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In Conventions

5/9/2006 abzu: Forge Booth '06 for Monkeys, Volunteers and Supporters
Hello! If you love mutualism, support and small press publishing and you're interested in helping out at the Forge booth this year, please post in this thread: your name, the…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, Clinton R. Nixon, Iskander, Emily Care, Michael S. Miller, joepub, Nev the Deranged, Matt-M-McElroy, jrs, nikola, Ben Lehman, Paka, Jasper the Mimbo, M. Voelker.

5/9/2006 abzu: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers
The primary sponsors for this year's Forge booth are: Adept Press (Ron/Sorcerer), Lumpley Games (Vincent/Dogs), Timfire (Tim/Mountain Witch) and Burning Wheel (Luke/BW). The booth is a 4-booth penninsula and is…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, Paka, Blankshield, Ben Lehman, Nathan P., Malcolm, Matt, Gregor Hutton, TonyLB, Dantai, btrc, jasonm, Keith Senkowski, Matt Snyder, Paul Czege, Justin D. Jacobson, Emily Care, joepub, Michael S. Miller, Valamir, Tim C Koppang, Matt Wilson, Gordon C. Landis, Jonathan Walton, Larry Wickman, John Harper, Troy_Costisick, nikola, Clinton R. Nixon, Kevin Allen Jr, Ron Edwards.

5/1/2006 jaw6: GenCon for players?
Sorry if this is a lame question, or the wrong place to ask... I've been trying to encourage some friends to check out various Indie games at GenCon this year,…
In Conventions
Participants: jaw6, abzu, Kat Miller, Blankshield, Gaerik, Michael S. Miller, Hans.

4/27/2006 ptevis: Gamex 2006, May 26-29, Los Angeles area
Joshua BishopRoby, Jesse Burneko, and myself will be running games at Gamex 2006, the Memorial Day Weekend version of Strategicon. Is anyone in the the Los Angeles area playing Nine…
In Conventions
Participants: ptevis, Joshua BishopRoby.

4/27/2006 Zach: Indie Efforts at JenCon 16 (May 4-6, IA)... Stymied?
Hello good sirs and ladies: I will be demoing some of my games at a small convention located between Iowa City and Cedar Rapids. International Cooking Challenge, The Ballad of…
In Conventions
Participants: Zach.

4/23/2006 Ned: CanGames (Ottawa,ON) Anyone, anyone?
Hey all. My hometown Con is on May 19-22. Are there any kinky Forgey gamers to be found? I think I'm up to running some Inspectres if there are takers,…
In Conventions
Participants: Ned, Darcy Burgess, walkerp, Denise.

4/20/2006 btrc: GenCon booth accessories?
In the interest of continual upgrading of the Forge presence, I've been scouring the web for good looking and just as important, portable and storable booth accessories. Anyone have any…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc, Ron Edwards, inthisstyle, Paul Czege, abzu, Thor Olavsrud, Nathan P..

4/14/2006 Matt-M-McElroy: No Brand Con (Wisconsin)
Hey folks, I'll be making my first appearance at an anime convention next weekend. No Brand Con in Eau Claire WI does have some gaming going on so we're in…
In Conventions
Participants: Matt-M-McElroy.

4/13/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: ConCarolinas indie game track
I've secured an indie game track at ConCarolinas, a largeish sci-fi/gaming convention in Charlotte, NC on June 2 - 4. We've got some good games that are going to be…
In Conventions
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, seawolf69.

4/12/2006 Kat Miller: DexCon 06 Link, anyone else?
Ok the link to the events for Dexcon are up here: MSM suggested I wait till after Forge Midwest to put out a last call. Dex Con will be…
In Conventions
Participants: Kat Miller, abzu, Paka, Nathan P., Andrew Morris, TonyLB, Helvetian, RobNJ, Jared A. Sorensen, Iskander.

4/11/2006 btrc: GenCon suite?
The following place is off the GenCon hotel radar, yet is close enough to be skywalk accessible: If I can get at least 3 other people willing to split…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc.

4/11/2006 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2006] First thread about it
Hi there, First things first - GenCon's dates are a little different this year, August 10-13. So everyone who was thinking, hmm, sometime around August 20, revise your year. I…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick, abzu, Paul Czege, inthisstyle, Gaerik, TonyLB, Nev the Deranged, Matt Gwinn, Dantai, Brand_Robins, LordSmerf, jrs, Justin D. Jacobson, Selene Tan, Jared A. Sorensen, Matt-M-McElroy, Jonathan Walton.

4/10/2006 abzu: Forge Midwest Love
Where's the love? Is everyone still too exhausted to post? So, ye who attended, what did you think? Did you enjoy yourself? Would you come back again? What did you…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, Matt Wilson, Keith Senkowski, chris_moore, Thor Olavsrud, Jason L Blair, jenskot, Jared A. Sorensen, greyorm, c, jrs, Mike Holmes, Blankshield, Iskander, John Harper, Miskatonic, Paul Czege, Paka, tylure, ivan23, ptevis, Matt Snyder, mtiru, Kesher, Tim C Koppang, Andy Kitkowski, GregStolze, timfire, Dav, Nev the Deranged.

4/8/2006 Nev the Deranged: [GenCon '06] D'oh...
Well, I decided to wait to reserve a room at the Marriott by the con center.... and now they are out of 2-bed rooms. Go figure. I guess I should…
In Conventions
Participants: Nev the Deranged, inthisstyle, btrc, joepub.

4/3/2006 Mike Holmes: [Concinnity] Wrap Up
Concinnity 6 is over, and I thought I'd put in a quick after action review. I really have to say that this was a very well run small that…
In Conventions
Participants: Mike Holmes, Matt-M-McElroy.

4/3/2006 cdr: [Gencon 06] Demo Teaching?
I recall at last year's Gencon there was a plan to cross-teach how to run demos to everyone working the Forge Booth, although I don't know if that happened or…
In Conventions
Participants: cdr.

4/2/2006 Nathan P.: [Meetup Proposal] DeisCon, April 15-16 or 22-23
So I have an idea that I wanna float, and see if it would interest anyone. I have a big hunk o' break over Passover in which I will be…
In Conventions
Participants: Nathan P..

4/1/2006 Jonas Karlsson: [GothCon, Sweden] The Indie Room, with Forge games
Hello all, The Easter weekend (14th to 16th of April) I'm arranging an event called the Indie Room at Sweden's largest gaming convention GothCon. With me I have seven great…
In Conventions
Participants: Jonas Karlsson, Peter Nordstrand, Anders.

3/28/2006 Shawn De Arment: Northern Virginia Gathering – April 8th
There is a gathering at my home in Chantilly VA on Saturday April 8th. The schedule is as follows: 1-2 PM Social hour (Meet, greet, and game speak) 2-4 PM…
In Conventions
Participants: Shawn De Arment.

3/28/2006 Malcolm: [Conpulsion, Edinburgh] Indie Games Track post-con review
This was the first year that the Indie Games Track was running at the Conpulsion convention in Edinburgh and, overall, I would say it was an unqualified success. Prior to…
In Conventions
Participants: Malcolm, Matt, Joe Murphy (Broin), Dantai, Jonny Nexus.

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Subsequent Topics
In Conventions

5/11/2006 Justin D. Jacobson: Gen Con Demos - A Procedure for Ensuring Coverage and Request for Advice
Perhaps this should have been split into two different threads. In any case... 1) On the other GC threads, there's been some concern expressed about the ability to demo so…
In Conventions
Participants: Justin D. Jacobson, Jonathan Walton, Blankshield, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, abzu, Matt-M-McElroy.

5/11/2006 Justin D. Jacobson: Gen Con Sell Sheets
It would seem that sell sheets would be helpful to those working the booth. These would be succinct documents outlining the key features of the game in question so anyone…
In Conventions
Participants: Justin D. Jacobson, inthisstyle, Troy_Costisick.

5/14/2006 Ben Lehman: Games on Demand / Booth integration
Hi all -- Thomas Robertson and I were just discussing ways to better integrate the Games on Demand / Indie Games Explosion event cluster with the Forge Booth.  What I'm…
In Conventions
Participants: Ben Lehman, Troy_Costisick, Ron Edwards, Kat Miller, Justin D. Jacobson, TonyLB, Michael S. Miller.

5/14/2006 Malcolm: [GenCon] Thread Clarification
Hi, Starting a new thread so as to avoid asking tangential questions in other threads were Luke has specifically asked that information only be posted. As regrads the 'Booth Monkeys…
In Conventions
Participants: Malcolm, abzu.

5/14/2006 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2006] Forge Booth rules - important
Hello, This is where I lay down the law for participating at the booth. By signing up (that is, by paying Luke), you are agreeing to all of the points…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Valamir, Troy_Costisick.

5/15/2006 Kat Miller: Games On Demand - Whats it all about anyway?
Hi, I’m Kat Miller, Event Organizer for Games On Demand. I’ve heard for the last couple of years that the crowding of the booth could be reduced if there was…
In Conventions
Participants: Kat Miller, TonyLB, Michael S. Miller, Hans, Emily Care, jasonm, Thor Olavsrud, Blankshield, Justin D. Jacobson, Ben Lehman, Paul Czege, Gaerik.

5/19/2006 M. J. Young: Origins?
Just yesterday someone was pressuring me to commit to appearing at Origins, and it suddenly occurred to me that I don't recall anyone here ever saying anything about selling games…
In Conventions
Participants: M. J. Young, inthisstyle, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Dav, Lisa Padol.

5/21/2006 Frank T: Joint booth with Projekt Odyssee at Spiel in Essen/Germany?
“Spiel” is the game fair to be in Europe, this year 19 to 22 October. Previously discussed here and here. This weekend on NordCon, I was approached by the folks…
In Conventions
Participants: Frank T, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman, oliof, Nicolas Crost, Nephilim, Emily Care, Daniela Nicklas, ( o Y o ), inthisstyle, jasonm, TonyLB, Blankshield, Zoombot, Yvie, Michael S. Miller, Paul Czege, ocasta, Justin D. Jacobson.

5/22/2006 Frank T: [Spiel 2006] Booth Monkey Thread
Hi, Check out the discussion on Spiel 2006 here. If you are thinking about contributing money to the endeavor, you are probably interested in how well your game can be…
In Conventions
Participants: Frank T, Eero Tuovinen, Gerd H., Joe Dizzy, oliof, ocasta, Matt, Daniela Nicklas, ( o Y o ), Nicolas Crost, Yvie, btrc, Caynreth.

6/13/2006 Paul Czege: [GenCon 2006] booth chairs
Last year's chair sponsorship program endowed us with twenty steel chairs, and saved us the non-trivial sum of money we'd have had to spend on renting cheap-ola chairs from the…
In Conventions
Participants: Paul Czege, abzu, btrc, Blankshield, Gaerik, Ron Edwards, Keith Senkowski, Silent Tamatama, Tim C Koppang, Hans.

6/15/2006 btrc: Free room & badge for Origins
Rick Loomis at Flying Buffalo is looking for some part-time help with his booth and is offering room and badge for your troubles, so if you were thinking about Origins…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc.

6/21/2006 Thunder_God: Wherein Guy Asks Questions about GenCon 2007
I have to ask, is the more important issue that of "Not familiar with selling books at GenCon" or that of "Too many new books"? If the former, then what…
In Conventions
Participants: Thunder_God, Blankshield.

6/22/2006 Emily Care: [JiffyCon July 06]Western Mass gaming con
Hey folks, If you're in the general western Mass area, come check out an event we're running in July.  It's JiffyCon, a small, one-day rpg con. It will be chock…
In Conventions
Participants: Emily Care, Technocrat13, jenskot, Iskander, jasonm.

6/26/2006 Graham Walmsley: [Continuum 2006] July 28 to 31, Leicester
[url=]Continuum 2006[/url] is at Beaumont Hall, one of the Leicester University halls of residence, from July 28th to 31st. Looking through the site, there's an excellent line up of games:…
In Conventions
Participants: Graham Walmsley.

6/26/2006 btrc: Origins question
I just got a generic email from AAGAD about the Origins Awards, asking for a name and cell phone number of the person to step up and recieve an award.…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc, Iskander.

7/3/2006 Iskander: [Origins] Booth Report
I was monkeying for Brennan at the IPR booth this past few days. Here's my thoughts on stuff. I am sure this is mostly old hat, but I figure it's…
In Conventions
Participants: Iskander, abzu, Meguey, Latigo, inthisstyle, Lisa Padol, Andy Kitkowski, Waiwode, Thunder_God.

7/3/2006 epweissengruber: Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)
Torontonians, Eastern Ontarians, Quebecois, and Ottawanians!  Get down to Peterborough for Phantasm 15! Phantasm is held September 23rd & 24th, 2006 Saturday 10:00 AM - 12:00 Midnight Sunday 10:00 AM…
In Conventions
Participants: epweissengruber, eyebeams, Ned, Mister Hoppe, walkerp.

7/5/2006 Arturo G.: [PuCLN] Advertising your games
Hi, folks! Next week it will be held PuCLN, a big national Spanish convention. As I announced in the thread  PuCLN, we have organized the first official track of Forge…
In Conventions
Participants: Arturo G..

7/13/2006 abzu: Forge Booth Menu
OK, it's time. Who's doing the menu of companies, products, prices and URLs? Fun, fun! -L
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, Iskander, jrs, Clinton R. Nixon, Jared A. Sorensen, Troy_Costisick, inthisstyle, Justin D. Jacobson.

7/14/2006 thwaak: ConQuest San Francisco
Hello Folks, I'll be attending ConQuest San Francisco ( in early September and am eager to try my hand at some of the indie RPGs being played 'officially' there (Dogs,…
In Conventions
Participants: thwaak, EndGame, Czar Fnord, cdr, Thomas D.

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