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In Playtesting

4/30/2010 Mobius: [Babel] Notes from my first play test.
Setting: Some System Info: I've finished the first play test of my games combat engine and basic skills.  The set up was the players were on a train…
In Playtesting
Participants: Mobius, Ar Kayon.

4/21/2010 Dan Maruschak: [Final Hour of a Storied Age] Improving the flow of my mechanics
I've been working on Final Hour of a Storied Age, my GM-less "plot-first" game that produces stories in the Epic Fantasy genre (a la The Lord of the Rings, The…
In Playtesting
Participants: Dan Maruschak, Gregor Hutton, dindenver.

4/20/2010 Gregor Hutton: [Remember Tomorrow] Take 5
OK, so last night I was through at Joe Prince's for our Monday gaming. We've not had it for a few weeks and we had a full table this time:…
In Playtesting
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Dantai.

4/14/2010 orig43: Solo Playtesting - Any Suggestions?
Like many others, I am in the process of creating THE best ever, world altering, comprehensive yet simple, rpg rules system. I have now reached the stage that I have…
In Playtesting
Participants: orig43, Adam Dray, Gregor Hutton, Noon, unthar, Tomas.

4/14/2010 Melinglor: [Spectre of the Beast] Robust GMless situation?
I played a session of my game Spectre of the Beast at Vancouver, WA's Gamestorm last month, on the anniversary of the game's public debut. I played with Tyler and…
In Playtesting
Participants: Melinglor, Mobius, FetusCommander.

4/13/2010 Mobius: [Babel] Working on my first play test, suggestions welcomed
So in a couple of days I am going to run my first play test for the game I am working on. Setting: Some System Info: This test…
In Playtesting
Participants: Mobius, SAW.

4/6/2010 Sebastian: [Hell for Leather] Vietnam -> I'm glad I didn't play this one
While I was off doing other things, Pooka, Malcolm Craig and an unknown fella (sorry, I didn't get to meet you), playtested Hell for Leather. As I understood it, they…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sebastian.

4/6/2010 Sebastian: [Hell for Leather] (IN STEREO) Satire Strikes Back!
Hell for Leather goes stereo in Scotland. If you dig these audio APs, clickity-click here for a three-part, smut free demo recording from Conpulsion 2010. It wasn't the best-goddam-session I've…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sebastian.

4/5/2010 Willow: [Casino Royale] First Playtest- With Non-Gamer Parents, No Less
So, Casino Royale is my new game in development.  It's a casino heist game along the lines of Ocean's 11- a crew of criminals pulls off a major caper.  (Or…
In Playtesting
Participants: Willow, Tim C Koppang, David Artman.

3/31/2010 Sebastian: [Hell 4 Leather] Satanic Bikers + Manga KAPOWWW!
[b]Hell 4 Leather[/b] is [URL=]Joe Prince's[/URL] Tarot game of satanic revenge. There were six players (including Joe Prince, Gregor Hutton, myself and Daniel Klein). It was nought-to-gaming in 60 seconds.…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sebastian, DanielZKlein.

3/31/2010 Sebastian: [Hammer Falls] Junkie Dystopia
[b]Hammer Falls[/b] is a pocket play game of dystopian storytelling. Together with the author (John aka Pooka), I had a chance to playtest the game at Conpulsion last weekend. [u][b]Begin[/b][/u]…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sebastian.

3/28/2010 Nev the Deranged: [The Pickup Game] - Mazio the Feral Prince & Lucinda the Clever Dodo
My friend K swung down to take me out for pizza, so we hit the local Uno’s for some savory deep dish (the leftovers of which I am devouring as…
In Playtesting
Participants: Nev the Deranged.

3/13/2010 Nebul: Gladius Roleplaying Game
Here, I'll give the description of the game that I posted on Facebook a little while ago... "The Gladius pen & paper role-playing game is designed to be simple, and…
In Playtesting
Participants: Nebul, Noon.

3/7/2010 Excalibur: [TCoT] First Playtest
TCoT: The Chronicles of Taluria is a high fantasy/steampunk RPG I've been developing since WotC held their setting contest that gave birth to Eberron. I asked about card-based and dice-based…
In Playtesting
Participants: Excalibur, davidberg.

3/1/2010 Sebastian: [Hell for Leather] Sh*tting on the ancestors - ADULTS ONLY
(Warning: Contains offensive ideas and offensive language... like the word cunt) Last week I witnessed the most anarchic HfL playtest to date, a journey of debauchery and violence in old…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sebastian, Ron Edwards, Noon, Ar Kayon.

2/28/2010 segedy: [Apocalypse World] The Sacred Mentality and its Thousand Eyes
For the last few weeks our group has been running an Apocalypse World playtest, and I thought it was time to put up some actual play. Our group is 5…
In Playtesting
Participants: segedy, Dionysus.

2/28/2010 David C: Death to the Expert: Probability and the Romance of the Primary Die
I was running some sessions with "high level" characters.  These characters were legends in their own right.  But I had this nagging sensation that something was wrong. Then it hit…
In Playtesting
Participants: David C, Noon, Eero Tuovinen, NN, JoyWriter, Locke.

2/24/2010 Brendan Day: [Blotter] shot once with a 35mm
[url=]Blotter[/url] is a game inspired by film noir and crime fiction. This was my first playtest.  I went in with a lot of assumptions about how the game should be…
In Playtesting
Participants: Brendan Day, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

2/22/2010 Motipha: [Apocalypse World] The Springs
I realise this is a little late in the game for playtest, but I finally got a group and a good set schedule to get a game of Apocalypse world…
In Playtesting
Participants: Motipha, lumpley, DWeird.

2/21/2010 Sebastian: [Hell for Leather] Blow up the Moon & Bean Sprout Murder!
For this week's Grind I'd like to talk a little about the results of a playtest I ran at Itzacon last weekend. What a bunch of creationizers! The two newbies…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sebastian, Gregor Hutton.

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Subsequent Topics
In Playtesting

5/3/2010 Jonathan Hastings: [Street Level] Glam punk vigilante
I ran the first playtest of Street Level over the weekend.  Street Level is a costumed vigilante game, inspired by Frank Miller's Daredevil and Mike Baron's Badger (among other things). …
In Playtesting
Participants: Jonathan Hastings, lin swimmer.

5/3/2010 davidberg: [Delve] even a skill check dictates pacing
In Delve, players and GM participate in a "what would happen?" simulation.  They choose the right moments to simulate in the right amount of detail to satisfy their taste for…
In Playtesting
Participants: davidberg, Shimera9, Paul T.

5/4/2010 Malcolm: [Shipwreck] The First Playtest
Shipwreck, as the name might suggest, is my game-in-design of shipwreck tales. It's inspired by the fiction such as Lord of the Flies and The Coral Island, films such as…
In Playtesting
Participants: Malcolm, Gregor Hutton.

5/9/2010 Sebastian: [Hell for Leather] Lenin & Socrates, Chrono Vigilantes
The Saturday before last, I got a chance to play Hannibal of Carthage, the mighty chrono-vigilante, on a quest to negate tomorrow's dark dystopia. There were elephants, and everything. Awesome…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sebastian.

5/11/2010 Malcolm: [Shipwreck] The Wreck of HMS Aurora
Last night saw the second playtest session of Shipwreck. The first playtest session is discussed here. You can download the version of the mechanics that we were using here. As…
In Playtesting
Participants: Malcolm.

5/14/2010 Sebastian: [HfL] A cereberal game of Polish betrayal in WWII
Three players, three hours, one survivor. Poland in WWII. A story of betrayal and murder under the canopy of early war. In this report I'll write a quasi-transcript about building…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sebastian.

5/24/2010 Sebastian: [Hell for Leather] Run & Rest - 70s Narcs
Last week I got another chance to playtest Hell for Leather, this time dressed in golden medallions and gorgeous sideburns. We built the Frame (world and setting) quickly, but this…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sebastian.

5/25/2010 outsider: Playtesters Wanted
I'm taking volunteers for play-testing my game, Crisis. If anyone is willing to play-test a rules-heavy generic combat driven medieval fantasy RPG. I'll include with it a "letter to play-testers"…
In Playtesting
Participants: outsider, Ron Edwards.

6/11/2010 Ron Edwards: Welcome to the Playtesting forum - please read here first
This is a pretty specialized forum at the Forge, but it's arguably the most important in practical terms. Topics should go here if they concern a role-playing game which is…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ron Edwards.

6/13/2010 Vulpinoid: [FUBAR] A game about vengeance
I'm in the processes of playtesting my new project "FUBAR". Here's the basic splat... You've been screwed... At least one person wants you dead... The only people you almost trust…
In Playtesting
Participants: Vulpinoid, Finarvyn.

6/14/2010 Melinglor: [The Dreaming Crucible] Same Seeds, different fruit.
[b]Note: this post is the first in a series: rather than pack every issue to explore into a single post, I'm going to examine the same two play instances from…
In Playtesting
Participants: Melinglor, hansel.

6/16/2010 Melinglor: [The Dreaming Crucible] Know thy role
[b]This is the second in a series, examining different aspects of the same two play instances. The first, addressing the use of Seeds, is [url=]here[/url]. I'll reproduce the rules explanation…
In Playtesting
Participants: Melinglor, davidberg, hansel.

6/21/2010 Sebastian: [Hell for Leather] Good coke, bad taste (80s fun)
We got caught stealing drugs from kids. That was the opening conception for the collection of buff thugs starring in this week's 80s extravaganza. Following up from our 70s, disco-licious,…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sebastian.

6/21/2010 dindenver: [Steampunk Crescendo] First big playtest
We had out first big playtest. Our group consists of 6 people plus the GM (me). We began by sharing our expectations for this adventure, we came up with: Repression…
In Playtesting
Participants: dindenver.

6/24/2010 Eliarhiman6: [Blowback] Dentists and Night Clubs at Miami
Hi! I recently discovered the TV series "Burn Notice" (I am still in the middle of the second season, so please no spoilers). I wouldn't call myself really a "fan"…
In Playtesting
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Elizabeth.

6/26/2010 davidberg: [Delve] Is there any Theme here? Should there be?
Thanks to Simon's recent threads on the topic of Theme (here's the most recent), I've been thinking about the place of Theme in my game, a game in which Theme…
In Playtesting
Participants: davidberg, Simon C, Noon, Paul T.

6/26/2010 Dan Maruschak: [Final Hour of a Storied Age] Players bringing expectations from other games
In my playtesting of Final Hour of a Storied Age (download current rules here, listen to podcasts of relevant playtests here and here, or read the text playtest reports here…
In Playtesting
Participants: Dan Maruschak, dindenver, Noon.

6/27/2010 Roswenthe: [CON] The Convention RPG
Hello all, I am in the late-draft/playtesting stage of a roleplaying game that turns fandom conventions into games.  You earn fan rating for doing convention activities, and there are various…
In Playtesting
Participants: Roswenthe.

6/29/2010 Jason_King: Playtesting Vandeala
Been working on Vandeala for 12 years. Finally becoming serious about making this game public. I am still in the playtesting phase as the rules has been recently changed. I…
In Playtesting
Participants: Jason_King, Artanis.

7/6/2010 Masden: [Industrial Age Fantasy] 7 Years development: My experience of playtesting
Hello all, I am a solo writer about to release a game called Industrial Age Fantasy. I just have to wait for my ISBN number registration to go through and…
In Playtesting
Participants: Masden, Artanis, johnthedm7000.

more subsequent topics >>