The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

1/5/2005 Dev: Active Karma - a LARP system
This is part of my development of the aforementioned Firefly LARP, although the system should be applicable in a variety of conditions. (If I'm doing my job right, it could…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dev, Andrew Morris, daMoose_Neo, Tim Alexander, Bill Masek, MrSalt, HereticalFaction.

1/5/2005 GreedIsGod: I have an official setting.
Here is the setting/scenario I have decided upon, as well as a name: Freewar is a modern era (early 21st Century) military role playing game that focuses on a world-wide…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: GreedIsGod, Ron Edwards, contracycle, Sydney Freedberg, Alan, Roger, Bob the Fighter.

1/5/2005 Polgarus_Jason: Choosing the system for a new setting
Hi everyone, I'm posting this in several forums so I can get the most feedback. I apologize in advance if you've seen this message elsewhere. I'm looking at releasing a…
In Publishing
Participants: Polgarus_Jason, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, GregS.

1/5/2005 Lee Short: [SitF] First Session
Let me first say: this game kicks ass. Last Thursday, five of us gathered here at my place in St Paul for a game of Shadows in the Fog. None…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lee Short, clehrich, Kesher.

1/5/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Small tidbit as to why SoY appeals to me as a GM
...Or as a player, acutally, but since I'm the one who GMs most for my group: The rules have bite to them- They take a bit of rehersal and practice…
In CRN Games
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Clinton R. Nixon.

1/5/2005 Artanis: Lumpley Principle, Authority and CA
Hello everyone! I've recently been trying to figure out what System really is. So I started off with the Lumpley Principle, as it defines what System is (according to the…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Artanis, bcook1971, Ron Edwards.

1/5/2005 motherlessgoose: Token variant
This is my first design posting... I would like to come up with a variant (or perhaps expansion) of Andrew Martin's _Token_. I would like to merge ideas from Ed…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: motherlessgoose.

1/4/2005 Tony Irwin: Samurai Badges: Actual play
I wrote Samurai Badges with Step On Up! play in mind. It is a GMless game where players take turns to propose challenges for each other’s samurai characters. The competition…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tony Irwin, Yokiboy, Tim Alexander.

1/4/2005 daMoose_Neo: ["Hunters"] Distress Signal - first set/adventure
[i]For the [url=]CCRPG Hunters[/url][/i] [b]Scenario[/b] Alone in deep space, your shuttle picks up a distress signal from a nearby station orbiting an unexplored planet. Reaching the station you find it…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Stickman.

1/4/2005 Gizmo: Shadowrun conversion discussion (split)
reading this thread made me also want to try to use HQ system for shadowrun. is this thread still alive?
In HeroQuest
Participants: Gizmo, Scripty, Ron Edwards, Minx, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, KingOfFarPoint, Bryan_T.

1/4/2005 Silberflamme: Berserker clarification?
Hi there, I have some problems concerning the Berserker Gift. I don't quite understand how anybody would be able to know that he will be fighting in ten minutes.... Is…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Silberflamme, Ron Edwards.

1/4/2005 Negilent: [Burning Wheel] The Bane of Magic
I need to get better at providing Bangs. I also got get rid of this notion that I cannot lay down some rails. Force is good at times. Controversial I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Negilent, bcook1971, Ron Edwards, abzu.

1/4/2005 Dantai: [PoD] gamism meets narritivism - you can still kill stuff ;)
Hi all Well talk about serendipity, I've literally just finished writing up the first playable version of my RPG and had no idea what to do with it until I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dantai, xenopulse, Bankuei.

1/4/2005 sirogit: [Sorc]Superhero-Cyberpunk-Angels.
Idiom: Superheoic-angels in cyberpunk-apocalypse, goofy irreverent fun. Inspirations: Spawn, The Preacher, Hellboy, Aberrent, X-Men(Paticularly Night Crawler), The Prohecy, Demon: The Fallen(An excellent thread on morsso than the actual game.),…
In Adept Press
Participants: sirogit, Paka.

1/4/2005 GreedIsGod: Libertarian RPG
Alright, I've finally decided to make an RPG out of my political convictions (or rather, convictions against politics). I'm interested in designing an RPG based on individual anarchism, libertarianism, egoism…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: GreedIsGod, contracycle, Ron Edwards, inky, ivan23, jerry, Eero Tuovinen, Grex, Dev, Peregrine, Vaxalon, Chris Goodwin, Bob the Fighter, btrc.

1/3/2005 gesis: Questions on character sheet design
I'm currently working on an open system which is cinematic in nature and geared towards the "less is more" style of play. I've reduced almost everything down to a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: gesis, Bankuei, Eero Tuovinen, Sydney Freedberg, IagainstI.

1/3/2005 timfire: [Mountain Witch] Back cover text
What does everyone think of this text for the back cover of The Mountain Witch? I've had a hard time distilling the general premise of the game down to a…
In Publishing
Participants: timfire, jdagna, Bob Goat, Paul Czege, inthisstyle, Eero Tuovinen, Rorimack, daMoose_Neo, GregS, Andrew Morris.

1/3/2005 Jaik: "Unconscious" accomodations for TITBB
[quote] I'm interested in this: [quote]Quote: The GM would say that he writes the story and the players would say that they play their characters however they wish. Neither side…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Jaik, Marco, Bankuei, Valamir, M. J. Young, John Kim, contracycle, Ron Edwards.

1/3/2005 Jared A. Sorensen: [Advice] Media packs -- create them!
Folks, If you're going to sell your game online, please do the following: INCLUDE AN IMAGE OF THE BOOK'S DAMN COVER ON YOUR WEBSITE! Ideally, you should have a directory…
In Publishing
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, inthisstyle, jdagna.

1/3/2005 kaotmus: ph.d grants in learning games and game design
I'm not sure this is the right forum, or if anybody will get upset with me for even posting this, but I thought somebody out there might be interested. I…
In Connections
Participants: kaotmus, Mike Holmes, xenopulse, clehrich.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

1/5/2005 Paka: Sorcerer for YA Fantasy Fiction
Inspirations: high fantasy young adult novels, The Golden Compass, Narnia and Harry Potter. Demons are: animal familiars summoned by wizards, apprentices and the gifted that are in fact manifestations of…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paka, Ron Edwards.

1/5/2005 Eye-Zee: Request: Hints for Bulletin Board Play
I'm a new member here, and a new Universalis player. I joined up for the express purpose of asking this question (though I will probably have more as time goes…
In Universalis
Participants: Eye-Zee, Valamir, Trevis Martin, Mike Holmes.

1/5/2005 Emily Care: how else to introduce setting
In his thread The Components of Setting To restate my problem with Setting in these new terms: Many RPGs provide a great deal of Potential Setting with no…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Emily Care, Ron Edwards, Bob Goat, Roger, Matt Snyder.

1/5/2005 Hudson Shock: Example of play - pulp altnerate WWII
No questions or problems this time. We played Universalis just before New Years and had an absolute blast. We knew ahead of time that we wanted to do a really…
In Universalis
Participants: Hudson Shock, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

1/3/2005 Black Iris Dancer: [WoD 2.0] Moral(ity) [split]
Something I like to do that you might wish to consider is not describing the character's mental states (guilt, etc.), but rather his lower-order physical and psychological states. In this…
In Actual Play
Participants: Black Iris Dancer, RobNJ, -IT-, IMAGinES, Monosodium Glutamate, Ron Edwards.

1/6/2005 taepoong: The Arena I've created a new forum to have online combats! The first one is taking place now and it's a doozy! Come join the mayhem and bring a 4 LP…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: taepoong, bcook1971, abzu.

1/6/2005 Tobias: Connection personality type - type of play.
I'm just looking for referrals here, but has anyone ever done some matching of the personality model that distinguishes three types of Quotient/personality (IQ, EC and CQ), with G, N,…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Tobias, apparition13, Alan, M. J. Young, inky, Ron Edwards.

1/6/2005 Tav_Behemoth: Rights: New Writers, Old Product Line, Not Work-for-Hire
This is a continuation of issues raised in The world (of rights) is a complicated place, but in the time I've been questing for a response, that thread has slipped…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, jdagna, daMoose_Neo, madelf.

1/6/2005 Space Cowboy: Do PDF sales undercut Print sales? If so, to what extent?
Hey all, A friend recently stated his belief that PDF sales of an RPG undercut Print sales of the selfsame product. I'm not certain if this can be proved, but…
In Publishing
Participants: Space Cowboy, Dev, Ron Edwards, xenopulse, GregS, daMoose_Neo, Paul Czege, Trevis Martin, madelf, Bankuei, Tav_Behemoth, sbroadbentcom, Yokiboy, efindel, rpghost.

1/6/2005 xenopulse: Game Theory -- Can it help Game Design?
This post is inspired by an exchange I've had with Mike Holmes. Game Theory is often taught in political science and business classes as one way of representing how actors…
In RPG Theory
Participants: xenopulse, Mike Holmes, Michael S. Miller, Tobias, CplFerro, Marco, Brendan, Roger, John Kim, Wormwood, Erick Wujcik.

1/6/2005 Dev: PDF Publishing Wishlist
I started this thread to share (and gather) some "wishes" that I had for PDF products, and I'd like both some additional request, and also responses to how these are/aren't…
In Publishing
Participants: Dev, madelf, JimLotFP, Yokiboy, Ed Cha, klapton, rpghost, axonrg, Tav_Behemoth.

1/6/2005 Sir Gawain: A limitless GM?
Some weeks ago I was trying to understand why my usual gaming group (i.e. my friends and I) wasn't able to enjoy RPGs anymore; after deciding to experiment a bit…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Sir Gawain, xenopulse, Bankuei, CplFerro, Jason E Leigh, John Kim, Rob Carriere, Noon, M. J. Young, Nicolas Crost.

1/7/2005 vldster: Order question
I placed an order thru the website and was wondering when it would be shipped to me. I used the email address provided by Paypal. The first message went unanswered…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: vldster, Ron Edwards, Yokiboy.

1/7/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [DitV] Wisdom's Ghost
After an exceedingly lethargic - but still good - game of Sorcerer, my biweekly group has moved to Dogs in the Vineyard. This week, we created characters and went through…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Negilent, lumpley, Nyarly.

1/7/2005 GreatWolf: Needing some Latin help here.
So, I'm contemplating using the Liturgy of the Hours as someone (I think Ralph) suggested as a replacement for the moon phases. Here's what I've got so far: Moon Phase----…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Ron Edwards, suffusionofyellow, Mark D. Eddy, Marhault, Shreyas Sampat, 1of3.

1/7/2005 daMoose_Neo: Milking one mechanic - Just how far can you go?
For my Imp Game, I devised a neat little mechanic for the system using 2d6. Its very simple: Players roll less than or equal to the Target Number to succeed,…
In RPG Theory
Participants: daMoose_Neo, timfire, Brendan, chadu, bcook1971.

1/7/2005 philreed: Sites to sell PDFs . . .
I'd like to expand to selling at other sites. Can anyone suggest PDF sales sites that are fair, easy to work with, and worth the time/effort?
In Publishing
Participants: philreed, Solly Brown, ethan_greer, M Jason Parent, JimLotFP.

1/7/2005 James_Nostack: TSoY Reviewed at RPG.Net
I wrote a brief playtest review of the HTML version of The Shadow of Yesterday at RPG.Net. I hope it results in increased sales/hits. The review is quite favorable, but…
In CRN Games
Participants: James_Nostack, Andy Kitkowski.

1/7/2005 Tim Alexander: RPGs, Fear, and the Social Contract
Hey Folks, In RPG Theory and Horror gaming I ran across the following quote: But as I read this thread, my mind is taking a step back from…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Tim Alexander, Marco, xenopulse, Ron Edwards, Uccisore, hardcoremoose, beingfrank.

1/7/2005 Sydney Freedberg: [GroupDesign: Schrodinger's War] So we need a website...
The latest page of the mechanics thread has starting going into the fact that this project is starting to need its own website -- an issue of such importance I…
In Publishing
Participants: Sydney Freedberg, Trevis Martin, jerry, daMoose_Neo, Doug Ruff, Tobias, Andrew Morris.

more subsequent topics >>