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In First Thoughts

8/21/2008 Dustin Bingham: [Fame] First thoughts
Hi there, After having my gaming pretty much transformed by these wonderful games (DitV, Sorcerer, MLWM, and Polaris, specifically), I've decided to take a crack developing a game myself.  I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dustin Bingham, whiteknife, imago, Ron Edwards.

8/21/2008 charlesperez: Social Context: Rules for 4th Ed D&D Characters who belong
While reading 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, a set of rules in the form of a plug-in for D&D sort of clawed its way out of my brain. These rules…
In First Thoughts
Participants: charlesperez.

8/20/2008 Carabbit: Hey, new game and etiquette
Got a group and a game that's been in production for more than a year. We feel we've reached a 'beta' type point where we are looking for others outside…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Carabbit, Vulpinoid, Eero Tuovinen.

8/20/2008 Abkajud: [Dishonor!] "Canceling Out" Mechanic - I need your suggestions
Hello, all! My name is Zac, and I haven't posted about this particular game for a long time. It previously appeared under the heading of "Trial by Combat/The Honor system",…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Abkajud, imago, Vulpinoid.

8/19/2008 Kalladeron: Dice Mechanic -Need a Help
Firstly, excuse me for possible English mistakes, I am Brazilian and as I believe that you know that English is far away from being our language mother.    It is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kalladeron, imago.

8/19/2008 Raeth: [Options System] Intro / wounding system
[font=Trebuchet MS][size=15pt][b]Intro[/b][/size] Hello-hello. I'm Nick. I've been working on a system for several years now, mostly all on my own. My system, called the Options System for now, focuses on…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Raeth, whiteknife, dindenver, chance.thirteen.

8/16/2008 tomg: Wake Up or Die! - Do I even need a GM?
I'm working on my first design - Wake Up or Die! about comatose people trying to keep from being consumed by otherworldly creatures.  The game is found here: My…
In First Thoughts
Participants: tomg, whiteknife, Vulpinoid, EdEdEd.

8/15/2008 burner2501: Step One
After listening to many podcasts and hearing about all these wonderful indie RPGs I checked a few of them out at Origins this year and took Burning Wheel (with Jihad…
In First Thoughts
Participants: burner2501, Selene Tan, greyorm, Catalyst N.

8/15/2008 Vulpinoid: Types of Scene
I've hit a wall. I'm toying with a new concept that involves a game centered around a focal character. For the purposes of this post, I'll call the character the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vulpinoid, chance.thirteen, Artanis, dindenver.

8/14/2008 chronoplasm: [Townsfolk] Power 19 2.0
1.) What is your game about?** Imagine Harvest Moon if the crops you were trying to harvest were monsters that fight back. In Townsfolk, you play as a peasant in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Greg 1, dindenver, whiteknife.

8/14/2008 whiteknife: Forgotten: Why have a past?
I’ve been working on a game lately that I’ve come to call “Forgotten” (although I think that I might need a new name seeing how common the one I’ve picked…
In First Thoughts
Participants: whiteknife, imago, chance.thirteen.

8/14/2008 Chronologist: Destiny RPG
So this is my first time here at The Forge, so I'm unsure as to what's really going on. None the less, here's what I've come up with. It's not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Chronologist, whiteknife, imago, Vulpinoid, xenopulse.

8/13/2008 chronoplasm: Which Would you Prefer?
1) This is a dark, gritty game where you are a simple peasant trying to fight off a horde of zombies that are attacking your town. You have no knights…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, chance.thirteen, Vulpinoid, Eliarhiman6, dindenver.

8/13/2008 imago: [Coraçao Selvagem] Missing Ability
See Coraçao Selvagem's Power 19 (for details about the project and context for this thread). I haven’t been able to go back to this project, among other things, because my…
In First Thoughts
Participants: imago, Abkajud, Selene Tan, Wyldstorm, chance.thirteen.

8/13/2008 imago: [Forgotten Tales] Power 19 and feedback request
This is my Power 19 for a new idea I’ve been working on the last days. I really need feedback on the effects of lack of advancement (12 and 13),…
In First Thoughts
Participants: imago, whiteknife, Greg 1, Dustin Bingham.

8/10/2008 maov: Combat system
I have made a new game system, because i got endless tired of the regular ones and needed something that all my players would find enjoyable. They like combat tactics…
In First Thoughts
Participants: maov, Vulpinoid, epweissengruber.

8/6/2008 Klaus Graziade: Modifying Poker Dice Mechanics
Hello Forge,     I've been working on game on and off all summer, and I constantly fall back to the drawing board.  Because the game is primarily being designed…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Klaus Graziade, Marshall Burns, Will, Falc.

8/6/2008 FLEB: [Glass and Steel] Concealing core spoilers?
[b]The background:[/b] There's this game I'd been in the initial stages of developing a few months ago, [i]Glass and Steel[/i]. I'd run into some snags as far as character and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: FLEB, Willow, dindenver, jag, Vulpinoid.

8/4/2008 BWA: Clockwork City: Need help with combat system
I am working on a game for personal use (which means I am free to steal from other games I like with impunity), and I'm a little stuck on the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BWA, Marshall Burns, Willow, dindenver, Capulet, Vulpinoid, Eldrad, NN, Riot, David C, imago, JoyWriter.

8/1/2008 Greg 1: [Meta] Am I doing something wrong in the way I post my ideas?
Hi folks, I posted three rather detailed settings to The Forge and got no comments at all. This makes me wonder if I'm going about things the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Greg 1, dindenver, JustinB, Mike Sugarbaker, Eero Tuovinen.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

8/22/2008 imago: [Coraçao Selvagem] Mechanics
On Coraçao Selvagem characters have 5 Attributes, with 5 Abilities under each Attribute. Attributes have scores from 1 to 6, while Abilities have scores from 0 to 5. Drives and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: imago.

8/23/2008 Matterhorn: [The Story Tree] First Thoughts.
Thankyou Dustin and Rob for your uploading advice. This is the first version of The Story Tree. It is completely untested at this time so I am keen for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Matterhorn, Eero Tuovinen, Vulpinoid.

8/23/2008 Jack Phillips: [The Amnesia Detective] Power 19 answers. Suggestions/help?
I'm working out an idea for a game called The Amnesia Detective. Player/s were investigating something. They don't remember what. They don't remember who they are. Over the course of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jack Phillips, whiteknife, TonyLB, Willow, Big J Money.

8/23/2008 Abkajud: response to Dishonor! questions (Vulpinoid and Imago)
[i]Is the game focused on courtly intrigue? Is it based on defending the empire from hostile outside forces? Is it based on ferreting out heretics and dishonourable swine within the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Abkajud.

8/23/2008 Abkajud: response to Dishonor! questions (Vulpinoid and Imago)
[i]Is the game focused on courtly intrigue? Is it based on defending the empire from hostile outside forces? Is it based on ferreting out heretics and dishonourable swine within the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Abkajud.

8/24/2008 neko ewen: Slime Story: teenagers hunt cute monsters for spending money
This is an idea that's been brewing for a long time, and I think I'm finally starting to figure out how to put together a game about it. It takes…
In First Thoughts
Participants: neko ewen, BlissAuthority, whiteknife, Eero Tuovinen, Landon Winkler, Wirebrain.

8/24/2008 Kaynus: There has been talk of a space rpg. Time to get organized.
I just got done with my anti-depression therapy (a Rocky montage marathon plus some fast metal) so I'm fired up and ready to get my self committed to some sort…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kaynus.

8/24/2008 Matterhorn: [The Story Tree] First Impression (V2!)
The Story Tree V0.003 This link should work. Please test, critique, etc. I am am keen for any and all comment. Thanks Eero Tuovinen and Vulpinoid for the technical…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Matterhorn, Vulpinoid.

8/27/2008 malladin_ben: Can this work as a roleplaying game?
I am currently reading R Scott Bakker's The Darkness That Comes Before, when I was struck by a neat idea for a CCG system. Given the production impracticalities of small…
In First Thoughts
Participants: malladin_ben, Eero Tuovinen, Selene Tan, Vulpinoid.

8/27/2008 Susan Calvin: Cyberspace?
I've been working on a convention scenario (standard 4-5 hour time slot, 5 players) which will take place roughly 75% in cyberspace. The PC:s are five subsystems (infiltration, maintenance, counter-intrusion…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Susan Calvin, JoyWriter, walruz.

8/27/2008 Vulpinoid: What to do on a CAPITAL ship?
[quote author=Susan Calvin link=topic=26552.msg254308#msg254308 date=1219871707] First, which kind of ship is it? A huge capital ship with whole companies crammed inside, a small research vessel or the typical NPC small…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vulpinoid, Susan Calvin, chronoplasm, contracycle, David Artman, Landon Winkler, opsneakie, walruz, MoonHunter.

8/28/2008 Matterhorn: [Story Tree: Lednik] First Thoughts.
Story Tree: Lednik is my first game using the Story Tree game system. It is fairly raw  and is more like a design document at the moment. If you…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Matterhorn.

8/28/2008 signoftheserpent: Night's Dark Heroes
I am currently working on a pulp horror superhero rpg called Night's Dark Heroes (I preferred Midnight Men but it's being used by another comic). To that end is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: signoftheserpent, chance.thirteen, davidberg, Vulpinoid.

8/28/2008 Necromagvs: Suralyom Game Systems prereleases the Rulebook 1 version today
[b]Suralyom Game Systems[/b] prereleases the Rulebook 1 version today. SGS does not pretend to re-invent the RPGs or games in general, to the contrary we research for a whole year…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Necromagvs.

8/28/2008 chronoplasm: Townsfolk Professions: What woud you want to do?
So I've decided that I want the professions for Townsfolk to be kind of over the top. Mineral Runner = Merchant (bring resources and goods to other towns to do…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Eero Tuovinen, dindenver, Abkajud, blackflowers18.

8/29/2008 Matterhorn: [The Story Tree] Broken Link Fixed
I guess the irony of not being able to post working links to my work on a Forum supporting indie publishers was too much for the Gods of Fate to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Matterhorn.

8/29/2008 rhat: New Diceless RPG System
Hi Guys, Long time lurker, first time developer. I've recently compiled a quick-start guide to a diceless RPG system I've invented which uses seal simultaneous auctions to resolve conflict, and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rhat, Chronologist, Finarvyn, Vulpinoid, Mike Sugarbaker.

8/29/2008 Guy Srinivasan: Investigation subsystem for Burning Wheel using Zendo
The following is a story about how I began thinking about an investigation subsystem for Burning Wheel. My goal is to create something that my group would enjoy, so lack…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Guy Srinivasan, Susan Calvin, Vulpinoid.

9/2/2008 Psiweapon: First thoughts, First post, F3!
*waves* :D Hello there, first post. This is the Power 19 (thanks troy!) of a game I've been developing (alone at first, then with some friends) for two and a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Psiweapon, whiteknife, chronoplasm.

9/2/2008 opsneakie: [Night and Day] Some thoughts about alignment and changing the world.
So, I've been working on Night and Day on and off when I get the chance, and I think I have most of the mechanics ironed out. Things are resolved…
In First Thoughts
Participants: opsneakie, whiteknife, Vulpinoid, Abkajud.

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