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In Indie Game Design

6/10/2002 bluekabuto: Need playtesters/advice on our new release
Hello all - Bryan Kowalski from Blue Kabuto here. I am not sure where this goes, so please don't flame ok? If I am posting to the wrong place let…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: bluekabuto, Eric J., Ron Edwards.

6/9/2002 Reality Aberrant: Game mechanics of dice!
Hi all, I am new here so i am sorry if i am posting this in the wrong section. I have been playing with the idea of creating a setting…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Reality Aberrant, Paganini, J B Bell, Eric J., Le Joueur.

6/9/2002 Paganini: FRPG Dungeon Crawl (Whee! Actual Play! Actual Play!)
Please comment on all parts of this post, reasoning, motivation, execution in mechanics, everything. :) Okay, so I've been playing some dungeon crawl games with my brother and sister, using…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Andrew Martin, Jack Spencer Jr, Christoffer Lernö.

6/8/2002 Fabrice G.: Design Tools...what kind do you use ?
Hi all, As a closet game designer (I'm trying, but to no good so far...), I was interested by a suggestion Nathan made here. He suggests that we make…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Fabrice G., Paul Czege.

6/7/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Ygg in combat (trying to get comments) + initiative thoughts
Now this is essentially the same stuff I already posted in the Theory forum. I guess I still naively hope someone will take a look at it and trash it.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Le Joueur.

6/6/2002 Matt Gwinn: Getting People to Play Your Games
Paul asked me to write a post about how I got people to play Kayfabe. I'm not sure if it belongs here or in actual play, but I'll take a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

6/6/2002 Paul Czege: return to the island of misfit games
Well...some of the more controversial thoughts I raised for discussion on the island of misfit games thread got eclipsed by conversation about how the Forge might better promote actual…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paul Czege, xiombarg, Nathan, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Gordon C. Landis, Bankuei, Le Joueur, rafael, Clinton R. Nixon, Zak Arntson, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, Ring Kichard, Mike Holmes, greyorm, Wolfen.

6/6/2002 ks13: Game mechanics rebuild
First off, I want to thank everyone that offered opinions on my homebrew fantasy rpg. There is already a number of elements that I will want to expand that I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ks13, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood.

6/4/2002 rafael: Dread
I've been working on Dread for some time now. Playtesters have pointed out a bunch of flaws that I've tried to remedy, and I've also had some time to reflect…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: rafael, Clinton R. Nixon.

6/4/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Ygg Magic (and wake me up someone!)
Ok, Ygg stuff has been kinda dead lately. Not very surprisingly considering I've been extremely busy this last month. I do want to get myself started again though, so I'm…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Andrew Martin, Wolfen, Le Joueur, Valamir.

6/3/2002 Paganini: Good vs. Evil
One of the other threads got me thinking about this. So, it's a cliche, yeah, but IMO it's a good one. The simple idea of "good vs. evil" is great…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Eric J., C. Edwards, Wolfen, Ron Edwards, xiombarg, mahoux, ks13, Le Joueur, Mike Holmes, Tim Gray, contracycle.

6/2/2002 ks13: another fantasy RPG - destined for failure?
Hello all! Let me say that this forum would have been a great thing to have 12 years ago when I got into RPGs (and game design). I started working…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ks13, Jack Spencer Jr, Walt Freitag, Wolfen, Ron Edwards, Bailey, Valamir, Paul Czege, Jake Norwood, Bankuei, Mike Holmes.

6/2/2002 Moochava: Broken Space: Space Opera with a Lemon Twist
Hello all. Time to help an aspiring game designer whose ideas are too big for his britches, if he were wearing britches instead of plaid comfy pants. I have here…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Moochava, Ben Morgan, Bankuei, Jack Spencer Jr, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, Matt.

5/31/2002 xiombarg: Draconic
I wanted to split off and talk about Draconic, which got mentioned in passing in another thread... I like the looks of Draconic, and the mechanic is similar to Otherkind,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg, hardcoremoose, lumpley, Bankuei, Zak Arntson, DaR.

5/31/2002 lumpley: OtherKind
Hey. So I'm working on this fantasy game, and it's in a good shareable state: OtherKind My goal was to make a fantasy game where the fantasy peoples mean something,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: lumpley, Valamir, Jared A. Sorensen, Blake Hutchins, Clinton R. Nixon, hardcoremoose, Jake Norwood, xiombarg, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, Andrew Martin, Xeno, Zak Arntson, Seth L. Blumberg.

5/30/2002 Cadriel: A Psionics-oriented game and Surrealism.
Hi. My name's Wayne, and you may have seen some of my posts on the RPGnet GNS thread. I think I've mentioned this game in this forum before, but it…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Cadriel, Zak Arntson, Clinton R. Nixon, Tim Denee.

5/29/2002 mearls: Self-Serving Eunuchs Go Hiking
I've been bouncing around an idea for a game and I thought I'd post it here to see if y'all can poke some holes in it. Here are the basics:…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: mearls, Ron Edwards, Zak Arntson, hardcoremoose, Clinton R. Nixon, joshua neff, Buddha Nature, Evan Waters, RobMuadib, Balbinus, contracycle, Mike Holmes, Knight, Mytholder, Walt Freitag, Henry Fitch.

5/29/2002 xiombarg: Narrativist Diplomacy -- Second Draft (long)
Okay, in an attempt to leave my abject stupidity in the GNS forum behind me, I'm going to take some of people's advice from the last thread on this and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg, Zak Arntson, Mike Holmes.

5/29/2002 J B Bell: Announcing Self System semi-generic Narrativist RPG
Mike Holmes and J B Bell are pleased to announce the first release version of Self System, our role-playing game of personal struggle and conflict with the inner and outer…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: J B Bell, xiombarg, Paganini, Blake Hutchins, Seth L. Blumberg, Bankuei, Mike Holmes, C. Edwards.

5/29/2002 unheilig: Paging Matt Snyder
umm, hello? does Matt Snyder still exist? has he been abducted by the hounds of tindalos? has he descended into shadow to do battle with the balrog? does he still…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: unheilig, Ron Edwards.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

6/11/2002 Nathan: A Christian RPG?
Okay. Warning: What you may encounter below could be life changing, opinion altering, or healthy! :) There - my warning is out of the way. One of my projects that…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathan, Ron Edwards, Wolfen, Laurel, Fabrice G., Clinton R. Nixon, Jake Norwood, Walt Freitag, J B Bell, Bankuei, sdemory, Clay, Victor Gijsbers.

6/11/2002 Le Joueur: Who's in Charge Here?
I am preparing the next "Emergent Techniques" article for the Scattershot forum and I think I'm having problems. I want to 'capture' more of the usual unspoken dynamic that drives…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Le Joueur, Paul Czege, Laurel.

6/12/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Ygg page - check it out?
I've been working on collecting some old material for Ygg to have the stuff I translated into english in a single place. It's not totally coherent, but it does provide…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Laurel, Bailywolf.

6/12/2002 splattergnome: world of nixon - surrealistic postindustrial roleplaying
hello, my name is david clarke and i am *shock* currently designing a new roleplaying game, which seems to be rather popular here in these forums ;-) since i am…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: splattergnome, Jake Norwood, Laurel, Clinton R. Nixon, Bailywolf, Paganini, Mike Holmes, Seth L. Blumberg, Christoffer Lernö, rafael.

6/12/2002 Nathan: What VOICE Do You Write With?
I have a random question. As I am working on the Cross, I always struggle with the voice I write with in the game. When I say voice I mean…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathan, Seth L. Blumberg, Laurel, Clinton R. Nixon, Matt, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Blake Hutchins, Mike Holmes, Paganini.

6/12/2002 Zak Arntson: Using all a game's Mechanics - Designer responsibility?
Snipped from Math in games: why the stigma? I think moreso than simply math, people are inclined towards certain types of resolution(by nature, by experience, who knows?). But some folks…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, Seth L. Blumberg, Mike Holmes, Laurel, Bankuei.

6/13/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Ygg magic again
I know you must be bored reading about Ygg. Sorry 'bout that. I'm just trying to make something out of it, ok? I mean there I was walking nicely along…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Wolfen, Bailywolf, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Walt Freitag, Bankuei, AdamG, ks13.

6/13/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Help classify Ygg & why would you play it?
When I first came here to the Forge I got trashed (I know you didn't mean it that way, but that's how it felt like :) ) presenting Ygg. I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, ks13.

6/14/2002 Paganini: Karma + Fortune Mechanics
Okay, so this is me, you all know me by now right? When I'm thinking hard about something my first reaction is to design something with it to see how…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini.

6/14/2002 Nathan: Rodendom : First Look
Hi folks, All I can say is that I have been blessed with the writing bug. Here is a first rough look at Rodendom, the "Secret of Nimh-ish" game of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathan, Wolfen, Christoffer Lernö, Tim Denee, Le Joueur.

6/14/2002 Kenway: "I wish I was born 2-dimensional!"
The other name I was considering was "Anime Losers, Get a Life!" This is more of a way of playing rather than an actual rpg, but should still be able…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kenway, mahoux, damion.

6/14/2002 Oddjob: Hi and my supers idea (long)
Hi people, I’ve been lurking around on these boards for a while now, and thought it was about time I posted something. Go easy now, will ya? :) Anyway, here’s…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Oddjob, Wolfen, Mike Holmes.

6/15/2002 Walt Freitag: Symmetry: A Resolution Dicing Mechanism (long)
Symmetry is a mechanism I devised and used the very first time I ran an AD&D game back in 1979, and I’ve used it in various house rules and homebrews…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Walt Freitag, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, damion, Victor Gijsbers, Le Joueur, contracycle.

6/16/2002 jdrakeh: First draft minimalist rules... can I get a critique
So... I'm still moving along slowly when it comes to design. I always manage to have a few good ideas, but have problems integrating them into a workable system. I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh, rafael.

6/16/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Now what about Ygg?
Oooh, I'm soo impatient. Sorry everyone. I want to build further on Ygg, but first I kind of want your approval. I seem to work best after I just had…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, Mark D. Eddy, Laurel.

6/16/2002 J B Bell: Announcing Synthesis v. 1.8 (was "Self System")
I am very pleased to announce the public release of Synthesis, version 1.8. Synthesis is a broad-based Narrativist system that permits a wide variety of possible Premises and Settings. The…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: J B Bell.

6/16/2002 jdrakeh: Oops. Let's try that again.
Sorry about files not downloading properly. Try this instead... The .pdf file can be downloaded here: It's in the "Oblong Offerings" section of the site, categorized under "Fantasy" -…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh, Fabrice G..

6/16/2002 rafael: Dread: Demons, Shotguns, and Black Magic
After some excellent critique on Actual Play by Clinton, Zak, and Chris (AKA Bankuei), as well as several pages of responses from various playtesters, I've redesigned Dread. * Removed scenario…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: rafael, Andrew Martin, jdrakeh, S.Lonergan.

6/18/2002 giblin: Initiative System
Hi all, Any ideas on how to make this more streamlined and playable? I always hated regular initiative systems where one person runs across the room and attacks while time…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: giblin, Mark D. Eddy, Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, Matt Gwinn, Walt Freitag, Mike Holmes, Christoffer Lernö, Wolfen.

6/18/2002 Rhysas: A less common approach (at least I think so)
Hi everyone, I’ve been reading all the material here at the Forge and it's pretty helpful stuff. My compliments to Ron and the whole gang. A very high level of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Rhysas, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Jared A. Sorensen, Bailywolf.

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