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In First Thoughts

6/8/2007 jasonm: [Ashes] Modeling Fight-or-Flight
So I'm working on this project that requires characters to constantly either run for their lives or fight tooth and nail.  Here's what I'm thinking: I’m imagining this as a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jasonm, hix, Darcy Burgess, David Artman.

6/8/2007 brainwipe: [Icar] Should I go from Percentiles to D10?
Something that's been bugging me for some time is the skill percentile system in Icar. Generally, it's not very easy to use. For the uninitiated, every skill has a percentage…
In First Thoughts
Participants: brainwipe, Temple, chriscrouch, Eldrad, sid.raphael, Noon, Sydney Freedberg.

6/8/2007 Brimshack: Ethno-Fantasy Setting (Ramble Warning)
Notes Toward a Campaign Setting or Two: Okay, so I've been interested in working concepts from non-standard cultural backgrounds into fantasy gaming for some time. Roughly speaking, I am talking…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brimshack, Ron Edwards, Age of Fable.

6/8/2007 natfrobinson: Resist the Sunne [Steampunk/Space Opera]
G'day all. My names Nat and I am from Melbourne, Australia. I thought I'd jump right into things with an idea of my own - My own take on the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: natfrobinson, CommonDialog, Sovem, Reprobus, Everspinner, TwoCrows, Thenomain, Nuthael, Alan, xiombarg.

6/7/2007 Jarx: New ideas about FATUM
[center]I think I've iritated many with my constant yapping about my "cool" game... So this will be my final topic. If nobody posts, I declarate it dead. Wanting my game…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jarx, Spooky Fanboy, Filip Luszczyk, Adam Dray.

6/7/2007 JasonWalters: [You Brought This On Yourself] Pivots
A big part of the slasher film/morality rpg I'm working on involves Narrative Control. A PC can attempt to seize control of the storytelling process for himself at certain specific…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JasonWalters, TwoCrows, Brimshack.

6/7/2007 Xeriar: What's in a name?
Well, I've been mulling over my setting, and have decided to split it in two.  I'm going to make 'Solar Storms' the sortof timeline-setting aspect, while the end result... an…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Xeriar, Justin Nichol - BFG, VoidDragon, Ron Edwards.

6/6/2007 Justin Nichol - BFG: Contest and Combat Brainstorm
So I'm currently interested in designing an interesting combat system around the open source game engine I'm developing, CORE, and I've seena couple interesting ideas here on the fourms, so…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Justin Nichol - BFG, anders_larsen, Sovem.

6/6/2007 MatrixGamer: [Engle Matrix Game] I need some help seeing if buying arguments is good mechanic
I want some help finding the bugs in a new rules mechanic I'm playing around with. The basic rule of Matrix Games now is that each turn a player makes…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MatrixGamer.

6/6/2007 Eldrad: The Olde Realm
This is a possible intro to the Olde Realm RPG/Novel It is a genre called swordpunk. Take the cyberpunk model and  reniassance level technology mixed with a bit of magic…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eldrad, Sovem, brainwipe, Adam Dray, TwoCrows, Vanoj.

6/5/2007 Sovem: A new method for combat?
AJ's post of several weeks ago about a new system for martial arts has really got me thinking about alternative ways to run combat. Her suggestion was that instead of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sovem, Justin Nichol - BFG, Noon, hix, Noclue, VoidDragon, brainwipe, Aaron Blain, contracycle, boswok.

6/4/2007 Justin Nichol - BFG: Resolution Mechanic- Need help with the use of descriptors
I'm currently trying to develop a Universal, Extensible, Open Source game engine for use with community developed settings. I want it to draw upon some narrativist game mechanics, while still…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Justin Nichol - BFG, TwoCrows, Noon, Aaron Blain, Noclue, anders_larsen.

6/4/2007 Temple: [Arkana] An improvisational rpg of Fae and magic.
In this thread I mentioned that I had two projects that I was picking up. Downtown is one of them. This, Arkana, is the other. Arkana; Bortenfor, Bakenfor (Arkana; Beyond,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Temple, brainwipe, Spooky Fanboy, David Artman.

6/3/2007 Noon: Conflict of design goals or: THACO - To Hit Adesign Class 0
I'm trying to get over some writers block at the moment ('moment' as used here could include several years, actually). Specifically for this thread, there's something I've been thinking about…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Noon, Thenomain, Eero Tuovinen, Noclue, Filip Luszczyk, Aaron Blain, Dan Maruschak, David C, contracycle, Rafu, Simon C, OleOneEye.

6/2/2007 TwoCrows: Second Thoughts
For my second First Thoughts I’ve chosen to take Mike Holme’s advice, reinforced by Ron’s admonitions in More Fantasy Heartbreakers. “Everyone should write a Heartbreaker.” Everyone seems a broad enough…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TwoCrows, C.W.Richeson, Eero Tuovinen, brainwipe, Valamir.

6/2/2007 earwig: The Return of my Amnesia Game
I've been busy with pre-production of a film, so I have not posted in awhile, but I wanted to touch base with the community again, for some basic feedback. I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: earwig, brainwipe, chris_moore.

6/1/2007 JasonWalters: [You Brought This On Yourself] The First Three Chapters
Since several of you were kind enough to provide me with suggestions for my YBTOY Maniac "laundry lists," I though that I might provide a work-in- progress link to the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JasonWalters, jasonm.

6/1/2007 Sovem: Universalis-like game mechanic?
I really like the way the Universalis game mechanic makes you spend coins for everything that you do in game. I was thinking about making a similar game mechanic in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sovem, Andrew Morris, Valamir, xiombarg.

6/1/2007 sambearpoet: Quanta: the game of interstellar vacations
You play an existentially bored, nearly immortal energy being who, in order to escape its ennui, has been transmitted into one of many of the invisible crystalline orbital Quanta Stations…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sambearpoet, anders_larsen, Ron Edwards, c, brainwipe, HighmoonMedia.

5/31/2007 Narf the Mouse: Road Trip RPG?
I'm not sure if this is the right place for it, but I was just thinking... Anyway, I've never been on a road trip, so I wouldn't be the best…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Narf the Mouse, brainwipe, Aaron Blain.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

6/10/2007 Darcy Burgess: [Gathering Storm] -- can't shake the war!
So, here's the deal:  I just can't shake war as a theme.  It's in all of my design ideas -- it just won't go away. And here's its latest iteration. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: Darcy Burgess, jasonm, Noclue.

6/10/2007 Mister Hoppe: need a place to play ..
Hi guys RCEHoppe here i have friends of mine that are trying to start up a LARP game in Ottawa and they need a place to play, if anyone…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mister Hoppe, Ron Edwards.

6/11/2007 JoystickJunkies: Ideas for the Fate based Starblazer RPG
Hi all, I'm currently working on the new Fate space opera  RPG called Starblazer. I'd love to know if you've thought of any sci-fi related ideas for Fate or used…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JoystickJunkies, epweissengruber, TwoCrows, C.W.Richeson.

6/11/2007 jeffmoore: The Abnormal RPG ...
Vincent Baker, owner of lumpley games and author of "Dogs in the Vineyard" said, "Don't make another normal RPG. There are plenty and more than plenty, there are too many…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jeffmoore, Adam Dray.

6/12/2007 CSBone: One Roll "High" School
This started as Power 19: One Roll Narrative Role Playing System (Long). This is the first of three concepts. My goal is to get the One Roll system ready…
In First Thoughts
Participants: CSBone.

6/12/2007 Simon C: [Fir Bolg] Fortune (near or maybe at) the Start, and GM Fiat.
Fir Bolg is this project that I'm kind of unable to let go, even though I don't really think of myself as a game designer.  It's a mostly gamist supporting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Simon C, Noon, Rafu, contracycle, Eero Tuovinen, HighmoonMedia.

6/13/2007 RiverofTearsJvL: Looking for a program for Tree Graphs
Anyone know of a program that will let me run long Tree Graphs? Im converting notes and rules i wrote over the last few years to my laptop, and i…
In First Thoughts
Participants: RiverofTearsJvL, SpazMan.

6/13/2007 SpazMan: Shards of the Titans [Game Setting advice; System in development]
Hello "The Forge", This is my first post, and I have only recently started looking into The Forge. I have been recently listening to back archives of podcasts such as…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SpazMan, Adam Dray, Sydney Freedberg.

6/14/2007 Dave Graffam: [Race to Glory] My first stab at this sort of thing
I'm calling this game "Race to Glory". Objective: The point of this game is to tell a zany story and have a good time telling it. It's possible for all…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dave Graffam, VoidDragon.

6/14/2007 Doplegager: [Zen] Core Mechanic- Inverted Dice Pool
I'm attending GenCon this year with the Ashcan Front Booth, and am in the process of developing a system to introduce myself to the gaming community with.  I'm expecting to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Doplegager, Darcy Burgess, SpazMan, VoidDragon, Rafu.

6/15/2007 fluency: Grab Life by the Balls
[u][b]Grab Life by the Balls[/b][/u] [i]By Gilbert Kraag Translation from norwegian by Skjalg Kreutzer[/i] Grab Life by the Balls (GLbtB) is a live-action roleplaying game for 1 or more players.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: fluency, joepub, Vanoj, davidboze.

6/16/2007 SkuToV: [Death Team] First Timers First Idea
Hi, I'm completely and utterly new to these forums. I found out about them from the perosn working on Raid Earth and I came up with my own idea for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SkuToV, Noon, Ron Edwards, Sydney Freedberg.

6/17/2007 Vanoj: [Silent] Introductory Feedback Requested
[b]Personal and Project Background[/b] After months of lurking, only occasionally burrowing out to shoot off a comment or two, I'm glad to have some ideas to present for critique. I've…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vanoj, northerain, Artanis.

6/17/2007 fluency: The Drunken Man in the Corner & Mr. Happy Loveshine
[u]The Drunken Man in the Corner[/u] [i]By Gilbert Kraag Translated from norwegian by Skjalg Kreutzer[/i] You need: *3-10 players *An empty beer bottle. Sit in a circle. Spin the bottle.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: fluency, SkuToV, Ron Edwards, David Artman.

6/17/2007 preludetotheend: Hard Wired (Gears and Cogs (GaC)) first thoughts please longish :(
    Thanks for giving things read over I will try and be as brief on setting as possible and get to the meat and potatoes of what the forums…
In First Thoughts
Participants: preludetotheend, SkuToV, VoidDragon.

6/20/2007 Zeigfreid: Walking down a long road
Hi I'm Ziggy. I love to write settings, and the way I do this is by making roads. Roads are linear and easy to write, so I can generally get…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Zeigfreid, xiombarg, Noon, vertigo25, OleOneEye, Narf the Mouse.

6/20/2007 mothlos: Inductive vs. Deductive Game Design
I am looking for some reading on inductive vs. deductive game design. I am puzzling on this a bit myself and was hoping for some help. In case my words…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mothlos, SpazMan.

6/20/2007 Hereward The Wake: Is there such a things as "a new method for combat?"
Based upon recent threads and my own musings on combat systems, is there such a thing as a new way of dealing with combat? I'm not so sure. I know…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Hereward The Wake, SpazMan, Ryutensai, VoidDragon, Noon, Sydney Freedberg, mothlos, Adam Dray, Zeigfreid, Nev the Deranged, eldunce, Brannos.

6/21/2007 Jenita: Tips To Save Big On Your Next Car Loan
Get Your Credit Report You can’t pick up a personal finance article, magazine or book that does not refer to the importance of knowing what is on your credit report.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jenita, Rafu, vertigo25, SpazMan, eldunce, Ron Edwards.

6/21/2007 vertigo25: Darkest Dungeons
I usually get flashes of ideas, and burn through them pretty quickly. This one, however, looks like it may actually see the light of day. I've actually been putting at…
In First Thoughts
Participants: vertigo25, Ron Edwards, Zeigfreid, Rafu, Noon, natfrobinson, Narf the Mouse, Justin Nichol - BFG, Age of Fable.

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