The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

7/23/2010 luizleandro: A generic supernatural powers system
Hello guys, I'm designing an RPG system which is supposed to be generic. Therefore I would like to develop a system for supernatural abilities that could be used for any…
In First Thoughts
Participants: luizleandro, dugfromthearth, Vulpinoid.

7/23/2010 SAW: Salvaging certain Afraid mechanics for Dogs
So, I know that Vincent isn't happy with the state of Afraid, however, I think that some of the rule adjustments from Afraid could work really well in Dogs, so…
In lumpley games
Participants: SAW, Falc.

7/23/2010 brycedeline: [DitV + Afraid] Monsters, etc.
So I was just looking at the various rules for NPC/ monster/ slave/ acolyte/ victim creation and I am wondering: will these mesh with the DitV rules as they are?…
In lumpley games
Participants: brycedeline, Artanis.

7/22/2010 RodjMan: Intrepid!
The Idea: Intrepid!, a pulp scifi RPG in the vein of Flash Gordon/Buck Rogers. I plan to use the word "Atomic" liberally. The inspirations: aside from the conceptual ones mentioned…
In First Thoughts
Participants: RodjMan, Noon, horomancer, Vulpinoid, dugfromthearth, contracycle, stefoid.

7/22/2010 Tayr_an-Naar: When is it stealing?
Howdy all, I have a question, and in case it wasn't evident by my post count, this is my first question.  So I'm not really !00% sure this is the…
In Publishing
Participants: Tayr_an-Naar, Noon, Miskatonic, guildofblades, Marshall Burns, Gryffudd, Lance D. Allen, Chris_Chinn.

7/21/2010 dugfromthearth: Super Simple - superhero battle game
My idea is to make a simple to design and play game of superhero combat.  At this point I am not considering non-combat abilities - just fighting.  The idea is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dugfromthearth, Noon, Anders Gabrielsson.

7/21/2010 Ben: Playtesting Question: How much to give to a group?
I have a game that I was hoping to get playtested via soliciting for on the Forge.  Having never done this, I was curious as to how much of a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ben, Malcolm.

7/21/2010 segedy: [Gen Con 2010] Indie Games Map
Following on the tradition of work by others in years past, I thought I'd put together a map of the indie RPG scene at Gen Con in 2010: <a href="">Map…
In Conventions
Participants: segedy, Ron Edwards.

7/21/2010 Paka: What Sword and Sorcery Means to Me, blog post Thought this article was interesting, here are a few quotes that stood out: "Basically I see it as a good old-fashioned sword and sandal or cloak and dagger drama…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paka.

7/21/2010 Jarrodimus: Thoughts on a Stamina Mechanic
First off, I just wanted to say that I'm loving this forum.  I ran across it yesterday while trying to come up with ideas for a game system that I'm…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jarrodimus, dugfromthearth, Ar Kayon, Noon, VAgentZero, tj333, Marshall Burns, contracycle.

7/21/2010 SaintandSinner: (Gencon 2010) Games on Demand
Games on Demand at Gencon is located in the spacious Grand Central Ballroom "B" in the Crowne Plaza hotel. Gaming tables 1-6 will be open, and GMs available, from 10a.m.…
In Conventions
Participants: SaintandSinner.

7/21/2010 Eliarhiman6: Who REALLY coined "Shared Imagined Space"?
Hi! I was arguing in another forum with a guy who was using Fang Langford definition of "Shared Imaginary Space" as the "original" one on which the Big Model definition…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Miskatonic, Paul Czege, jburneko, Artanis.

7/21/2010 dugfromthearth: character skill vs player skill
In a FPS it is all about player skill.  In an rpg it is usually all about character skill. Meaning a lvl 10 fighter should beat a lvl 9 fighter. …
In Actual Play
Participants: dugfromthearth, Noon, davidvs.

7/21/2010 dugfromthearth: my game system philosophy - character creation, combat, and skill resolution
having played a lot of games over the years I have come to the conclusion that what is important to a system in order is: character creation, combat, and skill…
In Actual Play
Participants: dugfromthearth.

7/21/2010 dugfromthearth: my play and GM style
I started with D&D, played GURPS for years, HERO (champions and Fantasy Hero), have played Savage Worlds recently, a bunch of WFRP 2nd edition (a tiny bit of 1st edition),…
In Actual Play
Participants: dugfromthearth.

7/20/2010 horomancer: Playtesting Simple System
I made a very simple system which boils all actions down to 3d6+x+y vs DC where 'x' is a stat and 'y' is a skill. More info on it…
In Playtesting
Participants: horomancer, Magnus Pym, watchwaitplot, Noon.

7/20/2010 Philippe: [Sorcerer & Sword] building a setting with Inuma
Hi, it's my first post here so I guess I should say something about me. My username is my first name. I'm 37 and rpgs have always been my favorite…
In Adept Press
Participants: Philippe, Paiku, Eliarhiman6.

7/20/2010 jasonm: 2010 Diana Jones Award shortlist announced
Two RPGs, a board-game and a website vie for hobby-gaming's most exclusive trophy The committee of the Diana Jones Award has released the shortlist for its 2010 award. This year…
In Endeavor
Participants: jasonm.

7/19/2010 watchwaitplot: Let's Talk About Skill Blocks.
At the beginning of the summer, a friend and I decided to create a new setting for White Wolf's Hunter game. Eventually we decided to build a new game outright.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: watchwaitplot, dugfromthearth, stefoid.

7/19/2010 Asylumrunner: The game of multiple personalities
Hello, I recently thought up what I find to be a pretty neat game concept. The backstory of the game is that once a person dies, their soul (and with…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Asylumrunner, Garbados.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

7/23/2010 Nath: Book Launch : The Green Book
Hello all, I've been writing replayable freeform / jeepform scenarios in the scandavian style for a few years now. I've finally got round to putting them together and  published the…
In Connections
Participants: Nath, Ron Edwards.

7/23/2010 lachek: WANTED: Original CoC convention scenario!
We're planning a Call of Cthulhu "tournament" scenario at this year's HammerCon (November 6th, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada). The convention is a community organized and volunteer-based event, with a focus on…
In Conventions
Participants: lachek.

7/23/2010 Paul Czege: Half Meme Press and Cream Alien Games at SMACC this coming weekend
If you're within driving distance of southeast Michigan this weekend, <a href="">Half Meme Press</a> and <a href="">Cream Alien Games</a> will be running a table at the first ever <a href="">Southern…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: Paul Czege.

7/23/2010 lantern314: Assessing for new GM cards WGP
I'm unclear when the GM gets to assess for new cards during a conflict. I've read the description several times and I can't get it. I think part of it…
In Incarnadine Press
Participants: lantern314, Ron Edwards, James_Nostack.

7/23/2010 triex: My life with master and non-verbal communication
Hi, my name is Matteo and I’m a role-playing gamer. Hiiiii Matteo I’m Italian, and everyone knows that Italians are good in a few things: cooking, deceiving, and playing indie…
In Actual Play
Participants: triex, Ron Edwards, Eliarhiman6.

7/24/2010 brycedeline: [DitV] A first attempt at a town
So I came up with this idea for a town... let me know what you think, and what can be improved. I took a couple ideas from already written towns…
In lumpley games
Participants: brycedeline.

7/24/2010 FetusCommander: [Cooperative Logic] initial idea
I've had an idea for a setting that I've been trying to incorporate into a game.  Well, actually that's not exactly true.  I have incorporated the setting into various games…
In First Thoughts
Participants: FetusCommander, flossy, Noon, dugfromthearth, stefoid.

7/25/2010 Eliarhiman6: The lumpley principle
First, a little grammar lesson: it's written "lumpley principle". Smallcaps. Then, about this thread... searching for posts about the shared imagined space I found these, at it was a pity…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: Eliarhiman6.

7/26/2010 Gryffudd: Idea for a damage system
Still working on part of the system idea I had. Apocalypse World got me thinking in a certain direction and I wanted to see if it looked viable to you…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Gryffudd, dugfromthearth, Noon, westcpw, Marshall Burns, johnthedm7000, EBKPrim, masqueradeball.

7/27/2010 Necromantis: [A Time of Steel & Staves] aid with Possible Social Combat System
I have Been making steady progress on my physical combat system, skills and magic (as well as something called 'actions' but never mind that)  Anyway I have been Keeping Social…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Necromantis, Ar Kayon, Marshall Burns, Skofflox, johnthedm7000.

7/27/2010 martind: [MLwM] Noob, first game tomorrow
Hi guys, I'm going to master my first game at My Life With Master tomorrow and I have a couple of doubts about the endgame (among other things, I'm a…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: martind, Artanis.

7/27/2010 KevinH: [MLwM] New GM and the Baron Badass...
... pronounced ba-DASH. Baron Istvan Attila Von Badass is a young Hungarian nobleman, interested in ancient hunnish shamanism. He wants to impress the professors at his old university and is…
In Half Meme Press
Participants: KevinH, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

7/27/2010 alloneword: Looking for Writer
In the past few months, I've been developing a pen and paper RPG with a friend of mine, and we've been making some pretty good progress.  The only problem is,…
In Connections
Participants: alloneword, Locke.

7/28/2010 philipstephen: Game Mechanic for my game is similar to Cortex
I am creating a game system that I might publish someday. Since crafting it, I have discovered more about other similar systems - most notable is the Cortex system (Margaret…
In First Thoughts
Participants: philipstephen, Ar Kayon, greyorm, dugfromthearth, SaintandSinner, Anekanta.

7/28/2010 Ar Kayon: My Dark Fantasy: All of the Crunchy Bits
Since my original thread seems to have veered towards philosophical discussion, this thread will be dedicated to discourse on concrete design mechanics.  The discussion will have two goals: 1) To…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ar Kayon, Necromantis, johnthedm7000, horomancer, Kalandri, mreuther.

7/28/2010 Pelias: New Fantasy
Hello, I´m Pelias. I´m a spanish amateur developer of games. Excuse me if my English is not very good I help myself with a translator online for the phrases that…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Pelias, Ar Kayon.

7/28/2010 greyorm: [eXpendable] Movement & Range
(This is a post about eXpendable design: a dark sci-fi action game about criminals drafted into the galactic army as fodder. It is a Sorcerer-style game mechanically, with dice pools…
In First Thoughts
Participants: greyorm, Ar Kayon, Noon.

7/28/2010 Ron Edwards: Adept Press thoughts and projects for Sorcerer
It occurred to me that 2011 is a significant anniversary for me. I published the first available version of Sorcerer in fall 2006, and I published the book version in…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Paka, jburneko, greyorm, Paiku, Paolo D., Troy_Costisick, Nocker, Darcy Burgess, Finarvyn, Aaron, hansel, Eero Tuovinen, pfischer, Marshall Burns, Bret Gillan, epweissengruber, Motipha, Courage75, James_Nostack, The Magus, The Dragon Master.

7/29/2010 westcpw: Melbourne Based Gamer
Hi All Im a melbourne based gamer busy working on my own system and game with some pals, but are available for any play testing or proof reading too. once…
In Connections
Participants: westcpw.

7/29/2010 Eric J. Boyd: The Committee Jubilee Edition is Complete!
[url=]The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries[/url], my storytelling game of Victorian and pulp adventure, returns in an updated and revised Jubilee Edition.  Thoroughly rewritten to improve clarity, streamline the…
In Eric J. Boyd Designs
Participants: Eric J. Boyd.

more subsequent topics >>