The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

2/1/2006 zompire: what do people think of my game idea?
Hello I'm new to the forge and I'm wondering if i can get some feedback on what people think of my idea for a game I'm wanting to develop. OK…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: zompire, Ben Lehman, Warren, matthijs, TheTris, Grover, joepub, dindenver, talesien, TonyLB, Kevin A. Ranson, Noon, Joshua BishopRoby, Troy_Costisick, Endroff.

2/1/2006 Glendower: [PTA] - Speed Demons
For some reason, playing a hand of Texas Hold'em again prefaces our crack at Primetime Adventures. Our first attempt is listed here: for those keeping score. I started by…
In Actual Play
Participants: Glendower.

2/1/2006 Ron Edwards: [Polaris] Frenzied screwing in the icy wastes
We've been playing more Polaris since Effete, very cold knights and the demons who love them. First point is, the game moves both quickly and slowly. Quickly, in that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Nev the Deranged, Solamasa, Bret Gillan, jrs, Ben Lehman, Artanis, faerieloch.

2/1/2006 rumble: I will pay YOU to review the Dead of Night RPG!
No takers yet! A month has gone by, and two Dead of Night reviews have been published: one online, and the other in print. I think both reviews were from…
In Connections
Participants: rumble.

2/1/2006 IagainstI: [LoRD] Finishing up my Ability list
I would like to post the current ability list for the setting (subdivided by group). The setting is essentially low-fantasy medieval. I do have questions, at the end of the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: IagainstI, dindenver, Bryan Hansel, timopod, CommonDialog, Adam Dray, ffilz.

2/1/2006 Gregor Hutton: [Breaking The Ice] Isla and Goldie
And here is my 2nd AP of the night. While I was over in Cork for Warpcon, myself and Dave Neil found ourselves at a loose end for a few…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Emily Care.

2/1/2006 SabreCat: Coming up on first game
It looks as if I'll get a chance to GM a game of Dogs within the next week.  I've read the book, and I'm curious about a couple of things…
In lumpley games
Participants: SabreCat, Vaxalon, Supplanter, lumpley, Alex Fradera, ffilz.

2/1/2006 Gregor Hutton: [3:16] No Man's World -- DragonMeet, London (AP)
I have been pretty much constantly on the move and snowed under with work since Dragonmeet in December. So, at last, here is the AP thread of the 3:16 game…
In Playtesting
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Matt.

2/1/2006 Joshua BishopRoby: [Web of Shadows] Need an Endgame, and a Term
This little snippet of a game has been dogging the back of my brain for too long, so I wrote it out today.  It's missing an endgame -- I know…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Joshua BishopRoby, Rob Carriere, Troy_Costisick, CommonDialog, Ramidel.

1/31/2006 Paka: [1st Quest] Another Playtest: Glamour, Mundanity and Damnation
I playtested 1st Quest with the monthly group that has been playing Conspiracy of Shadows for a bit over a year now with breaks due to schedule problems.  It is…
In Playtesting
Participants: Paka, Spiral Jacobs, ubergeek2012, gains, Michael S. Miller.

1/31/2006 LeSingeSavant: [FoA] Red Prophet, Black Prophet: The Gate
After two weeks off, Jason, Clinton and I assembled for the last session of our Face of Angels game . There had been a 'dead' week in…
In Playtesting
Participants: LeSingeSavant, jasonm, urbanpagan.

1/31/2006 TonyLB: [Dreamation: Capes] Eyes on the prize
So I ran a tournament of Capes.  Formulae for victory, and how to earn points, and all that jazz.  Winner got a shiny new folder of sticky click-and-lock modules.  I…
In Actual Play
Participants: TonyLB, Andrew Morris, Bret Gillan, Matthew Glover, Zamiel.

1/31/2006 jburneko: Looking For Advice On Longer Con Event
Hello, In mid-February I'm running Capes as a scheduled 4 hour event.  Since I have some time to play with, I'm wondering how much I should bring to the table…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: jburneko, TonyLB, Andrew Morris, Hans, Bret Gillan, Gaerik, ophidian_flux.

1/31/2006 Dev: More Granular House Rules?
Are there any house rules for "more granular" conflict resolution within PTA? He liked Dogs' system by which new elements were introduced into the conflict in play, changing the conflict.…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Dev.

1/31/2006 Diabolik: Dreamation 2006 Raw interviews are up now!
I wish someone had told me that I didn't code the pages correctly, I was redoing them for the raw video and realized that none of the links were working.…
In Conventions
Participants: Diabolik, Paka, Andrew Morris, bcook1971.

1/31/2006 Neros Boot: I now own all the dead-tree supplements!
My copies of Sorcerer and Sword and Sex and Sorcery showed up yesterday, whilst I was gaming offline with a friend.  Today, I shall start reading on them!  I've already…
In Adept Press
Participants: Neros Boot, Ron Edwards, Ben Morgan.

1/31/2006 Warren: Cottonwood Creek: A one-shot town for "Vampires"
Hello all, Further to my Actual Play thread about introducing a Vampire LARP group to Dogs in the Vineyard I needed to create a one-shot town for them. Following Vincent's…
In lumpley games
Participants: Warren.

1/31/2006 DrVital: The Mountain Witch - Lost in the Woods
I've been looking to run a "next gen rpg" for a while, and settled on "The Mountain Witch".  The book is great, but it was the posts in these very…
In Actual Play
Participants: DrVital, Halzebier, timfire, Eero Tuovinen.

1/31/2006 talesien: [Conquest! - (working title)] Power 19 exercise
Hello everyone! As you will all notice I am very, VERY new here. I have been reading for a coupel of days. I will tell you right of the bat…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: talesien, dindenver, Andrew Morris, contracycle, Sempiternity.

1/31/2006 stefoid: reviewers of d30 system, please contact directly
Hi, anyone who did review the system I posted a link to recently, if you feel like giving/continuing feedback, please email me directly at cheers
In Connections
Participants: stefoid.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

2/1/2006 James_Nostack: Social Contract: Editing Player's Demon?
A few days ago I ran a Sorcerer & Sword game.  The player's starting demon is a no-fooling pagan god-- Ogoun, the King of Swords.  In Ogoun's case, my player…
In Adept Press
Participants: James_Nostack, Ron Edwards.

2/1/2006 Jack Aidley: How it works - draft
Over here Ron said: Lisa, that would be wonderful. You're not the first person to propose it. I'll tell you what I told all of them, in hopes that…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Jack Aidley, Nathan P., timfire, Troy_Costisick, Bryan Hansel, Andrew Morris.

2/1/2006 Emily Care: A Sweetheart Deal
Hello! Happy February! In honor of the traditional significance of this month, I'm offering a special deal on Breaking the Ice.  All games ordered in the month of February will…
In Black and Green Games
Participants: Emily Care, Andrew Morris, Keith Senkowski, urbanpagan, jasonm, Nathan P., Shreyas Sampat, Kat Miller, Selene Tan, Graham Walmsley.

2/1/2006 Keith Senkowski: French to English Translation Wanted
I got an email today in French.  I can't read that shit, so I am looking to see if any of the monkeys on this board might be able to…
In Connections
Participants: Keith Senkowski, timfire, Artanis.

2/1/2006 stefoid: Magic Mechanics (split)
just searching for 'magic' and found this post. I had an idea long ago that is related to your idea.  each character has 'life points' which is a pretty large…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: stefoid, AmbroseCollector, Ron Edwards.

2/1/2006 matthijs: [LONG] Trance-induced shared dreams
This is very long. I wanted to chronicle everything as accurately as I could, since this is the first time I've tried anything like this, and I wanted to make…
In Actual Play
Participants: matthijs, Wolfen, Lxndr, Jared A. Sorensen, Dantai.

2/1/2006 Bryan Hansel: [Secret Waitress] GMless and GM Play
Okay, I've had very little time to work on the game with some other big work projects coming together in the last week, but I've outlined -- have yet to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bryan Hansel, jasonm, urbanpagan.

2/1/2006 Levi Kornelsen: Have theme, but no ideas.
One of my players has, as a character theme, the idea of inherited sin.  Also, his momma was a whore.  3d4. Next game is day-after-tomorrow. I want to put together…
In lumpley games
Participants: Levi Kornelsen, Paka, Brand_Robins, Vaxalon.

2/1/2006 Kreuzfeuer: Could need some advise on a setting(angels vs. demons)
Two things first: this is my first post(haven't read much of the forum yet) and i'm german, so sorry for mispellings(i'd like corrections thou). I'm currently developing a setting that's…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kreuzfeuer, mratomek, dindenver, MikeSands, tygertyger, zompire, Bryan Hansel, timopod.

2/1/2006 mratomek: Looking for feedback on a core mechanic
I have been baking a game for a little over two years now and am finally at a point where I think it will see the press some time this…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: mratomek, dindenver, IagainstI, nsruf, Tommi Brander, sayter.

2/1/2006 dindenver: [LoL] Equipment?
Hi!   People have asked me, why do I have an equipement list? Unfortunately, that question was accompanied by a lot of other question that demanded more attention from me.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: dindenver, stefoid, Noon, IagainstI, Selene Tan, GreatWolf, Joshua BishopRoby, ffilz, CSBone, Sydney Freedberg, Eero Tuovinen, Sempiternity, Tommi Brander.

2/2/2006 sayter: [Realm] Sway, the changes.
Allright. I think I finally have a logical system worked out. Posting here for scrutiny or additional feedback. Note that this is pasted, and may or may not have the…
In Playtesting
Participants: sayter, dindenver, Ramidel, Troy_Costisick.

2/2/2006 Lxstanto: Help for a novice in a game idea
Hello all, I am a n00b to this whole pen and paper Rog thing, and thought I could get some good help here. I was reading 24 hours rps at…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Lxstanto, dindenver, Noon, Adam Dray, Joshua BishopRoby, joepub, knicknevin, Arpie.

2/2/2006 xjermx: [Donjon] Ninja!
Let me first apologize that this is not a more informational or somehow helpful post, or even asking a real question. I got my hands on Donjon very recently and…
In CRN Games
Participants: xjermx, Gaerik, Bret Gillan, Clinton R. Nixon, Ben Morgan, Miskatonic.

2/2/2006 Madheretic: [Sorc] Player plays demon, GM controls Demon's "Intent"
As time passes by, it gets to be more likely I'll be actually playing my <a href=>Identity Crisis One-Sheet.</a href> while idly thinking about it for awhile, I considered this…
In Adept Press
Participants: Madheretic, sirogit, Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, James_Nostack, John Harper.

2/2/2006 sayter: [Realm] Power 19
Recently all these power 19 posts made me realise...I need to do one too! So, here it is without further ado. 1.) What is your game about? Realm is a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sayter, Troy_Costisick.

2/2/2006 Vaxalon: Arete and Hubris... can the immortals tell?
As evidenced by the valor and pride stats, use of Arete and Hubris has an ongoing effect on a person. Can the immortals (that is, the Gods and the Titans)…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Vaxalon, Brand_Robins, Matt Snyder.

2/2/2006 ffilz: [Troll Slayer] Power 19 exercise
Troll Slayer is the working name for a game I'm working on inspired by Cold Iron and other games I've played. Currently, I am using my blog Welcome to Franks…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ffilz.

2/2/2006 Endroff: What do you think?
I wanted to ask what you thoguht of a game I am creating. It uses the Storyteller System (which is used by the Vampire, Werewolf, and Mage games from White…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Endroff, Kevin A. Ranson, Kreuzfeuer, Eero Tuovinen.

2/2/2006 TonyLB: New Product: Click and Lock Folder
Y'know, there's not really a lot else to say.  You can look at the product here.  It's basically a way to spend some money and have all the power of…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: TonyLB, dunlaing, Zamiel, Doc Blue, Bankuei, Andrew Morris, demiurgeastaroth.

more subsequent topics >>