The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

7/19/2010 Sebastian: Tearaway Pads & Folios -> Whacha call'em?
Did you ever buy any of those character sheet pads in the old days so you didn't have to go to the photocopier everyday? Like a 20 leaf pad of…
In Publishing
Participants: Sebastian, PJK.

7/19/2010 reveal: [ENnies] The RPG Haven interviews Jay Peters
The RPG Haven has posted its interview with current ENnies judge Jay Peters. It’s an excellent listen and answers a lot of questions that people have about the judging process.…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

7/19/2010 Artanis: [DitV] Relationship coming for help
Hello I did a search for this question and haven't been able to locate any thread talking about it, so here goes: A friend of mine played DitV and complained…
In lumpley games
Participants: Artanis, lumpley.

7/19/2010 binder: Proposing some Optional Rules...
After listening to a number of games of Agon (thanks Mel) and reading (and then rereading the rules), a couple of different thematic options sprung to mind - Divine Items…
In design
Participants: binder.

7/18/2010 bayonder: Monster, welcoming critiques, ideas and better ideas for a title
This is a game mainly inspired by Paul Czeges roleplaying game "My Life With Master", and along those lines I'm looking to make a game about "The desperate struggle to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: bayonder, Noon.

7/18/2010 Neil the Wimp: [Stroming the Wizard's Tower] Prognosis
Does anyone have any ideas on the prognosis for Storming the Wizard's Tower? Vincent released a playtest version of the low-level game, but I'm ignorant about what's happening with it…
In lumpley games
Participants: Neil the Wimp, lumpley, Paul T.

7/18/2010 Aniodia: Problems with differentiating magic systems
Hello all. I've been working on a system for a D&D-inspired game I want to run, and I've come to a bit of a problem trying to make the various…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Aniodia, Somnibus, dugfromthearth.

7/17/2010 Ben: "...Prime the ol Marketing Pump" How does that work?
Something GuildofBlades said in a post on the Continued Sales thread (and as quoted above) got me wondering.  How does one create 'buzz' for ones books?  Where does one advertise? …
In Publishing
Participants: Ben, Malcolm, guildofblades, Noon.

7/17/2010 Sage: Indie RPG Awards.
I wasn't sure where to post this but i figured it might be best here as it concerns potential organised events. Are there any Indie RPG competitions that are in…
In Conventions
Participants: Sage, Noclue.

7/17/2010 Marshall Burns: [BtW store] four games for $2 each!
I'm currently in some dire straights financially right now, but I'm not one to just ask for money, so I'm sellin' some games! I've put together a store webpage where…
In Beyond the Wire Productions
Participants: Marshall Burns.

7/17/2010 Sage: Continued Sales.
This topic is mostly aimed at those members who've actually had experience of selling games of their own. I'm shortly going to have finished writing my own rpg and am…
In Publishing
Participants: Sage, Malcolm, guildofblades.

7/17/2010 Catelf: Character Classes: Good & Bad (I'm considering it for a CoC-like Game)
Time since i was here .... Anyway: I have a working Game System, but for a specific Game, with a Horror-type setting, I am considering to use some sort of…
In Playtesting
Participants: Catelf, Trell, Skofflox.

7/17/2010 smarttman: A Game of Elements (Not what you think)
I was thinking of creating an RPG where each character is relatively high powered, and has dominion over a certain element. However, I do not mean elements such as Fire,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: smarttman, Malcolm, horomancer, Noon, Magnus Pym.

7/17/2010 Garkudion: Experienced Stylized Concept Artist for Hire!
Hi There! My name is Larc, and I am a professional concept artist specializing in character and monster design! My style is gritty and somewhat stylized, and very cleanly presented.…
In Connections
Participants: Garkudion.

7/16/2010 Marshall Burns: [The Rustbelt] So this is my plan
The Rustbelt first edition has been a zero-budget project. This is due to the fact that I'm poor (although hopefully the game will help with that, or at least keep…
In Publishing
Participants: Marshall Burns, Dan Maruschak, Noon.

7/16/2010 reveal: [ENnies] The voting booths are now open and Dream Dates are a go!
I am pleased to announce that the voting booth for the 2010 ENnie Awards is now officially open! To vote click the link below: 2011 Judges Voting This year,…
In Conventions
Participants: reveal.

7/15/2010 PaulieRomanov: Army Men RPG: Ideas and Discussion
Okay, I have an idea for a a PnP RPG inspired by(But not based off of) the Army Men series of games, as well as other sources such as anime,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: PaulieRomanov, Magnus Pym.

7/15/2010 Marshall Burns: What's all this ISBN business?
Rustbelt inches ever closer to publication, and I've got me a question: what's the deal with ISBN numbers? What are they for? Where do they come from? Why/when should I…
In Publishing
Participants: Marshall Burns, jrs, Eero Tuovinen, Nathan P., Sebastian, Ron Edwards.

7/15/2010 rycanada: [Sorcerer] 3 Humanity Rolls to get a new demon?
Hi, this may sound really dumb but... Do you really need to have 3 humanity rolls to get a new demon?  (1 Contact, 1 Summon, 1 Bind) If so, why…
In Adept Press
Participants: rycanada, Ron Edwards, Paiku, 5niper9, The Dragon Master.

7/15/2010 Marshall Burns: [The Rustbelt] first crack at a character sheet; feedback requested!
[url=]Here's my first crack at a Rustbelt character sheet[/url]. I want some feedback on it from a.) layout-savvy peeps and b.) those who have played the Rustbelt. Layout-savvy peeps: What…
In Beyond the Wire Productions
Participants: Marshall Burns.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

7/19/2010 watchwaitplot: Let's Talk About Skill Blocks.
At the beginning of the summer, a friend and I decided to create a new setting for White Wolf's Hunter game. Eventually we decided to build a new game outright.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: watchwaitplot, dugfromthearth, stefoid.

7/20/2010 jasonm: 2010 Diana Jones Award shortlist announced
Two RPGs, a board-game and a website vie for hobby-gaming's most exclusive trophy The committee of the Diana Jones Award has released the shortlist for its 2010 award. This year…
In Endeavor
Participants: jasonm.

7/20/2010 Philippe: [Sorcerer & Sword] building a setting with Inuma
Hi, it's my first post here so I guess I should say something about me. My username is my first name. I'm 37 and rpgs have always been my favorite…
In Adept Press
Participants: Philippe, Paiku, Eliarhiman6.

7/20/2010 horomancer: Playtesting Simple System
I made a very simple system which boils all actions down to 3d6+x+y vs DC where 'x' is a stat and 'y' is a skill. More info on it…
In Playtesting
Participants: horomancer, Magnus Pym, watchwaitplot, Noon.

7/21/2010 dugfromthearth: my play and GM style
I started with D&D, played GURPS for years, HERO (champions and Fantasy Hero), have played Savage Worlds recently, a bunch of WFRP 2nd edition (a tiny bit of 1st edition),…
In Actual Play
Participants: dugfromthearth.

7/21/2010 dugfromthearth: my game system philosophy - character creation, combat, and skill resolution
having played a lot of games over the years I have come to the conclusion that what is important to a system in order is: character creation, combat, and skill…
In Actual Play
Participants: dugfromthearth.

7/21/2010 dugfromthearth: character skill vs player skill
In a FPS it is all about player skill.  In an rpg it is usually all about character skill. Meaning a lvl 10 fighter should beat a lvl 9 fighter. …
In Actual Play
Participants: dugfromthearth, Noon, davidvs.

7/21/2010 Eliarhiman6: Who REALLY coined "Shared Imagined Space"?
Hi! I was arguing in another forum with a guy who was using Fang Langford definition of "Shared Imaginary Space" as the "original" one on which the Big Model definition…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Miskatonic, Paul Czege, jburneko, Artanis.

7/21/2010 SaintandSinner: (Gencon 2010) Games on Demand
Games on Demand at Gencon is located in the spacious Grand Central Ballroom "B" in the Crowne Plaza hotel. Gaming tables 1-6 will be open, and GMs available, from 10a.m.…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner.

7/21/2010 Jarrodimus: Thoughts on a Stamina Mechanic
First off, I just wanted to say that I'm loving this forum.  I ran across it yesterday while trying to come up with ideas for a game system that I'm…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jarrodimus, dugfromthearth, Ar Kayon, Noon, VAgentZero, tj333, Marshall Burns, contracycle.

7/21/2010 Paka: What Sword and Sorcery Means to Me, blog post Thought this article was interesting, here are a few quotes that stood out: "Basically I see it as a good old-fashioned sword and sandal or cloak and dagger drama…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paka.

7/21/2010 segedy: [Gen Con 2010] Indie Games Map
Following on the tradition of work by others in years past, I thought I'd put together a map of the indie RPG scene at Gen Con in 2010: <a href="">Map…
In Conventions
Participants: segedy, Ron Edwards.

7/21/2010 Ben: Playtesting Question: How much to give to a group?
I have a game that I was hoping to get playtested via soliciting for on the Forge.  Having never done this, I was curious as to how much of a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ben, Malcolm.

7/21/2010 dugfromthearth: Super Simple - superhero battle game
My idea is to make a simple to design and play game of superhero combat.  At this point I am not considering non-combat abilities - just fighting.  The idea is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dugfromthearth, Noon, Anders Gabrielsson.

7/22/2010 Tayr_an-Naar: When is it stealing?
Howdy all, I have a question, and in case it wasn't evident by my post count, this is my first question.  So I'm not really !00% sure this is the…
In Publishing
Participants: Tayr_an-Naar, Noon, Miskatonic, guildofblades, Marshall Burns, Gryffudd, Lance D. Allen, Chris_Chinn.

7/22/2010 RodjMan: Intrepid!
The Idea: Intrepid!, a pulp scifi RPG in the vein of Flash Gordon/Buck Rogers. I plan to use the word "Atomic" liberally. The inspirations: aside from the conceptual ones mentioned…
In First Thoughts
Participants: RodjMan, Noon, horomancer, Vulpinoid, dugfromthearth, contracycle, stefoid.

7/23/2010 brycedeline: [DitV + Afraid] Monsters, etc.
So I was just looking at the various rules for NPC/ monster/ slave/ acolyte/ victim creation and I am wondering: will these mesh with the DitV rules as they are?…
In lumpley games
Participants: brycedeline, Artanis.

7/23/2010 SAW: Salvaging certain Afraid mechanics for Dogs
So, I know that Vincent isn't happy with the state of Afraid, however, I think that some of the rule adjustments from Afraid could work really well in Dogs, so…
In lumpley games
Participants: SAW, Falc.

7/23/2010 luizleandro: A generic supernatural powers system
Hello guys, I'm designing an RPG system which is supposed to be generic. Therefore I would like to develop a system for supernatural abilities that could be used for any…
In First Thoughts
Participants: luizleandro, dugfromthearth, Vulpinoid.

7/23/2010 Marshall Burns: [Heretic Saga] To map or not to map?
[i]Heretic Saga[/i] is this Setting-heavy, high-fantasy game I’m working on. When I say “Setting-heavy,” I don’t mean that there’s pages of history you have to wade through or any of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Marshall Burns, dugfromthearth.

more subsequent topics >>