The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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Previous Topics

3/23/2010 Matt Snyder: [Nine Worlds] Full PDF now available for free
The Nine Worlds RPG is now available for free at I do ask that you register at my web site so that I can send occasional email updates about…
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Matt Snyder.

3/21/2010 Willow: [Forge Midwest] First follow-up! (split)
Donations for rooms covered about 60% of the room costs- several people not having cash, but wanting to donate.  If you're one of those people, you can paypal it to…
In Conventions
Participants: Willow, TJ, buzz, Nev the Deranged, reaction, pseudoidiot, Miskatonic, c.

3/22/2010 Dr. Theodore Lagore: Rockworld
Right, I don't know if this is a good place to post this.  It's just a fantasy setting.  I've never played a tabletop RPG.  I don't know what goes into…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dr. Theodore Lagore, Excalibur, Locke, Simon C, Vulpinoid, stefoid, Llogres.

3/22/2010 Willow: [D&D] Religious & Cultural Diversity in D&D's Middle East
So, I was talking to a couple of folks at Forge Midwest about something I'm going to be doing in my D&D game- the party is going to the world's…
In Actual Play
Participants: Willow, Eero Tuovinen, Noon, Excalibur, Ron Edwards, Kallisti, Paka.

3/21/2010 stefoid: [INGENERO] backstory generator
INGENERO is just Latin for 'generator' to make is sound fancy, for lack of anything to call this idea.  Didnt get any feedback at all on the other thread, so…
In First Thoughts
Participants: stefoid, Noon.

3/21/2010 Aelwyn: What's the worst thing you've ever done as a GM?
True confessions time: what's the worst thing you've ever done as a GM? I'll start. I was running a Morrow Project campaign. Characters were paramilitary mercenaries cryogenically frozen and awakened…
In Actual Play
Participants: Aelwyn, Noon, Locke, LostSoul, Anekanta, Luminous, darthfodder, Ron Edwards, Adam Dray.

3/21/2010 charlesperez: Babylon 5, Through the Eyes of Sorcerer
Much of the story told within the 5 seasons of Babylon 5 is basically sorcerous, and several of the characters within B5 could have been solid sorcerous protagonists. The following…
In Adept Press
Participants: charlesperez, Ron Edwards, greyorm, Eero Tuovinen.

3/20/2010 Darcy Burgess: Hyperlinking within a Document - Help!
Hi, I'm hunting for some hyperlinking help, and I'd like to discuss it over here. Once I've found my solution, I'll pop back in and update this thread. Thanks, Darcy
In Publishing
Participants: Darcy Burgess.

3/20/2010 Brother: Danger Patrol
Always have the modern offering of 'Lost in SPace' when I check out Danger Patrol. Any developments on the latest version? Anything?
In design
Participants: Brother, John Harper.

3/20/2010 Excalibur: [TCoT] Different Ideas
I don't know if this should go in actual play or in first thoughts since I have already playtested the current system but am having some second thoughts on how…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Excalibur.

3/20/2010 yellowparis: [poison'd] cruel fortune cards
I'm looking at formatting the Cruel Fortunes list into a deck of printable cards, so I can deal them out to my group (skipping the 'copy onto 3x5 card' step). …
In lumpley games
Participants: yellowparis, lumpley.

3/20/2010 jburneko: A Very Dogs Like Quote
A couple of weeks ago I was watching the film Doubt.  As I was watching there was a line uttered by Meryl Streep that made me jump up and get…
In lumpley games
Participants: jburneko, Simon C.

3/19/2010 Excalibur: Icons or Text?
I'm looking at my current game and wondering if I should go to icons/pictures instead of text for describing attribute, attacks, defenses, and damage. I'm leaning towards the images because…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Excalibur, davidberg, Ar Kayon, ShallowThoughts, RandomCitizenx, Finarvyn.

3/19/2010 Courage75: [Solar System] Claiming Territory Mechanics for WtF - Part Two
Hi All, It's been a while since I posted about my attempts to convert my Werewolf: the Forsaken game to Solar System. This is because it is going quite well.…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Courage75, Eero Tuovinen.

3/18/2010 Simon C: What is Right to Dream for?
Probably one of the most successful "traditional" games I've played was about seven or eight years ago.  It was a Traveller-inspired home-brew science fiction game.  It went through several iterations,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon C, Noon, contracycle, Jeff B, davidberg, Motipha, FredGarber, Eero Tuovinen, ThoughtBubble, Caldis, anders_larsen, Lance D. Allen, Frank Tarcikowski, Silmenume.

3/18/2010 Espynwislyn: Seeking Art for a Free Cyberpunk RPG
Hello, my name is Jacob, and I am currently working on a free RPG called “The Grey City Machine” for the 1KM1KT Cyberpunk Revival Project. I'm hoping to find an…
In Connections
Participants: Espynwislyn.

3/18/2010 exploding_brain: [DitV] Confused by choices for fallout
Hi all, Brand new member here.  Hope my first post doesn't make me sound like too much of an ignoramus. :) I'm trying to wrap my head around the choices…
In lumpley games
Participants: exploding_brain, lumpley, jburneko, Omar_Ramirez.

3/18/2010 GregStolze: SOS Dogfight
I think I've got an OK idea for how to run a one-on-one duel in the skies.  I've PDFed it for convenience. Anyone wanna tell me what you think?…
In First Thoughts
Participants: GregStolze, Locke, contracycle.

3/18/2010 Pelgrane: [Trail of Cthulhu] Book-Hounds of London Playtesters Wanted
I'm looking for playtesters for Ken Hite's Book Hounds of London. Please email me subject Bookhounds Playtest if you are interested. Simon Rogers Pelgrane Press Ltd
In Connections
Participants: Pelgrane.

3/18/2010 StrongBadMun: [Ember] need Alpha Readers and Concept artists
For those of you who might not remember or never read my old posts about Ember, it's a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting where the gods are dead and much of the…
In Connections
Participants: StrongBadMun.

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Subsequent Topics

3/23/2010 Melinglor: [Tragic Dominion ] Gut-punching Fairytales and character authority
I've been laboring over this concept for some time, but just recently had all the wheels click into place in my head. First, the Color pitch: Growing up. It's a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Melinglor, stefoid, PeterBB, Brendan Day.

3/23/2010 hatch22: Dramatic Redemption
Hi all, I've been struggling with how to represent redemption in a game I'm working on. Characters in this game each have a Dread.  This is not simply fear (a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: hatch22, Paul Czege, Locke, Necromantis, stefoid, Lance D. Allen.

3/23/2010 Artanis: [Poison'd] Ambitions and 2on1 fights
Hello Vincent We had a very uncouth session of Poison'd the other week, and I have some questions as this was our first time playing. 1.) So this guy Flint…
In lumpley games
Participants: Artanis, yellowparis, lumpley.

3/24/2010 ShallowThoughts: [ BD&D ] Half done Social System
The BD&D stands for "Bastardized D&D" because I'm changing the base system of D&D v3.5 to experiment with some ideas. In this version, I want a much deeper Social system.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Locke, Necromantis, Finarvyn, Luminous.

3/24/2010 Anekanta: [Rifts] -- Who's responsible for fun?
Hey all...  Something ironic happened today, in that I was invited to join a Rifts group.  It was ironic because, while I got my first real start in role-playing with…
In Actual Play
Participants: Anekanta, Ron Edwards, Noon, Excalibur, Andrew Norris, Locke.

3/24/2010 Neil the Wimp: [DitV] Non-pathetic Stewards
I've run a few DitV towns, but I'm always having problems with what to do about the Steward.  If he's on the ball, he'll intervene with things going wrong in…
In lumpley games
Participants: Neil the Wimp, Artanis, Eliarhiman6, David Artman, lumpley, Noclue, Paul T, Rughat, Motipha, Eero Tuovinen.

3/24/2010 Ar Kayon: Post-Modern Arms and Armor
As armor increased coverage and became stronger and more ergonomic, effective combat strategy shifted its focus from accuracy to sheer power and volume.  Thus, a soldier's arsenal of the post-modern…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ar Kayon, Locke, Mobius, horomancer.

3/24/2010 SAW: What happened to the Mechaton Community?
So, I just recently discovered Mechaton, however, when I started to read the various blogs, they all seem to have died out around the same time (between like March and…
In lumpley games
Participants: SAW, Mantisking, Simon C, Zeek, David Artman, Ar Kayon.

3/24/2010 Ron Edwards: [Legendary Lives] Three games to talk about
Hi there, I've written about Legendary Lives in both Fantasy Heartbreakers and More Fantasy Heartbreakers, and as time went on since those essays were placed, I finally got around to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, davidberg, Miskatonic, Artanis, Lance D. Allen, Noon, Trevis Martin, Millsy, Paul T, Willow, JoyWriter.

3/24/2010 Brian Leybourne: A "D&D Alignment System" inspired campaign setting...
This is actually a *campaign* first thought rather than a game system. Looking for a sounding board I guess. Ah, D&D. How you shaped most of us in our early…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Brian Leybourne, Mobius, Vulpinoid, Finarvyn, Luminous, EdEdEd, Draco, Baenlynn, flammifer.

3/24/2010 leonidas300: Indiecon 2010 - 4th-7th November - 3rd year
Dear members and guests, Indiecon has now been announced and its website is up and running: When? 4th-7th November Where? Naish Holiday Park, Dorset, UK Why? Play tomorrow's games…
In Conventions
Participants: leonidas300.

3/24/2010 Ron Edwards: [Bliss Stage] Men and girls
I’d hoped to get a chance to play this, partly because I’m working on a pretty big project regarding science fiction role-playing, and partly because Ben was available at Forge…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Frank Tarcikowski, CedricP, Simon C, hix, Filip Luszczyk, Nev the Deranged, Ben Lehman.

3/25/2010 Mobius: [Babel] Setting Overview
[i]So you're planning a trip to New Jericho are you? The City of Rain, the City of Man. Yah I've ready all the screeds too “there's no place closer to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Mobius, Ar Kayon, Vulpinoid, Ron Edwards.

3/25/2010 Rick Hershey: Fantasy Monster Art Patronage Project
Hey Everyone, My name is Rick Hershey, I own and operate Empty Room Studios. I've been coming here to the Forge for a good while, but mainly just lurking and…
In Connections
Participants: Rick Hershey, GeekFighter.

3/26/2010 ShallowThoughts: Mucking with Social Contract - an *Inter-Player* Social System??
I hope I'm not getting too obnoxious on this Forum what with this and my earlier post (which I have since utterly abandoned). I just really, really want to get…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ShallowThoughts, Noon, davidberg.

3/26/2010 Paul T: [Apocalypse World] Questions
Vincent, Just a few minor things here, before I run the game. When seducing someone (another PC, specifically): "If they refuse, it's acting under fire." I'm not sure what this…
In lumpley games
Participants: Paul T, lumpley.

3/26/2010 Vladius: The Forge is literally the most pretentious place ever
And I want to be the first person banned from it. It's boring, it's lame, and it perpetuates every single negative stereotype about anything and everything "INDIE" ever. Do you…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Vladius.

3/26/2010 Lavinia: [StM] - Questions about rules
Hello :-) First of all, please forgive my bad English, it's not my mother tongue. Last Saturday I played Shooting the Moon, it was funny and satisfying, we had to…
In Black and Green Games
Participants: Lavinia, Emily Care.

3/27/2010 Simon C: What is Step on Up for?
I ignored D&D4E when it first came out.  I know from experience that the kind of play it encourages isn't what I want from a roleplaying game.  I didn't need…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon C, Noon, Jasper Flick, greyorm, ThoughtBubble, Caldis, davidberg, Motipha, Roger, Frank Tarcikowski.

3/27/2010 Kyle Cates: [The Object] Resolution Mechanic
Hey all, posted a few times a few years ago, just more out of curiosity than anything else. But now I'm designing a traditional RPG with GM narration and all…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kyle Cates, Luminous, dindenver, VAgentZero, stefoid.

more subsequent topics >>