a CRPG. What I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Damakun, Aussigamer, Selene Tan, Kensan_Oni, Hans, contracycle, David Artman, metaltoad, Noon, baron samedi, TroyLovesRPG.

9/7/2006 Aussigamer: Movement system [Nexus]
I am trying to get a base guideline for rules for working out a creatures base movement. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move (See Text) Armour Penalty Move represents the base speed a character…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aussigamer.

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