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In Indie Game Design

8/13/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Losing with Style
The newest version of Capes, Superhero Storytelling, is online. The new system is substantially simpler than the version it replaces... lots of rules that seemed to have a reason for…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, statisticaltomfoolery, LordSmerf, Sydney Freedberg.

7/15/2004 andy: BONES coming
Well, my earlier time estimates were a bit off, but BONES should be out by the end of the month both on RPGNow (pdf) and on LuLu (print copies). One…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: andy, Grimmstone, Ron Edwards.

8/12/2004 Green: it's that time again (kathanaksaya revisions)
I've just done a bit of revision on the specialties/skills and abilities as presented in Kathanaksaya, and I realized something about the character creation revision. Though I require that each…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Green.

8/8/2004 Vaxalon: Jumping in with both feet: Stop sinking, start swimming
I've put up a new version of Skein, in the link in my sig. I would appreciate some feedback. Does it make sense? What needs better explanation? Am I too…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Vaxalon, bcook1971, Emily Care.

8/6/2004 CassandraR: Organic Tech setting
I am curious what people might think of a setting that was based on the normal modern world except all the technology was organic in nature and was grown rather…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: CassandraR, Andrew Morris, b_bankhead, dewey, Christopher Weeks, Jack Aidley.

8/4/2004 Sir Privy Toastrack: Please critique my historical medieval RPG!
I would really appreciate any intelligent feedback for my still uncompleted RPG set in 1141 England (it's called "Land Without a King"). The game is only 29 pages long right…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sir Privy Toastrack, Simon W, Ron Edwards, Jack Aidley, Andrew Martin, statisticaltomfoolery, Thor, Garbanzo.

8/3/2004 Gavinthorne: Grifter (working title)
I'm a long time gamer recently introduced to this site through SJGames. I've begun development of a game system based on my GURPS Underworld/Star Wars campaign. Lots of mob involvment,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gavinthorne, Demada, Zathreyel, Vaxalon, Dev.

8/3/2004 Vaxalon: [Skein] Jumping in with both feet: In over my head
Okay, folks... the first draft of Skein is available for your perusal. Go to to download it.
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Vaxalon, Jack Aidley, Emily Care, ErrathofKosh.

8/3/2004 abzu: Burning Wheel Lite Lark
So, I'm bored at work. What do I do when I'm bored at work and have read every forum post and news article? Design a game. Goal: To distill my…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: abzu, Ron Edwards, jdrakeh, rafial, Sydney Freedberg, Thor Olavsrud, eruditus.

8/2/2004 Demada: Walkers (Working Title)
Here's a little RPG I thought up. The idea actually came to me when thinking about Amber and an anime called Scrapped Princess at the same time, but Scrapped Princes…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Demada, anonymouse, Jason Petrasko.

8/2/2004 Joshua Tompkins: [The Cauldron] Modifiers to a Dice Pool?
I'm working on the resolution system for the Cauldron, and I'm having some doubts about some of the ins and outs. Here's how it works: characters are made up of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Joshua Tompkins.

8/1/2004 Suvordaeus: COR: a generic vanilla simulationist system.
First off, I'm new, so I am not sure that I'm using the terms in the heading correctly. COR stands for Combat Oriented Roleplay. This is because the rules only…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Suvordaeus, LordSmerf.

8/1/2004 xiombarg: LARP System: WRATH
So, here's the first draft of a LARP system I'm writing: I'm looking for comments from LARPers and non-LARPers alike. In particular, I'm interesting in: 1) Any obvious condradictions…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg, PlotDevice, mindwanders, simon_hibbs, sirogit.

7/31/2004 linux: Combat Mechanics...
Before the question, a little background information on the mechanic: In this mechanic, each weapon has a damage based on the ability of the weapon to penetrate objects (penetration) and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: linux, bcook1971, Vaxalon, Dauntless, Hereward The Wake, Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards, ErrathofKosh, GregS.

7/31/2004 Jasper: Symmoira
A couple of days ago I was hit with this lightning bolt of an idea (or so it seemed anyway) for a new system, and I've done little but work…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jasper, PlotDevice, Ravien, timfire, GregS.

7/30/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Social resolution mechanics
Okay, the new revision of Capes is online. I've separated the action into two phases: First is Monologue Phase for talking, invoking Attitudes and Powers, and playing with Debt. Second…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, statisticaltomfoolery, LordSmerf, Sydney Freedberg, Marhault.

7/30/2004 Lathan: [Blood Royal] Mechanics help
I've been redoing the mechanics of Blood Royal, my 24-hour game; the original dice rules were really messed up, something I unfortunately noticed only after publishing. The non-crippled version (I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Lathan, GregS.

7/30/2004 bcook1971: [Tell Your Tale] Breakthrough on Range Combat Concepts
This is just a shout out kind of post. I've been working on completing a playtest draft of an RPG I've written. It's about what happens between "Once upon a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: bcook1971, Sydney Freedberg.

7/30/2004 Jonathan Walton: Vespertine: Some System Help?
Man, it's been a long time since I've had a thread in this forum. Anyway, I'm trying to put some finishing touches on this concept called Vespertine that I've been…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jonathan Walton, PlotDevice, TonyLB, Eero Tuovinen, Tobias, Christopher Weeks, Marhault, chadu.

7/29/2004 Solly Brown: Crime game set in 1970's new york ...Opinions
A lack of respect can be fatal and it usually is with me. I tell dem one time; no no that ain't true, sometimes I don't even fucking tell em…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Solly Brown, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

8/13/2004 dademan: Deleted
In Indie Game Design
Participants: dademan.

8/13/2004 jdrakeh: [Doctor Who] Obviously, it'll be a cold day in Hell...
Obviously, it'll be a cold day in Hell when I obtain the rights to commercially publish an official Doctor Who RPG - so until then, I've uploaded Tempus Denuo. Tempus…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh, Doctor Xero.

8/16/2004 Gaiaguerrilla: [Gnost] A god-like simple fantasy (early stages)
Thanks, readers. Been too long since I've visited. Enter GNOST I'm not attached to that title, either. This game has at least 3 unique features I can think of (or…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gaiaguerrilla, Jason Petrasko, Troy_Costisick, charles ferguson, Adam Dray.

8/17/2004 Zathreyel: The aftermath of the 24-hour RPG
Heya everybody. Plotdevice recently asked what he should do with his game, Sin/Zen, in this post over here,and i think it's a good enough question that maybe it should have…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zathreyel, Jediblack, Lathan, philreed, Simon W, jdrakeh, PlotDevice.

8/17/2004 MrSanmdan666: Need some help with advancement mechanic
Hello together! Since I've grown increasingly dissatisfied with established systems like Shadowrun and GURPS I've started working on my own little RPG. I'm pretty new to all this (the Forge…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: MrSanmdan666, mindwanders, MrSandman666, ADGBoss, Precious Villain, Kryyst.

8/18/2004 Zebuleon: The Road Trip RPG
Hello all, Its been quite awhile since I've been here. But recently I was recalling a spur of the moment game I played with a couple friends a few years…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zebuleon, Mario.

8/18/2004 WyldKarde: Dying Age MUD
Ahhhh, after a pleasant break to do some serious writing (actually, it was grinding drudgery, but no one wants to hear that) I'm back to finish up the first "phase"…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: WyldKarde, shoka.

8/19/2004 Tobias: Group design of a RPG - right here
Hello All, I'm wondering, has something like 'group design' of an RPG ever been tried on the Forge? On-line? Everyone free to contribute? 90% chance it'd become a real hodge-podge,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias, contracycle, jdrakeh, Andrew Morris, Emily Care, Tyrant, LordSmerf, hix, TonyLB, Jediblack, Sydney Freedberg, Bogie_71.

8/19/2004 Tobias: [YGAD] - update and chapter order question.
Well, work on YGAD continues steadily. The vacation in Hungary was great, but not very good for gaming (which is fine, since I've recharged batteries, which is good). To make…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias.

8/19/2004 WolfJack: Organizational software
Some friends and I are starting to work on a game design. New for me, but enjoyable. Question I have for the masses: What software, preferably web based software, do…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: WolfJack, Jasper, Trevis Martin, Dave Panchyk.

8/21/2004 Akuma Kyo: [Makyo] light vs heavy
Hi all, I'm just interested in what people around here think about rules-lite vs rules heavy. I have always favoured rules lite-giving the player a lot of power in choice-although…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Akuma Kyo, Doug Ruff, sirogit, eef, greyorm.

8/21/2004 ks13: Use of game design notes
By and large I enjoy reading game designer notes. It gives a very nice perspective in terms what the designer was thing, and what they considered to be important when…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ks13, Jasper.

8/22/2004 Supersonic Wind: Need criticisms for further refinement (warning: big post)
I've written this system up during my freetime to play with some friends of mine. I posted the skeleton of this system up on this board a few months back.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Supersonic Wind, Andrew Martin.

8/23/2004 jdrakeh: Karma Rough Draft - Critique Needed
Karma is an idea that I've been tinkering with for running IRC or PbP games. It's a fairly minimalist affair, but rigidly enforces certain design decisions. Here's the very rough…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh.

8/23/2004 Akuma Kyo: [Makyo] System kernel for critique
Hi all, Thought I would present the very barebones of my system in hope for a little inspiration from your input. This is very barebones. I do have other rules…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Akuma Kyo, Andrew Martin, Joshua Tompkins, eef.

8/24/2004 smokewolf: Eat Pussies for the Gods
Ha, beat ya to it Bob. New Game Concept Type: Card game Premise: Prove your devotion to the gods by showing them how far you will go to debase yourself…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: smokewolf, Andrew Martin, jdrakeh, Bob Goat, Gamskee, btrc, JamesSterrett.

8/24/2004 Gavinthorne: Grifter, First Draft... Please review this system!
OK guys, lay it bare and tear it apart! is where you will find the system. I do want to clarify that a character's Grifts can be as specific…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gavinthorne, statisticaltomfoolery, Hudson Shock, Mark D. Eddy.

8/24/2004 Bob Goat: Eat Kittens for Khrist
Hi, So this is my tribute to Vincent's wonderful game, Kill Puppies for Satan. You you want to know the whole back story that led to this little exercise check…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bob Goat, smokewolf.

8/25/2004 Crackerjacker: Metamechanical Games: Example- "Speak of the Devil"
Ok.. So I can't stand having specific rules for everything, the rolling of dice around, the adding up and the keeping track of millions of different competing values and quantities.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Crackerjacker, MrSandman666.

8/25/2004 Tobias: [GroupDesign] - System and Setting brainstorm.
As mentioned in this thread, a group effort of design will take place in this thread. This thread is for a System and Setting brainstorm. YES, this can involve such…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias, LordSmerf, Andrew Morris, Thor, Jediblack, Sydney Freedberg, xenopulse, amiel, Andrew Martin, Bogie_71, Doug Ruff, contracycle, Ron Edwards.

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