The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics
In Publishing

6/29/2005 Avalloc: Overwhelmed by Publishing
I have been lurking around these forums for a while, and I seen tons of useful info and been lead to all sorts of resources and other interesting websites. But…
In Publishing
Participants: Avalloc, Michael S. Miller, MatrixGamer, abzu, davidJ, Andrew Morris, TheLe.

6/27/2005 MatrixGamer: Home Printing
I've just spent the last weekend printing a binding book for Origins and GenCon. I'll be at Origins later this week. Anybody who is there who would like to see…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, Chris Passeno, Gaerik, Matt Snyder, guildofblades, Andrew Morris.

6/26/2005 gatekeeper: Pen and Paper/Tabletop RPGs: Marketing
My name is Ryan Todd, long time lurker, first posting. I am a PnP/Tabletop game designer. Gods and Nemesis (the company I work for) has created an online pole -…
In Publishing
Participants: gatekeeper, gsoylent, Joshua BishopRoby.

6/25/2005 Grex: Why Some Publishers Are Digitizing Themselves
Not completely on-topic, but nonetheless some interesting thoughts on electronic publishing:
In Publishing
Participants: Grex, Andy Kitkowski, Polaris.

6/24/2005 daMoose_Neo: Constructing a CCG Co-op?
As I've discussed several times in the past with many people, card games, collectable or customizable, are expensive to produce, especially with the glut of games entering the market every…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Doug Ruff, Veritas Games, Mike Holmes, Polaris.

6/24/2005 Frank T: Playtesting Misery
Here is my dilemma: I have designed a game, BARBAREN!. I have had four playtesting sessions, all of them one-on-one with the same player. Those went very much to my…
In Publishing
Participants: Frank T, Ben Lehman, daMoose_Neo.

6/23/2005 Technocrat13: [Instant Publisher] Has anyone tried this site?
Hiya all. Feeling pretty good that I might actually get somewhere with FH8 led me to the fantasy that my next few games might actually be worthy of printing. Which…
In Publishing
Participants: Technocrat13, philreed, Andrew Morris, daMoose_Neo, Matt Gwinn.

6/23/2005 MatrixGamer: Accounting - What do you do?
I'd like to see two things come out of this thread. 1. give people a chance to share what they do so people can read and learn about an important…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, Resonantg, Valamir, Vaxalon, greyorm, ADGBoss, guildofblades.

6/22/2005 davidJ: Editing
I am curious, what are the rates for editing?
In Publishing
Participants: davidJ, Ben Lehman, Andrew Morris, Thor Olavsrud, Jake Richmond, Malcolm, jdagna, Frank T.

6/19/2005 unheilig studios: Quark or Adobe?
For those of you who do layout, what is your chosen program; Quark, Adobe, or Something Else?
In Publishing
Participants: unheilig studios, Jasper, Trevis Martin, Matt Gwinn, Rich Ranallo, Shreyas Sampat, Adam, Malcolm, abzu, Eero Tuovinen, Matt Snyder, Troy_Costisick, Chris Passeno, MatrixGamer, timfire.

6/17/2005 Valamir: Indie Boardgame Publisher
Since there've been a recent spate of threads interested in boardgame publishing I thought I'd throw up a link to Viktory. Its an independently published wargame which could be summarized…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir, Clinton R. Nixon.

6/16/2005 Malcolm: 2nd Editions: How far to go?
Just throwing the door open to opinion on this one. Recently, I've had something of a change of heart when it comes to games design (I was going to say…
In Publishing
Participants: Malcolm, c, Justin Marx, Matt, Eero Tuovinen, abzu, Bob Goat.

6/16/2005 GregStolze: Indie Games hit National Public Radio
At least one indie game, anyhow: NPR's On The Media ( interviewed Daniel Solis and myself about Meatbot Massacre ( and the ransom model of publishing. I know. I'm as…
In Publishing
Participants: GregStolze, Yokiboy, Jasper, Paul Czege, Space Cowboy, jrs.

6/13/2005 Matt Gwinn: New Cover for Kayfabe?
A few people have recommended that I change the cover for the next print run of Kayfabe and possibly move back to the original cover. Was just wondering what people…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Andrew Morris, Valamir, Bob Goat, Yokiboy, jdagna, Ria, Trish2.

6/12/2005 TonyLB: [Capes] New Cover, Second Draft
Way back when, I got critiques (useful as always) on the first rough draft of the new Capes cover. So, working on those, I've expanded to the new second draft…
In Publishing
Participants: TonyLB, Ria, GB Steve, Andrew Morris.

6/8/2005 Andrew Morris: Perceived value of PDF vs. print
Recently, I was excited to hear that Trollbabe might be offered in a print version, because I've wanted to buy it for a while, but the fact that it was…
In Publishing
Participants: Andrew Morris, ethan_greer, Asrogoth, Mike Holmes, PlotDevice, Eero Tuovinen, Trevis Martin, Bob Goat, Matt Gwinn, MatrixGamer, Ron Edwards, Ria, gatekeeper, Valamir, TheLe, Travis Brown.

6/8/2005 Allan: [Sweet Dreams] Example of Play
After a lot of related comments this past week, I've decided to rewrite the Example of Play for the Sweet Dreams Players' Book. My previous example was intended primarily to…
In Publishing
Participants: Allan, TonyLB, Valamir.

6/8/2005 Ethawyn: Fonts
What are the legalaties involved in font use? What fonts are open?
In Publishing
Participants: Ethawyn, Addix, madelf, daMoose_Neo, Gordon C. Landis, paulkdad, Resonantg, Victor Gijsbers, Malcolm, Peregrine, davidJ.

6/7/2005 Ethawyn: Just starting
Hiya. First of all thanks for these boards. Ok. Down to business. My friends and I are starting up an RPG company. Right now all we have are a bunch…
In Publishing
Participants: Ethawyn, timfire, MatrixGamer, Valamir.

6/7/2005 mjstahl: Book Structure - the ordering of chapters
I spent the last weekend looking through countless books (personally owned, and store owned) because I am having trouble deciding on the chapter structure for my current project. It seems…
In Publishing
Participants: mjstahl, Allan, Grand_Commander13, Simon Marks, timfire, Ron Edwards, MatrixGamer.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

6/30/2005 preludetotheend: A list of good printing presses
OK folks I would rather not have to learn the hard way that one publishers better than another. So I created this little thread in hopes that nice people like…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Polaris.

6/30/2005 Allan: Sweet Dreams cover
I just finished the Sweet Dreams Players' Book cover. I'd welcome some feedback on it. Specifically, how are the fonts, size and placement of text? Is the upper left corner…
In Publishing
Participants: Allan, PlotDevice, c, Andrew Morris, timfire, matthijs, Jasper Polane.

7/1/2005 epweissengruber: Great source of free visuals
This website is a digitization of a noted German reference work, Zur Geschichte der Kostueme. THE HISTORY OF COSTUME - INDEX By Braun & Schneider - c.1861-1880
In Publishing
Participants: epweissengruber, BigElvis.

7/1/2005 daMoose_Neo: The Supers CCG - Duelist 1st!
Thrilled to be wrapping things up! Just need to finalize the work on the logo and layout the rules insert and the first game featuring the Duelist System will be…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Veritas Games, btrc, Doug Ruff, Eero Tuovinen, mangaocid.

7/3/2005 btrc: Advanced pdfs
If you ever wondered at how much functionality you can cram into a pdf, I have the demo version of Infinite Armies up at: This is somewhat of a…
In Publishing
Participants: btrc, Veritas Games, Bob Goat, abzu, fug01664, TheLe.

7/4/2005 Grand_Commander13: Spiral-bound and the "Indie-Punk" look
A while ago, I said in this thread of mine that I intended on spiral-binding my RPG. Well, GenCon didn't quite happen for me because of the incredible costs versus…
In Publishing
Participants: Grand_Commander13, timfire, matthijs, Jasper, Andrew Morris, Michael S. Miller, davidJ, AdeptPhenix, MatrixGamer.

7/4/2005 PrzeSzkoda: Copyright - movie frames
Although I've been lurking around The Forge for some time now, I never made my presence apparent to other users - so I guess it's time to say 'Hi'. Hi.…
In Publishing
Participants: PrzeSzkoda, Eero Tuovinen, c.

7/4/2005 Palaskar: Indexes and Bookmarks in PDF
How do I make indexes and bookmarks in a PDF file? I'm working with Microsoft Word and using it to print out PDF files, but so far, the closest I…
In Publishing
Participants: Palaskar, Grand_Commander13, Avalloc, MikeSands, TheLe, Polaris.

7/7/2005 Doc Blue: Cafe Press for Printing
Has anyone tried CafePress for book publishing? Any comments or experiences to share?
In Publishing
Participants: Doc Blue, Grand_Commander13, MisterPoppet, Jake Richmond, Ron Edwards.

7/9/2005 GregStolze: The Ransom Model is on NPR and Spaaace!
If you've downloaded Meatbot Massacre, you're probably familiar with how the Ransom Model for distribution works. If you haven't, head on over to, get the game, read the theory.…
In Publishing
Participants: GregStolze, Veritas Games, Eero Tuovinen, komradebob.

7/9/2005 Andy Kitkowski: 24 Hour RPG Project: Grand Act is Nigh!
Hey all, sorry for the belated promo, but there's a weekend and a half left in the Grand Act for the 24 Hour RPG project. Feel free to join in…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski.

7/10/2005 mangaocid: Element - CCG
Ok, so I mentioned making a game called "Element". This game uses pieces of the "duelist system", creating an extended play version.(See the "Supers" thread for more information). Instead of…
In Publishing
Participants: mangaocid, Veritas Games.

7/10/2005 leonidas300: Cursed Empire - Q & A's on game design
Dear members and guests, I'm posting to answer questions people may have on the Cursed Empire game as well as provide any assistance to other people out there who wish…
In Publishing
Participants: leonidas300, abzu, Polaris, Paka.

7/11/2005 Mike Holmes: Publication Control Concepts
So, at Origins, I discovered a few interesting ideas that people have about publishing. For one, let's start with White Wolf's announcement about licencing: In brief, if you charge…
In Publishing
Participants: Mike Holmes, Bob Goat, Jack Aidley, MatrixGamer, Gaerik, xenopulse, ADGBoss, jdagna, Andrew Morris, abzu, Adam.

7/11/2005 TonyLB: [Capes] New Cover, complete rework
Okay, so I needed some time to absorb the overall impression people had which was that my previous attempt at a new cover simply didn't pass muster. Ouch, but better…
In Publishing
Participants: TonyLB, Technocrat13, Andrew Morris, Valamir, Ron Edwards, unheilig studios, Resonantg, Jack Aidley, Gaerik, timfire, Ria.

7/14/2005 preludetotheend: How a "virus" might work.
Hi all I was just remembering this weird virus that I got which when I opened it sent itself to a bunch of my friends. Now the one that I…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Bankuei, Walt Freitag, Gaerik, daMoose_Neo, jdagna, Malcolm.

7/16/2005 Allan: [Sweet Dreams] "lite" version
I've just finished a lite demo version of Sweet Dreams, Love and Dodgeball. It's basically the combat system with the Powers removed. I hope it will make a good 15…
In Publishing
Participants: Allan, MisterPoppet, Technocrat13, Ben Lehman.

7/17/2005 Denise: Please voice your opinion!
I don't know how much you guys read the other topics, so I'll X-post here:  I've started a nomination thread for the Fan's Choice of Best Publisher for this years…
In Publishing
Participants: Denise, LandonSuffered.

7/18/2005 Resonantg: Plagiarism (split)
To quote a Tom Lehrer song "Nikolai Evonovitch Lubichevski" (I believe): "Plagerize! Let no one elses work evade your eyes! But please to call... research" The point I'd make is…
In Publishing
Participants: Resonantg, Ron Edwards.

7/18/2005 Technocrat13: How I produced playtest hardcopies of FH8 with materials from around the house.
Ok, mostly with materials from around the house. Here's my list of materials and tools; My compy (my lappy to be exact) My crappy cheap-o HP printer where color replacement…
In Publishing
Participants: Technocrat13, MatrixGamer, Andrew Morris, John Harper, jasonm.

more subsequent topics >>