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In Publishing

12/13/2004 Doehring: Post it
If your hate mail is not to graphic post it it would be intresting to see what that person said and how they supported there idea.
In Publishing
Participants: Doehring, Ron Edwards.

12/13/2004 Doehring: Role Playing
Personally I play D&D and when I agree it is not the best system the world itself has more resources than any other out there. The game is a giant…
In Publishing
Participants: Doehring, Ron Edwards, daMoose_Neo.

12/13/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Final Twilight]Grand Experiment- PDF CG
Hmmkay, discussion in Theroy over CCGs and RPGs sparked a old idea in me brain and I dug out the notes and samples from it. After some more work aligning…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, LordSmerf, Andrew Morris, greyorm, twiztidsoul0512.

12/13/2004 Doehring: lulu
I would check they seem to be the cheapest I have seen and there was a post here on the forge but it was difficult to realise what it…
In Publishing
Participants: Doehring, daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards.

12/12/2004 tldenmark: Opinions on Lulu vs. CafePress?
I've used cafe press quite a bit for making my convention books. Particularly for small b&w art books to sell at cons. I've also recently used it for the new…
In Publishing
Participants: tldenmark, Eero Tuovinen, Marco, Bardsandsages.

12/11/2004 jc_madden: Publishing questions
If anyone here has self published or gone through publishing houses or POD websites like RPG I'd like some imput on your from your experience. For me it's not "about…
In Publishing
Participants: jc_madden, MisterPoppet, Jasper, smokewolf, Troy_Costisick, Grand_Commander13, jerry, kushinagi, timfire, Polaris.

12/10/2004 jknevitt: The "Ransom" Model of Distribution
Greg Stolze talks about his new distribution model here. I personally love the idea. If I felt I could muster up enough support for Tribe, Pyongyang or RUN, I'd give…
In Publishing
Participants: jknevitt, Nathan P..

12/9/2004 Clinton R. Nixon: The world (of rights) is a complicated place
I had a long talk with a new friend tonight, and the topic of independent games and rights came up. This may sound strange coming from a Forge admin, but…
In Publishing
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, abzu, Bob Goat, madelf, Tav_Behemoth, jdagna, Ben Lehman, Blankshield, greedo1379, clehrich, Eero Tuovinen, GaryTP, GB Steve, greyorm, daMoose_Neo.

12/9/2004 Tav_Behemoth: WotC Market Research: Four Million D&D Players in 2004
I thought this post by Charles Ryan, the brand manager of D&D at Wizards of the Coast, might be of interest to folks here: specifically the estimate that the number…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, abzu, jdagna, Vaxalon, Jack Aidley, rpghost, GaryTP, daMoose_Neo, tymotzues.

12/8/2004 Christopher Kubasik: PDF Games? Aren't those like that Internet-thingee?
Hi. Over in the Actual Play review of GenCon SoCal, there are reports (still!) of piss fights over what constitutes a "real" company vs. a "vanity" set up. If you…
In Publishing
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, ethan_greer, TonyLB, Matt Wilson, jdagna, Tav_Behemoth, clehrich, Clinton R. Nixon, daMoose_Neo, Bankuei.

12/8/2004 gobi: Meatbot Massacre and the Ransom Model
This doesn't pertain to RPGs specifically, but it's still a gaming-related online publication with an experimental distribution model, so I figured I'd give everyone a head's up on it. (And…
In Publishing
Participants: gobi, Jasper, inky, Vaxalon, ethan_greer, Tav_Behemoth, GregStolze, Valamir, Malak, Mike Holmes, Nathan, Noon, GaryTP, contracycle.

12/4/2004 jknevitt: Indie Publishing! Aieee!
Let's assume for the time being I've got an indie system (like everyone else here) that's in the alpha stage that I want to publish (like everyone else here). So,…
In Publishing
Participants: jknevitt, Trevis Martin, timfire.

12/3/2004 J B Bell: The Shadow of Yesterday's Open Source Publishing Adventure
Heya, Clint, You mentioned on these boards that TSOY was something of an adventure in using 100% open source tools. I haven't been able to search up much more about…
In Publishing
Participants: J B Bell, Clinton R. Nixon, Dev, Tav_Behemoth.

12/3/2004 Blankshield: Use of quotes
I have some ideal quotes that I want to add to Death's Door, but they ain't mine to use. I have some queries as to fair use and attribution before…
In Publishing
Participants: Blankshield, clehrich, LordSmerf, Paul Czege.

12/2/2004 Ed Cha: We've officially launched Indie Press Revolution!
This is big, exciting news for the RPG creator-publisher. We're going to have banner ads on EN World and up soon and start promoting the site. Details in this…
In Publishing
Participants: Ed Cha.

12/2/2004 Dregg: Ads for the Forge
Hello, I'm about to do layout for my first self publsihed work "Pulp Era: Cinematic Adventures in the Yesteryear" and I would like to put a ad in the back…
In Publishing
Participants: Dregg, Jonathan Walton, Ron Edwards, abzu.

12/2/2004 leegarv: Tales From The Floating Vagabond looking for new home
Hi, Lee Garvin here. Please forgive me if this post is innapropriate for the list, I'm just trying to get the message out. I'm dropping this announcement in here because…
In Publishing
Participants: leegarv, ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, greyorm.

12/2/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Indie RPG Awards for 2004: One Month Left to Publish!
Just wanted to throw this out there to the folks who are working to get their final bits of PDF and print material together. The third (and last for me,…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Jonathan Walton, jdagna, chadu, daMoose_Neo.

11/29/2004 smokewolf: The Swing is 1 year old
The Swing will be 1 year old in December. It spent 2 years in development and I can not tell you what the last 3 years have been like for…
In Publishing
Participants: smokewolf, Jasper, jknevitt.

11/24/2004 MarktheAnimator: How to promote your online forum?
Hello, I've made an online forum for my game, Fantasy Imperium. I was wondering if anyone out there has any ideas for how to promote an online forum? What…
In Publishing
Participants: MarktheAnimator, jdagna, Grand_Commander13.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

12/13/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Cover for critique
Finally finished the draft cover for Capes (barring a few little additions and modifications I know still need to be done in the title-bar). And I am now absolutely too…
In Publishing
Participants: TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg, Tobias, timfire, GaryTP, Andrew Morris, John Harper, jdagna, Shreyas Sampat, Jack Aidley.

12/13/2004 Doehring: main stream
If you look there have been a few main stream books that have published in smaller formates than 8.5 by 11. Those books from my knolege include a form a…
In Publishing
Participants: Doehring, Ron Edwards.

12/13/2004 Doehring: Adds
Yes design does matter as well as profeshionalism. If you cover lookes like a cartoon you will appeal to that type of audience. Even the adults that usually like anime…
In Publishing
Participants: Doehring, Clinton R. Nixon, GaryTP, Ron Edwards.

12/13/2004 Doehring: Patent
I was woundering if anyone else has knoledge in this but I herd that it is possible to patent ideas enfact I do believe the system for the CCG Magic…
In Publishing
Participants: Doehring, Angaros, GaryTP, jdagna, caio_maximino, daMoose_Neo, madelf, Ron Edwards.

12/14/2004 Vaxalon: What do you think, scam?
I got this email tonight: Seasons Greetings Noble Adventurer! I was exploring cyberspace and came across your ad at one website for gamers. (That is where I got your…
In Publishing
Participants: Vaxalon, TonyLB, jc_madden, MisterPoppet, smokewolf, twiztidsoul0512.

12/14/2004 Simon W: Dreamscape Cover Art
Andrew (Navaro) has now finished the cool cover art for Dreamscape - (originally a 24-Hour rpg entry). here Simon W
In Publishing
Participants: Simon W, matthijs, Andrew Navaro, Bob Goat, TonyLB, ejh.

12/14/2004 Eero Tuovinen: The Book Shipment to Finland
This is just to let everybody know that the latest shipment of books came here complete and in good condition. A listing of the innards: 12 Questing Beast, The 12…
In Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen.

12/14/2004 Kesher: Shelf space in Minnesota
Howdy. One of the local gaming stores near Minneapolis, The Source Comics and Games, seems to be expanding their indie game stock (or maybe I've just gotten better at recognizing…
In Publishing
Participants: Kesher, Jared A. Sorensen, greedo1379.

12/15/2004 jknevitt: [RUN] Cover for Critique
Here's the first version of the cover for RUN: a game of artificial intelligence. I'm a little concerned it's a bit too dark, but I'd like to hear what people…
In Publishing
Participants: jknevitt, NN, greedo1379, Troy_Costisick, Rossum, Jack Aidley, Matt, MisterPoppet, Andrew Morris, Paul Czege, Kensan_Oni, jdagna, Nathan P., Noon, Keith Perhac, santo147.

12/16/2004 madelf: Strategy of Copyleft?
In this thread... ... I posted my current personal views of the flaws inherent in copyleft licenses and asked for a convincing argument in the hopes of learning more…
In Publishing
Participants: madelf, contracycle, Roger, GaryTP, Clinton R. Nixon, J B Bell, joshua neff, timfire, ryand, Brendan.

12/16/2004 abzu: Express Media Bad Experience
I know lots of folks here use Express Media to print their games. I used them to print the NPA. I have never had a worse experience with a vendor…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu, Bob Goat, daMoose_Neo, jdagna, Adam.

12/16/2004 jdagna: PDF Publishing Strategy: Looking for Advice
Hey all, I've been a little disappointed by the presales of my latest supplement, which isn't even back from the printer yet, but isn't generating the level of interest from…
In Publishing
Participants: jdagna, philreed, madelf, GMSkarka.

12/20/2004 clehrich: Setting up a Wiki Game
Hi gang, I'm looking for advice. Bear in mind that I live in the stone age, when we still used pencil and paper, so I'm a little clueless. I have…
In Publishing
Participants: clehrich, Dev, Trevis Martin, Brendan, daMoose_Neo.

12/21/2004 GregS: Valherjar: The Over-due Lovechild
I just wanted to take a minute and thank everyone again for all their help over the last few months. As of yesterday afternoon Valherjar: The Chosen Slain officially hit…
In Publishing
Participants: GregS, greyorm, urbwar, Dev.

12/23/2004 GregS: Help with Graphics
Greetings all, I'm having a rather unusual graphics issue and I'm hoping someone can help me figure out why. On my cover art (both on the book and on my…
In Publishing
Participants: GregS, greyorm, abzu, Chris Passeno.

12/26/2004 philreed: Update on life as a PDF publisher . . .
A little over six months ago I shared some of the reasons for taking the plunge into PDF publishing as my full-time job. I thought some of you might like…
In Publishing
Participants: philreed, Paul Czege, Vaxalon, xenopulse, Andy Kitkowski, Lxndr, Brendan, Solly Brown, Tav_Behemoth.

12/27/2004 rpghost: One Retailer Loactor to rule them all...
Greetings, We are happy to inform you of a great new FREE service (really!) from RPGHost Networks. We have developed a free centralized STORE LOCATOR that you may place on…
In Publishing
Participants: rpghost.

1/1/2005 JimLotFP: Is this a good or foolish idea in presenting a new game?
LotFP: RPG playtesting is going slowly. None of the people who have contacted me about playtesting seem to have actually tried playing the game as of yet, and I feel…
In Publishing
Participants: JimLotFP, Michael S. Miller, daMoose_Neo, Bankuei, GregS, Vaxalon, jdagna, KeithBVaughn, abzu, GaryTP.

1/1/2005 Michael S. Miller: New Year's Resolution: Promoting the NPA
Last year at this time, many of us anxiously awaited being published in the NoPress Anthology. It was going to be this great, new, groundbreaking thing to shake things up.…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Jeph, abzu, Matt, xiombarg.

1/2/2005 Mystique: Wanted: Indie Game Designer looking for partnership!
First: The Introductions... My name is Mike Clifford, and I am president of a small, independent RPG publishing company, Mystique Enterprises. We have released one D20 supplement (which continues to…
In Publishing
Participants: Mystique, TonyLB, greyorm, daMoose_Neo, Clinton R. Nixon, Eero Tuovinen.

more subsequent topics >>