Previous Topics In design 12/17/2006 Entsuropi: How does pdf ordering work? Hi all. I bought the .pdf from the frontpage earlier, but I have not yet recieved it. Does Mr Harper email it out himself, or should I have gotten a… In design Participants: Entsuropi, iago, NathanFrund, John Harper.
12/17/2006 NathanFrund: Ran my first multi-player game (demo) last night And I gotta say that it went great. It was a very simple run through with just a bit of scenario to get players into the setting.
I purchased some… In design Participants: NathanFrund, John Harper.
12/16/2006 Shreyas Sampat: Ragnarok: a fan-supplement So, someone on mentioned how cool a Norse-styled adaptation to Agon would be, and I was like, yeah it would!
So I'm going to use this thread for mainly… In design Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Hugin, John Harper, 1000buffalo, Nev the Deranged.
12/16/2006 Hugin: Multiple opponents Hi all
Stunning game John. And with 300 due out, this is getting me really excited. Anyway...
I may have missed this somewhere but can't find it in the rules,… In design Participants: Hugin, Shreyas Sampat, John Harper.
12/16/2006 NathanFrund: Ability: Shield question Last night I ran the first test demo of Agon and we loved it.
A bit of confusion came up about 'Ability: Shield'. When is that ability die used? When… In design Participants: NathanFrund, Shreyas Sampat.
12/15/2006 DainXB: New Heroic Trait Thinking about female PC concepts, I came up with something besides the typical 'Amazon' or 'Warrior Princess', and it's actually historically accurate! (Not that that's important.) I built a Heroic… In design Participants: DainXB, John Harper.
12/15/2006 DainXB: NPC builds for commentary Greetings!
Here are some ideas I've had for NPCs, but I'm not 100% sure that I'm doing this right. Comments on both the concepts and the math are welcome. Once… In design Participants: DainXB, John Harper.
11/28/2006 reidzilla: PDF purchasing question Hi,
I just bought the paperback version at LULU and I realized I would like the PDF also. Is there a Package deal or would I have to pay full… In design Participants: reidzilla, John Harper.
11/27/2006 Camtha: Of losing and healing Hi
I was just wondering player vs. player in sertain fashion. When someone loses in this case takes the 6th box in hubris, does the woulds "collapse" as in TSOY?… In design Participants: Camtha, Ludanto.
11/17/2006 demiurgeastaroth: House Rule: Helping Dice Revisited Yet Again Remember the Helping Dice suggestion: If you roll a Helping Die, and it doesn't actually help, you get a +1 bonus?
Here's an alternative:
When you get a Helping Die,… In design Participants: demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.
11/7/2006 scorpio rising: [Agon] A question about armour. Hi John.
Agon rocks. You have the consistent pimping of Jonathan Walton at SGB to thank for my purchase, and so do I -- I think this is one of… In design Participants: scorpio rising, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.
11/6/2006 Warren: Stranger Things? Quick non-Agon question:
What's going on with Stranger Things at the moment? I've been looking forward to it for the best part of a year (or more). Last I heard,… In design Participants: Warren, Bailywolf, John Harper, demiurgeastaroth, Valamir.
11/1/2006 iago: Agon: Sightings "How do I make my game feel more mythic?"
And on the latest Ogrecave audio podcast (Oct 13th, I think?) Mike Sugarbaker talks more about Agon -- both… In design Participants: iago, John Harper.
10/21/2006 Willow: Some More Rules Questions After having actually played the game now:
How much Glory does a PC get for beating an NPC in a simple roll? 1? 1, plus another 1 + NPC's cost… In design Participants: Willow, John Harper.
10/19/2006 jasonm: Five players? Hey everybody,
My weekly group wants to go nuts with Agon, but I'm concerned that five players is too many - I've played with three and that seemed perfect. Any… In design Participants: jasonm, demiurgeastaroth, LeSingeSavant, John Harper.
10/6/2006 Shreyas Sampat: [not exactly actual play] Battles Are Crazy Tonight I ran another island. It was way fun. As one of the challenges, the heroes had to "defend the corpse of the Golden Goar of Ion from the hounds… In design Participants: Shreyas Sampat, demiurgeastaroth.
10/2/2006 Willow: Island of Serifos I'll post this over to the Island Thread once I've run it and have some more data to plop down (NPC traits, etc.) A secondary reason for me posting it… In design Participants: Willow, John Harper.
10/1/2006 Skywalker: Agon: Successful First Run and question I ran Agon for the first time in the week in preparation for a Con next weekend. It worked wonderfully.
Quick question:
I really enjoyed using the minion rules for… In design Participants: Skywalker, demiurgeastaroth.
10/1/2006 Willow: Some Rules Questions about NPCs 1) The text mentions recurring NPCs, which I think is totally awesome. Do they ever get to heal impairment or wounds?
2) Can I spend extra strife for them to… In design Participants: Willow, John Harper, demiurgeastaroth.
9/30/2006 Willow: Magic in Agon? From what I can recall from the Iliad and the Oddessy, oh, who am I kidding? Hercules and Xena, sorcerers are all over ancient Greece.
Evil sorcerers are easy to… In design Participants: Willow, John Harper, Shreyas Sampat.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In design 1/30/2007 NathanFrund: Wondering: Die Degrades Only Upon Failure? As per the subject, I've been wondering if the system would work okay if say, a character's Cunning Die degrades only when failing at a task instead of simply by… In design Participants: NathanFrund, John Harper.
2/1/2007 Ludanto: AGON Questions I might be playing this soon, but I had some questions (as usual).
1) Divine favor supposedly represents the favor of your patron deity, so do you only get extra… In design Participants: Ludanto, John Harper, Nev the Deranged, demiurgeastaroth, cdr, Skywalker.
2/12/2007 NathanFrund: Just wanted to give a BIG thanks for the NPC thread This past Saturday, I ran a 10 hour Agon marathon ( The NPCs presented in the NPC thread really, really helped me a lot, so I want to give a… In design Participants: NathanFrund, John Harper.
2/14/2007 NathanFrund: Magic System Ruminations After running Agon this past weekend, I thought that it would be great to run a D&D type game with it. Already I think it's a better D&D than D&D… In design Participants: NathanFrund, John Harper, Doyce.
2/14/2007 John Harper: Healing Clarification (FAQ updated) After reading a few AP reports recently, I realized that the Healing text is poorly worded. So, I updated the FAQ with a clarification. Here it is:
Q. The… In design Participants: John Harper.
2/27/2007 Banesfinger: Armor? A question on how Armor works:
Page 58 states: "...If you’re hit, you may roll your armor die. 4+ on armor = no damage taken..."
Page 59 states: "...1 wound… In design Participants: Banesfinger, John Harper.
3/2/2007 NathanFrund: Sooooooo. The 300 starts this weekend. John,
I seem to recall you mentioning a while back that you were going to release writeups for the battle of Thermopylae. You still have plans for that? In design Participants: NathanFrund, John Harper.
3/10/2007 NathanFrund: Stats: Leonidas & Dienekes
I posted stats over at in response to John's thread. Take a peek and make recommendations for tweaks/changes. In design Participants: NathanFrund.
3/14/2007 Banesfinger: Assigning Battle dice Wow - not sure what happened when I posted this the first time - it said the server was unavailible, yet posted several times????
Webmaster please delete the other posts!… In design Participants: Banesfinger, demiurgeastaroth, John Harper.
3/15/2007 Banesfinger: Game Design Hello John Harper
Can you tell us what games (if any) inspired your Agon game mechanic (e.g., Savage Worlds uses a similar dice mechanic).
Did you try other dice mechanics… In design Participants: Banesfinger.
3/22/2007 Nev the Deranged: Agon - Oracle idea, looking for feedback
Hiya. Still working on putting together that con scenario.
One of the ideas I had was for one of the quests to involve an Oracle on a mountaintop. And of… In design Participants: Nev the Deranged, John Harper, demiurgeastaroth, Mel_White, Noclue.
3/26/2007 Silverback: Shield/Counter designs Our Agon GM, after seeing what I'd produced, decided it would be a good idea for each player to have their character(s) shield designed and used as a token during… In design Participants: Silverback, John Harper, Nev the Deranged.
4/10/2007 madviking: Fighting Unarmed We played Agon for the first time a few nights ago. It was a total blast. Some questions did arise, of course and although most have been answered by this… In design Participants: madviking, John Harper.
4/12/2007 Nev the Deranged: Strife and NPCs
So, how do you deal with spending Strife on NPCs before you know how they will be disposed toward the heroes? Should Strife only be spent on definite enemies? Would… In design Participants: Nev the Deranged, John Harper, Skywalker.
4/16/2007 Grex: Getting started with Agon -- any advice? So I'm going to get some Agon going with my friends -- as old-school dungeoneers they seem like the right target demographic, and Agon seems to be all about the… In design Participants: Grex, John Harper.
4/23/2007 John Harper: [Build-A-Monster] The Kraken Let's build a monster. I'll start with a few details. You guys add on. Don't worry about Strife cost for now. We can total it up when we feel like… In design Participants: John Harper.
4/23/2007 RedPissLegion: [agon] Newbie questions on oficial rulings/advices
I've played Agon once and now I was selected to GM some islands to a group. I plan to post a full AP after we complete the first island.… In design Participants: RedPissLegion, John Harper, demiurgeastaroth, Rick Danger, JMendes.
4/27/2007 Grex: How's Stranger Things coming along? Can you tell us anything about it? In design Participants: Grex, John Harper, demiurgeastaroth, jporrett, Warren.
5/2/2007 Grover: Agon Questions If only one hero is involved in a simple contest does he automatically get a glory point for having the highest score among the heroes?
If you call on an… In design Participants: Grover, RedPissLegion.
5/9/2007 thark: Agon: Island of Sarakinon So, as has been mentioned in other places, I'm set to start an Agon run in the near future. We did character creation, achievements and ran a trial combat to… In design Participants: thark, John Harper.
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