The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

8/17/2010 VAgentZero: Granularity in Ad-Hoc Bonuses: Why +2 is better than +1
I posted some months ago in First Thoughts about a lightweight system I was building, called OneShot.  I received no replies, likely because I presented the system as a great…
In Playtesting
Participants: VAgentZero, masqueradeball, Simon C, epweissengruber.

8/17/2010 intorporeal: [InSpectres] DM-less roleplaying
The first time my friends and I played InSpectres (about 8 years ago), we played as described in the book, with 3 players and 1 GM. After a hilarious and…
In Actual Play
Participants: intorporeal, Artanis, Ron Edwards.

8/17/2010 intorporeal: [Exalted] Spectating replacing interaction?
[i]I will preface this by saying that I have only played in 3 Exalted games (all 2e), 2 by the same ST, and none lasted very long.[/i] Exalted is a…
In Actual Play
Participants: intorporeal, masqueradeball, oculusverit, greyorm, Ron Edwards.

8/17/2010 Alfryd: GNS, AI, and psychology.
Well, as far as I can tell, this seems to be the best place for this topic, but to be honest the subject's only tenuously related to specific RPG experiences…
In Actual Play
Participants: Alfryd, Aaron Blain, Motipha, Ron Edwards, Caldis.

8/17/2010 intorporeal: [Lacuna] Questions about pacing
Greetings, The Forge. My name is Brad, I'm new, and I've been gaming for as long as I can remember, starting with video games, moving into WH40k, and then into…
In Actual Play
Participants: intorporeal, Artanis, Ron Edwards.

8/17/2010 Ron Edwards: TFT: Wizard and Sorcerer origins
This thread has a sister topic in the Actual Play forum: One little pamphlet = 100,000 words. If we were to look only at fictional content…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Finarvyn.

8/17/2010 Ron Edwards: [The Fantasy Trip: Wizard] One little booklet = 100,000 words
In late 1978, I bought a little item at the hobby store next to the gas station a short and dangerous bike ride away from my house. I think I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, Alfryd, Motipha, Miskatonic, stingray20166.

8/17/2010 Jason Pitre: Use of canon characters within games
I am quite uncertain which forum is ideal for this topic, but publishing seems to be close enough. My game is built on the principle of adaptability, enough that a…
In Publishing
Participants: Jason Pitre, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

8/17/2010 Eliarhiman6: Link in the Archive, to the Archive, don't work
There is a problem in the Forge Archive when there is a link to another thread in the Archive. For example, this post there is a link to another previous…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Eliarhiman6, lumpley.

8/16/2010 Nathan P.: [Gen Con 2010] Design Matters Postmortem & Numbers
In our on-going mission for transparency and hoping to stimulate new and exciting ideas, here's some data about how our booth did at this years Gen Con. This is the…
In Conventions
Participants: Nathan P., lumpley.

8/16/2010 Amar Woods: Show me the money!!! Please...
Hey hope all you guys out there are enjoying life, I know I am. I've been working on 2 paper and pencil rpgs for a while now and it is…
In Publishing
Participants: Amar Woods, Paul Czege, Chris_Chinn.

8/16/2010 Matthew V: [Rogue] Looking for Playtesters + Games to Playtest
Hello - I'm looking to both find playtesters for a game I'm working on, and find games that need playtesters. First, I need playtesters for "Rogue", a game I posted…
In Connections
Participants: Matthew V, Locke, greyorm, Maugh.

8/16/2010 Ron Edwards: Sorcerer
I like music, and I like creative mutualism, and I like the whole independent DIY thing. So ... for the sake of indulging and combining all three, and based on…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, epweissengruber, Marshall Burns.

8/16/2010 ChristianAndersson: Offered: Game Music, Buy 1 Track - Get 1 Free Track!
Hi there, Game Developers! During a limited 2 week campaign 16 Aug to 31 Aug, you may: *** Buy 1 Track - Get 1 for Free! *** Read more about…
In Connections
Participants: ChristianAndersson.

8/16/2010 Necromantis: Cost for a inDesign/Quarkexpress layout.
Hey guys. I want to start this off by saying that I started this project (my Fantasy RPG) to have something that I enjoyed playing with my group) It has…
In Publishing
Participants: Necromantis, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

8/16/2010 masqueradeball: My current endeavors and stumbling towards effective play tests
Okay, introductions: This is the first play test of a game that in retrospect might not have been ready for it. I would call what we did more of a…
In Playtesting
Participants: masqueradeball.

8/16/2010 slashandz: New to the Forge ~ My thoughts on RPGs
[i]"I strongly recommend that you begin posting in the Actual Play forum, rather than here. When you talk about what published games you've played, and how it went for you,…
In Actual Play
Participants: slashandz, VAgentZero, Ron Edwards, InkMeister, Adam Dray.

8/16/2010 slashandz: Does the Forge allow cRPGs?
Hello everyone, I'm a novice RPG designer.  And I just stumbled on and joined this impressive website. I don't have a consistent group to play table top RPGs with in…
In Site Discussion
Participants: slashandz, Vulpinoid, Rafu, Alfryd, VAgentZero, Noon, a flight of stairs, M. J. Young.

8/15/2010 epweissengruber: [Freemarket] X-Altar and the Arts of Memory and of Promotion
On Thursday the 12 I and 3 friends started up a short run of Freemarket.  I am scheduled to run it at an upcoming convention and wanted to get familiar…
In Actual Play
Participants: epweissengruber, Paul T, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, lachek.

8/15/2010 Rui!: Brainstorm the mechanics of secrets - need help!
I'm posting this across several forums, in order to get more replies. This is a mini-game that mixes Cthulhu, time-travelling bandits and Secrets. The premise is simple: in the near…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Rui!, masqueradeball, Moganhio.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

8/18/2010 il mietitore: [Dirty Secrets] Some question
(i'm from italy so sorry if you find some grammatical-rubbish around the post) Heya, man ;) Yesterday we played Dirty Secrets here in Italy. It was for all of us…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: il mietitore, GreatWolf.

8/18/2010 frapast1981: Reduced enjoinment playing RPG
Hi to all my name is Rocco and I'm an Italian player, from Bologna. I'm writing here because recently (in the last year and half) my enjoinment playing RPG reduced…
In Actual Play
Participants: frapast1981, Alfryd, Rafu, Artanis, Stregheria Games, InkMeister, Ron Edwards, Ar Kayon, oculusverit.

8/18/2010 johnthedm7000: The world creation minigame for Shapers
So I wanted to put out my rough draft for the world-creation mini game that will begin any Skein (I figure that because fate and destiny are so important to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: johnthedm7000, Matthew V.

8/18/2010 slashandz: What's the point of all these stats?
Something that bothers me about RPGs today is the increasing number of stats. Strength, Dexterity, Luck, Will, Charisma, Wisdom, Intelligence, Speech, Sneak, Initiative, Constitution... the list goes on. Why are…
In First Thoughts
Participants: slashandz, MacLeod, Trevis Martin, greyorm, Ar Kayon, TheRoleplayer, VAgentZero, Marshall Burns, Moganhio, Locke, dindenver, dugfromthearth.

8/19/2010 Sebastian: [Way of the Agent] Help with tragedies
So, your character has been fucked by The Man. Maybe that's the mafia, maybe that's the government, maybe that's the hive-minded slaver aliens. "What did they take from you?" That's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sebastian, slingshot, Noon, chronoplasm, Ar Kayon.

8/19/2010 Motipha: [Dust Devils] Fun with emergent stories
So here's a thing I tried to do during our current Dust Devils game.  I'm kind of fascinated with the way that emergent story elements can come together in an…
In Actual Play
Participants: Motipha, Artanis, Ron Edwards, toddjank.

8/20/2010 UnseenSniper: Hello my fellow gamers.
  I am a struggling website developer who is in the process of creating a brand new RPG. I am usually not a beggar, or anything of that sort. In…
In Actual Play
Participants: UnseenSniper, Ron Edwards.

8/21/2010 masqueradeball: Indie Indie RPG
I want to make a one shot RPG/Party Game cross about Indy kids getting drunk at a party and getting into lots of drama (as in the bad stuff that…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, dugfromthearth, sojikai, JasonSWalters.

8/21/2010 Sapiento: New Website
I've created a new website for my cartography work: It is still not completely finished, but all necessary information can be found, including references and critiques. My deviantArt gallery…
In Connections
Participants: Sapiento.

8/21/2010 Sonja: is IndiePressRevolution website down?
I wanted to buy some ebooks, but the website seems to have been down yesterday and today.
In Publishing
Participants: Sonja, Jason Pitre, epweissengruber.

8/21/2010 Nathan P.: New Blog
For a couple of years I had a blog where I talked about game stuff. It was part of the "Forge Diaspora", and it was cool while it lasted. It's…
In ndp design
Participants: Nathan P..

8/21/2010 oswald: [Fiat Money] Reflections towards a new contemporary fantastic game
Ok first of all i would like to say I havent been using forums for many years, and i am quite new to this particular one : Ill try my…
In First Thoughts
Participants: oswald, masqueradeball, Ar Kayon, Moganhio, johnthedm7000, Vulpinoid, stefoid, Spooky Fanboy, John Stephens, thezenbear.

8/21/2010 InkMeister: A Year of Crappy Roleplaying
Hello Forge, this is my first post here.  I've been a lurker for about a year, and have been fascinated with the ideas and theories and experiences discussed here.  My…
In Actual Play
Participants: InkMeister, Mike Sugarbaker, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, dugfromthearth, Caldis, aleric, Chris_Chinn, Noon, Anders Gabrielsson.

8/22/2010 LandonSuffered: Thank You to Everyone
My reading and posting of the Forge forums have been light the last 18 months or so as I've been working on my own blogging and publishing endeavors, mainly dealing…
In Publishing
Participants: LandonSuffered, Jason Pitre, Gryffudd, Ron Edwards, greyorm.

8/22/2010 johnthedm7000: Discussion of Point Buy Char Gen Philosophies
I wanted to jump-start a discussion of various point-buy character generation methods and get some feedback from the community as to which ones are most useful for fulfilling different design…
In First Thoughts
Participants: johnthedm7000, dugfromthearth, masqueradeball, dindenver, Rafu, Maugh.

8/22/2010 Stregheria Games: Freelancers Wanted.
I'm looking for people that might be interested in possibly writing for my game. It is being released at the end of September and I have a couple of other…
In Connections
Participants: Stregheria Games, masqueradeball, Ron Edwards.

8/23/2010 Stregheria Games: Stregoneria RPG Forum
I've just finished organising the Stregoneria RPG forum and it is now open to join. It is not an open forum but one dedicated to my own role-playing game only.…
In Publishing
Participants: Stregheria Games.

8/23/2010 Ben Morgan: Character Sheets
My character sheets page has returned. I've been working on updating a lot of them, so now they're mostly in full color, and quite a few of them are form-fillable.…
In Connections
Participants: Ben Morgan, greyorm.

8/24/2010 BullyBoy: The Program (a Matrix-like RPG)
I need a little help...  Where to next?  What areas should I be thinking about in order to develop this into a sound RPG that covers all things that a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BullyBoy, a flight of stairs.

8/24/2010 jasprelao: First Impression - Eternal Grace
[b][url=]Banner[/url][/b] Greetings, friends... This is my first RMXP project that I develop with my friends. I want to make it original, from the visual art, music and of course the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jasprelao.

more subsequent topics >>