The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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Previous Topics

6/27/2002 Matt Gwinn: Last post viewed
Clinton, There is currently an option to go directly to the most recent post of a thread. Is there any way to set it up so it will take you…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Clinton R. Nixon, Seth L. Blumberg, Paganini, Gordon C. Landis.

6/27/2002 Mark D. Eddy: This will be ready for playtest by 2010, if I'm lucky
I, just yesterday, wrote down a game title & premise that does interest me, and might interest others. Credo: A contemperary role-playing game about the power of belief. Now, here…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mark D. Eddy, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Matt Gwinn, xiombarg, Mike Holmes.

6/27/2002 Eric J.: Chrono Master?
I'm simply asking for a yes or no. Is there an RPG completelley devoted to time traveling?
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Eric J., Paul Czege, Le Joueur, hive, Jürgen Mayer, Bailywolf, wyrdlyng, Paganini, Eugene Zee, Mike Holmes, mahoux.

6/27/2002 Michael Hopcroft: MY game is ready!
Well, HeartQuest is at the porinters and the PDF version is ready to be sold. RPGNow will be carrying it, possibly as early as tomorrow, several other e-tailers will carry…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Ron Edwards, Jason L Blair, hive.

6/26/2002 Paganini: Big Friggin' Game - The RPG of guns and violence [longish]
WARNING: Brainstorming in progress The Art of Destruction thread seems to have gotten derailed a bit into games of actual destruction. However, there were some really good ideas there that…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Jake Norwood, Wolfen, Ring Kichard, Mike Holmes, Bailywolf, damion, Kenway, Valamir.

6/26/2002 Mokkurkalfe: A tiny little SA problem...
I got a problem here. You see, one of my players doesn't seem to be very fond of the SAs. He really doesn't care about them and is more concerned…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Mokkurkalfe, jburneko, Mike Holmes, Brian Leybourne, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Wolfen, Jake Norwood, Bob Richter.

6/26/2002 xiombarg: Donjon Krawl (and an unrelated concern)
Played Donjon Krawl on Monday. We didn't get to finish a full game, but it went generally well. Generally. I'll get to that in a moment. We had: Emily, who…
In CRN Games
Participants: xiombarg, Victor Gijsbers, Andrew Martin, Ring Kichard, hyphz, Paganini, Ron Edwards.

6/26/2002 Valamir: Universalis goes to layout ---> ATTN Playtesters
The final version of Universalis has been sent for layout (we snagged Matt Snyder for the job which means it will look a hell of alot better than the draft…
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir.

6/26/2002 Ben Morgan: Retroactively assigned abilities
[quote="In another thread in the Adept Press forum, Christopher Kubasik"]But this is moot. The real question I want discussed is: Do PCs have pasts? If so, how much? Are their…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Ben Morgan, Jared A. Sorensen, xiombarg, Laurel, Mike Holmes, Paganini, Victor Gijsbers, Ron Edwards, Matt Gwinn, Le Joueur, Tim C Koppang.

6/26/2002 Christopher Kubasik: Character Back Story
Hi everybody, I just hammered out a PC for a game Jesse's going to run. Before I'd even gotten to the Kicker I'd hammered out a Gothic Adventure, full of…
In Adept Press
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Uncle Dark, joshua neff, Paul Czege, Blake Hutchins, Gordon C. Landis, jburneko.

6/26/2002 Paul Czege: nicotine girls, smoking again
So, Ralph's deconstruction of my mechanics for Nicotine Girls was a painful heads-up to me that I probably needed to get a hell of a lot more serious…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Stuart DJ Purdie, xiombarg.

6/26/2002 DaR: Innovative Mechanics
Or Yes Virgina, System Really Does Matter In the past few months, there's been a preponderance of truly interesting new games here on the Forge and elsewhere. A number of…
In RPG Theory
Participants: DaR, Ollog Herder, Andrew Martin, Paganini, Jake Norwood, damion, gentrification.

6/25/2002 Matt Gwinn: First Kayfabe Print Run
I hope this doesn't hurt my sales. I got my copies of Kayfabe today and I have to admit that I am not 100% satisfied with the way it turned…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, pigames, Chris Passeno, Paul Czege, Eugene Zee, Walt Freitag, Seth L. Blumberg, Jason L Blair, Ron Edwards.

6/25/2002 rafael: Marital Arts System
So the game I'm working on currently is extremely violent and dark and full of the angsty darkness of miserable violent deathness. Consequently, I'm devoting a little time to a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: rafael, S.Lonergan, Mark D. Eddy, deidzoeb, J B Bell.

6/25/2002 Brian Leybourne: Another win for tRoS!
OK, I was impressed enough with this game, but this takes the cake. I have two roleplaying groups. One of them is amazing, all really good roleplayers and we have…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Brian Leybourne, Jake Norwood.

6/25/2002 Paganini: The Art of Destruction
All right, Jake wants to blow things up. (I'm hoping he jumps right on this thread. :) Mike has suggested that there aren't any games devoted to this genre of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Jared A. Sorensen, Ollog Herder, Laurel, Bailywolf, Valamir, damion, MetaDude, Jake Norwood, Wolfen.

6/25/2002 Mike Holmes: Equipment and Balance
First, this is a little fragmented so please bear with me. This is not intended to be a discussion of what balance means, please hash that out elsewhere. The discussion…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Mike Holmes, Jared A. Sorensen, damion, J B Bell, Valamir, Le Joueur, Bankuei, Andrew Martin, Victor Gijsbers, contracycle, Paganini, Zak Arntson.

6/25/2002 TheVorpalRabbit: Little Fears - some thoughts
Hello, I'm new to these forums buit have been lurking around the RPGnet forums for quite some time now. First off, kudos to Jason and everyone else that worked on…
In Key 20 Publishing
Participants: TheVorpalRabbit, Jason L Blair.

6/25/2002 Bailywolf: octaNe- the skinny please
Hey Jared, How about a quick lowdown on what the new octaNe looks like. As I understand, it will be using a variant on the system you used in InSpectres.…
In Memento-Mori Theatricks
Participants: Bailywolf, Jared A. Sorensen.

6/25/2002 Demonspahn: Star Wars and railroading
Hi all, Since there seem to be a number of Star Wars threads popping up, I just wanted to get some outside thoughts on the seemingly inherent railroading of the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Demonspahn, Ron Edwards, Clay, Mike Holmes, Clinton R. Nixon, damion, Buddha Nature, Eric.Brennan, Eric J., Michael S. Miller, Blake Hutchins, Paul Czege.

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Subsequent Topics

6/28/2002 Brian Leybourne: Pre-emptive attack too good?
Quick opinion poll / thoughts inquiry for those of you who have played TROS yet (or at least mucked about with combat). Situation - two fighters of equal skill both…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Brian Leybourne, Bob Richter, Jaif, Wolfen, Ron Edwards, Psychopompous, Valamir, Jake Norwood, Bankuei, Ace, Lyrax, Brand_Robins, Furious D.

6/28/2002 Michael Hopcroft: What happens when you catch a typo too late?
I heard from my printer this afternoon and she said they were going to send me my proofs tomorrow (whoich is good) and they;'d found a couple of problems (which…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Ron Edwards, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Chris Passeno, Matt Gwinn, Adam.

6/28/2002 Eric.Brennan: Get to the /point/, a minor revelation
I just started a new campaign (after several mis-steps and one-shots.) In plotting out the arc I wanted--bad guys, allies, geopolitics, blah blah blah, I started wondering why one-shots are…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric.Brennan, Eric J., hardcoremoose, Christopher Kubasik, Uncle Dark, Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, Jared A. Sorensen, Mike Holmes, greyorm, joshua neff, Bankuei.

6/28/2002 Wolfen: Riddle of Steel Actual Play: Week 3
I'll begin by saying that this was a much more enjoyable session than the last. We rounded out at 4 players this time, rather than 2 (Gailen's player was here,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Wolfen, Zak Arntson, Jaif, Valamir, Mokkurkalfe, Ron Edwards, Clay.

6/28/2002 Wolfen: Over-damage!
Okay, I made an on-the-spot call tonight when one of my players attempted to strike-to-wound with a greatsword. The target had a handaxe raised over his head to strike, and…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Wolfen, Bankuei, Jake Norwood, Rattlehead, Ben, contracycle, Trybec, Mike Holmes, Warboss Grock, Brian Leybourne, toli, Irmo, Valamir, Durgil.

6/28/2002 Bailywolf: Anachronistic SciFi - the beginings of an idea
I was musing on re-reading DUNE for the 8th time, when I began to consider how to best bring such an Anachronistic SciFi setting to life throuh an RPG. This…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bailywolf, Valamir, Bankuei, Matt Snyder, Mike Holmes, damion, Matt, C. Edwards, Ring Kichard, Bob McNamee, amiel, Le Joueur, Balbinus, Walt Freitag, gizem, contracycle.

6/28/2002 Valamir: Cannot post?
I received an unusual message today: "You can not post so soon after your last post. Please try again shortly..." Never seen that before, and it was a good 5…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Valamir, Clinton R. Nixon, Christopher Kubasik, Paul Czege, Paganini.

6/28/2002 Ace: Printing the Mini Supplement PDF's a question or two
I am thinking of buying some of the mini supplement PDF's in a short. I want them printed and bound. Now I priced this at Kinkos copies and was told…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ace, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen.

6/29/2002 Ace: The bare bones of a new magic system
Here are bare bones of a new magic system for TROS. This is a system designed as a more conventional "rpg"magic system apologies but this is a very bare bones…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ace, Psychopompous, Brian Leybourne, Jaif, Ron Edwards, Wolfen, Ben, Furious D, Rick, Mike Holmes, Lyrax, Bob Richter, contracycle, Clinton R. Nixon, Silanthous.

6/29/2002 Michael Hopcroft: Any last thoughts before I leave for Origins?
Turns out I get on that Greyhound to go to Origins on Monday. I have no idea what to expect, little idea of what I'm supposed to do, and a…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Adam.

6/29/2002 deidzoeb: My Love For You Is Way Out Of Line
[b][url=]My Love For You Is Way Out Of Line[/url][/b] This started as a joke, sort of a "What's Wrong With This Picture?" game design. If designers can embed Premise or…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: deidzoeb, Paganini, Jack Spencer Jr, xiombarg, Eugene Zee, Henry Fitch, Jasper, damion, Rallan, jrients.

6/29/2002 xiombarg: Unnumbered
Okay, guys, here is an RPG I wrote that I'd like some commentary on. The idea here is to create a Narrativist/Simulationist game focused on war, without getting bogged down…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg, Jack Spencer Jr, Victor Gijsbers, Andrew Martin, amiel.

6/29/2002 Ian O'Rourke: Sorcerer: Glenwood Springs
Sorcerer, really like it, but like a lot of these fiercely narrativist games, I like the idea, but I've not thrown myself into the frying pan with actual play yet.…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ian O'Rourke, Ron Edwards, jburneko.

6/29/2002 rabidchyld: Chthonian Redux playtest - The Festering Cure
So we played Zak's Cthonian Redux last night...the same adventure he posted about here. It went very well overall. The scenario was written well, and the system was easy to…
In Actual Play
Participants: rabidchyld, hardcoremoose, hive, Buddha Nature, Zak Arntson.

6/30/2002 Zak Arntson: MonkeyWrench - Harlekin-Maus June-July game
I'm moving to bimonthly games so I can concentrate on Chthonian. Up for June-July: MonkeyWrench! It's a game about crazy, hungry and grumpy monkeys. Basically you are monkeys who've escaped…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, xiombarg.

6/30/2002 Jake Norwood: Going to Origins
I'm going to be gone for about 10 days, during which I probably won't be active at all on this here forum, nor will I answer my emails. Just thought…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jake Norwood, Christopher Kubasik, Damien, Brian Leybourne, Wolfen.

6/30/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Modifiers without modifiers
A little inspired by Pyron's posting on "Consistency" perhaps, I thought up a way to eliminate modifiers in my combat system. A totally unmodified roll would be D12 to beat…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Jack Spencer Jr, Paganini, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, damion, Walt Freitag, MetaDude.

6/30/2002 hive: homage blog to the prez
I just wanted to post a 'thank you' to clinton for being gracious enough to be running things behind the curtain. I think we all know how difficult it can…
In Site Discussion
Participants: hive, Gordon C. Landis, Jesse Paulsen.

6/30/2002 xiombarg: Unnumbered - Draft 2
Okay, I've corrected typos, added color and pictures in an attempt to make the text prettier and easier to read (as well as to invoke a mood), and I've added…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg, hive, Victor Gijsbers.

6/30/2002 Ian O'Rourke: Maths behind Sorcerer
Anyone know the details of the statistics behind Sorcerer? Percentage changes of success given various dice pools (using D10 or D20)? Or the way it is worked out. It is…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ian O'Rourke, Ron Edwards, Ben Morgan.

more subsequent topics >>