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In The Riddle of Steel

2/6/2004 kenjib: Reach weapons and full evade
If you have a longer reach weapon, and your opponent closes the distance (putting you at disadvantage), is it advantageous to favor a full evade at that point to regain…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: kenjib, Wolfen, Valamir, Brian Leybourne, toli, Hereward The Wake, Turin, Ben Lehman, Jake Norwood, bergh.

2/6/2004 jeffd: "This Manuever is available at proficiency level....&qu
Several manuevers have a bit of text indicating what proficiency level they become available at. Others do not. For the ones that do not - are they default manuevers? I…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: jeffd, Jake Norwood.

2/5/2004 Pytorb: Bastard sword and shield
If my character has their bastard sword in one hand and their shield in the other which dice pool (Ref + greatsword or sword&shiled) do they use when attacking or…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Pytorb, Brian Leybourne, Jake Norwood, Valamir, Bob Richter, Ingenious, Mokkurkalfe, Muggins, Wolfen, Poleaxe, Drifter Bob, Hereward The Wake, toli, [MKF]Kapten, bottleneck.

2/5/2004 Ingenious: Munchkinism
Well, I initially started this topic in order to seek an answer as to this question: Do you think it is munchkinish to have a character with a TO of…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ingenious, Alan, The big blue ape, Lxndr, Morfedel, Bob Richter, Poleaxe, Silvermane, Anthony I, Jake Norwood, Jaeger, kenjib, bcook1971, Brian Leybourne, Wolfen, b_bankhead, Mantis.

2/4/2004 [MKF]Kapten: New gift: High pain threshold --- And new flaw, disease
I have considered adding this ability as a new gift with a major and minor version: High pain threshold A person with the major version of this ability can ignore…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: [MKF]Kapten, Mokkurkalfe, Wolfen, Lxndr, Ingenious, Bob Richter, Krammer, gregkcubed, timfire.

2/3/2004 gregkcubed: PDF for riddle of steel
We've got a gaming group that some of us are trying to coerce into playing ROS, but its tough going.. I can understand given the tendency to pirate, etc not…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: gregkcubed, MonkeyWrench, Brian Leybourne, Jake Norwood, Malechi, Wolfen.

2/3/2004 Durgil: Mounted Combat
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that the rules on Mounted Combat, either in the Main Rulebook or in the Of Beasts and Men supplement stated that one…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Durgil, Mokkurkalfe, Brian Leybourne.

2/2/2004 Melkor: Question regarding Surprise
Another question in preperation for Wednesday night's game: Did I read correctly that a character that doesn't achieve at least one success on his roll to avoid being surprised can…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Melkor, Wolfen, Valamir, Pyske.

2/2/2004 bcook1971: Sometimes You Kick . . .
Last session, one of our players jumped up on a stone pedestal as a clawing, biting skeleton came towards him. He proceeded to kick the thing in the head with…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bcook1971, Jake Norwood, sgtnasty, Mokkurkalfe, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne, Lxndr.

2/2/2004 Melkor: Evasion - Partial Evasion question
On P.84 of the rulebook, it states on table 4.4 that a Partial Evasion (TN 7) allows you to take the Initiative in the next Exchange by paying 2 CP…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Melkor, Salamander, Brian Leybourne, Mokkurkalfe, Poleaxe, Ingenious.

2/1/2004 Melkor: Of Beasts and Men - Simple Question
Being of the school of thought that there are no stupid questions (only stupid people that ask them)....I was flipping through "Of Beasts and Men" trying to prepare for our…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Melkor, Salamander, Brian Leybourne, Tywin Lannister.

2/1/2004 EricAlexander: Question about wrestling
When two characters are wrestling, and one doesn't want to be, how does that character escape the situation? Or can he at all?
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: EricAlexander, Jake Norwood.

2/1/2004 EricAlexander: Fighting with a cloak and sword
One of my players asked if his character could fight with a rapier in one hand and a cloak in the other. I suppose the cloak would be ok at…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: EricAlexander, Hereward The Wake, Jake Norwood, Harlequin.

2/1/2004 EricAlexander: How can I make my NPC's dumber?
Hey, everyone. I'm trying to come up with some good dumb mistakes for my npc's to make in combat that they can make without being obvious about it. I want…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: EricAlexander, Paganini, Bankuei, Wolfen, [MKF]Kapten, Pyske, Mokkurkalfe, Jake Norwood.

2/1/2004 Malechi: Ars Magica for TROS..
Hey there, We've decided to use the Ars Magica rules as converted for TROS as the magic system for our new campaign (See Actual Play post for details if you're…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Malechi, toli, November Kilo, Brian Leybourne, Morfedel.

2/1/2004 Valamir: Riddle of Prydain
On the topic of interesting settings for use with TRoS, I hit upon the idea of a journey to Prydain last night. Seems well suited. Fairly low magic loads of…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Valamir, Paganini, Half-Baked.

2/1/2004 brigadoon: naked dwarf question
rather than using toughness as a full modifier each round has anyone treated toughness as a variable stat? I was thinking if you have a toughness of 6 and an…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: brigadoon, Jaeger, Ingenious, StahlMeister.

1/31/2004 timfire: Are there any TROS players in Chicago I can join?
Hey y'all, I was wondering if there were any TROS players in the Chicago area I could join and play with. I live in the North side near the lake…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: timfire, Valamir, MrGeneHa, Bob Goat, Mike Holmes.

1/30/2004 Holt: Split: Everybody was kung-fu fightin' (was Fist Fighting)
[quote="Jake Norwood"]The punch-overkill is a minor but real glitch in the system *for the way I play.* Some people love it. I'm still trying to figure out how to really,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Holt, toli, Alan, Jake Norwood.

1/31/2004 Alan: Multiple Opponents - Terrain Rolls & Initiative
In several other threads, Jake has recently clarified a number of rules for me about handling multiple opponents, terrain rolls, and initiative. I thought I'd gather my understanding here to…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Alan, Brian Leybourne, Valamir, Half-Baked, Jake Norwood, Bob Richter, Ian.Plumb, Wolfen, Melkor, Richard_Strey, Lxndr, Pyske, Stephen.

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Subsequent Topics
In The Riddle of Steel

2/7/2004 sirogit: Finally starting a Riddle of Steel game.
After much, much delay, I've finally started a Riddle of Steel game. I had the situation starting the game created for the most part by my first player(Before I found…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: sirogit, Ingenious.

2/8/2004 Jake Norwood: Mini-Supplement Doctrine
Okay, so I've had an idea. I want more (any) TROS mini-supplements--Fan-written books on nations, campains, races, whatever... These would be on-line and the author gets to keep the money…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jake Norwood, greyorm, sirogit, Ingenious, Muggins, Tywin Lannister, Loki, Mike Holmes, kenjib, Edge, thelibrarian, StahlMeister, Bob Richter, Krammer, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne, Nick Pagnucco, toli, Andrew Mure, Malechi.

2/8/2004 Alan: Shock Bonuses, Half Sword, and Estoc
Hi Jake and Brian, Can you clarify a few things about weapons? 1) Like many Mass Weapons, the Club listing says +x Shock (x=Dam Lvl) I can't find a definition…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Alan, Brian Leybourne, Jake Norwood, Pytorb, [MKF]Kapten, Mantis, Richard_Strey, Wolfen.

2/9/2004 Drifter Bob: Breaking weapons
Is there any means within the TROS rules for one weapon to break another, during a parry say, or for a weapon to break a shield? JR
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Drifter Bob, Jake Norwood, Salamander, Hereward The Wake, Caz, Ingenious, Richard_Strey.

2/10/2004 Ingenious: Alternative magic system
Appologies for length/ranting/non-coherent thinking below. Regarding an alternate magic system.. I came up with a brain storm that might have been tried before. Regarding the sorcery pool in particular.. the…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ingenious.

2/10/2004 johnmarron: TRoS for Icelandic Sagas?
As I drove in to work this morning past the fjord (we actually have one where I live in Maine), the early morning sun reflecting off the boats in the…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: johnmarron, Hereward The Wake, Valamir, Salamander, Negilent, Hugin, Sigurth.

2/11/2004 Ingenious: Defaulted proficiencies/chargen question.
In the book it states on page 50, book 3 'training': "Defaulted proficiencies may never exceed 6 without formal training (after which its no longer a defaulted proficiency)." At this…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ingenious, bottleneck, Valamir, Lxndr, toli, Edge, Jake Norwood, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne, John Harper.

2/12/2004 Egi: Uncharted areas
In the map of Weyrth, there seems to be uncharted areas; islands or part of a continent in the north-east and just barely visible land mass in the north-west corner…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Egi, Brian Leybourne, Ingenious, Mike Holmes, Lxndr, toli, Jake Norwood.

2/12/2004 Edge: Gifts/Flaws
Hey guys I've read a post with a heap of alternate flaws and gifts in it and there was mention of it being put on the website. Does anyone know…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Edge, Ingenious.

2/12/2004 Silvermane: TROS out of print?
Greetings! I just tried ordering TROS and OBAM through Leisuregames in London, UK, with little success. They wrote that they're out of TROS, as well as their distributors. Is this…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Silvermane, Jake Norwood, Salamander, Edge, ethan_greer, A.Neill, BirdMan, Muggins, Wolfen, Richard_Strey, Brian Leybourne.

2/12/2004 Thanaeon: Ranged weapons and dodging
I'm sorry, I must have missed an answer to this question somewhere. But tonight, the question came up of whether characters can try to dodge thrown/shot weapons. The way I…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Thanaeon, Salamander, Jake Norwood, Richard_Strey, Hereward The Wake, Durgil, Caz, Wolfen, Ingenious, silburnl, Muggins, Mike Holmes, Mokkurkalfe.

2/13/2004 Melkor: Couple of additional TRoS questions
How does one stop blood loss in TRoS (please point me to the page in the book where it mentions this - healing seems to only cover 'Pain' - or…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Melkor, Ingenious, Andrew Mure, toli, Wolfen.

2/13/2004 Tywin Lannister: Do you have some art lying around?
Hullo everyone. I am working on a mini-supplement for TROS and had originally planned to do all the artwork myself. Then a small demon appeared on my right shoulder, and…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Tywin Lannister.

2/13/2004 kenjib: Ships of Weyrth
I've been doing some work on ships for a homebrew. I think the tech level is quite compatible with Weyrth. Weyrth is on the cusp of having a gunpowder revolution,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: kenjib, Andrew Mure, Edge.

2/13/2004 John Harper: House Rule: Arm Hits
I'm interested in a house rule that will result in more hits to the arms. In my experience in Kendo and Aikido, the arms tend to be in the way…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: John Harper, Lxndr, toli, Jake Norwood, timfire, gregkcubed, Ingenious, Salamander, Jaeger, Gideon13, Edge, kenjib, Brian Leybourne, Wolfen, Poleaxe.

2/15/2004 Pseudoephedrine: Magic, the Hyborian Age, and RoS
I've been thinking of a RoS / Conan crossover since I bought the game a few weeks ago. Everything's been pretty gravy so far, until I came to the magic…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Pseudoephedrine, Spartan, Valamir, Sneaky Git, Jaeger, Lithos, Pyske, Stephen, Sigurth, Ilvarin.

2/15/2004 kanseg: TROS in the Warhammer World
I've recently decided to run 'The Enemy Within' campaign set in the Warhammer World with my gaming group. The idea of using a pre-written campaign appeals to me, especially one…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: kanseg, Ian.Plumb, Baron Guthwulf, Dan Sellars, cegorach.

2/15/2004 Lithos: Just finished reading Of Beasts and Men..
Just finished reading Of Beasts and Men.. I love it - a little heavy on the rape/forced impregnation themes, but overall an excellent supplement to TRoS. A lot less preachy…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Lithos, Brian Leybourne, bergh, Wolfen, sirogit.

2/16/2004 Valamir: swings vs thrusts
Take a weapon like an Arming Sword or Long Sword. Both of these weapons are designed to both cut and thrust. They are better at cutting (which is why they…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Valamir, Ingenious, Caz, Brian Leybourne, Richard_Strey, Muggins, Jake Norwood, Wolfen, Edge, Malechi, Overdrive, Salamander, bergh, Turin, Ben Lehman, lokdu, Tash.

2/16/2004 sirogit: Eastern MArtial Arts?
Have their been many house rules for many Eastern Martial Arts in Tros? An idea that just hit me that I thought would be great, would be the inner martial…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: sirogit, Jake Norwood.

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