The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In First Thoughts

3/23/2007 chris_moore: [psi run] Why can I read minds? second try
Previously, I described Psi Run's situation. Characters: 1)  have a psychic power 2)  have been captured by a shadowy organization 3)  can't remember their past 4)  have just survived…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chris_moore, Valamir, Noon, Ken, knicknevin, Eero Tuovinen.

3/23/2007 Jake Richmond: Struggling with a new game idea
Tonight I finally had the chance to transcribe the ideas for the game I've been thinking about for a few months. It's a love story set against a war, where…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jake Richmond, Christopher Ashe, Simon C, Alan, neko ewen, Noon, Wolfen, Lollo.

3/23/2007 Simons: Role-Playing in a strategy game
Hi all, I have always had an interest in strategy war games, though have recently become  interested in where they seem to merge with RPGs.  Most of what I've seen…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Simons, MatrixGamer, Noon, phasmaphobic.

3/23/2007 Simon C: New Keys for Religions
Hey, I'm messing around with implimenting the Sweet20 experience system (Keys) into another game with a pretty specific celtic/mythological irish flavour.  Think Slaine.  Anyhow, I was thinking that Keys could…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Simon C, oliof.

3/22/2007 cicio: Bud Redhead game
Hello, Bud redhead game ( ) is a great game; anyone knows other games in the same style? I am specially interested in high quality remakes after old hits…
In First Thoughts
Participants: cicio.

3/22/2007 Ken: SPELLing Bee- a magic game/system
For the last couple of days, I've been tooling around with a magic system/setting called SPELLing Bee. The main idea is that students from magical schools across the globe (or…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ken, QuestKeeper, Noon.

3/21/2007 QuestKeeper: Trying to playtest a game
Hi, I'm a new member here. If I wanted to post the rules to my game so that others could playtest it, where should I post them? Should I post…
In First Thoughts
Participants: QuestKeeper, Wolfen.

3/21/2007 David Artman: Icehouse Pyramids RPG (game name pending)
Hi again, all; been away a while, but I'm back with some gaming goodness (I hope!). I have just put a new role-playing game into Ready for Playtesting status at…
In First Thoughts
Participants: David Artman.

3/21/2007 mauriciocabaleiro: What is your ORIGINAL setting? Describe it...
I just started this topic with the following in mind: How creative and original the sageous forge members can be? After years discussing all about RPG what have they come…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mauriciocabaleiro, Ron Edwards.

3/20/2007 rycanada: What happened to Deep in the Game?
I went back to and it was just pointing at advertising.  I know the blog was over - but is it just gone now, or is it mirrored somewhere…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rycanada, Ben Lehman.

3/19/2007 scrandy: What is your most important feature of a modern Fantasy-RPG?
Hi, people! I'am Andy Paland, called scrandy on the net. I'm working on a new Fantasy-RPG which I announced here: Since I found out that it is more interesting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: scrandy, rycanada.

3/19/2007 chris_moore: [psi run] situation
My friend and I are working on a game called Psi Run.  Players create characters that: 1)  have a psychic power 2)  have been captured by a shadowy organization 3) …
In First Thoughts
Participants: chris_moore, Noon, Paul Czege.

3/16/2007 mauriciocabaleiro: DICE MECHANIC - would it work?
Hello you all.. I´ve been working on a dice mechanic and i would like to have a feedback from anyone interested in helping me improve it. The idea i to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mauriciocabaleiro, Valamir, Mcrow, Hereward The Wake, Noon, Simon C, Arlecchino.

3/15/2007 sdanic: 13 Virtues - Can resource pools be dramatic?
I love pulp and cinematic action games. I also love resource pools. However, when I see resource pools in practice, characters tend to become less and less heroic as their…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sdanic, Reprobus, andrew_kenrick, Filip Luszczyk, Valamir, joepub.

3/14/2007 Conteur: New Roleplaying Game: Kissanil
I have finally decided to begin working on editing my game on wich I work since 15 years. The site is not finished(and it will never all roleplaying games)…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Conteur, scrandy, andrew_kenrick, Rafu, pells, xenopulse, davidberg.

3/14/2007 Sentience: Using the D20 system
I'm having a hard time deciding whether or not to use the OGL and the D20 system for the RPG I'm creating. However, I believe I could come to a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sentience, Mcrow, Ben Lehman, TroyLovesRPG.

3/13/2007 Hereward The Wake: Idea for a dice mechanic
I am working on a combat system, non missile weapons at the moment. The emphasis of which is the tactical choices made in regard to moves, attacks reactions  I want…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Hereward The Wake, Mcrow, JCunkle, Conteur.

3/13/2007 TwilightCorps: Twilight Corps
While this isn't a new idea(I've been working on it for two years now) It's new to the Forge. It's a futuristic single origin supers game, meaning that everyone got…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TwilightCorps, Mcrow.

3/12/2007 scrandy: Mystix RPG - The Big 3
Hi! I did some RPG developing, for some time now, because I was bored and disappointed with other Systems. Till now (3/2007) I have got a nearly playable Version (with…
In First Thoughts
Participants: scrandy, Conteur, mauriciocabaleiro.

3/11/2007 ElliottBelser MKII: My girlfriend's back, and she wants to play Spirit of Hogwarts for her birthday
Crossposted to and Story Games. So, my girlfriend's birthday is coming up this month. I offered, as one of my birthday presents to her, to teach her how to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ElliottBelser MKII, johnwedd, TroyLovesRPG, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

3/27/2007 chris_moore: [psi run] conflict resolution
Previous psi run posts:                        Okay, we're in a scene.  Character Aaron Zinn, with…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chris_moore, Ken, Troy_Costisick, Majidah.

3/29/2007 Sentience: Decay RPG - Experience Levels
Greetings! My company has been developing a post-apocalyptic/cyberpunk game for about four months now called Decay (, and I've been mulling over the problem of Experience Levels for about three…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sentience, Majidah, scrandy, Noon, Greymorn.

3/29/2007 The Crazy Player: The Meaning of Magic(k)
Greetings! This is my first foray into The Forge, so if I fumble etiquette, please let me know. I have often been fascinated by the concept of Magick in RPGs,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: The Crazy Player, Troy_Costisick, lumpley, David Artman, CommonDialog, tj333, Spooky Fanboy, Filip Luszczyk, Sentience, fantang7.

3/30/2007 phasmaphobic: Streetwise LARP - Musings on Conflict mechanics
Hey folks, I'm looking for some place to bounce around some ideas with others on some concepts I've been forming regarding revamping the rules of a LARP that I wrote…
In First Thoughts
Participants: phasmaphobic, Majidah, Andrew Morris.

4/1/2007 brianbloodaxe: Looking for advice for my card based rules system.
Ok, I'm new here, blah blah etc. Hi! :-) I am always looking for new ways to improve relisim in my games without increasing the rules or required book keeping.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: brianbloodaxe, Simon C.

4/2/2007 josephcarrington: ww2 with zombies themed d20 system play-by-post
Hello everyone. My names Joe and I'm about to start running a game for a few friends of mine over my messageboard. The theme everyone decided on was ww2, superscience…
In First Thoughts
Participants: josephcarrington, knicknevin, Majidah.

4/2/2007 Starblade: Since my other game didn't pan out...
I've been thinking of a game system which potentially incorporates three levels. It doesn't have a theme yet, but right now here are the elements: 0. A three tiered combat…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Starblade, joepub.

4/3/2007 CommonDialog: [T.E.A.M.]Mechanics to Force Player Interaction
Hiya Group, I am designing a game which is heavily centered around teamwork.  The players gain all sorts of neat bonus dice if they work together, but I am toying…
In First Thoughts
Participants: CommonDialog, jueqel, Madheretic, Noon, Filip Luszczyk.

4/4/2007 Priest: TRINITY SYSTEM
Hello, New here, so its nice to be able to chat with other game designers, I have been contemplating a new system that works off of a three system method.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Priest, joepub.

4/4/2007 jueqel: [Silver Cord] Story Impact Traits
I've been developing an RPG for a number of years, and a recent reworking has changed my perspective on the approach I'm looking for. Silver Cord is a psychic adventure…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jueqel, Ide.

4/5/2007 blitzkreig777: Advertising a New Forum-based RP
I hope I'm doing this in the right place.  I am starting a forum-based RP based on a PC game series called Disciples.  The forum can be found here at…
In First Thoughts
Participants: blitzkreig777.

4/5/2007 phasmaphobic: LARP: Working on the foundations for our 2nd Edition Rules
I started a discussion in a previous thread, but the direction I'm going has changed significantly enough that I felt a new topic would allow me to put forth some…
In First Thoughts
Participants: phasmaphobic, Majidah.

4/7/2007 phasmaphobic: LARP: Scene-Framing within the flow of the LARP
I've posted this elsewhere, but I think I might be able to get some good input from you folks here.  My major experiences with playing in LARPs leads me to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: phasmaphobic, Matt, David Artman, newsalor, Eliarhiman6, fantang7.

4/7/2007 FLEB: Glass and Steel - Idea Intro and Concerns: Enough latitude?
I'm in the initial stages (read: a couple days, a couple premise sketches) of hashing out this game idea, but it's a rather tightly encapsulated and pre-ordained plot+game package, and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: FLEB, Noon, joepub.

4/10/2007 MJGraham: [Insurrection] GM Rewards
I'm working on an idea for my game where the both the players and the GM receives points for playing well. In return for winning these points players can make…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MJGraham, Eliarhiman6, Noon, David Artman, David C.

4/10/2007 Sentience: Decay RPG - The Seesaw of Power!
Greetings! This thread is an extention of the discussion we were having here ( about the pro's and con's of Experience (power) Levels. This thread is meant to be a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sentience, xenopulse, Noon, Majidah.

4/10/2007 Frank Tarcikowski: [Aller Tage Abend] License to Tweak
Hi there! This morning I had a very good conversation about role-playing and the ever-problematic issue of “cheating”, or, more precisely, tweaking the dice. For my game in (early) development…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski, Eliarhiman6, Eero Tuovinen, anders_larsen, Filip Luszczyk, Noon, Ben Lehman.

4/11/2007 sabbatregent: Time travel
Hi, everyone. I'm on the process of designing a time-traveling RPG. Basically, the PCs are time-cops who use Matrix style fighting and Time witchraft to fight time-criminals and cults. On…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sabbatregent, jerry, MJGraham, David Artman, FLEB, Thenomain, Options, Hans, BlackTerror.

4/13/2007 MJGraham: [Insurrection] Power 19.
Here is my attempt at answering the Power 19 for my game called Insurrection: 1.) What is your game about?** The game is about the tension between the characters virtues…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MJGraham.

4/13/2007 signoftheserpent: Wuxia Space Opera
I've started a blog for my design of a wuxia space opera game (something i brought up here briefly a long while back), initially dealing with the setting (gotta have…
In First Thoughts
Participants: signoftheserpent, preludetotheend, Thenomain, Ron Edwards.

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