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In Actual Play

12/19/2002 Sidhain: Hearts and Souls: In the Blood
Genetically Enhanced Gang-members the "Dinos" are robbing banks, and other money intensive places--skillfully, too skillfully---turns out their enhancements are from dinosaur DNA (and abilities) given to them by one Dr.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Sidhain.

12/18/2002 Stuart DJ Purdie: When the Narrativist is dysfunctional
This is a bit of a retrospective look back over a few games, going back about 6 years or so. I've been playing in a stable group, with a few…
In Actual Play
Participants: Stuart DJ Purdie, Ron Edwards, Eric J., Mike Holmes, cruciel, Tony Irwin.

12/18/2002 Aragorn: i guess my opinion is last
Hello, since Rob said that Erics (pyrons) thread was to no longer be used, i firgured that i would simply say that, i am Avery, one of the other players…
In Actual Play
Participants: Aragorn, Eric J., Andrew Martin, contracycle, Sage of Shadowdale, Ron Edwards, Valamir, greyorm, Seth L. Blumberg, Scratchware.

12/17/2002 IG_Kahn_Storm: Hello im cody
hello my name is cody who you have been hearing so much about. i just learned the adress for this forum today at lunch im one of the almost constant…
In Actual Play
Participants: IG_Kahn_Storm, Ron Edwards.

12/17/2002 Alan: Learning to GM narrativist style
Hi, Last night I ran the Hanged Man from Dust Devils for five players as a one-shot. After play, everyone reported that they enjoyed the game - however, I was…
In Actual Play
Participants: Alan, Jeffrey Miller, Clay, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, Fabrice G..

12/17/2002 Matt Wilson: Dust Devils and Trollbabe at Indie Games Night
Last night so many people turned out for Indie Games Night that we had to split into two still-very-large groups. Clinton ran Trollbabe with 4 players, and Alan ran Dust…
In Actual Play
Participants: Matt Wilson, Jeffrey Miller, Ron Edwards.

12/16/2002 Paul Czege: takin' care of business with Wraiths and The Window
So, a few weeks ago, with much excitement on my part, we did a setup session for Ian Millington's Wraiths, which is a collaborative, GM-less roleplaying game in a…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

12/13/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: Trollbabe - The Shadow Troll
Most of my group and I played Trollbabe Thursday night. I learned two things right off the bat: 1) Trollbabe is easy to run. 2) Trollbabe is hard as hell…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Matt Wilson, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, Bankuei.

12/12/2002 WildElf: Little Fears mechanic questions/problems
I ran a short series of Little Fears. First off, the idea for kids and horror is genius. I think it works really well, and players seem to be able…
In Actual Play
Participants: WildElf, Jason L Blair, Ron Edwards, Fabrice G..

12/12/2002 jburneko: Le Mon Mouri - Anyone Played This?
I came across this on my computer yesterday. I totally forgot that I had purchased this little download. Unfortunately, I find it very hard to read. I think it's the…
In Actual Play
Participants: jburneko, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, sdemory.

12/12/2002 xiombarg: f*ckin' Dust Devils
Tonight was our vulgarly-named "F*ck-Around Night" where we try out new games. Tonight we tried Dust Devils. We used the sample scenario -- and since I had six players instead…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg, Matt Snyder.

12/11/2002 Steve Dustin: First Sorceror Game
Finally getting around to it. After giving some friends a choice on different games, I'm running a one-shot Sorceror game on Friday (note: if this should go in the Adept…
In Actual Play
Participants: Steve Dustin, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, b_bankhead, jrients.

12/10/2002 Alan: Player Narration can be Exhausting!
Hi all, Over the past two Mondays at our Indie game night, I've played or GMed InSpectres, Universalis, and Extreme Vengeance. All have mechanics that demand creative player narration. I've…
In Actual Play
Participants: Alan, Fabrice G., Jared A. Sorensen, Matt Wilson, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Tim C Koppang.

12/10/2002 Alan: Universalis - Red Hunger
Hi all, Last week, playing Univeralis, Clinton entered a game rule that said "Alan has to write this game up for Actual Play on the Forge." As far as I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Alan, Tony Irwin, Mike Holmes, Seth L. Blumberg, Ron Edwards, rafial, Rys, contracycle, Valamir.

12/10/2002 Alan: Community Building in Seattle
I'm not sure exactly which forum to post this on - Actual Play seems as appropriate as any. Here in Seattle we have a very active email group for local…
In Actual Play
Participants: Alan, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Jeffrey Miller, Rys.

12/9/2002 johnmarron: Theatrix actual play advice?
I recently read Paul Czege's threads about the Theatrix Supers game he played in, which inspired me to pick up a copy of Theatrix again. I originally bought the game…
In Actual Play
Participants: johnmarron, Fabrice G., Alan.

12/8/2002 Ace: Preparing for play, I don't know what (Long)
I wanted to call this post "A funny thing happened on the way to the game store" bt I ran out of room and anyway it happned at the store…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ace, Mike Holmes, LordFly, Ron Edwards.

12/7/2002 Alcar: Keeping Interest - Mine And The Players
I've read the sorcerer site and some of the indie one (some new stuff has come up since I was by last) and just discovered the forums). Since I like…
In Actual Play
Participants: Alcar, Bankuei, Ziriel, Ben Morgan, Enoch, Ron Edwards, Christopher Kubasik, Clay.

12/5/2002 Eric J.: Preperation and Annoying Friends' Campaigns...
So, Pyron is here to bitch about his players, eh? Yes and No. I have a few questions, and since you guys are the most experienced bunch of people I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J., Andrew Martin, quozl, hyphz, Roy, Fabrice G., Scratchware, Ron Edwards, Alan, Sage of Shadowdale, IG_Kahn_Storm.

12/5/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Universalis
I've got a confession to make - I've been dead scared of Universalis since I heard of it. First, it's universal. Second, there's no GM - and as radical as…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir, rafial, Paganini, Mike Holmes.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

12/21/2002 Jesse: newbie signing on and more of pyron's gaming group (oh no!)
Hi, I'm Jesse, the only one of pyron/eric's gaming group, as he is more or less the main GM. I would like to mention that we really aren't a defective…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jesse, Ron Edwards.

12/24/2002 IG_Kahn_Storm: happenings in Mech Warrior
Hello its me cody agian and i just thought that i should take some time and explain some of the events in my mechwarrior campaign our group is currently doing…
In Actual Play
Participants: IG_Kahn_Storm, Ron Edwards, Aragorn, Jesse.

12/31/2002 James: Roleplaying music.
While browsing through the threads on RPGnet, I saw a topic entitled Role Playing "music", and I said to myself, "I know what that thread is about without having…
In Actual Play
Participants: James, Sidhain, Maurice Forrester, Aragorn, Eric J., Thierry Michel, Michael S. Miller, Malchiah, clehrich.

1/1/2003 Eric J.: tLotR RPG
Another thread describing Eric's gaming group. This time Cody's picked up tLotR Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. It's the new one. Anyway, it's set in the first age, during the reign…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J., Fabrice G., quozl, Roy, Sage of Shadowdale, szilard, Scratchware, simon_hibbs, Ron Edwards, Tony Irwin, Jaif, clehrich.

1/2/2003 bluegargantua: Campaign Length
I did some searching, but I didn't see this particular topic mentioned before. My apologies if I'm recovering old ground... I'm taking an informal poll and asking people how long…
In Actual Play
Participants: bluegargantua, DaR, Eric J., Emily Care, Matt Gwinn, Uncle Dark, Matt Wilson, Ardwen, cruciel, clehrich.

1/2/2003 bluegargantua: Playing with Pre-packs
Again, another topic I hope hasn't been done to death: Another question which has been tugging at my mind recently is: How frequently do people run published scenarios for their…
In Actual Play
Participants: bluegargantua, Clay, GreatWolf, rabidchyld, xiombarg, hyphz, clehrich, John Kim, Blake Hutchins, Ted E. Childers.

1/4/2003 Eric J.: 8-bit Play Session
GM: Me Player: Anthony Class: Technologist Superfeat: Can make anything out of anything. Superhook: Never works right. Feat: Hook: Items: Tessla Rod; Socks GM's Reaction: Anthony had a really good…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eric J., Sage of Shadowdale, Mike Holmes, Scratchware, greyorm, Gordon C. Landis, Ron Edwards, Balbinus.

1/5/2003 Ian O'Rourke: The Beowulf Effect
Okay, it's not actual play yet, but it will be. I'm also not wanting to go into system too much at this point (as that is mostly decided, and there…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ian O'Rourke, Roy, Jack Spencer Jr, Clay, Matt Gwinn, Ian Cooper, simon_hibbs, szilard.

1/7/2003 Shreyas Sampat: Torchbearer Character Creation: Observations.
So far, I know of 7 characters created for Torchbearer. 4 of these characters have been disgraced (most of them used that precise word, too) in their past. One will…
In Actual Play
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Ron Edwards.

1/7/2003 rafial: Ronin: Stone Hearts, Stone Memories
Well, here it is, what I believe is the first actual play report for Ronin (the feudal Japan adaptation of the Dust Devils rules). I'll try to play to all…
In Actual Play
Participants: rafial, Ron Edwards, J. Backman, Jason L Blair.

1/11/2003 Mithras: Sorcerer & Sword - Collaboration in Action
Well, I just received and read SORCERER AND SWORD, and I've got to say it arrived with perfect timing! I'm a teacher in a primary school and run a roleplaying…
In Actual Play
Participants: Mithras, Paka, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, Christopher Kubasik, Dave Panchyk, clehrich, Nev the Deranged, Mike Holmes, Valamir, greyorm, Stuart DJ Purdie.

1/17/2003 Ron Edwards: FVLMINATA prep questions
Hi there, We're getting ready to play some FVLMINATA, and I'm combing rules and setting up some player-notes handouts. Here are some little points I've run into that need clarification.…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, erithromycin, Blake Hutchins, Michael S. Miller, talysman, Balbinus, Jake Norwood.

1/18/2003 joshua neff: gaming for newbies
Not too long ago, a coworker of mine, Ryan, who I know plays RPGs expressed an interest in playing other stuff. He's only ever played D&D (& started that just…
In Actual Play
Participants: joshua neff, Jared A. Sorensen.

1/20/2003 Tony Irwin: Paladin First Session
First a bit of background, some friends of mine who play mainly White Wolf products had invited me to make up the numbers for their vampire game. My usual L5R…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tony Irwin.

1/20/2003 GreatWolf: Nobilis actual play, or Bill and Ted get enNobled
Someone had requested some Nobilis actual play, so I thought that I'd write up Saturday's game. Players: HG: myself Gus: Ralph Mazza (the inestimable Valamir) Marena: Crystal Ben-Ezra (my wife)…
In Actual Play
Participants: GreatWolf, stingray20166.

1/21/2003 MarkAdri: Feedback on Hero Wars / Wintertop Fair
As one of the players that participated at Wintertop Fair, I can only say that I had a great time playing. I can understand Ian's concern about railroading us, I…
In Actual Play
Participants: MarkAdri, Ron Edwards, epweissengruber.

1/22/2003 UnSub: Dust Devils: First Run
Having managed to slot my game in between the five currently running in our group about a week ago, I finally managed to run a game of Dust Devils. Unfortunately…
In Actual Play
Participants: UnSub, Matt Snyder, rafial, Ron Edwards.

1/22/2003 lumpley: We Killed Us Some Puppies
So okay, so it's me, Meg, Trav, Jay, Kev, and Jenn. I'm the GM, everybody else kills puppies for Satan. Meg is George Brady No Relation, who writes for Guns…
In Actual Play
Participants: lumpley, jrients, Ron Edwards, Marco, clehrich, contracycle, szilard.

1/23/2003 Jake Norwood: Driftwood plays Sorcerer!
Last night over half of our group wasn't able to come. We hadn't gamed in several weeks on account of school and business, and were dying to get playing. "So…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jake Norwood, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

1/23/2003 xiombarg: Unsung: Playtest At Last [long]
I finally got to playtest Unsung last night. I was using a scenario written for GURPS Cops from Pyramid Magazine, a scenario called Heat Wave. (You won't be able to…
In Actual Play
Participants: xiombarg, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, ADGBoss.

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