Previous Topics 8/25/2007 Mandrake: Evolution of a Dog. We've been playing Dogs for a while now. It started as a one off, but as a group we've hugely enjoyed it and have played several towns, with three narrators… In lumpley games Participants: Mandrake, Web_Weaver.
8/24/2007 hix: [Mechaton] Have you seen this asoblock stuff? I just saw this article about this building block set that's purpose designed for mechs. A quick google didn't reveal any mention of it in relation to Mechaton. Now I… In lumpley games Participants: hix, Eero Tuovinen, Nev the Deranged, Uriel, brew55.
8/24/2007 Squish: Artist / Illistrator for hire Hello.
You can see my work at I work in various mediums, from ink, acrylic to digital. I've worked on a few RPG books, and am versatile.
The images… In Connections Participants: Squish.
8/24/2007 Parthenia: Actual Play Reports This is actually a demo report, but thank you Clyde for posting it. Bittersweet. In Stone Baby Games Participants: Parthenia, hansel.
8/24/2007 Marhault: Lighting a Black Fire Ron,
I’m putting together a game of Black Fire, ‘cause it looks awesome. Most of the questions I had after reading the text were asked and answered in prior threads. … In Adept Press Participants: Marhault, Ron Edwards.
8/24/2007 Paul Czege: how to buy the Acts of Evil ashcan I have some left and just put up a page where you can order one if you'd like:
Paul In Half Meme Press Participants: Paul Czege.
8/24/2007 Filip Luszczyk: [DitV] Ninja Princess Usagi-chan Go! Gambate, bunny ninja princesses! Wednesday, we created the characters and played out initiations for my anthropomorphic ninja magical girls DitV mod, Ninja Princess Usagi-chan. The players were Kamil “What part of bunnyninjaprincess you don't… In Actual Play Participants: Filip Luszczyk, ja-prozac, Meguey, Noon, Redone.
8/24/2007 lumpley: Poison'd errata and Q&A I've just posted a cruel fortune change and some GM techniques on my blog, here, check it out.
I welcome questions either here in the lumpley games forum or there… In lumpley games Participants: lumpley, Valamir, rafial, markus_cz, Temple, Willow, coffeestain, Ignotus, phargle.
8/24/2007 preludetotheend: Throw Down! So I was watching the food channel throw down show on a whim and thought how cool would that be with games. I think it would be real cool to… In Publishing Participants: preludetotheend, Filip Luszczyk, Sinistraphobia.
8/23/2007 TomTancredi: I want to buy your games and GM them I'm fairly new to the Indie Community - being closely attached to the Green Fairy Games' "Fae Noir" - and I am amazed by the amount of great games out… In Connections Participants: TomTancredi, xenopulse, David Artman.
8/23/2007 Paul Czege: canned heat At Gen Con The Ashcan Front moved 265 ashcans for feedback and playtesting, across 11 different games. A daily break-down:
Thursday: 86
Friday: 40
Saturday: 50
Sunday: 89
Friday was… In Conventions Participants: Paul Czege, Matt Gwinn, Gregor Hutton.
8/23/2007 rylen dreskin: Lee Short's Newsreel mechanic I recently read a little about the Newsreel mechanic Lee Short has as part of his game "The Star, The Moon, The Cross." Perhaps my search-fu is weak, but… In First Thoughts Participants: rylen dreskin, SpinachBaron.
8/23/2007 Hans: SotC at GenCon [url=]See here for my sessions of SotC at Gencon.[/url] In Evilhat Productions Participants: Hans, iago.
8/23/2007 Hans: Dust Devils at GenCon [url=]See here for my report on my sessions of Dust Devils at GenCon.[/url] In Chimera Creative Participants: Hans, Matt Snyder, 00nothing.
8/23/2007 Iskander: [Gen Con] Ganakagok AP I ran Ganakagok for Vincent, Ralph, Thor, Tim and Pete. It was fun, but late, but suitably and delightfully mythic. I had to share my new favourite AP: In Actual Play Participants: Iskander, Valamir, Emily Care, Bill_White, Frank Tarcikowski, lumpley, Michael S. Miller.
8/23/2007 Hans: [GenCon] Dust Devils, SotC and Grey Ranks; my scheduled GM'ing sessions I wanted to post a quick summary of all five scheduled sessions I ran at GenCon this year, in case someone may benefit from them. But before I do, some… In Actual Play Participants: Hans, jasonm, segedy, jaw6, Myrmidon.
8/23/2007 Anubisgrrl: Hi! I am an editor looking for freelance work Hello,
I am posting as a result of several conversations at GenCon Indy. A number of people said that they were looking for a good content editor and other editorial… In Connections Participants: Anubisgrrl.
8/23/2007 Sovem: Pondering called shots A lot of games have rules for combatants to make "called shots" on their opponent. They sacrifice a bit of their chance for success in return for the possibility of… In First Thoughts Participants: Sovem, David Artman, Eliarhiman6, xenopulse, Filip Luszczyk, VoidDragon, Noon, contracycle, Age of Fable, TomTancredi, Justin Nichol - BFG, migo, Hereward The Wake, Elizabeth P., dindenver, Morte.
8/23/2007 Nyarly: [Poison'd] Questions Do I cipher properly that, having completed a pursuit & evasion fight, there's a gap in which the PCs can attempt success checks, with the obvious available fight the next… In lumpley games Participants: Nyarly, lumpley, Piers Brown.
8/23/2007 Filip Luszczyk: Ninja Princess Usagi-chan Go! Bunny ninja princesses will punish you in the name of the Moon!
Trained in the Blessed Burrow they travel the land, sent by the Bunny Empress to protect her subjects… In lumpley games Participants: Filip Luszczyk.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 8/25/2007 Mandrake: [DitV] - Town help wanted (Jamie, spoilers herein) Ok, so I'm working on my next town. This one started with the question - What would the Dogs do if the sorcerer was 12? I then added to this… In lumpley games Participants: Mandrake, JC.
8/25/2007 Nev the Deranged: [Bliss Stage] - "Real World" question
I read through Ignition Stage, and it looks like it'll take some actually trying it to get a more comprehensive handle on how things work beyond the stuff covered by… In These Are Our Games Participants: Nev the Deranged, Eero Tuovinen, Skywalker, Mark Woodhouse, Ben Lehman.
8/25/2007 Eero Tuovinen: [Zombies at the Door!] Publishing a boardgame OK, now that I have a spare moment, here's the story of how I published my indie roleplaying boardgame last month. I'll also discuss the difficulties of repeating the process… In Publishing Participants: Eero Tuovinen, guildofblades, hix, Emily Care, MatrixGamer, Veritas Games.
8/25/2007 ja-prozac: [Dirty secrets]Unprintable pdf? Hi.
I have a problem with Dirty Secrets. I like me the game so it's not about rules.
I bought the pdf version which is not only ink heavy but… In Dark Omen Games Participants: ja-prozac, GreatWolf.
8/25/2007 rycanada: Rules Gimmicks for a scribe? My wife, who loves to host and listen in on games but hates playing them (strange and wonderful at the same time) is very interested in scribing for a game… In Universalis Participants: rycanada, Mike Holmes.
8/26/2007 Bill_White: [Nittany Game Invasion] What Would It Take to Get You Here? So last night my friends Mendel, Shreyas, Gary, and I decided to put together a mini-con of sorts, a conlet if you will: a day-long event on Saturday, Nov. 10,… In Conventions Participants: Bill_White, Michael S. Miller, iago, RobNJ.
8/26/2007 Rob Alexander: Dice Question I'm running TSOY at a con soon, and there's a couple of things I've been confused about for a while that I want to get nailed down for that:
1)… In CRN Games Participants: Rob Alexander, Twobirds.
8/26/2007 Sovem: Thinking about a Health mechanic (and an introduction to my system) So, I've been really stuck on making a damage/health system for my game, but in order to get any advice I should probably share my mechanic with you, first.
This… In First Thoughts Participants: Sovem, VoidDragon, Meguey, xenopulse.
8/26/2007 btrc: Graphic artist recommendation A graphic artist acquaintance of mine could use some work. Alvin Helms is good, has done game work for a number of companies, and a sample of something he's currently… In Connections Participants: btrc, iago.
8/26/2007 Arvidos: Definition of Indie RPGs I suppose this should have been in the RPG theory forum, but my question concerns the name and description of this site, after all, so here goes:
After some confusion… In Site Discussion Participants: Arvidos, Ron Edwards, Eliarhiman6, Eero Tuovinen, Filip Luszczyk, TwoCrows.
8/26/2007 rafael: [Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium] Fight Fire With Firepower [b]FIGHT FIRE WITH FIREPOWER[/b]
On August 23rd, I ran a game of [url=]Dread: The First Book Of Pandemonium[/url] with a bunch of total strangers. Well, except for one guy, this… In Actual Play Participants: rafael, Ron Edwards.
8/26/2007 Limejello: funny or racist? hi I'm writing a sci fi rpg called operator which you may have read about above and I made a joke at one point and it occurs to me that… In First Thoughts Participants: Limejello, migo, ODDin, Chris_Chinn, Parthenia, Noon, Justin Nichol - BFG, contracycle, wreckage, phatonin, Ron Edwards, Meguey, Age of Fable.
8/26/2007 Brannos: Hello all, I am new to the Site Hello Forge, these are My game basics
I just want to share my thoughts by saying that I find this forum to be a very enlightening experience and an enjoyable… In First Thoughts Participants: Brannos, VoidDragon, Noon.
8/26/2007 ODDin: Looking for a good non-gamist Sci-Fi RPG Well, as the title says, I'm looking for an RPG system for a Sci-Fi setting (by Sci-Fi I mean spaceships, distant planets, aliens, things like that) that's not really gamist,… In First Thoughts Participants: ODDin, Eliarhiman6, Sydsquicious, David C, jeffmoore, Ron Edwards.
8/27/2007 Nev the Deranged: [Mechaton] - First Sortie Questions
So, I tricked my friend Karin into playing Mechaton with me, by just dumping a bucket of Legos out in front of her and not telling her it was going… In lumpley games Participants: Nev the Deranged, lumpley, Uriel, Mantisking.
8/27/2007 Otto Richter: PIRATES!!! (actually, a question or two regarding how I should proceed!) Hello forge, this is my first post.
Currently, I'm working on a game set in a fictional tropical world known as the Sea of Mists, that creates a world of… In First Thoughts Participants: Otto Richter, Eero Tuovinen, Noon, Justin Nichol - BFG.
8/27/2007 coffeestain: [Poison'd] Various Things So, Saturday, there were two groups playing Poison'd. The group that was not mine posed some concerns. I'm pasting my responses here to see if they make sense to you,… In lumpley games Participants: coffeestain, lumpley, John Harper.
8/27/2007 Temple: [Dogs in the Vineyard] First session; pleased, yet wondering. I played my very first real session of Dogs in the Vineyard last night, and thought Id offer some Actual Play to help me deconstruct the game in my mind… In Actual Play Participants: Temple, JC, Web_Weaver, Trevis Martin, Noclue.
8/27/2007 kallisti_dk: What's the latest news on Afraid I recently started thinking about Afraid again and became all giddy with anticipation. Ís there a tentative release date? Is playtesting coming along nicely? Anything new to add? In lumpley games Participants: kallisti_dk, lumpley.
8/27/2007 seawolf69: MACE 2007: Official GM call Hello all.
I am officially making the GM call for MACE 2007
MACE 2007
November 16-18, 2007
Radisson Hotel High Point, NC
We have a lot planned already but… In Conventions Participants: seawolf69.
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