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In Indie Game Design

6/13/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Help classify Ygg & why would you play it?
When I first came here to the Forge I got trashed (I know you didn't mean it that way, but that's how it felt like :) ) presenting Ygg. I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, ks13.

6/13/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Ygg magic again
I know you must be bored reading about Ygg. Sorry 'bout that. I'm just trying to make something out of it, ok? I mean there I was walking nicely along…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Wolfen, Bailywolf, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Walt Freitag, Bankuei, AdamG, ks13.

6/12/2002 Zak Arntson: Using all a game's Mechanics - Designer responsibility?
Snipped from Math in games: why the stigma? I think moreso than simply math, people are inclined towards certain types of resolution(by nature, by experience, who knows?). But some folks…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, Seth L. Blumberg, Mike Holmes, Laurel, Bankuei.

6/12/2002 Nathan: What VOICE Do You Write With?
I have a random question. As I am working on the Cross, I always struggle with the voice I write with in the game. When I say voice I mean…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathan, Seth L. Blumberg, Laurel, Clinton R. Nixon, Matt, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Blake Hutchins, Mike Holmes, Paganini.

6/12/2002 splattergnome: world of nixon - surrealistic postindustrial roleplaying
hello, my name is david clarke and i am *shock* currently designing a new roleplaying game, which seems to be rather popular here in these forums ;-) since i am…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: splattergnome, Jake Norwood, Laurel, Clinton R. Nixon, Bailywolf, Paganini, Mike Holmes, Seth L. Blumberg, Christoffer Lernö, rafael.

6/12/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Ygg page - check it out?
I've been working on collecting some old material for Ygg to have the stuff I translated into english in a single place. It's not totally coherent, but it does provide…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Laurel, Bailywolf.

6/11/2002 Le Joueur: Who's in Charge Here?
I am preparing the next "Emergent Techniques" article for the Scattershot forum and I think I'm having problems. I want to 'capture' more of the usual unspoken dynamic that drives…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Le Joueur, Paul Czege, Laurel.

6/11/2002 Nathan: A Christian RPG?
Okay. Warning: What you may encounter below could be life changing, opinion altering, or healthy! :) There - my warning is out of the way. One of my projects that…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathan, Ron Edwards, Wolfen, Laurel, Fabrice G., Clinton R. Nixon, Jake Norwood, Walt Freitag, J B Bell, Bankuei, sdemory, Clay, Victor Gijsbers.

6/10/2002 lumpley: OtherKind Non-Combat Results
Over in Actual Play, Andrew Martin suggests that I give OtherKind non-combat mechanics. I personally don't think that the mechanics as they exist are only and exclusively combat mechanics, but…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: lumpley, Nathan, Jared A. Sorensen, Blake Hutchins, Bankuei, Mike Holmes, Valamir.

6/10/2002 bluekabuto: Need playtesters/advice on our new release
Hello all - Bryan Kowalski from Blue Kabuto here. I am not sure where this goes, so please don't flame ok? If I am posting to the wrong place let…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: bluekabuto, Eric J., Ron Edwards.

6/9/2002 Reality Aberrant: Game mechanics of dice!
Hi all, I am new here so i am sorry if i am posting this in the wrong section. I have been playing with the idea of creating a setting…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Reality Aberrant, Paganini, J B Bell, Eric J., Le Joueur.

6/9/2002 Paganini: FRPG Dungeon Crawl (Whee! Actual Play! Actual Play!)
Please comment on all parts of this post, reasoning, motivation, execution in mechanics, everything. :) Okay, so I've been playing some dungeon crawl games with my brother and sister, using…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Andrew Martin, Jack Spencer Jr, Christoffer Lernö.

6/8/2002 Fabrice G.: Design Tools...what kind do you use ?
Hi all, As a closet game designer (I'm trying, but to no good so far...), I was interested by a suggestion Nathan made here. He suggests that we make…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Fabrice G., Paul Czege.

6/7/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Ygg in combat (trying to get comments) + initiative thoughts
Now this is essentially the same stuff I already posted in the Theory forum. I guess I still naively hope someone will take a look at it and trash it.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Le Joueur.

6/6/2002 Matt Gwinn: Getting People to Play Your Games
Paul asked me to write a post about how I got people to play Kayfabe. I'm not sure if it belongs here or in actual play, but I'll take a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

6/6/2002 Paul Czege: return to the island of misfit games
Well...some of the more controversial thoughts I raised for discussion on the island of misfit games thread got eclipsed by conversation about how the Forge might better promote actual…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paul Czege, xiombarg, Nathan, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Gordon C. Landis, Bankuei, Le Joueur, rafael, Clinton R. Nixon, Zak Arntson, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, Ring Kichard, Mike Holmes, greyorm, Wolfen.

6/6/2002 ks13: Game mechanics rebuild
First off, I want to thank everyone that offered opinions on my homebrew fantasy rpg. There is already a number of elements that I will want to expand that I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ks13, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood.

6/4/2002 rafael: Dread
I've been working on Dread for some time now. Playtesters have pointed out a bunch of flaws that I've tried to remedy, and I've also had some time to reflect…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: rafael, Clinton R. Nixon.

6/4/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Ygg Magic (and wake me up someone!)
Ok, Ygg stuff has been kinda dead lately. Not very surprisingly considering I've been extremely busy this last month. I do want to get myself started again though, so I'm…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Andrew Martin, Wolfen, Le Joueur, Valamir.

6/3/2002 Paganini: Good vs. Evil
One of the other threads got me thinking about this. So, it's a cliche, yeah, but IMO it's a good one. The simple idea of "good vs. evil" is great…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Eric J., C. Edwards, Wolfen, Ron Edwards, xiombarg, mahoux, ks13, Le Joueur, Mike Holmes, Tim Gray, contracycle.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

6/14/2002 Nathan: Rodendom : First Look
Hi folks, All I can say is that I have been blessed with the writing bug. Here is a first rough look at Rodendom, the "Secret of Nimh-ish" game of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathan, Wolfen, Christoffer Lernö, Tim Denee, Le Joueur.

6/14/2002 Kenway: "I wish I was born 2-dimensional!"
The other name I was considering was "Anime Losers, Get a Life!" This is more of a way of playing rather than an actual rpg, but should still be able…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kenway, mahoux, damion.

6/14/2002 Oddjob: Hi and my supers idea (long)
Hi people, I’ve been lurking around on these boards for a while now, and thought it was about time I posted something. Go easy now, will ya? :) Anyway, here’s…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Oddjob, Wolfen, Mike Holmes.

6/15/2002 Walt Freitag: Symmetry: A Resolution Dicing Mechanism (long)
Symmetry is a mechanism I devised and used the very first time I ran an AD&D game back in 1979, and I’ve used it in various house rules and homebrews…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Walt Freitag, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, damion, Victor Gijsbers, Le Joueur, contracycle.

6/16/2002 jdrakeh: First draft minimalist rules... can I get a critique
So... I'm still moving along slowly when it comes to design. I always manage to have a few good ideas, but have problems integrating them into a workable system. I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh, rafael.

6/16/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Now what about Ygg?
Oooh, I'm soo impatient. Sorry everyone. I want to build further on Ygg, but first I kind of want your approval. I seem to work best after I just had…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, Mark D. Eddy, Laurel.

6/16/2002 J B Bell: Announcing Synthesis v. 1.8 (was "Self System")
I am very pleased to announce the public release of Synthesis, version 1.8. Synthesis is a broad-based Narrativist system that permits a wide variety of possible Premises and Settings. The…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: J B Bell.

6/16/2002 jdrakeh: Oops. Let's try that again.
Sorry about files not downloading properly. Try this instead... The .pdf file can be downloaded here: It's in the "Oblong Offerings" section of the site, categorized under "Fantasy" -…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh, Fabrice G..

6/16/2002 rafael: Dread: Demons, Shotguns, and Black Magic
After some excellent critique on Actual Play by Clinton, Zak, and Chris (AKA Bankuei), as well as several pages of responses from various playtesters, I've redesigned Dread. * Removed scenario…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: rafael, Andrew Martin, jdrakeh, S.Lonergan.

6/18/2002 giblin: Initiative System
Hi all, Any ideas on how to make this more streamlined and playable? I always hated regular initiative systems where one person runs across the room and attacks while time…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: giblin, Mark D. Eddy, Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, Matt Gwinn, Walt Freitag, Mike Holmes, Christoffer Lernö, Wolfen.

6/18/2002 Rhysas: A less common approach (at least I think so)
Hi everyone, I’ve been reading all the material here at the Forge and it's pretty helpful stuff. My compliments to Ron and the whole gang. A very high level of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Rhysas, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Jared A. Sorensen, Bailywolf.

6/18/2002 bluekabuto: Dice Images for Cookie Fu now available!
Dice Mockups for Cookie Fu We've posted some mockups of the "Fu & Fortune Dice" for Cookie Fu in our games section, Check em out at If all goes…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: bluekabuto.

6/18/2002 jdrakeh: Roleplaying Under the Moons of Magnatz (revised version)
To make things more convenient for you, I've moved the Magnatz files to my web-site, here: It's located under the "Fantasy" section of the site. So if you'd like…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh, Ron Edwards, Mark D. Eddy, Mike Holmes.

6/19/2002 Eric J.: Steriotypical RPG has a conflict system
I stumbelled upon this concept while trying to teach my 7-year old sister to play Star Wars D6. It just flashed in my head and I spent the next week…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Eric J., Victor Gijsbers, Christoffer Lernö, Jake Norwood.

6/20/2002 Henry Fitch: Rat D&D
Okay, so I played a very casual extemporaneous game of D&D at a party today, and the DM sucked, but it was still kinda fun. Most of the rules got…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Henry Fitch, J B Bell, Clinton R. Nixon, Bailywolf, Wolfen, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

6/20/2002 Wolfen: Mage Blade once more...
Okay folks, I'm back to working on my game, now that my hiatus is done. What I've got is a web-book in the works. It doesn't have it all, nor…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Wolfen, Andrew Martin, Christoffer Lernö, Walt Freitag, Mike Holmes, Blake Hutchins.

6/20/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Where is Ygg?
Are you wondering why Ygg isn't happening? All these discussions and no real solid rules or new stuff forthcoming. Right? This is the usual pattern: I have an idea of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, Gordon C. Landis.

6/20/2002 Matt Gwinn: Shared Setting design
As some of you may know, I have a cat game that has been sitting on the back burner for some time now. Well, now the Wick has left the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, Kenway, contracycle, Bailywolf, Buddha Nature.

6/21/2002 Paganini: New take on directoral mechanics
Okay, everyone knows where this is coming from right? So, skip the intro, on to the nuts & bolts! :) Play Conventions The mechanics are used to resolve conflicts that…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Buddha Nature, Paul Czege, Ben Morgan, Bankuei.

6/23/2002 bluekabuto: Rules for Cookie Fu posted here. Feedback strongly desired!
Hello Everyone - Bryan Kowalski from Blue Kabuto here. After receiving a somewhat lukewarm playtesting response (Beuler? Beuler?) for our new game Cookie Fu, I thought I'd post the basic…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: bluekabuto, Laurel, Bailywolf, RobMuadib, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Matt Gwinn.

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