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The Forge at GenCon - CRUCIAL POST

Started by Ron Edwards, July 09, 2002, 04:03:18 PM

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Ron Edwards

So far, based on my financial records, here are the people who are going to be at the booth, in addition to me and Jason.

Gordon Landis
Scott Knipe
Paul Czege & Danielle
Jake Norwood *
Tom Fitch
Juergen Mayer
Jared Sorensen *
Matt Gwinn *

* = cleared to sell their game(s) at the booth

I may have missed a person or two, especially people who sent money by check much earlier in the year. Mike Holmes and Ralph Mazza, are you in this category? Cynthia Celeste Holmes?

Also, Josh Neff, what's up with you? Are you in on this? How about Sean Wipfli? Dav Harnish? I have a very terrible notion that people are going to show up at GenCon expecting me to have "just known" they were coming, and that I won't have exhibitor badges for them.

This is the last call. Please contact me by email or private message here at the Forge if you want to be involved at the booth.


Matt Gwinn

QuoteMike Holmes and Ralph Mazza, are you in this category? Cynthia Celeste Holmes?

Did Mike and Cynthia get married recently and not tell me?  I feel left out of the loop :-(

Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
On sale now at

Ron Edwards

Hey Matt,

Oops. Cynthia Celeste Miller. Typin' too fast again ...

Seriously, people, I need this information right away. It will Suck Really Bad if you show up with a carton of games and if I can only show my palms to the ceiling. I will be way way too busy to trot to the Admin people, wait in line, and get new badges for you.


Ron Edwards

Oh yeah!

Matt Snyder, Sean Demory, James V. West, and others, I am perfectly happy (and highly motivated!) to sell copies of your games at GenCon - but you must pay the booth fee for it! That's $100.

If you want me to do this, please email me immediately.

To clarify:

1) To be an exhibitor at the booth costs $60.
2) To sell a game at the booth costs $100.

So: if you're present, and you aren't selling a game, it costs you $60. (You are free to demo and rep for a free game.) Example: Paul Czege.

If you're present and selling a specific game, it costs you $160. Example: Jake Norwood.

If you're not present, and you want us to be repping and selling your game, it costs you $100. Example: no one yet.


Jürgen Mayer

Quote from: Ron EdwardsSo far, based on my financial records, here are the people who are going to be at the booth, in addition to me and Jason.
Doesn't Jason also plan to bring two helpers to the booth (one of them being Todd Luikart)? Just wanted to post this so that they are not forgotten.
I guess Dav's badge will be sponsored by Apophis.
Also, has someone asked Mario? What about Clinton? And didn't Mike Gentry hang out at the booth last year, too?

edit: added some people
Jürgen Mayer
Disaster Machine Productions

Ron Edwards

Hi Juergen,

Clinton won't be able to make it to GenCon this year. (All together now: indignant "Awwww!!")

Dav and I will work out any necessary arrangement. Some other people have multiple-booth obligations, like Matt Snyder, and we've figured out what to do. (But I really want to see Dav selling the cool-ass illustrated version of Violence Future! Contact me, Dav!)

Yes, I'd like to see Mike G, Mario, etc, etc, etc, everyone, all there. Hell, I'd like to see Melodie, Seth ben-Ezra, Jeff Diamond, .... c'mon, everyone. Anyone who can.


Matt Snyder

As Ron already knows (and has mentioned), I'll be there with an exhibitor badge from the Godlike folks, so I'll be splitting duties. I'll be running at least a couple Dust Devil demos and hopefully play some other stuff, too! (wanna play Charnel Gods, Universalis, InSpectres, many more!)

What's more, Dust Devils will be on sale at the booth! I'm going to be sweatin' bullets to get it finalized, but an expanded, hard-copy version of the game WILL be on sale.

Can't wait!
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra


I have a question and this seemed like the right place to ask.  

I will not be attending GenCon but I was wondering if anyone would be interested in running a demo of>Dreamwalker: Roleplaying in the Land of Dreams.  The book is a POD product so I don't have any copies on hand to sell but I think this might generate some interest/publicity.  I would send out a free copy of the book (I only have one left) and might even be able to help with the price of the admission ticket in exchange for a demo and passing out fliers.  

Please check out our website to see if Dreamwalker is a game that interests you.  I would classify the rules system and intended style of play as Simulationist but I might not have the best grasp of the GNS model.  There is also an RPGnet review of the game>here.



Jason L Blair

Quote from: Jürgen Mayer
Doesn't Jason also plan to bring two helpers to the booth (one of them being Todd Luikart)? Just wanted to post this so that they are not forgotten.[/i]

Yes, Todd "Too Sexy" Luikart will be there helping me run the Key 20 booth. Go Todd!
Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer

Jerry D. Grayson

Is there room at the table for a Johnny come lately?
Jerry D. Grayson
Khepera Publishing

Ron Edwards

Hi Jerry!

Yes, get in touch with me by email or private message, and I think we can work something out.



Quote from: Jason L Blair
Quote from: Jürgen Mayer
Doesn't Jason also plan to bring two helpers to the booth (one of them being Todd Luikart)? Just wanted to post this so that they are not forgotten.[/i]

Yes, Todd "Too Sexy" Luikart will be there helping me run the Key 20 booth. Go Todd!

Ya know, people are already talking about us, Jason. I'm going to start telling people the 'L' stands for 'Loverboy'.  ;)

At any rate, to all and sundry, yes I'll be there with bells on and not only will I shlep for Little Fears I'll pretty much shlep for any of you guys it I've read your stuff.
Servant of Mantorok since 1863
Rumpuncher - Nocturnal's Scribe

Jason L Blair

Quote from: TSLYa know, people are already talking about us, Jason. I'm going to start telling people the 'L' stands for 'Loverboy'.  ;)

*sings* Let's give'em somethin' to talk about...
Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer

Misguided Games

Ron, if you guys prepare some promo material listing stuff folks can see at the booth, make sure I get some.

Jerry, if you're going to be over at Ron's booth, please let me know.

Matt Gwinn

QuoteRon, if you guys prepare some promo material listing stuff folks can see at the booth, make sure I get some.

That goes for me too.  I will be making flyers for Kayfabe and it won't take much to make some forge flyers too.

,Matt G.
Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
On sale now at