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In Indie Game Design

1/17/2005 aliaghan: RPG Meta-Model
Greetings, I was just working on my own rpg system. It's my first so I'm rather new to the subject of rpg design. I was reading several articles on the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: aliaghan, Lathan, ffilz, timfire.

1/16/2005 Jason Petrasko: [Delphian Tides] PDF for feedback
Ok, so I'm planning to release Delphian Tides in march. The PDF has not been well edited or gone through rewrites, I'm giving myself a month for that. I've uploaded…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jason Petrasko, TonyLB, Nathan P., Spooky Fanboy.

1/16/2005 Wyrdwyre: Game mechanics Critique
Hi everyone, First time poster. I have a simple set of game mechanics that I was wondering if everyone could take a look at and give me some ideas to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Wyrdwyre, FzGhouL, Wolfen, TonyLB.

1/14/2005 TonyLB: [Capes] Free "Capes Lite" PDF for review
At the new Capes Website, I've put up a lite version of the rules, along with an in-built story idea and the resources to run it. I could really use…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, bcook1971, Bill Masek, James_Nostack, Andrew Morris, xenopulse, Gamskee, Stickman, Nathan P., hyphz, timfire.

1/13/2005 matthijs: [A trip to the moon] Bedtime story game for review
Here's a little game I wrote up for a Norwegian contest. I liked it so much I decided to translate it. I'm thinking of putting it up as a cheap…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: matthijs, Bill Masek, Bill_White, Doctor Xero, daMoose_Neo, Bergjylt.

1/13/2005 Moonshadow: "Action Point" Combat System
i've been toying with the idea of an action point-based tactical combat system for a martial arts/action rpg for a while now, but i've never really come up with something…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Moonshadow, FzGhouL, tymotzues, HereticalFaction, Hereward The Wake, Autocrat, J. Campbell.

1/13/2005 Bill_White: [Ganakagok] Draft for Dreamation Demo
In what was perhaps a fit of overweening confidence (or maybe just weening overconfidence), I said I would run a demo of my Ganakagok game at Dreamation 2005 in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bill_White, TonyLB, Andrew Morris, daMoose_Neo.

1/13/2005 daMoose_Neo: ["Hunters"]Combat - to (use) die or not to (use) d
[url=] [Hunters] Distress Signal[/url] - First set, rules, and link to initial concept. Progress: Coming along nicely actually. Working up some light graphics for it even, a nice little card…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo.

1/12/2005 HereticalFaction: Weapon skills II (split)
For a universal RPG where advancement is based on usage, I would recomend a multiple tiered system like so: ---- General Combat Experiance Whether the charachter is a saddle-maker or…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: HereticalFaction, FzGhouL, Hereward The Wake.

1/12/2005 Sydney Freedberg: [GroupDesign: Schrodinger's War] Feel of Play
[i]Preface: This is the latest thread in the GroupDesign project, tentatively titled "Schrodinger's War," a collaboratively designed game about incorporeal "Archivists" who jump through time and space, possessing human hosts…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sydney Freedberg, ADGBoss, Spooky Fanboy, Andrew Morris, Tobias.

1/11/2005 kaikatsu: Armour Mechanism
Hello all, I am looking for ideas regarding an armour mechanic. This is the system as it stands so far. * The "to hit" roll is similar to d20, except…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: kaikatsu, Dangerboy, GaryTP, Vaxalon, xenopulse, Valamir, ffilz, FzGhouL, btrc, HereticalFaction, Sydney Freedberg, Autocrat, phookadude, Uccisore.

1/10/2005 Inner Circle Inc: [Strife] Character Sheet for review
I've finished with the second edition of the character sheet for Strife. There are probably going to be more, as I'm in no way a professional at this. Any comments/critiques…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Inner Circle Inc, TonyLB, daMoose_Neo, Selene Tan.

1/5/2005 Dev: Active Karma - a LARP system
This is part of my development of the aforementioned Firefly LARP, although the system should be applicable in a variety of conditions. (If I'm doing my job right, it could…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dev, Andrew Morris, daMoose_Neo, Tim Alexander, Bill Masek, MrSalt, HereticalFaction.

1/5/2005 GreedIsGod: I have an official setting.
Here is the setting/scenario I have decided upon, as well as a name: Freewar is a modern era (early 21st Century) military role playing game that focuses on a world-wide…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: GreedIsGod, Ron Edwards, contracycle, Sydney Freedberg, Alan, Roger, Bob the Fighter.

1/5/2005 motherlessgoose: Token variant
This is my first design posting... I would like to come up with a variant (or perhaps expansion) of Andrew Martin's _Token_. I would like to merge ideas from Ed…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: motherlessgoose.

1/4/2005 daMoose_Neo: ["Hunters"] Distress Signal - first set/adventure
[i]For the [url=]CCRPG Hunters[/url][/i] [b]Scenario[/b] Alone in deep space, your shuttle picks up a distress signal from a nearby station orbiting an unexplored planet. Reaching the station you find it…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Stickman.

1/4/2005 Dantai: [PoD] gamism meets narritivism - you can still kill stuff ;)
Hi all Well talk about serendipity, I've literally just finished writing up the first playable version of my RPG and had no idea what to do with it until I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dantai, xenopulse, Bankuei.

1/4/2005 GreedIsGod: Libertarian RPG
Alright, I've finally decided to make an RPG out of my political convictions (or rather, convictions against politics). I'm interested in designing an RPG based on individual anarchism, libertarianism, egoism…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: GreedIsGod, contracycle, Ron Edwards, inky, ivan23, jerry, Eero Tuovinen, Grex, Dev, Peregrine, Vaxalon, Chris Goodwin, Bob the Fighter, btrc.

1/3/2005 gesis: Questions on character sheet design
I'm currently working on an open system which is cinematic in nature and geared towards the "less is more" style of play. I've reduced almost everything down to a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: gesis, Bankuei, Eero Tuovinen, Sydney Freedberg, IagainstI.

1/2/2005 oversoul01: True Beer and Pretzel Mechanic
Hey all I just thought of a great mechanic that would be really fun for a BnP game. The mechanic uses twist off bottle caps and pretzels. You have your…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: oversoul01, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

1/19/2005 Wolfen: Mage Blade: a hand from the grave?
Not precisely a hand from the grave. It's never been dead, just.. sleeping. comatose, perhaps. Regardless of it's previous status, Mage Blade is once again my primary game design project.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Wolfen, Jack Aidley, Selene Tan, TonyLB.

1/20/2005 Suvordaeus: Speeding a game (mine) up.
After playtesting my game (COR), I realized that it's too slow. Way too slow for such a simple game. The issues that I think are trouble are: Too many die…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Suvordaeus, TonyLB, FzGhouL, Rob Carriere, Uccisore.

1/20/2005 Black Iris Dancer: Plea for mathemtical help
Okay, so, some friends and I have been playing with dice mechanics for a system we're developing, and we've stumbled onto a mathematical problem that is, honestly, beyond us. Here's…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Black Iris Dancer, eef, shaheddy.

1/20/2005 Uccisore: Mechanics Critique and Setting Question.
The Mechanics Critique will be very simple, I'm just going to present the basic task resolution method: other details, like combat specifics and such, I'll fill in if people seem…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Uccisore, Ben Lehman, Sydney Freedberg, ffilz, J. Campbell.

1/20/2005 Sydney Freedberg: [GroupDesign: Schrodinger's War] The Pillars of Tobias
[i]Preface: This is the latest thread in the GroupDesign project, tentatively titled "Schrodinger's War," a collaboratively designed game about incorporeal "Archivists" who jump through time and space, possessing human hosts…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sydney Freedberg, Andrew Morris, Tobias, daMoose_Neo, Doug Ruff.

1/20/2005 ironick: Survival Horror RPG
This is a set of mechanics for a survival horror game that my friends and I were tossing around this past summer. I had been working on it around Halloween…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ironick, TonyLB, Spooky Fanboy, Sydney Freedberg, jasonm, Peregrine, Uccisore, J. Campbell.

1/20/2005 jasonm: [Cube Farm] Aptitudes and record-keeping
Hi, So I'm working on a light game based on office politics: I'd value any feedback. One specific question I have: Before you can re-use an aptitude, you have…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jasonm.

1/20/2005 caio_maximino: "Joycean" Rolegame
I´ve been thinking, Too-Much-Coffee-Headed, a few things about trying to transpose James Joyce´s HCE (H.C.E. is an individual, a married man and father, Humpty Dumpty, Napolean, the phallus, Swift, Joyce…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: caio_maximino, Ben Lehman, Eero Tuovinen, Sean.

1/21/2005 J. Campbell: MARP: Advice Needed on Complexity
First things first, MARP stands for Modular Anime Role Playing. Yes, I know that Anime is a rather sweeping generalization and that quite a few people don't even like Anime,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: J. Campbell, TonyLB, daMoose_Neo, Tony Irwin.

1/23/2005 Jason Petrasko: Quartet, Designing a system.
The more I come to this forum, the more I think I'd like to see how people design their games more than the specifics of them. What goes on in…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jason Petrasko, Icel, timfire.

1/24/2005 Uccisore: [Martial-Arts-Horror-Game] Possible 'Magic' System.
Yeah, so my game doesn't have a name yet. That will probably be the very last thing I do. This is the same game as the one described in my…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Uccisore, TonyLB, FzGhouL, J. Campbell, Stickman, Brendan, timfire, Ben Lehman, Doug Ruff.

1/26/2005 xenopulse: [Torn] First Steps
I've been toying with the idea for a certain type of RPG for a while, but it wasn't until I got involved in the threads here that I realized what…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xenopulse, Icel, Darcy Burgess, ivan23, Ron Edwards, Uccisore, Spooky Fanboy, Nathan P..

1/26/2005 Uccisore: [Martial-Arts Horror Game] Why Martial Arts?
I decided early on that I wanted this to be a modern setting. I have a sensation that the mood I want to create will work better if it's against…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Uccisore, Brendan, Doug Ruff, Bob the Fighter, Dantai, NeuroZombie.

1/27/2005 Jason Petrasko: [Spheres] A game of journeys using cooperative storytelling
I have been thinking about trying to create a small rpg that can mold a game 'experience' in the likes of Dark City, Donnie Darko, etc. A game that works…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jason Petrasko, Tony Irwin, Brendan.

1/30/2005 Cold Black Wind: [Aenichine] Premise and Introduction
Hello Gentlemen, I have written a premise for my RPG for those who wish to view this. I have not done a fully written summary of the System, but my…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Cold Black Wind, Uccisore, xenopulse, anonymouse.

1/30/2005 Jasper: Group-centric Fantasy
So I'm finally getting 'round to the "make your own fantasy heart-breaker" project (though I don't think the results of such projects can really be heart-breakers per se) and I'd…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jasper, jerry, John Burdick, Ron Edwards.

1/31/2005 Selene Tan: [Song of Ethera] Managing input to the SIS
I've been plugging away at Song of Ethera (see Core Mechanics and Preliminary Notes), and there's one problem I've run into that I'm not sure how to resolve. The resolution…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Selene Tan, ffilz.

1/31/2005 Paka: Dime-Store Katana's
Yes, I know katana is a Japanese word and shouldn't be plural. Dime-Store Katana's is a game about fucked up people who solve problems with violence because they are deluded…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paka, Ron Edwards, Paganini, Brendan, Doug Ruff, Vaxalon, Ben Morgan, anonymouse, sirogit, tj333.

1/31/2005 Jason Petrasko: [Delphian Tides] Clarified Mechanics
There seemed to be quite a bit of confusion about the mechanics of Delphian Tides, both here and other places. I'm attempting to clean this all up with better examples,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jason Petrasko, Spooky Fanboy.

2/1/2005 Vesirius: Put my system through the ringer!
This is my first post here, and If anyone has a free moment, perhaps you'd be kind enough to let me know if my rpg system is lacking. Let me…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Vesirius, Selene Tan, Doug Ruff.

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