The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

4/25/2002 xiombarg: The Pool: The Toybox
Okay, today was the vulgarly-named F*#k-Around Night at my place, where we try out different things. Today we tried The Pool. The background I used was a bit odd. The…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg, Ron Edwards, Matt Gwinn, Buddha Nature, Valamir, hardcoremoose, Michael Bowman, Paul Czege, James V. West.

4/25/2002 Valamir: Some Initial Questions
Ok, I went home and started delving a little deeper into RoS. Came up with some initial questions (not the least of which is how will I ever remember the…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Valamir, Ron Edwards, Jake Norwood, Le Joueur, Mike Holmes, Jürgen Mayer, Wolfen, sirjaguar, Mainboard.

4/24/2002 Fabrice G.: Demons knowledge and players...
Hi, I'm about to run my first Sorcerer game and a question arise...what do you tell to your players about demons ? About their true nature, their means, etc.? Usually,…
In Adept Press
Participants: Fabrice G., Clay, Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, Buddha Nature.

4/24/2002 RobMuadib: TMW:COTEC - Rewards and The Thrust of the System
Hi all My claim is that such a system will do best if the key value of play (and there will be one) is its core, rather than…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: RobMuadib, Andrew Martin, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, Le Joueur.

4/24/2002 Ron Edwards: Setting help and inspiration
Hi Jake, So I'm thinking about playing and prepping for play, and it's clear to me that the Seat of the Xanarian Empire would be a snap (Benvenuto Cellini territory,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ron Edwards, Jake Norwood, Bankuei, Jaif.

4/24/2002 Ron Edwards: Playing The Riddle of Steel (a little)
Hey there, As I said in this thread, I managed to get in some brief Riddle of Steel play last week. It wasn't much, just a few neat encounters and…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ron Edwards, Valamir, Jake Norwood, Bankuei, Anonymous, Paul Czege, Clinton R. Nixon, Wolfen, Russell Hoyle, contracycle, Dav, Ace, Rattlehead.

4/24/2002 Ron Edwards: Playing Alyria
Hi, First of all, wowsers. I love the mechanic; it's a truly non-numeric (albeit graded) Fortune mechanic. The game sits very squarely in the same category as Hero Wars, Orkworld,…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Ron Edwards, ScarletJester, GreatWolf, Mike Holmes, Blake Hutchins, Jürgen Mayer.

4/24/2002 Rich Ranallo: The Dread Metaplot
After lurking on this board since Ron told me about it, I might finally have something to contribute (though I'm sure the topic has come up before). I'm wrestling with…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Rich Ranallo, contracycle, hardcoremoose, Ron Edwards, amiel, Clay, xiombarg, Jack Spencer Jr, joshua neff, Le Joueur, Valamir, Wolfen, greyorm, AndyGuest, Mike Holmes.

4/24/2002 Petter Sandelin: massmurder -a stg with real people
[b]Massmurderer[/b] “a storytelling game with [i]real[/i] people” You'll need a place to play at, where you can look out over people passing by. A bunch of sick friends also helps.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Petter Sandelin, Henry Fitch.

4/24/2002 Matt Snyder: Wake up!
A few Forgers already know that I’ve been working on a game called Dreamspire. After putting it off for a number of reasons -- real life issues, day job, freelance…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Snyder, Jason L Blair, hardcoremoose, Matt, Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins, Jürgen Mayer, Wolfen, Mike Holmes.

4/24/2002 Paul Czege: how I made dice for The World, the Flesh, and the Devil
Hey, Some of you are aware that I'm prepping to run The World, the Flesh, and the Devil in a few weeks. Well, I made some dice and they…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paul Czege, Wolfen.

4/24/2002 Jared A. Sorensen: Sneak peak at InSpectres, the first draft
Wow, found this while looking through my hard drive. Hop into the ol' way-back machine with me folks...we're going back in time to September, 27 2000! ----------------- InSpectres! Fighting the…
In Memento-Mori Theatricks
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen.

4/23/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: Policy: Responsibilities of being a moderator
Moderators, I have not made it clear so far what the responsibilities of having a forum on The Forge are, and think I should at this point. Having a forum…
In Moderators
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, Mike Holmes.

4/23/2002 GreatWolf: Money in the Citadel
In another message, I noted that a glaring lack in my current conception of the world of Alyria is a monetary system. At the very least, the Citadel needs one.…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Jürgen Mayer, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

4/23/2002 Balbinus: Campaign - a gamist take on politics
Hi, What follows is the bare bones of an idea for creating a game about politics, a game in which characters are courtiers, advisors, special envoys, people who flock around…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Balbinus, Wolfen, Ring Kichard, A.Neill, contracycle.

4/23/2002 RobMuadib: Question about Initiative in Scattershot?
Fang Hey, I remember reading a post of yours talking about how you did away with the traditional initiative system, and went with a declarative start plus around the table…
In Scattershot
Participants: RobMuadib, Le Joueur.

4/23/2002 mallninja0088: An RPG in development.
Right now I am working on creating an RPG. I want it to be flexible enough to play about any genre of games(not fantasy though.), but have a specific setting.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: mallninja0088, Valamir.

4/23/2002 Ron Edwards: Alyria dice are easy
Hey, I spent all of 25 minutes, maximum, making my Alyria dice this morning. I didn't use the font and I didn't use stickers. The original plan was to take…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Ron Edwards, Valamir, GreatWolf, Jürgen Mayer, Blake Hutchins.

4/23/2002 Ian O'Rourke: The Hero Scale....?
Okay, so Hero Wars allows you to create characters at various power 'levels' (for want of a better word), but in order to get a better grip on it what…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Ian O'Rourke, Mike Holmes, Jonas, Ian Cooper.

4/23/2002 epweissengruber: &Sword: Canceling non-victory dice -- why?
One of the groovy combat rules in & Sword is that you can use your victories to counter "non-victory" dice of either yourself or your opponent. One of the attractions…
In Adept Press
Participants: epweissengruber, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

4/25/2002 Matt Snyder: Black Pawn, White Pawn
After some excellent discussion in the Wake up! thread, I've really been working to focus and fine-tune Dreamspire, its "aboutness," what The Wake up! thread had many good points, and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Snyder, hardcoremoose, Mike Holmes, Matt, Blake Hutchins, Walt Freitag, Zak Arntson, Wolfen, Jon H, Ron Edwards, wyrdlyng, Valamir, Nick Pagnucco.

4/25/2002 JasonSch: GTS Discussion: Retailer Forum
Ron: At the trade show, we talked about a great many things... and one of them was the initiation of a retailer forum here at the Forge where the subject…
In Site Discussion
Participants: JasonSch, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen.

4/25/2002 wyrdlyng: Need help evaluating dice mechanics
Here's the link to my previous post about this project. Now on the post... I've refocused on "Fulcrum" (working title) and am considering dice mechanics but quite honestly, I'm…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: wyrdlyng, Jack Spencer Jr, Jake Norwood, Mike Holmes, Andrew Martin.

4/25/2002 Jake Norwood: Reviews
A review of the Riddle of Steel is up at, a retailer in Tennessee carrying our game. It's excellent. Jake
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jake Norwood, Nick Pagnucco, Lyrax, Clinton R. Nixon, Jaif, edomaur, Brian Leybourne.

4/25/2002 jburneko: Werewolf, 1st Session
Hello All, Well, as some of you know I decided to give my on going Deadlands game a rest at the end of the last story arc. I put a…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Mike Holmes, Erik, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller, Blake Hutchins, leomknight.

4/25/2002 Nathan: I Spent Zero Dollars (Sort Of) - Indie Publishing
Howdy, I've been quiet because I have been hard at work on indie stuff and regular stuff. I've got some cool news coming around the corner. But check out my…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, Ron Edwards, Matt, Zak Arntson, Matt Gwinn.

4/25/2002 Jared A. Sorensen: Red / White / Blue
While driving home to and from work (about an hour each way), I like to listed to heavy metal CD's...especially the super-cool but kinda-cheesy epic metal albums from bands like…
In Memento-Mori Theatricks
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, Zak Arntson, Henry Fitch, Valamir, Paul Czege.

4/26/2002 OddBodkins: Comics with an urban fantasy twist!
Well. This board has been about as active as a doorstop lately. Hermes' silence is one thing, but this is getting ridiculous! I figured, better than doing nothing, I'll throw…
In Adamant Entertainment
Participants: OddBodkins, TSL, Tim Gray.

4/26/2002 Kenway: The Salem Broomstickriders
Here's just a little something I'm working on. It's 1692. The PCs are all witches. They have a "secret identity" for the day, but at night they can choose to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kenway, Ron Edwards.

4/26/2002 Ace: Just got Sword and Sorcerer and Sorcerers Soul
I just wanted to let you all know I just got Sword and Sorcerer and Sorcerers Soul on special order from my FLGS. I have only begun to read them…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ace, Ron Edwards, Henry Fitch, Jared A. Sorensen, Clay.

4/26/2002 Ferry Bazelmans: The Path of Doom - fledgeling S&S game needs input
I was reading through an article about heroes in Sword & Sorcery style fantasy and I got the game design jitters. What I have at the moment is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ferry Bazelmans, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, Zak Arntson, Blake Hutchins, Walt Freitag.

4/26/2002 Galfraxas: Two Little Dice, So Much Time
Howdy Forge Folks, I've just uploaded a new system to my website. It's called Two Little Dice, So Much Time (2LDSMT for short). It's available as a rather small .pdf…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Galfraxas, Laurel, Matt Snyder, Henry Fitch, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr.

4/26/2002 Jake Norwood: Supplement: Sorcery and the Fey
Sorcery and the Fey is nearing completion. We wanted to know of any last-minute requests for its contents. Jake
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Wolfen, Ace.

4/26/2002 Henry Fitch: Music Thing
Yeah. Here's a plug-in type thing that occured to me a few minutes ago. I hope it belongs in this forum, I wasn't sure where to put it... Anyway, here's…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Henry Fitch, Tim Denee.

4/26/2002 Henry Fitch: Problem with In-Speckers characters
I don't have a problem with these characters being encouraged to skip out on classes, or even get their siblings in trouble. That's okay. Even the whole exclusive club thing…
In Memento-Mori Theatricks
Participants: Henry Fitch, Jared A. Sorensen, Bob McNamee.

4/27/2002 Paul Czege: not functionally equivalent to handling a protagonist
Hey Walt, I want to go back to something you wrote on the abundance of races in Fantasy RPG's thread: I shouldnt'a called it "protagonizing setting," I should…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, Walt Freitag, contracycle, Blake Hutchins, Valamir, Wolfen, GreatWolf, Gordon C. Landis, amiel.

4/27/2002 wyrdlyng: Confused between N & S
Okay, I'm working on Libra (formerly Fulcrum). I've defined the game's purpose to be to explore character and situation (mostly character). Characters are people chosen to become guardians of reality.…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: wyrdlyng, Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, contracycle, lehrbuch, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood, Paul Czege, Clinton R. Nixon.

4/27/2002 Andrew Martin: Before the Flood
Continuing play in Vincent's (Lumpley Games) Before the Flood. I'm a player in this, our group has five players total (including GM). The land is a medieval fantasy setting, where…
In Actual Play
Participants: Andrew Martin.

4/27/2002 Petter Sandelin: demon power?
[quote][b]Sorcerer's soul, p. 14:[/b] And without the rulebook's help, you personally must define: ... what's meant by a demon power score. [/quote] I'm probably missing something here, but what exactly…
In Adept Press
Participants: Petter Sandelin, Ron Edwards.

4/27/2002 Ron Edwards: Stores and sales - what helps and what doesn't
Hi there, A couple of unpleasant anecdotes have surfaced in this thread in the Sorcerer forum. I am seeing a very marked dichotomy across stores in terms of Sorcerer, one…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, J B Bell, Matt Gwinn, Le Joueur, Clay, JSDiamond.

more subsequent topics >>