The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

12/19/2003 Ingenious: TROS in WW1
It was the war to end all wars. I think. *shrug* Anyways, I bought this topic up becase A. nobody's done a WW1 post before I dont think, unless my…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ingenious, Caz, Jake Norwood, Mike Holmes.

12/19/2003 Paka: Fiddling around with Priority choices for Social Class
I am thinking of running a bloody and tragic high fantasy with Fey as PC's. I am thinking of how to fiddle with the Social Class and Priorities. THe A…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Paka.

12/19/2003 b4d0m3n: [Dice Mechanics] Could you help?
Hello. I haven't really posted here before, but I have recently learned of the juicy goodness of this site and now have a few questions. I posted this on RPGNet…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: b4d0m3n, anonymouse, Andrew Martin.

12/19/2003 b_bankhead: Ship and the Stars: Design Notes ,Premise and Characters
The Ship and the Stars: Notes for a new kind of SF game Part 1 : Defining the Premises Introduction This material grew almost against my own will from a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: b_bankhead, Dev, Matt Wilson, John Harper.

12/19/2003 Fabrice G.: RĂªves - a Sorcerer one sheet
Hi, here is a one sheet for the Sorcerer game I hope to play next week during the hollydays. So far it's only me, and it's my input to the…
In Adept Press
Participants: Fabrice G., Calithena, joshua neff, Paka.

12/18/2003 halohand: Pagoda Armor and other questions
Just some questions concerning Pagoda. My group and I plan on testing it out this weekend but started wondering about certain elements of the game. 1. On the Character Sheet…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: halohand, Jeph.

12/18/2003 quozl: Good Gamist Deisgn
First, read Mike's rant. Now, please give good examples on how RPGs have implemented strategy & tactics in play. Please note that I only wish to examine RPG rules, not…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: quozl, Ben Lehman, LordSmerf, Thierry Michel, greyorm, Mike Holmes, Caldis, GreatWolf, xiombarg, epweissengruber.

12/18/2003 Ron Edwards: [Narrativism essay] Concept & excerpt
Hello, I wonder how many people are going to find this surprising. It's a teeny excerpt from my upcoming Narrativism essay. ************ Let's say that the following transcript arose from…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Ron Edwards, xiombarg, jdagna, John Kim, kalyptein, Halzebier, John Burdick, greyorm, Gordon C. Landis, ethan_greer, Walt Freitag, Jack Spencer Jr, Silmenume, qxjit, hix, Ian Charvill, jburneko, Valamir, Bankuei, Emily Care, Mike Holmes, Matt Snyder, Lxndr, Troy_Costisick, pete_darby.

12/18/2003 The GM: Quick ? about a couple of systems
Hey guys, If this isn't the right spot for this, please let me know. I've read a little bit about D&D and its 'alignment' (no pun intended!) w/ GNS in…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: The GM, Ron Edwards, Valamir, xiombarg, M. J. Young, Andrew Martin, Mike Holmes, John Kim, greyorm.

12/18/2003 MachMoth: Personal Embarressment and Self Deprecation at it's best.
Well, being as I'm getting close to actually releasing a beta worthy game, fate decided to slap me one. In a routine search of some old hard disks, I found…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: MachMoth, xiombarg.

12/18/2003 Calithena: [Shifter]
OK - preface - I have no intention to actually publish this game, it's a system to facilitate something I'm doing with a friend. You can find a discussion of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Calithena, Ben Lehman, RaconteurX, Valamir.

12/18/2003 Steve Dustin: Sorcerer in Iraq
I'm running a Sorcerer one-shot on Monday, and would appreciate some feedback on the prep I've done so far. It's set in Iraq, about a week before Saddam's capture. This…
In Actual Play
Participants: Steve Dustin, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Jeph.

12/18/2003 Ben Lehman: Assorted Questions of Demon Abilities
So, I'm running a game of Sorcerer (Charnel Gods brew) and I had some questions about demon abilities. First of all, all the demons (save one) are incapable of independent…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ben Lehman, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

12/18/2003 joao.mariano: New Game Dice Convention : Could you review it please?
I'm working in a dice pool system with what I think is a fairly original dice convention: Random action resolution requires the usage of a variable number of 6-sided dice…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: joao.mariano, Jeph, Valamir, Sindyr, MachMoth, Darcy Burgess, Walt Freitag, Mike Holmes, Andrew Martin, Paganini.

12/18/2003 anonymouse: Up-front Gamism.
From M.Holmes's seventh rant, Raven quoth: Something occurs to me about a design element no one else has mentioned, but which you bring up numerous times: the players never know…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: anonymouse, xiombarg, Mike Holmes.

12/18/2003 Calithena: Can I see a sample monster? A sample NPC?
I'm curious about what these things look like in Burning Wheel and how long they take to whip up.
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Calithena, rafial, taepoong, abzu.

12/17/2003 Ben Lehman: Tactics: Mechanics
For a discussion of responsibility management and group challenge, as well as an introduction to the game design goals, please see the previous thread for Tactics: In this thread…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, Dev, LordSmerf.

12/17/2003 Calithena: Can I get a game rec?
Okay, so one of my best players is going to start playing a new game with me. His character is a shapeshifter. I first went to Sorcerer, because I've been…
In Actual Play
Participants: Calithena, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege, RaconteurX, Clinton R. Nixon, Anthony I, Rob MacDougall, Michael S. Miller, Shadetree.

12/17/2003 Jeph: How I got into role-playing.
Clay would always play a wizard of some sort. Max liked being a dwarf, and Patrick would be a guy with a sword. I'd usually play a thief, and sam…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jeph, rafial, Emily Care, Peter Nordstrand, Calithena, Valamir, quozl, Brian Leybourne.

12/17/2003 Mike Holmes: Mike's Standard Rant #7: Designing for Gamism Ain't Easy
This one was touched off by this thread. In that thread, Chris is pointing out how hard it is to make a balanced game. I agree, but worse than that,…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Mike Holmes, GreatWolf, Jack Spencer Jr, LordSmerf, quozl, Noon, Ben Lehman, Bankuei, Andrew Martin, anonymouse, greyorm, xiombarg, Valamir, Drifter Bob, Harlequin, ADGBoss.

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Subsequent Topics

10/6/2003 SumDood: Website hosting (split)
Being strictly small time, and extremely cheap, I publish my stuff on the server space provided by my ISP. I think a lot of small time creaters who have a…
In Publishing
Participants: SumDood, Erick Wujcik, Matt, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Firefly Games, madelf.

12/19/2003 Matt Wilson: [the Puddle] Crimson Skies Pulp Action
I officially dig any game that requires very little preparation from anyone. Enter the Puddle, which we opted for last night in the absence of one player and presence of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, John Harper, Mike Holmes, Loki, Cassidy.

12/19/2003 Rico: New way of caulculating damage
This problem first came up when I was seneschal for a dwarf with a hammer. The dwarf was using the puncture side of his hammer and attacked a guy at…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Rico, Brian Leybourne, Mike Holmes, demiurgeastaroth, Ashren Va'Hale.

12/20/2003 bluegargantua: Killing Christmas Puppies
okay, so, i ran kill puppies for satan tonight. tonight i was guided by lord lumpley's tarnished rule: in kpfs, prepping a plot is a complete and total waste of…
In Actual Play
Participants: bluegargantua, Zathreyel, Rob MacDougall, Ron Edwards, Bryant, lumpley, Meguey.

12/20/2003 Simon W: Saving the World in a Groovy Kind of Way
I finally got around to running a session of Matt Macell's The Agency last night. We were due to play one of our favourites (Amber Diceless), but one player couldn't…
In Actual Play
Participants: Simon W, Mike Holmes, Warrior Kal, Ron Edwards, Matt.

12/20/2003 gobi: Off-Balance Resolution: A mechanic looking for a home
A mechanic just jumped out at me over breakfast, but I'm having trouble thinking of a setting or genre in which it would be most ideally suited. It's a mechanic…
In RPG Theory
Participants: gobi, Noon, Bob McNamee, Andrew Martin, Chris Goodwin, Marhault, happyelf, M. J. Young, Shreyas Sampat, Harlequin.

12/20/2003 rafial: [Burning Wheel] Fear and Loathing in Tarshish
I used our third session of BW to address the "intimidation" regarding the combat system that several players had expressed in the previous thread. After framing some opening scenes…
In Actual Play
Participants: rafial, abzu, Alan, John Harper, Matt Wilson.

12/21/2003 Nawara: The Perfect Skill List?
Hi, my name's Jeff and I'm new to this forum. Anyway, I need some help designing a versatile skill list for a modern-day, comedy/drama political RPG (think of a cross…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nawara, Jeph, Jack Spencer Jr, Christopher Weeks, Andrew Martin, M. J. Young.

12/21/2003 Lxndr: Random BW Questions
I've poked through here, and I've poked through the forums on your site, as well as looking through the book. Here are questions I couldn't find answered. If they were,…
In Burning Wheel
Participants: Lxndr, abzu, rafial.

12/21/2003 John Kim: Simulationist Storytelling Systems?
So something seems to be missing for me in the picture of how games are classified GNS-wise. Traditional cause-to-effect mechanics tend to be called simulationist, but I think that simulationist…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: John Kim, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Ian Charvill, xiombarg, Ron Edwards.

12/21/2003 Silmenume: Shared Imagined Space and Imagination - Split
I broke this off from the Why we (I?) roleplay - especially in the Simulationist mode to deal with the topic of the Shared Imagined Space that had arisen. I…
In GNS Model Discussion
Participants: Silmenume, Jack Spencer Jr, John Kim, lumpley, Alan, Ron Edwards, M. J. Young.

12/21/2003 Endoperez: Advice wanted for a Percentile system
A long time ago, I found free rpg rules system called Knights of Legend from internet. It is a percentile system, and it has main attributes, attributes counted from them…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Endoperez, John Kim, Andrew Martin, Anthony I, M. J. Young.

12/21/2003 chade0: about Brian's Damage Table Program
Brian, Thanks for this very useful and handy program you've coded! It really makes Senechal's work easier (assuming you have a laptop). Now, a question and suggestion, have you ever…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: chade0, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne.

12/21/2003 AdAstraGames: RPGs without Kewl Powerz
I'm at a bit of a conundrum here. I have a setting in development (The Ten Worlds), as the backdrop for Attack Vector: Tactical. The setting is non-gritty hard science…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: AdAstraGames, xiombarg, Andrew Martin, M. J. Young, Zathreyel, ethan_greer, Bankuei, Doctor Xero.

12/21/2003 Jaif: This game reminds me of marvel (old game)
One of the major features of the marvel system was the one-size-fits-all mechanic: the FEAT table. Along with a consistant rating system for all abilities, this core mechanic made it…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Jaif, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Michael S. Miller, Deacon Blues, Scripty.

12/22/2003 Gwen: Forum Based Sapce Game
A lot my friends have moved away and so we don't get to roleplay like we used to- some have even moved to other parts of the world which makes…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gwen, anonymouse, Dev.

12/22/2003 bcook1971: [TROS] Help! How to promote progress in discovery.
Hello. My gaming group is in the middle of a TROS campaign right now. My Seneschal places priority on discovery as a means of progress. I see the following ends…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971, Jake Norwood, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, hyphz.

12/22/2003 Malechi: Katanapunk! Website
Hey there, Some of you may remember a project I started working on called Katanapunk! Its been a while but thanks to my 12 week uni holiday which started a…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Malechi.

12/22/2003 b4d0m3n: Ultimate Attributes List?
Alright, homeboys. This is what I've got it down to: Killin’ (an’ doin’) STRength DEXterity STAmina Thunkin’ (an’ clevers) PERception INTelligence WITs Talkin’ (an’ plottin’, an’ lookin’) CHARisma MANipulation APPearance…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: b4d0m3n, Valamir, Anthony I, Endoperez, Ben Lehman, failrate, gobi, Nawara, CthulhuPriest, Scourge108, M. J. Young, J B Bell, Autocrat, Shreyas Sampat, Deadboy, Sean, Dav, Ron Edwards, Zoetrope10, artofmagic, WyldKarde.

12/22/2003 Kaare Berg: [Burning Wheel] Troll Winter - longish
They are beginning to get it. Finally they are beginning to get it. But I am getting ahead of myself. My group had our second BW session last night and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kaare Berg, abzu, taepoong, Jeph.

more subsequent topics >>