The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

1/13/2011 Ron Edwards: [The Sword and the Skull] Ronnies feedback
In Troy Costisick's The Sword and the Skull, Arthur meets Umlaut! However, I was bummed to find that the initial chrome-and-polished-bone imagery faded out pretty quickly from the text as…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick.

1/13/2011 Ron Edwards: [The War of the Sheaves] Ronnies feedback
Zac Dettwyler's The War of the Sheaves is like a big salad or stew. It's impossible to evaluate as a whole without eating it as a whole, but I don't…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Abkajud.

1/12/2011 Ron Edwards: [Knights of Twilight] Ronnies feedback
I've been a little stalled on Ronnies feedback in the past few days. I do have notes for every game; the issue is strictly about turning them into readable prose,…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, davide.losito.

1/12/2011 Ron Edwards: [Rats in the Walls] Hatred and hope
At the Dice Dojo, Sam, Phil, and Cail joined me for a criminally long-in-wait playtest of Rats in the Walls (link includes PDF download), a Ronnies winner from September 2005…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, pkalata.

1/12/2011 Necromantis: [Society of Medieval Foam Combat.] Not an RPG but close
First off the link Ok. So where to start. I was visiting my brother in Atlanta Ga. He had just started LARPing and repeatedly challenged me to come fight him…
In Game Development
Participants: Necromantis, David Artman, Noon, stefoid, SteveCooper, Hereward The Wake.

1/11/2011 Frank Tarcikowski: [Space Adventures] Making the larger reward cycle work
I was going to contribute to the Solitaire Challenge but then I decided to spend the time on my current “serious” project instead. You can take a look at what…
In Game Development
Participants: Frank Tarcikowski.

1/11/2011 Gregor Hutton: [Swords of the Skull-Takers] John Connor gets Terminated
Hey, I got a chance to play Joe Prince's Swords of the Skull Takers (v. 0.2) which is in the Ronnies and the Solitaire games challenges. I liked the feeling…
In Game Development
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Ron Edwards, Dantai.

1/11/2011 pkalata: [Fiasco] Two dead, a sunken ocean liner and no happy endings. Sounds right.
Yesterday was scheduled to be a regular D&D campaign day for one of my gaming groups. Unfortunately, last-minute things cropped up for several people and we were left with only…
In Actual Play
Participants: pkalata, Ron Edwards, SamwiseCrider.

1/11/2011 Ron Edwards: [Danse Macabre] Ronnies feedback
William Duryea's Danse Macabre is a jeepform. William, I dunno if you know what that is, but ... um, you don't have to, because you wrote one. If you're interested…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, whduryea, Bret Gillan.

1/10/2011 Aetius: Trollbabe: the meaning of "active"
Ciao to all ;-) Playing and talking about TB a doubt has emerged, about the precise meaning of the term "active" in the definition of the goal. A goal must…
In Adept Press
Participants: Aetius, Ron Edwards, Mauro.

1/10/2011 mratomek: [Unknown] Have you seen this mechanic before
I have been working on a game for what seems to be forever--re-written it a half dozen times over the last decade--eech! However, the reason I have had to re-write…
In Game Development
Participants: mratomek, Chris_Chinn, Ron Edwards.

1/10/2011 Bret Gillan: [Dr. Chaos] and a parade of stupid superheroes
I gathered a group of five friends to play Dr. Chaos on Sunday. I was super excited and, in retrospect, should have put a little more thought or discussion into…
In Game Development
Participants: Bret Gillan, Ron Edwards.

1/10/2011 jreyst: looking for developers/testers
[b]What is this about?[/b] [url=][/url] [b]Introduction/Background[/b] D20 Open RPG is a 100% free, community built and maintained desktop roleplaying game inspired and expanding on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game created by…
In Publishing
Participants: jreyst, Ron Edwards.

1/9/2011 Ron Edwards: [Demilich] Ronnies feedback
Noam Rosen's Demilich is, with Diary of a Skull Soldier, one of the two current Ronnies entries I would most personally like to see developed into a published product. I…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, DorkThoughts.

1/9/2011 Ron Edwards: [Veterans] Ronnies feedback
Rush Wright's Veterans strives toward a long, long-standing ideal in RPG design. I suppose one might call it the Milton Friedman model of story construction: if we're all competing as…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, TrollSlayer.

1/9/2011 Ron Edwards: [Skull Full of Bong Hits] Ronnies feedback
Nick Aubergine's Skull Full of Bong Hits: The Necromancer’s Curse is so great that I can only say, laughing almost too hard to talk, "Read it!" and point. It's yet…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Nick Aubergine, Paul Czege.

1/9/2011 Ron Edwards: [Death's Head] Ronnies feedback
Rudy Johnson's Death’s Head is all kinds of ballsy. I started reading it, was excited to find it to be a particular kind of scary, then found it switched to…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Abkajud, Troy_Costisick, FetusCommander, contracycle, Bret Gillan, pkalata.

1/8/2011 Simons: [Escape From Illeria] Backstory internal consistency
Hey all, I haven’t been on this sight it a while, it seems to have changed a bit... I’m working on a fantasy wargame (though one where I’m trying to…
In Game Development
Participants: Simons, Paladin, btrc.

1/8/2011 Vanoj: Unicorn Conquest
Link to the game rules: What I'm trying to do here is create a (1) fun (2) easy (3) gamist (4) parodic (5) RPG (6) that uses darts. The…
In Game Development
Participants: Vanoj, Noon, masqueradeball.

1/8/2011 Ar Kayon: [Nevercast] - Mechanics Reference
This thread serves as a reference for the Nevercast main thread.  Here, I'll be going over the actual in-game rules.  In particular, I would like members to make a critical…
In Game Development
Participants: Ar Kayon, Ghostlight Games, johnthedm7000, horomancer.

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Subsequent Topics

1/14/2011 RBjakeSpecial: [InSpectres] Rifts gaming group tries InSpectres. Success!
I game mastered InSpectres for the first time.  I run a bi-weekly Rifts game in Tokyo and play in a D&D 4E campaign.  I'd like our group to get to…
In Actual Play
Participants: RBjakeSpecial, Jared A. Sorensen.

1/14/2011 The Dragon Master: [Poison'd]Number of Players
I'm expecting to be running a one-shot (or something) of Poison'd for my group soon, and want to be prepared. I'm getting some character sheets printed up, and don't know…
In lumpley games
Participants: The Dragon Master, lumpley.

1/14/2011 sockmonkey: [Chronoplex] Open Beta Play Test
Dead Tree Games is pleased to announce the start of an open beta play test of their role playing game, Chronoplex. This is a chance for gamers to get an…
In Game Development
Participants: sockmonkey.

1/15/2011 FounderSim: [Design Help] Multiplayer Battle Game
[b]Multiplayer Organized Crime Battle Game[/b] [b]Brief description:[/b] Game is strickly Tick-Based. Game is mostly multiplayer with team battles as well as 1v1 battles Game has lobby system where players find…
In Game Development
Participants: FounderSim, Ron Edwards.

1/16/2011 Chris_Chinn: Bliss Stage: Crimson Pandora
Hi everyone, I ran a Bliss Stage one-shot convention scenario I put together today at the Endgame Minicon. ( ). We had 6 players, 2 whom I play with…
In Actual Play
Participants: Chris_Chinn, Ben Lehman, Jono, Alexis, Ron Edwards.

1/16/2011 Ron Edwards: [The Eye in the Pyramid] Ronnies feedback
David Berg's The Eye in the Pyramid: pure reveling in conspiracy theory nuttiness. It's not even talking about stuff that coooooould be true in a kind of naughty sense, nor…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, davidberg, Dantai, happysmellyfish.

1/16/2011 Ron Edwards: [Swords of the Skull-Takers] Ronnies feedback
Joe Prince's Swords of the Skull Takers is a solitaire RPG of unrelenting survival horror, with the outstanding virtue that your character may not in fact survive. It's a card-counting…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Dantai.

1/17/2011 stefoid: [zero-prep] Need more Challenge scenarios
Hi, Im playtesting a game that I did call Ingenero, but then decided to change to Zero-prep.  Ingenero doesn't tell you anything about the game. I could post a link,…
In Game Development
Participants: stefoid, Simons, Ron Edwards.

1/17/2011 Ron Edwards: [Facing the End] Ronnies feedback
Lee Hammons' Facing the End is the final game of this round of Ronnies to receive feedback. The end-of-the-line status had nothing to do with the title - it turned…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, DocSavage.

1/17/2011 Ron Edwards: [Ronnies 2011] Round One kicks in now - what we do next
Hi, I've mentioned that the Ronnies are a little different from most contests, and here's another reason: it doesn't end with the judging. The whole point is to develop what…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: Ron Edwards, Abkajud, Troy_Costisick, Noon, epweissengruber.

1/17/2011 Ron Edwards: Structural change coming soon - be prepared
Hi everyone, In the interest of not blindsiding you, I am giving fair warning that in a few days, the "show unread posts since last visit" function will be deactivated.…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, M. J. Young, lumpley, davidberg, Tim C Koppang.

1/17/2011 Ron Edwards: [Skull Full of Bong Hits] I am the archmage of black! death! storm!
See also Ronnies feedback, especially for the rules summary, and for a link to the Ronnies entry. Noam is right: this game is astonishingly poignant.…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, Maura Byrne, Nick Aubergine.

1/17/2011 Ron Edwards: [Demilich] Feckless fools! Your skulls are now my fang cozies.
The Dice Dojo continues its excellence as a place for playtesting Ronnies. This time included a bystander with a guitar (pretty good too) and beer, contributing a slightly different tone…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, pkalata, DorkThoughts.

1/17/2011 Paiku: [Sorcerer] Dictionary of Elric
Hi folks, I am writing a mini-supplement for Sorcerer that enacts the novels of The Elric Saga by Michael Moorcock.  If you have read Sorcerer & Sword then you know…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paiku, 5niper9, Chris_Chinn, Finarvyn, Paka, Ron Edwards.

1/18/2011 Filip Luszczyk: My Favorite Rule
In Carcassonne the rule is: when you draw a tile that you can’t legally place, you return it and draw again. I played Carcassonne maybe about 150 times. Exactly 123…
In Actual Play
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, Noon, contracycle, Caldis.

1/18/2011 Thor: [Starry Messengers]
The setting of Starry Messengers is one in which the Italian city states get the secret of Aether flight from the Chinese via Marco Polo. The states are in competition…
In Game Development
Participants: Thor, stefoid, Paul Czege.

1/18/2011 Thor: [Starry Messengers] Putting the punk in clockpunk
I started over here if you want to know what the game is about I have been thinking about what the characters in SM will be made of. They will…
In Game Development
Participants: Thor, Noon.

1/19/2011 happysmellyfish: [Secret Hearts] First Playtest - A Lot to Think About
First up, as per forum requirements, you can download the current draft of my game at There are two important explanations for Secret Hearts: Storytelling High Conspiracy. The first…
In Game Development
Participants: happysmellyfish, Ron Edwards.

1/19/2011 darkveil: New Indie RPG released - The Blight
Hi I have just released a new indie RPG for electronic download - The Blight A fantasy world but with a frightening twist of reality where you play a…
In Publishing
Participants: darkveil, Chris_Chinn, Ron Edwards, Gregor Hutton, Nathan P., Ghostlight Games.

1/19/2011 AyeGill: Pre-second round thoughts and prep
Hi Everyone. Ron, is there any sort of plan as to when the second round will begin? Or will it just happen when the Round one entries have been reasonably…
In Endeavor: Ronnies 2011
Participants: AyeGill, Ron Edwards, Ghostlight Games, Nathan P..

more subsequent topics >>