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In Playtesting

5/31/2006 mratomek: [Monster Rules]: Jurrasic Nightmare (Super Heroes)
Besides the fantasy demo of Monster Rules, I also ran a second game called Jurrasic Nightmare. The scenario was a super hero game that was also a 2-part adventure. Game…
In Playtesting
Participants: mratomek, Eric j M.

5/31/2006 Bill Masek: [Monster Rules] An Outside Playtest
Intro: Over the past few years I've gotten into miniature games.  I have played a number of HeroClix tournaments and done fairly well.  I've collected a fair amount of HeroScape…
In Playtesting
Participants: Bill Masek, mratomek, Czar Fnord.

5/30/2006 mratomek: [Monser Rules]: Dragon's Forge Fantasy Game
This past Saturday, I ran a Monster Rules demo called Dragon’s Forge, a fantasy-setting game for two or more players. The scenario was a 2-part adventure that lasted about 2…
In Playtesting
Participants: mratomek.

5/30/2006 c: [Outside] Getting beat up with blind spots.
So I conducted my first playtest of Outside on Saturday, and it was great because it went so horribly. That is great because I had been waiting for a semi-annual…
In Playtesting
Participants: c, Jasper, jerry, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

5/30/2006 Sara Adyms: Looking to playtest "Sactum : The Fallout"
Alright, I'm done lurking in the corners.  (even if forums aren't my forte) I'm not ready to actually publish details just yet, but I am looking for interested parties in…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sara Adyms.

5/28/2006 Jasper: City of Birds on the Foundry
Last night I was very happy to playtest City of Birds on the Foundry (which I only recently discovered). Commiserations over the lack of Dr. Who led to a several-hour…
In Playtesting
Participants: Jasper, TonyLB.

5/26/2006 Darcy Burgess: [Domus] - Defending is for suckers!
Domus (see sig) has been going through a severe overhaul.  The last round of playtesting revealed that the game's strength lies in a gm-less, fully "co-opetitive" format.  So, that's what…
In Playtesting
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Everspinner.

5/26/2006 joepub: [Perfect] Vengeance is a dish best served with a rock.
So, tonight I ran a playtest of Perfect, with two close friends: Mat, and Spooner. (a link to the game is in my sig) A bit on set-up: We talked…
In Playtesting
Participants: joepub, dindenver, Darcy Burgess, Dumirik.

5/25/2006 Matt: [Covenant]Boston Legal
Following on from previous discussions on revising the scenario design text. I'm posting particularly about those changes, since I'm really pleased with how they turned out. I did a runthrough…
In Playtesting
Participants: Matt.

5/24/2006 Lxndr: [Ensemble] 9th Hell: The Family at 316 John Street
The first playtest of Ensemble happened on the indie-netgaming IRC channel Monday night. Characters and other record sheets available here: We had five players - Ivan, Dave, Chris, Brendon,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Lxndr, dindenver, iLikeSpoons.

5/24/2006 TonyLB: [Motive and Opportunity] The Perversions of Lord Dunham
Playtested the "Motive and Opportunity" mini-game on the Foundry.  Here's the log if people want the blow-by-blow. The game is almost entirely mechanics free, but nicely structured.  There's a murder. …
In Playtesting
Participants: TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg.

5/24/2006 Kat Miller: [EverLARP] Piper’s Court
Ok this is a LARP, but the mechanics and the plot are mine even if its set in “Everway” I ran the LARP for the second time on Sunday.  I…
In Playtesting
Participants: Kat Miller, Czar Fnord, Julian, mneme, c, Lisa Padol.

5/23/2006 J. Tuomas Harviainen: [Bliss Stage] Your hopes and joys shall lift us up.
Here's a brief glimpse from our last session (delayed by me misplacing all the notes from that session). Interestingly enough, what my nordic-immersive players seem to do is take a…
In Playtesting
Participants: J. Tuomas Harviainen, Ben Lehman, ptikachu.

5/23/2006 cdr: [Afraid] Victim of an Angry Tiger
Earl offered to run a playtest of Vincent Baker's new game Afraid for me and a couple other of the local gamers, and it went pretty well. Here are…
In Playtesting
Participants: cdr, Mark Woodhouse, lumpley, space_parasite, agony.

5/21/2006 joepub: [Perfect] Playtest version up!
[url][/url] That is the playtest version of Perfect, right there! [b]In the final version of the game, there will be content about:[/b] -establishing who gets to set the scenes (what…
In Playtesting
Participants: joepub, Oscar Evans, Pelgrane.

5/19/2006 lumpley: [1001 Nights] Falconer, Midwife, Dancer, Master of Sword
So it's Emily, Julia, me and Meg, playing Meg's game in development 10001 Nights. We've set up and we're just starting play. My character's the Sultan's favorite dancer. He's a…
In Playtesting
Participants: lumpley, Emily Care.

5/19/2006 mratomek: [Monster Rules] Fantasy
Finally, last night we played Monster Rules with a fantasy setting. I hosted the adventure, creating a simple three part scenario: 1. Knife in the dark 2. The Lost Crypt…
In Playtesting
Participants: mratomek, Melinglor.

5/18/2006 Justin D. Jacobson: [Passages] Chargen Limits - Mechanical or Social?
Well, this is my first actual post here about a game I'm working on. Passages has actually been in development for over a year now. You can learn more about…
In Playtesting
Participants: Justin D. Jacobson, Tommi Brander, Bill Masek, CommonDialog, Ron Edwards.

5/17/2006 Kat Miller: [Into the Mystic] A first Playtest
Friday night I held the first Into the Mystic Playtest.  We played with Carl, his fiancé Adrian, Our good Friend Michele, my husband Michael and Myself.  Carl, Michele and Michael…
In Playtesting
Participants: Kat Miller, Czar Fnord, mneme.

5/17/2006 Bret Gillan: [Gods] The Labyrinth, the Tuskers, and the King of the Black Citadel
Last night was supposed to be Charnel Gods night, but after some bullshitting and a couple of beers, we opted to playtest my Capes supplement/mod - Gods. It was just…
In Playtesting
Participants: Bret Gillan, Emily Care, Valamir.

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Subsequent Topics
In Playtesting

6/2/2006 joepub: [Perfect] Varying roles of narration, collaboration
So… tonight I ran a third playtest of Perfect. (second in-person play). I think that everything that went successfully tonight… went well because the same things had gone less-than-optimally during…
In Playtesting
Participants: joepub.

6/3/2006 iankevinmcdonald: [Component Only] Testing out various adjectives for use instead of numbers
Hi, I'm not sure exactly which forum to post this in. I'm choosing playtesting because: It is playtesting, it's just that most people don't playtest a single component of…
In Playtesting
Participants: iankevinmcdonald, joepub, Czar Fnord, slade the sniper, abjourne.

6/5/2006 zmook: [AG&G] Novices at narrativism
So it's been more than a year since I've actually managed to play in a role-playing game.  The problem hasn't been lack of interest so much as lack of time…
In Playtesting
Participants: zmook, Mike Holmes, charles ferguson, lumpley.

6/7/2006 charles ferguson: [TOTSG] First playtest: Session1
Throne Of The Spider God : First Playtest, Session 1 Two weeks ago I had the first TOTSG playtest. There were myself, Grant, & Stuart, all in our 30's. Stuart's…
In Playtesting
Participants: charles ferguson, Mike Holmes.

6/7/2006 Johan Granberg: [AG&G]
I finally managed to get a group together for some AG&G, a game I've been dying to play since Vincent first posted it. We decided to skip our regular PTA-game…
In Playtesting
Participants: Johan Granberg, lumpley, zmook.

6/7/2006 redivider: Heads of State: editing great leader Kim Jong Il
Judson, Joshua & I played New Edition, one of my 9 short games about tyrants. The dictator has died, and players are members of a committee of high-ranking regime officials…
In Playtesting
Participants: redivider.

6/7/2006 jenskot: [Afraid] devotion
We played on Sunday (6/3/2006). For those unfamiliar with Afraid, please check out: There were 5 players including myself. I GMed. The players are primarily performers who LOVE…
In Playtesting
Participants: jenskot.

6/8/2006 jefgodesky: Playtest methodology
I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place for this topic, so perhaps the mods will move it somewhere else, but I'm going to begin an initial playtest…
In Playtesting
Participants: jefgodesky, Justin D. Jacobson, joepub, Joshua BishopRoby, Julian, dindenver, abzu, Nathan P., Graham Walmsley, timfire, Jixxala, Ron Edwards.

6/10/2006 John Kirk: [Gnostigmata] Plots and Sub-Plots
[b]Sessions 4 & 5[/b] I’m combining play-test sessions 4 & 5 of Gnostigmata into a single posting, because the big news is pretty much the same for both sessions.  Session…
In Playtesting
Participants: John Kirk.

6/15/2006 davidberg: [Lendrhald] A system to reward players, not characters?
My buddy A and I are co-designing a game.  We've each run campaigns with 4 players, both have been mostly quite enjoyable, but the enjoyment has derived from rather disparate…
In Playtesting
Participants: davidberg, Sydney Freedberg, Noon, r_donato, Paka, anders_larsen, Telarus, KSC, Ron Edwards, Threlicus, zmook, contracycle, charles ferguson, Valamir.

6/15/2006 zmook: [AG&G] Cooking for Leviticus
Well, we just tried our second session of the game that was called AG&G (currently officially nameless).  First session is here: A's character John Cooper was at the top…
In Playtesting
Participants: zmook, lumpley, cpeterso, Valamir, Dean Chung, Roger.

6/15/2006 John Bromberger: [Affinity] Please playtest or comment on this RPG. ^_^
Hey there. I've just put my RPG, called Affinity, up on the net ... and would love to know what you think! Playtesting, if you are interested, would be even…
In Playtesting
Participants: John Bromberger, Filip Luszczyk, Selene Tan, Adam Dray.

6/15/2006 Thunder_God: [Cranium Rats] Shaky Beginnings.
So tonight on IRC we've had the first playtest of Cranium Rats, ever. The complete log can be found here. We've had 3 hours or so, the first hour was…
In Playtesting
Participants: Thunder_God, 7Storyfall, Filip Luszczyk, Selene Tan.

6/17/2006 Bill Masek: [Monster Rules] A Third Outside Playtest
This is my third playtest of the Monster Rules system.  My first two consisted of one shot scenarios.  This third playtest involved a long multi-scenario plot arch.  The genera was…
In Playtesting
Participants: Bill Masek, mratomek.

6/18/2006 redivider: [heads of state] Coup d'Etat
Josh, Judson & I playtested Coup d'Etat, the 7th of my 9 Short Games about Tyrants to get a try-out. Players each control a member of a junta of military…
In Playtesting
Participants: redivider.

6/19/2006 Antimuppet: [Covert Generation] - Maddy's Sons
Hey Folks, first time here. I've got a game called Covert Generation that I'm hoping to get published in the near future. I've gotten my first few playtest sessions under…
In Playtesting
Participants: Antimuppet.

6/24/2006 Nick: [Throne of the Spider God] A Playtest Session
Hey all, Last night a few friends and I convened for character/world generation session of Throne of the Spider God, with intentions of playing through the first adventure tomorrow night.…
In Playtesting
Participants: Nick, zmook, charles ferguson.

6/24/2006 redivider: [Heads of State] Sic Semper Tyrannus + Crimes against Humanity
the tyrant has left the building... I'm very happy to have tests of all nine games complete, and grateful to the folks who have played these games & all the…
In Playtesting
Participants: redivider.

6/26/2006 sean2099: {Divinity} Posting the PBP
Hey everyone, I have started a PBP for my game.  They have just submitted their character sheets to me and I have looked them over.  Already, I have found things…
In Playtesting
Participants: sean2099, Ron Edwards.

6/26/2006 Zach Walton: [Sudden Light] Covert Playtest: Protagonist Generation
I had a chance to try out a very abbreviated form of the first stage of Protagonist generation today in my improv. class, and it went swimmingly well.  Of…
In Playtesting
Participants: Zach Walton.

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