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In Conventions

1/31/2007 Clinton R. Nixon: PAX - Seattle, WA - Aug 24-26
In several conversations over the last year, I've heard people express an interest in re-defining what they are doing from the term "role-playing game" or the traditional role-playing game culture.…
In Conventions
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Sugarbaker, rafial, Ben Lehman, c, abzu, Jake Richmond.

1/30/2007 jasonm: What-the-Hell-Con 2007
I've never been but it sounds great.  Greg Stolze will be there and has a pair of panels about game design and publishing.  There will be fire dancers as well,…
In Conventions
Participants: jasonm, Clinton R. Nixon, GregStolze.

1/30/2007 iago: [GenCon 2007] Why to go independent from the booth / Why to stay with it
I just got back from Dreamation, and I had an interesting conversation with Joshua A. C. Newman about the decision to go make an independent booth vs. staying with the…
In Conventions
Participants: iago, Valamir, TonyLB, Matt Snyder, Justin D. Jacobson, nikola, abzu, c, Nathan P..

1/28/2007 andrew_kenrick: [Conception 07] The Collective Endeavour at Conception
I'll be at Conception next weekend (eek, so soon!) representing the Collective Endeavour (a group of UK indie publishers, for those of you who don't know about us). Hopefully I'll…
In Conventions
Participants: andrew_kenrick.

1/28/2007 Denise: Gen Con Indy timing planning
Hey all, just noticed the hype on the Forge booth at Indy, and thought I'd pop in with a gentle reminder that the ENnie Awards happen Friday evening. When you're…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise.

1/22/2007 Nathan P.: [Dreamation 07] Indie Games Explosion travel guide
(x-posted with Story Games) Hey all y'all. I put together a pamphlet with all of the info and event descriptions for the indie games explosion at Dreamation. It still needs…
In Conventions
Participants: Nathan P., Bret Gillan, Adam Dray, Michael S. Miller, Andrew Morris.

1/20/2007 goldongman: Weathertop 2007 - Vancouver, BC
[color=purple][b]Weathertop 2007[/b][/color] Vancouver's Premier Gaming Convention We would like to invite you to Weathertop 2007, a gaming convention taking place in greater Vancouver, BC, Canada, March 2nd to 4th; a…
In Conventions
Participants: goldongman, Ron Edwards, joepub, Danny_K.

1/20/2007 Jake Norwood: [Origins 2007] Looking for other Forge-ites to go
Hi all. I've been away from the gaming scene for a bit over two years now, given my profession, but I'm looking pretty hungrily to get back into it here…
In Conventions
Participants: Jake Norwood, inthisstyle, JustinB, Jared A. Sorensen.

1/19/2007 Neil the Wimp: Concrete Cow, Milton Keynes, UK, 10 March
Here in sunny Milton Keynes, the MK RPG club are putting on another of our one-day mini-cons.  Details are at  There are generally quite a few indie games played…
In Conventions
Participants: Neil the Wimp.

1/16/2007 Helvetian: Dreamation schedule
The Dreamation schedule is now posted at Please be sure to get pre-registered online at, so that your badge is all set for when you arrive and so…
In Conventions
Participants: Helvetian.

1/14/2007 TJ: Forgecon 2, aka Forge Midwest 2007?
This may be a little early, but are there any plans underway for a Chicago-area Forge gathering this year?
In Conventions
Participants: TJ, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Jake Norwood, GreatWolf.

1/12/2007 epweissengruber: Pandemonium 27 (Toronto, Canada) February 23-25
Pandemonium 24 Pre-Registration is now open! Register for your events before February 9, 2007 and you will receive our pre-registration price of $30 for the entire weekend. Registration after…
In Conventions
Participants: epweissengruber, Hans.

1/10/2007 jrs: [GenCon 2007] Sharing experience: furnishings
I'll be GenCon booth historian for the moment and provide a brief summary of booth furnishings.  If I recall correctly, each 10' x 10' booth comes with one long skirted…
In Conventions
Participants: jrs, nikola, Iskander, Ron Edwards.

1/10/2007 nikola: [Gencon 2007] Sharing experience: Booth pricing and details
You can find all sorts of useful info over on the Gen Con exhibitor application, including booth pricing, advertizing, and a bunch of other administrivia.
In Conventions
Participants: nikola.

1/10/2007 nikola: [Gencon 2007] Sharing experience
There are a bunch of things that every Forge egg will have to figure out. Let's share experience so we're not all running around and looking stuff up. Please post…
In Conventions
Participants: nikola, inthisstyle, Joshua BishopRoby, Clinton R. Nixon.

1/10/2007 muddlepud: [Arcanacon 2007] Indie Demo Explosion
Jye and I attended GenCon last year and brought home bucket loads of new games so we decided to try running some demos at a con. In addition we found…
In Conventions
Participants: muddlepud.

1/8/2007 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2007] The plan for this year - important
GENCON 2007 - FIRST POST I'm getting started early this year for a couple of reasons. The first is to make sure we hit the early-bird deadline for signup, which…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, TonyLB, c, Paul Czege, Andy Kitkowski, Troy_Costisick, jasonm, abzu, JustinB, DensityMan, spaceanddeath, Travis Brown, inthisstyle, Clinton R. Nixon, Blankshield, Joshua BishopRoby, Jake Richmond, nikola, Matt Gwinn, andrew_kenrick, Gregor Hutton, iago, Nev the Deranged, Jasper the Mimbo.

12/29/2006 inthisstyle: Dreamation 2007 Booth
Tony can't coordinate this year, so I am belatedly stepping to the plate. Please indicate if you are available and willing to work the IGX booth at the con. I'm…
In Conventions
Participants: inthisstyle, iago, Rob Donoghue, nikola, RobNJ, Andrew Morris, Nathan P., Paka, Bill_White, Bret Gillan, Emily Care, TonyLB.

12/29/2006 Sane: Any Indie Developers Interested in a Group Table at a local convention?
There's a new convention starting up in my home town in June this year, and I believe they are still looking for stalls. It's called the UK Games Expo (…
In Conventions
Participants: Sane, Matt, nikola.

12/24/2006 1000buffalo: Anyone going to DarkCon?
Howdy All, So, I'll be visiting a friend in Phoenix in a couple of weeks, and he's going to DarkCon (well, he's running some stuff - M&M and WFRP). Anyone…
In Conventions
Participants: 1000buffalo, Ron Edwards, Eric J. Boyd.

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Subsequent Topics
In Conventions

2/1/2007 Nathan P.: [Dreamation 07] Attendance Analysis
Heya, I'm trying to collect the data on how many of our rediculously many games went off, and with how many players. I have almost all the info, but there's…
In Conventions
Participants: Nathan P..

2/1/2007 tzunder: Furnace 2007 Announced!
I am delighted to announce that registration is now open for Furnace 2007, which is to be held once again at the Garrison Hotel in Sheffield on the weekend of…
In Conventions
Participants: tzunder.

2/3/2007 RobNJ: Jersey Gaming Guild
Hey everyone.  I am ripping off the Gotham Gaming Guild idea and trying to plant it in central NJ, the home of the marvelous Double Exposure conventions Dreamation and DexCon. …
In Conventions
Participants: RobNJ, M. J. Young.

2/4/2007 Matt-M-McElroy: Concinnity '07 Milwaukee
Planning is underway for this year's Concinnity convention in Milwaukee. This year's convention will be on Saturday March 31st and Sunday April 1st. We are working on panels, game demos…
In Conventions
Participants: Matt-M-McElroy, Jason L Blair.

2/6/2007 John Harper: Go Play Northwest : Seattle, June 22-24
Hello Everyone, We have dates and a location for Go Play Northwest. What sort of event is GPNW? It's going to be very much along the Forge Midwest model, with…
In Conventions
Participants: John Harper, Jake Richmond, b00jum.

2/7/2007 Denise: ENnies Judge Nominee Q&A
Over in "site discussion" we've been discussing the judge nomination process for the Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards.  In an effort to increase participation (and relevance) to a…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise, Ben Lehman, Vermicious Knid, C.W.Richeson, Doug Ruff, fusangite, Xath, Mcrow, jasonm, Tim C Koppang, Graham Walmsley, c, Aman the Rejected, Treebore, Beckett, Kaladhan.

2/9/2007 zipht: [Dexcon 10] any plan's for indie games?
My friends and I have a good time at Dreamation 2007, we attended it based on Luke's recommendation. ( is he every wrong? ). We all had a very good…
In Conventions
Participants: zipht, Nathan P., Paka, iago, RobNJ, Helvetian, JustinB, Kat Miller.

2/11/2007 Denise: Thank you, Forge!
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone on The Forge for getting involved in the judge selection process for the 2007 ENnies. I'm working hard to make the Awards…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise.

2/11/2007 oliof: Spiel Essen Forge Booth After Effects
Hi, I just wanted to report that the forge booth at Spiel Essen 2006 has made a good impression. The organization team of the yearly rpg convention Hannover Spielt! asked…
In Conventions
Participants: oliof, Eero Tuovinen.

2/12/2007 Kat Miller: Indie Games Explosion and Gen Con 07
I posted to story games about this here: With this years changes happening at the Forge Booth, a strong IGE presence I feel will help out during this time…
In Conventions
Participants: Kat Miller, Ben Lehman, Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards, iago, jasonm, Jasper the Mimbo.

2/13/2007 Matt Gwinn: Gencon Hotel Reservations
I'm sure most of you knew this already, but preregistartion for Gencon started yesterday and hotel reservations started today. As of right now, most of the rooms available through Gencon…
In Conventions
Participants: Matt Gwinn, btrc, segedy, Nev the Deranged, iago, c, Thunder_God, Paul Czege, daMoose_Neo, Valamir, Troy_Costisick, GregStolze, GreatWolf.

2/13/2007 Matt Gwinn: BASHCon XXII: Feb. 23-25
BASHCon XXII BASHCon is an annual gaming convention held at The University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio. This year, the convention will be held on February 23-25, 2007, at the…
In Conventions
Participants: Matt Gwinn.

2/13/2007 spaceanddeath: [GenCon 2007] Helping Me Help You.
Hi. I am new to the booth and to Gencon in general. I have limited GM experience and as such have some serious concerns about demoing your games. Even where…
In Conventions
Participants: spaceanddeath, Nathan P., jasonm, Michael S. Miller.

2/14/2007 Andy Kitkowski: Announcing CAMP NERDLY 01 (US East Coast): Registration Live
Hey all, over at Story Games last year we threw together a totally fun (albeit cold, cause of the season) event called "Camp Nerdly". It was such a blast that…
In Conventions
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, jasonm.

2/15/2007 oliof: Indie Presence at hspielt! 14, March 31st/April 1st 2007
I understand that y'all are deep into your gencon preparations, so a budding presence at one of the longest-running conventions in northern germany might not be high on your priority…
In Conventions
Participants: oliof, Matt, Ron Edwards, xenopulse.

2/15/2007 Adam SBG: OshCon 2007 Sept. 22-23, 2007 Oshkosh, WI
OshCon 2007 - Tabletop Gaming Convention in Oshkosh, WI September 22-23, 2007 River Center, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh Check the web site at for more information. We're very…
In Conventions
Participants: Adam SBG.

2/23/2007 Denise: 2007 ENnie Awards Judges and Corporate Sponsor Announced
Voting for the <a href=>2007 Gen Con EN World RPG Awards' ("The ENnies")</a> five coveted judge positions took place February 12-18th, and record numbers of gamers from around the globe…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise, iago.

2/23/2007 Denise: 2007 ENnie Awards Submissions Questions thread
Hi all, We're opening up the submissions for the Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards Monday, February 26th.  Now while I confess that the judges have yet to make…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise, Justin D. Jacobson, iago, Graham Walmsley, sean2099, Jonathan Walton, Valamir.

2/28/2007 GregStolze: How many copies should I have for GenCon?
REIGN will be ready soon.  (No, really.  Soon.)  I'm going to GenCon and I'm wondering how many copies I should bring to sell.  What do y'all think? -G.
In Conventions
Participants: GregStolze, iago, Matt Snyder, Ben Lehman.

3/2/2007 Nev the Deranged: CodCon, micro-IGE?
I recently learned that CodCon is coming up just before Forge Midwest, and I was thinking of running something indie there. Probably either taking another crack at DRYH, or maybe…
In Conventions
Participants: Nev the Deranged.

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