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In First Thoughts

2/10/2008 ScrapRPG: ScrapRPG art/rules help
Hi all im new to the forum and I heard that this was the place to go for help with my RPG Scrap. I have not done much so far…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ScrapRPG, contracycle, Clinton R. Nixon.

2/9/2008 rgrassi: A Unified Model for Role-Playing
I release this "Exposure Draft for Comments". It's the first part of a unified model for role-playing. Your comments/critique/hints and any other feedback is deeply appreciated. Thanks in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rgrassi, Alfryd, casquilho, dindenver, brainwipe.

2/8/2008 Galadrin: [16 Bit] Fundamental Questions
Hi all, this is my first post here but I've been watching these forums on and off for a while.  I have, in my opinion, a great set of rules…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Galadrin, rycanada, Noon, VoidDragon, OnnoTasler, chronoplasm, Jillianaire, Paul T, Catalyst N, oriondarkwood, rvmiole.

2/8/2008 program: New RPG idea.
Hello, I have a idea for a new RPG experiment and new RPG game, to this end, I have a blog over at If you would like to know…
In First Thoughts
Participants: program, mwhite, Peter Nordstrand, greyorm.

2/8/2008 MikeSands: [Monster of the week] Brainstorming help request
So, I have the basic shape of a game sorted out, which is inspired by the TV show Supernatural and Hellboy and other stuff in that vein. The basic system…
In First Thoughts
Participants: MikeSands, Adrian F., hix, David Artman, StrongBadMun, Rich F.

2/7/2008 rycanada: What do I do with these parameters?
I'm trying to make a game that is fun for people who are stuck at work with nothing to do. The game has to have a few parameters: 1)  Asynchronous…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rycanada, Bastoche, HDTVDinner, Guy Srinivasan, Mike Sugarbaker.

2/6/2008 Necromagvs: [SGS ] A Role playing game turn into a Card Game
As part of the extended rules on my new game system there is a plan to create a Card game that can be played by using the characters from your…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Necromagvs.

2/6/2008 davidberg: player-directed exploration of GM-created world
I like to play ignorant characters.  I like to discover a cool imagnary place that I have no actual knowledge of. But I don't like "following" a GM's "plot".  I'm…
In First Thoughts
Participants: davidberg, contracycle, danielsan, brainwipe, Latigo, Greymorn, Alfryd, dindenver, Marshall Burns, anders_larsen, masqueradeball, Raymond Caleatry, pells, MKAdams, Paul T, Will OConnor, opsneakie.

2/5/2008 Bastoche: [Vices and virtues] Seeking options on my game system
Hi, I've pondered a lot on the game before seeking opinions. I've been sporadicly working on that project for many months. I'll try to keep it as consise as possible.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Bastoche, danielsan, HDTVDinner, Alfryd.

2/5/2008 brainwipe: How best to display equipment and stuff?
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, it seems to fit best here... Most Sci Fi games have a lot of stuff. Cars, bikes, guns, spaceships, more guns, armour…
In First Thoughts
Participants: brainwipe, casquilho, Wolfen.

2/5/2008 masqueradeball: Rogue Bounty
I recently put the beta for a game I'm working on called Rogue Bounty up as a free download on I was hoping people might check it out and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball.

2/4/2008 angelfromanotherpin: It's a hard job
There's a particular sort of story I'd like to RPG.  It shows up in Warhammer fiction, in the Myth and X-com computer games, in WWII movies, on Legend of the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: angelfromanotherpin, Everspinner, contracycle, VoidDragon, Istvan, Creatures of Destiny, jamsthehobbit.

2/4/2008 malladin_ben: A thought about dice rolling - contested or target number
Hi folks, I'm just thinking through a basic dice rolling mechanic. I'd like to get a nice neatuniversal dice mechanic that I can use in the game no matter what…
In First Thoughts
Participants: malladin_ben, danielsan, Bastoche, casquilho, VoidDragon, Hereward The Wake, Jack Aidley.

2/2/2008 Alfryd: Skill Trees, and related problems.
Like it says, I've been trying to come up with an RPG mechanic that revolves around the notion of skills being arranged in a hierarchy, going from vague, flexible and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Alfryd, Hereward The Wake, masqueradeball, Wolfen, Capulet, Velcanthus, Eero Tuovinen, daeruin, davidberg.

2/1/2008 Necromagvs: Game systems: Universal, simple and fun. what else is need?
Hello fellows, this is my first post here and I am looking for some wisdom. I am on the last development stages of a new game system. I will not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Necromagvs, Chris_Chinn, David Artman, Marshall Burns.

2/1/2008 StrongBadMun: Health and dying in Ember
In Ember's combat system I've made it so attacks hit a random hit location unless the attacker makes a "called shot" to a specific location. Currently suffering damage works like…
In First Thoughts
Participants: StrongBadMun, VoidDragon.

2/1/2008 Jake Richmond: [Friendless] Does this make sense?
Hi. I've been trying to come up with a simple GMless game system. Something I could use for "plug-in-the-setting" one off games. Something that would allow a group to choose…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jake Richmond, danielsan, pells, Filip Luszczyk.

2/1/2008 Demiurge: Muse - A New Storytelling Game
Hi, After a lot of writing and playtesting, Paul Tarussov and I have finished writing a new storytelling game called Muse. It's a game designed for people with busy schedules.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Demiurge, Vulpinoid, Greymorn, Paul T, danielsan.

1/31/2008 Creatures of Destiny: Creatures of Destiny Power 19
1)What is your game about? It's about living exciting stories with dramatic characters. 2) What do characters do? Characters fulfil their destinies – whatever they might be. 3) What do…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Creatures of Destiny, MKAdams, opsneakie, wild_card2007, Grinning Moon, danielsan.

1/30/2008 Marshall Burns: [Roguelike] Alone against Infinite Peril
Here’s the basic idea:  an RPG derived from Roguelike games.  I don’t expect everyone here to be familiar with Roguelikes, so I’ll explain them a bit. Rogue was a computer…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marshall Burns, Adrian F., David Artman, Clinton R. Nixon, Noon, davidberg, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

2/12/2008 Gaerik: I finally figured out what I wanted...
I've been a part of The Forge for around 4 years now and during that time I've had the itch to design a game.  That shouldn't surprise anyone here.  Lot's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Gaerik, chronoplasm, opsneakie, masqueradeball, jag, Valamir, OnnoTasler, fig, contracycle.

2/12/2008 theMonk: Imperium Chronicles
I haven’t posted here before so here it goes . . . For the last year I’ve been working on a PnP role playing game called the Imperium Chronicles.  It’s…
In First Thoughts
Participants: theMonk, masqueradeball.

2/13/2008 masqueradeball: Task resolutions and conflicts
I recently started working on a system based on Japanese style computer games, which are in turn based of traditional mythology and of course, dungeons and dragons. Now, I'm not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, VoidDragon, Bastoche, Filip Luszczyk, Grinning Moon.

2/13/2008 masqueradeball: Gods and Such
A while back David Berg posted a thread about generating challenges for an RPG that were organic and not based on the player whim. I think the goal of that…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, Rich F, theMonk, Velcanthus, Grinning Moon.

2/13/2008 Galadrin: Mass Battle System
Hey all, this is totally unrelated to my previous post (about 16 Bit).  I am running a Hackmaster game and was looking for a good mass battle system.  I found…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Galadrin, komradebob.

2/13/2008 fig: adding breadth to rules-lite
I’ve always been a fan of Fate (I’ve been posting on their boards, too), and I’ve always wanted to make it a bit “crunchier”. I'm designing this for play with…
In First Thoughts
Participants: fig.

2/13/2008 fig: A game that optimizes for...?
What are the rewards in gaming, specifically provided by the game itself? The reason why I decided to design a new setting/system is because my group (we’ve been playing for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: fig, casquilho, theMonk, masqueradeball, Creatures of Destiny, Eero Tuovinen, dindenver, Grinning Moon, Ron Edwards, JoyWriter, lachek.

2/13/2008 Grinning Moon: Less = More?
Question: If you pick-up a roleplaying game with a lot of backstory (and it's own world), presenting a few different sapient species, do you generally expect to have rules for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Grinning Moon, casquilho, Paul Czege, theMonk, dindenver, Bastoche, Eero Tuovinen, Marshall Burns, Vulpinoid, contracycle.

2/15/2008 Thor: [Loqui] the system-y stuff
At the end of last year, I promised my gaming group that we would only play one setting this year. We had played a different Game/Setting/Character every session and they…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Thor.

2/15/2008 mooeythecow: Steam: A game of beautiful logic.
I'm new here but heres an idea I'm working on My original post at I've always been a logical ordered person, and I know that doesn't help for making…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mooeythecow, Velcanthus.

2/16/2008 fig: perception
To me, perception-based skills always walked the line between being mentally and physically based. On one hand, being blind or deaf is a physical condition. On the other, a dim-witted…
In First Thoughts
Participants: fig, chronoplasm, OnnoTasler, Axe4Eye, VoidDragon, Alfryd, Peter Nordstrand.

2/17/2008 Age of Fable: The All-Seeing Eye - the classic game you've never heard of.
Hi, Just for fun, I've put the rules for a retro-clone game on my website. European gamers in particular may find it familiar. It's at
In First Thoughts
Participants: Age of Fable, Vulpinoid, Rafu.

2/17/2008 theMonk: Game Diaries
Since starting my rpg over a year ago, I've been keeping a game diary to capture some of the creative process along the way.  I was wondering, however, if anyone…
In First Thoughts
Participants: theMonk, fig, jasonm, brainwipe.

2/19/2008 masqueradeball: A Language for "The Package"
I've really been thinking about SIM play a lot lately and one thing that struck me is that creating a group language for how define a package might be a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, Ron Edwards, Rich F, davidberg, Marshall Burns.

2/19/2008 fig: scaling attributes and skills
I have two tiers of attributes and one of skills that I’m trying to get to play nice together. I’ll explain what I have so far, and then why it…
In First Thoughts
Participants: fig, Catalyst N.

2/19/2008 Geoff Hall: [Anarchy] Charatcer creation questions
Okay, so a bit of background.  A long time ago now (really, we're talking well over a year) I started to work vaguely on a game called Anarchy.  I even…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Geoff Hall, Grinning Moon.

2/19/2008 fig: Combat Schools
This is the premise on which I’m currently operating. This is predominantly for a low-fantasy medieval setting, but it will carry over (at least in principle) to a modern setting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: fig, jasonm, JustinB, opsneakie, Ben Lehman, walruz, Creatures of Destiny, Llogres, Latigo.

2/19/2008 Gabe McKean: Scenario generator for sci-fi action game
I've started thinking about designing a science-fiction action game, possibly using d20 (specifically D&D 4th edition, which is coming out in a few months) as the basis to start working…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Gabe McKean, Everspinner, brainwipe, Age of Fable, greyorm.

2/20/2008 Axe4Eye: Destroy your EGO. Size matters not, or does it?
[b]I need help with a Body/Size/Strength/etc. stat[/b].  I have experimented with a lot of Ideas over the years.  I need it to be universal, like Mayfair's MEGS system (covers an…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Axe4Eye, Ron Edwards, Creatures of Destiny, chronoplasm, MKAdams.

2/21/2008 chronoplasm: Pathodyne Power 19 in Progress
First the 19: 1) What is your game about? Myers-Briggs typology and inner struggle. 2) What do the characters do? The characters strive to deal with their inner problems and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Grinning Moon, Axe4Eye, danielsan.

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