Previous Topics In HeroQuest 5/28/2003 dunlaing: It's available for pre-order now In HeroQuest Participants: dunlaing, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Ian Cooper, simondale, Bankuei, Valamir, Magnus widqvist.
5/26/2003 Peter Nordstrand: Handing Out Hero Points Howdy,
The criterions for handing out Hero Points in Hero Wars/HeroQuest are remarkably overlooked. Yes, the game does suggest minimum and maximum awards, but that's it. This is somewhat odd,… In HeroQuest Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Mike Holmes, dunlaing, simon_hibbs, Ron Edwards.
5/21/2003 dunlaing: Question on Shamans in HeroQuest Does anyone know how they've changed Shamans in HeroQuest?
For the detailed tradition in the Imperial Lunar Handbook, awakening one's fetch is the Secret of that tradition (and thus unavailable… In HeroQuest Participants: dunlaing, Nick Brooke, Mark Galeotti, Ian Cooper.
5/15/2003 Mike Holmes: Power Level of Allies OK, Josh's character is a member of an organization. That organization has members that are much more powerful than he is. His relationship with the org is 17. Now, through… In HeroQuest Participants: Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.
5/14/2003 dunlaing: Level of Opposition If a party of starting level characters (17 to 5W in the appropriate abilities) are all going to have to perform a contest against one opposition, how high should the… In HeroQuest Participants: dunlaing, epweissengruber, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, MrWrong.
5/11/2003 MrWrong: HeroQuest Demos at Beer n Pretzels XVI This year's Beer & Pretzels Games Weekend at the Town Hall, Burton on Trent UK is on the 17th and 18th May.
There's ample free parking, hot and cold food,… In HeroQuest Participants: MrWrong.
5/4/2003 bluegargantua: Heroquesting -- The Larger Picture From an older thread...
However, it is definitely not, "Which side are you on?" The sides in the various political conflicts in Glorantha are deconstructed through playing the game.… In HeroQuest Participants: bluegargantua, sben, Ron Edwards, MrWrong, Uncle Dark, Valamir, Tod Olson, simon_hibbs, Mike Holmes, Nick Brooke, Tim Ellis, Gordon C. Landis, Alai.
5/2/2003 dunlaing: HeroQuest weapons and armor I heard a rumor that in HeroQuest, Edges will go the way of the dodo.* This led me to wondering how weapons and armor would be represented in HeroQuest, since… In HeroQuest Participants: dunlaing, Ian Cooper, Mike Holmes, Palashee, Peter Nordstrand.
5/1/2003 Nick Brooke: your guide to all the best Gloranthan websites [b] is ready to roll![/b]
Visit [url=]Lokarnos[/url], your index to all the best Gloranthan websites. A new user-built hub and forum, where you can announce, discover and discuss all kinds… In HeroQuest Participants: Nick Brooke, Christopher Kubasik, Ron Edwards.
4/26/2003 Christopher Kubasik: Getting Ready for Hero Quest Here's one for the folks within the inside scoop on the Hero Quest book and product line.
Okay. Let's say I patiently set aside buying Hero Wars a while back… In HeroQuest Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Michael Bowman, MrWrong.
4/24/2003 Alan: Using Affinities and Feats One of the pre-gen characters in Hound's Tower has a bunch of Affinities, but no Feats. The notes say he uses them with improvisational modifiers.
Does this mean he gets… In HeroQuest Participants: Alan, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Peter Nordstrand, Palashee.
4/23/2003 Alan: Questions on Extended Conflicts In an extended conflict, on a player's turn, how many things can he do?
My interpretation of the rules is that a player _either_ rolls their exchange, or rolls an… In HeroQuest Participants: Alan, Mike Holmes, Peter Nordstrand, Ron Edwards.
4/3/2003 MrWrong: Herowars Games at GenConUk Herowars games at GenconUk 17-21st April Olympia 2 London Uk
Over all 4 days of the convention there will be a diverse range of 11 scenarios available. As well as… In HeroQuest Participants: MrWrong, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Palashee.
4/3/2003 simon_hibbs: Crunchy Contests for Hero Wars I've written up the laternative contest rules I use in my game as a PDF document. It includes some forms, an example of play and spot rules section covering special… In HeroQuest Participants: simon_hibbs, MrWrong.
2/25/2003 dunlaing: Questions about Hero Wars/Quest When my group played Hero Wars (soon after it came out) we had a lot of fun with it and a few issues. Mostly fun.
I'm wondering if anyone else… In HeroQuest Participants: dunlaing, Ron Edwards, Peter Nordstrand.
2/21/2003 wyrdlyng: FYI: New Distributor for Hero Wars stuff [b]February 19, 2003: SJ Games To Distribute Issaries Line[/b]
Steve Jackson Games will take responsibility for sales and distribution of all Issaries releases, effective immediately. All existing Issaries back stock… In HeroQuest Participants: wyrdlyng.
2/1/2003 Alai: Hero Wars and Pendragon The synergies and differences between HW and Pendragon are something I've given a bit of thought to in the past, partly as HW was ahead of time rumoured to be… In HeroQuest Participants: Alai, Ron Edwards.
1/22/2003 pacific_steve: RQ collection for sale Hey everyone,
Just as the title this link:
Very valuable for players of Hero Wars.
Steve In HeroQuest Participants: pacific_steve.
1/14/2003 epweissengruber: Pre-Registration for Gloranthacon coming to an end I urge any Glorantha fans to preregister for Gloranthacon, March 7th in Toronto. Preregistration ends this month, after which the price will climb.
Even if you are not a Glorantha… In HeroQuest Participants: epweissengruber.
12/23/2002 Roy: Question on Augmentations Hey, everyone! I just picked up the Hero Wars Deluxe Set a few days ago and I'm really blown away by the awesome simplicity of Robin Law's system. It's very… In HeroQuest Participants: Roy, Russell Hoyle, simon_hibbs.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In HeroQuest 6/1/2003 Mr Darran Sims: New players for HeroQuest and spreading the Gloranthan word New players for HeroQuest and spreading the Gloranthan word
Hi All,
Last night I narrated a game of Heroquest with a bunch of newbies and I thought that I… In HeroQuest Participants: Mr Darran Sims, Bankuei, Ron Edwards, MrWrong.
6/2/2003 nylle: Using old RQ material in HeroQuest/Hero Wars Hi,
I used to play RQ quite a long time ago, but unfortunately haven't played it for many years. However, this weekend I picked up Hero Wars on an auction… In HeroQuest Participants: nylle, Ron Edwards, simon_hibbs, Tim Ellis, Ian Cooper.
6/9/2003 MrWrong: So what style HeroQuest Game do you play? The whole thread on writing a Narratist scenario, really got me thinking what sort of Heroquest game people play.
Personally I presently only have time to run HQ at conventions.… In HeroQuest Participants: MrWrong, Bankuei, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Palashee, simon_hibbs, Christopher Kubasik, Ian Cooper, MarkAdri, Nick Brooke, joshua neff, Magnus widqvist.
6/21/2003 Rob MacDougall: question re: future HeroQuest releases Hi all.
Ron's preview of HeroQuest over at Pyramid (link will work for subscribers only) may have kicked up a little hand-wringing on the discussion boards about the difference between… In HeroQuest Participants: Rob MacDougall, Tim Ellis, Nick Brooke.
6/28/2003 Christopher Kubasik: Glorantha: I'm Confused... ... but not the way you think.
Hi everyone. In preperation for the release of HeroQuest I've been digging into Glorantha background material -- both online and in Hero Wars… In HeroQuest Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Nick Brooke, Mark Galeotti, joshua neff, simon_hibbs, Alai, Bracken, Mike Holmes, AnyaTheBlue, Ron Edwards.
7/2/2003 Christopher Kubasik: The HQ / Glorantha Website Link Sticky Thread Ooookay!
I've just volunteered to set up a Sticky Thread for Glorantha links around the internet. This way, if anyone wants to provide a link to their site, or someone… In HeroQuest Participants: Christopher Kubasik, Nick Brooke, Peter Nordstrand.
7/7/2003 bluegargantua: Hero Wars Mechanics Question Hey,
So I've been running some test sessions of the Extended Contest
Mechanics for Hero Wars and I think I've found a snag (or a misunderstanding on my part).
There… In HeroQuest Participants: bluegargantua, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.
7/8/2003 joshua neff: who's running the empire? Just like Christopher, I've been doing a lot of boy-oh-boy-I-can't-wait-for-HeroQuest-to-come-out reading up on the world of Glorantha. This morning, I came across this bit in the Kralorela chapter in Glorantha:… In HeroQuest Participants: joshua neff, Nick Brooke, simon_hibbs, MarkAdri.
7/14/2003 Jos: Help required! Hi. This is a question concerning the Wizards of Morcar Expansion Set for HeroQuest. I've dug out some stuff from some time ago, and have lost one of the six… In HeroQuest Participants: Jos, Fabrice G..
7/17/2003 Peter Nordstrand: Arrgh! August? Argh!
No, sorry, let me rephrase that:
No, sorry, I'll try to be more eloquent:
Argh! August?
/Peter N In HeroQuest Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Mike Holmes, pete_darby, simon_hibbs, Ron Edwards, Bankuei.
7/29/2003 MarkAdri: Playing the Empire With the iminent release of HeroQuest and the release of the first Imperial Lunar Handbook, is the Lunar Empire going to be the place to play.
If it is where… In HeroQuest Participants: MarkAdri, simon_hibbs, MrWrong.
8/8/2003 Palashee: Heroquest @ Battlemasters 2003, Leicester, Uk Hi there,
To celebrate the arrival of the new Heroquest Rules a whole bunch of Heroquest demos have been organised for the Battlemasters 2003 Convention being held in Leicester, Uk… In HeroQuest Participants: Palashee, Mark Galeotti.
8/11/2003 Peter Nordstrand: Well of Souls in Actual Play Hi,
Those of you who followed the Narrativist Scenario Writing thread may be interested to read my actual play reports.
/Peter N In HeroQuest Participants: Peter Nordstrand.
8/14/2003 Mark Galeotti: HeroQuest Voices Did you order the deluxe hardback edition of HeroQuest, but haven't yet received details on how to download your advance copy of the splendid HeroQuest Voices collection, compiled by Nick… In HeroQuest Participants: Mark Galeotti, Nick Brooke, MarkAdri, Mike Holmes, Peter Nordstrand, Wolfhead.
8/16/2003 Mark Galeotti: HeroQuest is Here! [color=darkred]Issaries Press Release
Concord, CA
August 15, 2003
[b]HeroQuest is Here![/b]
Voted "Most Anticipated Roleplaying Game of 2003" on an poll,
HeroQuest has finally arrived. Really. We got our… In HeroQuest Participants: Mark Galeotti, Peter Nordstrand, Syam Lantri, Nick Brooke.
8/18/2003 MrWrong: Official UK Men In Black HeroQuest Launch Party For you folk in the UK , a chance to play the game and win a copy.......
Saturday Night at Battlemasters, Digby Hall,Leicester University 30 August 2003
To coincide with… In HeroQuest Participants: MrWrong.
8/19/2003 dunlaing: Usefulness (or uselessness) of Sample Heroes As Peter requested, I made this a seperate thread. I took the title from his post, I don't mean to imply that I think they're useless.
I found the sample… In HeroQuest Participants: dunlaing, Nick Brooke, Bankuei, Peter Nordstrand, Brand_Robins.
8/22/2003 dunlaing: HeroQuest Character Creation My group would like to start up a game of HeroQuest as soon as possible.
Does anyone here know how character generation works in HeroQuest?
I'm just talking about from… In HeroQuest Participants: dunlaing, Mark Galeotti, Peter Nordstrand.
8/22/2003 dunlaing: My order just shipped According to the Warehouse23 order status page, my copy shipped on August 22nd!
Yay! In HeroQuest Participants: dunlaing.
8/25/2003 joshua neff: my order just arrived I just got my copy of HeroQuest in the mail.
Snap response, based on flipping through it: the layout, the design, the whole set-up is a huge improvement over Hero… In HeroQuest Participants: joshua neff, Mark Galeotti, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, Paul Czege, Nick Pagnucco, Ron Edwards, Scripty.
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