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In First Thoughts

1/18/2008 Wrageowrapper: Trade and Bartering in the Pacific
Hello forge members, In between working on my main RPG I have been fiddling about with a new game set in pre-colonial Eastern Australia and Tasmania, New Zealand and the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Wrageowrapper, jag, Eero Tuovinen, sirelfinjedi, contracycle, Alfryd.

1/16/2008 jmhpfan: Lost/Survivors style game
I have had the idea for a game like this kicking around in my head for a while but it seems to be going nowhere.  So I thought I would…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jmhpfan, chronoplasm, contracycle, Noon, Scro.

1/16/2008 chronoplasm: Satanic Panic! (Power 19 answered)
This is one of the two games I've been working on off and on. I think I'll take a break from Pathodyne for now to get some feedback on this.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Vulpinoid, Ron Edwards.

1/15/2008 StrongBadMun: [Ember] Character Creation and System
Ok so I'm finishing up the first draft of Ember and I think I've gotten things where I mainly want them, I'm just struggling over how I want character creation…
In First Thoughts
Participants: StrongBadMun, Capulet, dindenver.

1/14/2008 northerain: [Van Dread] Power 19(kind of) / Questions!
This is my Power 19 for my new game, Van Dread. I skipped some questions as I didn't really have an interesting answer for them, nor did I find them…
In First Thoughts
Participants: northerain, chronoplasm, Vulpinoid, jag.

1/14/2008 VoidDragon: Pawning NPCs to Crunch up Social Conflict
Greetings, all. Lately I've been working on a game where players: i. Choose what drives their character into conflict ii. Contribute to the conflict of other players by hitting these…
In First Thoughts
Participants: VoidDragon, Noon, Vulpinoid.

1/14/2008 MKAdams: Conflicted About Multiplayer Conflicts
I'm in the process of designing a "story-telling game."  The game is set in a generic European low fantasy setting that recalls Alice in Wonderland, the Wizard of Oz, and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MKAdams, VoidDragon, sirelfinjedi.

1/12/2008 sirelfinjedi: Wizards vs. Supers
I usually run a d20 game set in a super-fantasy world where the heroes - generally having super-powers - face an occasional wizard. For a few years now I've been…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sirelfinjedi, chronoplasm, Dormammu.

1/11/2008 chronoplasm: Hi! First RPG: Pathodyne.
Hi! I'm new here. I'm also fairly new to the experience of creating my own RPG (played quite a few, made my own settings but always with out of the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Phil.

1/9/2008 Morrius: Generic Game Engine - Impulse RPG
Hi there.  I've been working on my own generic system for a while now, and I've managed to build it up into something fairly substantial.  On a whim, I made…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Morrius, Ron Hammack, dindenver, Noon, Necromagvs.

1/9/2008 walruz: Range-based system for duels
Note: I'm not interested in discussing the merits with rules light systems vs rules heavy systems, and I don't want to step on any toes by bringing up GNS theory.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: walruz, contracycle, dindenver, Hereward The Wake.

1/8/2008 Murrquan: D20 Variant for Kids and Console RPG Gamers
It's yet another d20 variant! This one is going to be based on Mongoose Publishing's OGL System, however, allowing it to contain character creation and levelling rules out of the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Murrquan, Noon, David C, masqueradeball.

1/7/2008 MikeF: Drawn out conflict
First time poster (though occasional lurker - this is a truly excellent site that reignited my interest in dice), so apologies if I've got my terminology wrong or this is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MikeF, Bastoche, Murrquan.

1/5/2008 Murrquan: OGL System?
Hello Indie RPG designers! I'm currently working on yet another d20 variant. Except that instead of basing it on d20, I'm trying to base it on Mongoose Publishing's OGL System:…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Murrquan, Ron Edwards.

1/5/2008 monsterfurby: Distrust and Betrayal
Greetings everyone! I created my setting, called "Epitaph" due to the lack of a better name, two years ago to run a couple of games using the GURPS 3 and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: monsterfurby, Willow, contracycle, Vulpinoid, masqueradeball, danielsan, dindenver.

1/4/2008 Willow: [The Hunger] Zombies, Vampires, Ghouls- Help My Idea Work
So, with Awesome Adventures finishing up and being ready soon, I'm setting my sights on my next project: The Hunger. The Hunger is a story-game about vampires.  The player characters…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Willow, c, lumpley, GregStolze, masqueradeball, apeiron, Bret Gillan, Grinning Moon.

1/4/2008 David C: A bit fuzzy on the math (statistics)
Ok, for character creation in my game, I came up with a mechanic where you take 8 d6 and roll them. You then group like numbers and count each dice…
In First Thoughts
Participants: David C, Vanoj, Eero Tuovinen, VoidDragon.

1/2/2008 Marshall Burns: OBLITERATI: the Unspeakable Horror of the Literary Life
[b]Exposition[/b] All the players take on the roles of made-up famous novelists.  Let’s assume that all these novelists have been well-acquainted for about 10 years, and also that, when it…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marshall Burns, Murrquan, brainwipe, jasonm.

1/2/2008 darthfodder: Mortal to God game
Okay, so I found out that there's already a game out there where the characters go from mortal to god from my last post on this same idea,but that's okay;…
In First Thoughts
Participants: darthfodder.

12/31/2007 earwig: A Conspiracy of Clippings (with Apologies to William S. Burroughs)
   I was reading something about William S. Burroughs the other day, and it was talking about how he would sometime just cut up stips of paper containing words or…
In First Thoughts
Participants: earwig, GregStolze.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

1/21/2008 rekyl: Wordsmiths Magicsystem
Ok, maybe this idea is already thought up but in my defence I don't know if it is... :) Ok the thought I had was that I wanted a system…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rekyl, aya_aschmahr, Hereward The Wake, danielsan, Marshall Burns, Jack Aidley, Vulpinoid, apeiron, Capulet, David Artman.

1/21/2008 MKAdams: [Wonderland Project] Heroic Types
This is the first third of the character creation section for the game I'm working on, tentatively titled "Wonderland."  Characters are created by combing a Type with a Style.  The…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MKAdams, dindenver, VoidDragon.

1/22/2008 clockworkjoe: I'm stuck before I can begin
I have an idea for a modern horror rpg. The setting, characters and so forth are easy for me to write. I even have ideas on the rules. However, I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: clockworkjoe, chronoplasm, TonyLB, Selene Tan, Ken, Mike Sugarbaker.

1/22/2008 ETP: Damage system with gritty Realism
Hello, long time lurker, first time poster here, Im working on a game system in which i want to move away from Hit Points.  The game deals with characters who…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ETP, Vulpinoid, Eliarhiman6, contracycle, dindenver, Latigo, daeruin, masqueradeball.

1/23/2008 Vulpinoid: Rules as a Three Way Struggle
Here's the background... My group of friends have failed miserably at a GM-less game environment on many occasions over the past 15 years. They can't handle the concept of everyone…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vulpinoid, chronoplasm, danielsan, Mike Sugarbaker, apeiron, walruz.

1/24/2008 HDTVDinner: Thinking out loud. Input appreciated.
Okay, so I was getting all jazzed up after ordering Piledrivers and Powerbombs, and started thinking about how I would handle a wrestling match in my own way. This led…
In First Thoughts
Participants: HDTVDinner, GregStolze, chronoplasm, apeiron, opsneakie, Bastoche, Necromagvs.

1/26/2008 Mr. DNA: Cthulhu Now!
I've recently been tinkering around with an idea for a game of investigative cosmic horror, in which the characteristics of the creature are created during (and through) the investigation process. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mr. DNA, chronoplasm, Vulpinoid, Noon, apeiron, NN, Nathaniel, Alfryd, Nev the Deranged.

1/28/2008 malladin_ben: a first post - a new (?) style of statistic
Hi folks. I've been a lurker here off and on over the years, but have grown more interested recently and have finally decided to post an idea for feedback. Anyway,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: malladin_ben, VoidDragon, Marshall Burns, Raymond Caleatry, Precious Villain, masqueradeball, danielsan, Ken.

1/29/2008 David C: Balance... balance - more semantics and more magic...
I was working on fleshing out my game some more. It's been fun watching it "evolve."  Anyways, I came across a big issue today. My magic system is split into…
In First Thoughts
Participants: David C, MKAdams.

1/29/2008 MKAdams: [a murder of crows] Power 19
So for the last month or so I was working on a project tentatively titled "Wonderland," but the more research I did the more I realized that I wasn't going…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MKAdams, Troy_Costisick, VoidDragon, Mike Sugarbaker.

1/29/2008 Noon: [Self forfilling truth] Establishment of that which is meant to be
I'm thinking of making a small roleplay game, more like playing a fable than some sort of campaign thing. Anyway, basically it's about a small village in some medieval age,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Noon.

1/30/2008 Marshall Burns: [Roguelike] Alone against Infinite Peril
Here’s the basic idea:  an RPG derived from Roguelike games.  I don’t expect everyone here to be familiar with Roguelikes, so I’ll explain them a bit. Rogue was a computer…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marshall Burns, Adrian F., David Artman, Clinton R. Nixon, Noon, davidberg, Ron Edwards.

1/31/2008 Creatures of Destiny: Creatures of Destiny Power 19
1)What is your game about? It's about living exciting stories with dramatic characters. 2) What do characters do? Characters fulfil their destinies – whatever they might be. 3) What do…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Creatures of Destiny, MKAdams, opsneakie, wild_card2007, Grinning Moon, danielsan.

2/1/2008 Demiurge: Muse - A New Storytelling Game
Hi, After a lot of writing and playtesting, Paul Tarussov and I have finished writing a new storytelling game called Muse. It's a game designed for people with busy schedules.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Demiurge, Vulpinoid, Greymorn, Paul T, danielsan.

2/1/2008 Jake Richmond: [Friendless] Does this make sense?
Hi. I've been trying to come up with a simple GMless game system. Something I could use for "plug-in-the-setting" one off games. Something that would allow a group to choose…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jake Richmond, danielsan, pells, Filip Luszczyk.

2/1/2008 StrongBadMun: Health and dying in Ember
In Ember's combat system I've made it so attacks hit a random hit location unless the attacker makes a "called shot" to a specific location. Currently suffering damage works like…
In First Thoughts
Participants: StrongBadMun, VoidDragon.

2/1/2008 Necromagvs: Game systems: Universal, simple and fun. what else is need?
Hello fellows, this is my first post here and I am looking for some wisdom. I am on the last development stages of a new game system. I will not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Necromagvs, Chris_Chinn, David Artman, Marshall Burns.

2/2/2008 Alfryd: Skill Trees, and related problems.
Like it says, I've been trying to come up with an RPG mechanic that revolves around the notion of skills being arranged in a hierarchy, going from vague, flexible and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Alfryd, Hereward The Wake, masqueradeball, Wolfen, Capulet, Velcanthus, Eero Tuovinen, daeruin, davidberg.

2/4/2008 malladin_ben: A thought about dice rolling - contested or target number
Hi folks, I'm just thinking through a basic dice rolling mechanic. I'd like to get a nice neatuniversal dice mechanic that I can use in the game no matter what…
In First Thoughts
Participants: malladin_ben, danielsan, Bastoche, casquilho, VoidDragon, Hereward The Wake, Jack Aidley.

2/4/2008 angelfromanotherpin: It's a hard job
There's a particular sort of story I'd like to RPG.  It shows up in Warhammer fiction, in the Myth and X-com computer games, in WWII movies, on Legend of the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: angelfromanotherpin, Everspinner, contracycle, VoidDragon, Istvan, Creatures of Destiny, jamsthehobbit.

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