The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

10/5/2010 Abkajud: [general reflection] Why dungeons?
I have a question: does anybody have a notion as to why Arneson, Gygax, and the rest chose to set their game in underground labyrinths? I'm primarily interested in actual,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Abkajud, VAgentZero, Trollkin, Ron Edwards, epweissengruber.

10/5/2010 Kalandri: Are these character creation options balanced?
I'm going to need a statistics nerd to help me out here; I'm wondering if these traits are mathmatically balanced or not. In particular if Strong is balanced against Fast,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kalandri, Jason Pitre, Ar Kayon, Locke.

10/4/2010 epweissengruber: How can a SS-derived system make failure interesting?
Hey Eero, I was thinking of setting up a game where players were in competition with each other. When one teams obtains its objectives, I wanted the characters to be…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: epweissengruber, Eero Tuovinen, Courage75, mreuther.

10/3/2010 anders_larsen: Artist for hire
I am an amateur artist. I have been drawing all my life as a hobby, and I think I am becoming rather good at it, so I want to offer…
In Connections
Participants: anders_larsen.

10/3/2010 PiousFraud: Is Create-A-Space a Good Place to Publish?
So I’m a New Independent developer working on a new project with a few friends. I know a few friends who produced web comics who publish through Amazon’s create-a-space in…
In Publishing
Participants: PiousFraud, Ron Edwards, Nathan P., visioNationstudios.

10/3/2010 chronoplasm: Timing and Pacing
This thread got me thinking about pacing in games and mechanics for keeping track of the passage of time. I'm interested in simple, abstract game mechanics for keeping track…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Locke, VAgentZero, Adam Dray, Moganhio.

10/3/2010 arithine: [Survival] Looking for Team Members
For those that don't know Survival aims to be a Survival Horror RPG. I am also interested in making it "open source" which means releasing all the documents and files…
In Connections
Participants: arithine.

10/2/2010 Vladius: Hi Ron Edwards, please ban me
I have too much brain damage from playing mainsteam games.
In Site Discussion
Participants: Vladius, lumpley, Ar Kayon, Ron Edwards, VAgentZero, BunniRabbi, Frank Tarcikowski.

10/2/2010 Dantai: [My God's Bigger Than Your God] Game Chef 2010
[url=]My God's Bigger than Your God[/url] [b]First ever playtest.[/b] At the third Glasgow Indie Gamers meet-up I ran a game of MGBTYG at Keith's behest. Truly I am honoured, no-one…
In Playtesting
Participants: Dantai, Gregor Hutton.

10/2/2010 Ar Kayon: Grids. They suck.
This is where the line between realism and speed really split me in two.  As a designer, I've conquered this mountain many times before - devising mechanics that are both…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ar Kayon, Noon, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Locke, contracycle, arithine, Necromantis, dindenver, Mike Sugarbaker, Kalandri.

10/1/2010 Gregor Hutton: [Remember Tomorrow] Chechen Holiday
A few weeks ago Shane McLean was in town and so Per, Malcolm, Shane and I got in a game of Remember Tomorrow. The 4 Factions were... Chechen Mafia (Group)…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Artanis.

10/1/2010 Noon: Idea : Say No or Roll
I had this idea while discussing in a design thread on Basically I looked at the common method that if someone thinks you have a chance of failure, you…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Noon, Vulpinoid, Abkajud, Locke, Ar Kayon, masqueradeball, stefoid, luminos, P1NBACK, Kalandri, mreuther.

10/1/2010 arithine: Survival: modern survival horror
Hello, this is my first post here, found out about the site about a week ago and wanted to make sure I did not make any mistakes for posting so…
In First Thoughts
Participants: arithine, Trollkin, Noon.

10/1/2010 a flight of stairs: Draggy Combat
In a recent playtest of mine, the only criticism (other than crappy storylines, whcih I was already aware of) was that combat between two moderate sized groups dragged on too…
In Playtesting
Participants: a flight of stairs, Chris_Chinn, Noon, Simon C.

9/30/2010 The Dragon Master: [Sorcerer] Sorcerers in Suburbia...
So this is going to be my first actual campaign with Sorcerer, which I'm very excited about. The group: The group is Indie Explosion and we're currently running an open…
In Actual Play
Participants: The Dragon Master, Ron Edwards.

9/30/2010 Abkajud: [swords & wizardry] storifying 0e D&D - losing loot = losing xp
[x-posted at] I had a thought. In Swords & Wizardry (the "0th edition" D&D clone), player characters get XP at the end of the adventure equal to how many…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Abkajud, Ckelm, Chris_Chinn, Noon.

9/30/2010 Trollkin: Thoughts on a fate point like mechanic
I’ve been making a setting based fantasy game for about the last year now, and after reviewing some of the rules I realized that if the players are going to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Trollkin, Chris_Chinn, Locke.

9/29/2010 Gregor Hutton: [WFRP 1st Edn] CSI Altdorf
So I sat down with 6 players to create characters for a WFRP campaign at GEAS (the University of Edinburgh role-playing society) in Edinburgh on Sunday. We basically rolled up…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gregor Hutton, Ron Edwards, mreuther, Abkajud, stingray20166.

9/28/2010 Filip Luszczyk: Rising Hero and uborn children
I'm playing Rising Hero and the other player's pilot has just learned his girlfriend is pregnant. How does my special ability interact with this situation? My guess is that my…
In These Are Our Games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk.

9/28/2010 CharReed: Fantasy Illustrator - Available for Hire!
Hi, I am an illustrator with entertainment industry experience working at both RedStorm Entertainment and Funcom A/S.  My clients include Neoplastic Press, Wandering Men Studios, Epidemic Books, Black Matrix Publishing,…
In Connections
Participants: CharReed.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

10/6/2010 mreuther: Distribution Questions
Hi, I'm Mathew, and this is my first post here on The Forge. I've got a question regarding the distribution of games which was actually spawned by reading over at…
In Publishing
Participants: mreuther, Ron Edwards, guildofblades.

10/7/2010 mreuther: Industry Web Standards (Thoughts)
This is not entirely a rant, per se, but it's not entirely simply a point of discussion. See, I've just spent about the last six hours looking at publishing websites.…
In Publishing
Participants: mreuther, Paul Czege, Chris_Chinn, preludetotheend.

10/7/2010 Kalandri: I dare you to do this better
This is a light game I made with the primary intention of having a story-driven rules-light game with characters that felt different and were easy to make. PRIORITIES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kalandri, mreuther, Noon, Chris_Chinn, Necromantis.

10/7/2010 Trollkin: Doing health
I’m continuing with the design for my fantasy game, but I cannot decide wither to pool hp like in D&D, or to break it into the hit locations like in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Trollkin, Locke, mreuther, Necromantis, contracycle.

10/7/2010 Gunnox: What about a mythical RPG?
While playing the strategy game age of mythology the idea about making a mythical war-rpg struck into my head. Ok, here are my ideas: It should be like age of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Gunnox, Chris_Chinn.

10/7/2010 Locke: [Age Past] Steam punk supplement, Technomancy
So i am getting the baseline rules for character building down for the steam punk supplement to my Age Past game.  Everything is coming fine, but I hot a roadblock…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Locke, Magnus Pym.

10/7/2010 Stregheria Games: Box or Book?
The Stregoneria RPG will be being released public playtesting has finished on an internet forum site and I'm torn between 2 possibilities: a boxed set or a softback book. Making…
In Publishing
Participants: Stregheria Games, mreuther, Jason Pitre, Chris_Chinn.

10/8/2010 sojikai: Samurai RPG
The setting is feudal Japan, or really any place similar, be it historical or made up. I have seen people do simmilar things in the past, though more like samurai…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sojikai, Abkajud, Noon, contracycle, Chris_Chinn, Ron Edwards, dindenver.

10/8/2010 sacrosanct: [Altus Adventum] Lair of the Goblin King
[i]Before I get into the actual play part, since the vast majority of you are not familiar with the game in question (Altus Adventum), it's basically a high fantasy rpg…
In Playtesting
Participants: sacrosanct.

10/8/2010 wolfpunk: Battlejack (Feedback Appreciated)
I am looking to publish Battlejack, a new PVP-centric roleplaying game designed to use blackjack as the resolution mechanic. Here is a bit of the fluff text. If the fluff…
In Connections
Participants: wolfpunk, Ron Edwards, Noon.

10/8/2010 Ron Edwards: [Zero ] Dingo for dinner
A couple of weeks ago, I brought Zero, one of my favorite RPGs, to the Dice Dojo. Peter and Megan joined me, and we ran an opening session, up to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, ShallowThoughts, davidberg, Noon, Artanis, hardcoremoose.

10/9/2010 mreuther: [Descent] Multi-Resolution Dice
This is something which Fantasy Flight has been using in a number of titles (I believe they use it in the WFRP 3e rules too) which we ran across playing…
In Actual Play
Participants: mreuther.

10/9/2010 sojikai: Systems designed to be opposed to one another -within one game-
I don't believe that the title of this thread does a good job of explaining what this thread is about. Excuse my naming ability. The topic in hand is designing…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sojikai, mreuther, Vulpinoid, Noon, Kalandri, Abkajud.

10/9/2010 Gunnox: I don't know where to start...
I dont know what I should write at the first page with text... Should I start with "Enter the fictional world of..." or "LichScape is a..." or what do you…
In Publishing
Participants: Gunnox, mreuther, Ron Edwards, KeithBVaughn.

10/9/2010 Cottonmouth: questions
1. What happens when you run out of dice in a conflict? Do you lose? 2. What happens when both players burn out each others dice at the same time? …
In lumpley games
Participants: Cottonmouth, Noclue, lumpley.

10/10/2010 Trollkin: Alignment system, kind of
Again I was working on my fantasy RPG, and I realised that I don’t have any system, or mechanic for some kind of character alignment. At first my plan was…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Trollkin, Moganhio, Locke, Noon, Ar Kayon, David Artman, Warrior Monk, BunniRabbi.

10/11/2010 RedPissLegion: [AW] Question about healing
Hi :) So I’ve started playing AW a couple of weeks ago and yesterday we kind of got stumped at something. We’ve been using the harm and healing move rules…
In lumpley games
Participants: RedPissLegion, Noclue, lumpley, mreuther, VAgentZero, JMendes, Paul T.

10/11/2010 Calithena: Distribution Lists?
I am curious whether any folks around here might have access to, or be able to point me to a place where I might get access to, lists of active…
In Publishing
Participants: Calithena, Jason Pitre, mratomek, Nathan P., MatrixGamer.

10/12/2010 preludetotheend: Need some help with wikis
Hello I know some of you folks are technically inclined and was wondering if anyone knows much about wikis. I am looking to have a platform that I can restrict…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Adam Dray.

10/12/2010 Aetius: [Shooting the Moon] Gaining Traits
Hi Elizabeth and everyone, We (me and Lavinia) have just got a little brain-fart about gaining traits during the hurdle. The correct sequence is: 1) The First Pool is rolled…
In Black and Green Games
Participants: Aetius, Emily Care.

more subsequent topics >>