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From Day One

Previous Topics

8/20/2002 gentrification: Hard Travellin' - new game
[url=]Hard Travellin'[/url] is a game wherein you play hobos in the early part of the 20th century. Drift into town, get tangled up in people's lives, drift out again before…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: gentrification, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Clinton R. Nixon, joshua neff, Tim C Koppang.

8/20/2002 ADGBoss: Getting the License
GReetings all, Along with doing your own thing I have always felt there are alot of dead games which could be revived with the Arcane ritual of a new system…
In Publishing
Participants: ADGBoss, Eugene Zee, Ron Edwards.

8/20/2002 Janne Halmetoja: Strenght minimums?
As GURPS player I'm interested in to know is there strenght minimums for weapons or can child use poleaxe with same effectiness than Conan (excluding damage)? In my opinion this…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Janne Halmetoja, Lyrax, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne, Mokkurkalfe, Durgil, Mike Holmes, Sneaky Git, Jake Norwood, Thirsty Viking, Unsane.

8/20/2002 Shadeling: Pain, Does it Affect Skills?
I had to ask, Does the Pain from wounds, also affect Skills. So if I had a Pain of 5, would I subtract 5 dice from my skills (in effect…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Shadeling, Bogie_71, Mokkurkalfe, Spartan, Wolfen.

8/20/2002 Andrew Martin: Paying for the Villain's flaws
I've just been musing over my Star Odyssey game, and it's Token mechanic, which is used to balance PC 'vantages and simulates karma in the game universe. Normally, players get…
In RPG Theory
Participants: Andrew Martin, Walt Freitag, Le Joueur, Ron Edwards.

8/20/2002 Bob McNamee: Paladin Supers in Actual Play
by the way....played a short Paladin Supers playtest... in Actual Play Bob McNamee
In CRN Games
Participants: Bob McNamee.

8/19/2002 Bob McNamee: Bob's Supers Playtest Con 1 - Pool/TQB
Bob’s Playtest Con I have been looking into running a Supers related game…but not using Champions (which we used in the past). I created the same characters for each of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bob McNamee, James V. West, Mike Holmes.

8/19/2002 Bob McNamee: Bob's Supers Playtest Con 1 - SuperKind - OtherKind variant
Bob’s Playtest Con I have been looking into running a Supers related game…but not using Champions (which we used in the past). I created the same characters for each of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bob McNamee.

8/19/2002 Bob McNamee: Bob's Supers Playtest Con 1 - Paladin
Bob’s Playtest Con I have been looking into running a Supers related game…but not using Champions (which we used in the past). I created the same characters for each of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bob McNamee.

8/19/2002 Bob McNamee: Bob's Supers Playtest Con 1 - PowerGame
Bob’s Playtest Con I have been looking into running a Supers related game…but not using Champions (which we used in the past). I created the same characters for each of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bob McNamee.

8/19/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: Donjon news (08/19/02)
Here's some exciting news: Donjon is done. Every single rule is written, equalling 46 full-size pages of fun. That doesn't mean it's going on sale tomorrow, though - I'm still…
In CRN Games
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Jared A. Sorensen, Jason L Blair, James V. West, Jürgen Mayer, quozl.

8/19/2002 Kenway: Uses for Soap?
Besides the typical contemporary soap opera setting, what other campaigns have you tried with Ferry Bazelman's Soap? I'd love to run the game, but my friends aren't wild about the…
In Actual Play
Participants: Kenway, Ferry Bazelmans, jburneko, Roy, Valamir.

8/19/2002 ShaneNINE: Sorcery: Something from Nothing
The rules say you can't create something from nothing or turn something to nothing, but isn't that what the example shrink/enlarge spells do? Seems a catch 22 to me. You…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: ShaneNINE, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Bogie_71, Unsane, Wolfen, Bob Richter.

8/19/2002 ADGBoss: Artists for Seraphim: Candlebright and Brymstone
Well we have gotten to the point where we would like some concept art for Seraphim: C and we NEED art for Brymstone. Brymstone is a mag ADG is gonna…
In Connections
Participants: ADGBoss, tdenmark.

8/19/2002 ShaneNINE: Math Help
I need some help figuring out how changing the number of dice in a die pool, or changing the TN, affects the % chance of success. In other words, I…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: ShaneNINE, Mike Holmes, Jaif, Durgil, Wolfen, Thirsty Viking.

8/19/2002 Tim C Koppang: octaNe errata
...and a question. First of all, just wanted to let you know Jared that I'm very happy with the game. At least three times while reading the rules, I stopped…
In Memento-Mori Theatricks
Participants: Tim C Koppang, Jared A. Sorensen, Matt Snyder.

8/19/2002 Valamir: Announcing the Universalis forum at the Forge
Many of you may remembering periodically hearing about this "Universalis" game being designed by Mike Holmes and myself over the past year. Well its finally here, and finally available. Be…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Valamir.

8/19/2002 Valamir: Universalis is now available
Universalis is now in print and available for purchase. After a successful Gen Con launch, the full print version is available from The price is $15 plus $2 S/H.…
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir, sben, Blake Hutchins, Mike Holmes, quozl, James V. West.

8/19/2002 Enoch: Questions
I hate to make a whole thread out of this, but I have a tRoS game tomorrow and I need some clarification. Questions: 1. How exactly do you move in…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Enoch, Wolfen, Mike Holmes, Sneaky Git, Lyrax.

8/19/2002 Michael Hopcroft: Ghost Tamer Miyaki needs YOU!
One of the core campaigns in HeartQuest is Ghost Tamer Miyaki, and we are doing a supplement based on this campaign. But to do this we will need playtesters, demonstartors…
In Seraphim Guard
Participants: Michael Hopcroft.

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Subsequent Topics

8/20/2002 Zak Arntson: Paladin: Inquisitor (Indie Gaming Monday - 8/20)
We made characters for Paladin: Inquisitor last night. So, here's my impressions. Background for Inquisitor setting: Step One: Background I explained the world of Paladin: Inquisitor (best summed up…
In Actual Play
Participants: Zak Arntson, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Bob McNamee, Mike Holmes, Henry Fitch.

8/20/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: Small art for Donjon
I'll continue the tradition of asking for free art around here: I have all the main art I need for Donjon, but am currently looking for small monster illustrations for…
In Connections
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Bob McNamee, Ben Morgan, Rod Anderson, quozl, lumpley, Paganini, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

8/20/2002 Paul Czege: Welcome!
Welcome! What you're seeing here is the archived My Life with Master playtest forum. It was active from late August, 2002, to early August, 2003, and at its peak had…
In My Life With Master Playtest
Participants: Paul Czege.

8/20/2002 Mike Holmes: What Does Master Czege Require?
So, Paul, what exactly are you looking for here? Further playtest reports? General discussion on the system? What do you think needs doing most? Mike
In My Life With Master Playtest
Participants: Mike Holmes, Paul Czege, hardcoremoose, Ron Edwards, Emily Care.

8/21/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: Ron's inspiration
In Adept Press
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Jürgen Mayer.

8/21/2002 Adam: GPS?
Although I know you're a big fan of letting people wing it, I'm wondering about your thoughts about GPS in octaNe, Jared I tend…
In Memento-Mori Theatricks
Participants: Adam, Balbinus, Valamir, Jared A. Sorensen, TSL.

8/21/2002 Paul Czege: a curious endeavor: Master creation
Wherein is detailed the curious endeavor of five otherwise good tempered individuals: 1. The group, consisting of myself, in the role of gamemaster, Tom, Scott Knipe, Matt Gwinn, and my…
In My Life With Master Playtest
Participants: Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, hardcoremoose, Ron Edwards.

8/21/2002 Janne Halmetoja: Questions about tRoS combat
I ran fight with Combat Simulator (both had arming sword, small shield, full helm and plate everywhere else, strenght 7, combat pool was 13 excluding minuses from armor and shield).…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Janne Halmetoja, Mokkurkalfe, Valamir, Lyrax, Brian Leybourne, Shadeling, Jaif, Wolfen.

8/21/2002 Matt Gwinn: coincidence?
As some of you know, my mionion has the less than human quality of not being able to express himself unless quoting shakespeare. I went online this morning to find…
In My Life With Master Playtest
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Paul Czege, hardcoremoose.

8/21/2002 ADGBoss: Miscellaneous Rules
I am starting the process of getting the rules for Seraphim together, I was thinking about some of the small and miscellaneous rules that are necassary. things like Falling, Drowning,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ADGBoss, Balbinus, Mike Holmes, Zak Arntson, Marco.

8/21/2002 Roy: "Black Is The Knight" 2 (Soap Dark Shadows-style)
We played our second session of "Black Is The Knight" last night using Soap by Ferry Bazelmans (see the s, Fer?). Our first session can be found here. We didn't…
In Actual Play
Participants: Roy, Ron Edwards, Ferry Bazelmans.

8/21/2002 Jeffrey Straszheim: Paladin Q's
I just d/l'ed and printed Paladin yesterday, and have read through it twice now, and am very excited to play (when I can talk my wife into it). A couple…
In CRN Games
Participants: Jeffrey Straszheim, Clinton R. Nixon, Zak Arntson, Valamir, Bob McNamee, xiombarg, Michael Bowman.

8/21/2002 GreatWolf: Contemplated rules adjustments
As I have begun the process of considering Legends of Alyria and evaluating playtest feedback, I have been contemplating a few rules changes. So I thought that I would toss…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

8/21/2002 Mike Holmes: Web Site
Ralph and I continue to try and improve our web site for Universalis, and already we have quite a bit of support up. Check out Ralph's essays that didn't make…
In Universalis
Participants: Mike Holmes, Roy, Valamir, Ayrizale, Matt, Fabrice G., Tony Irwin, Jason L Blair, Bob McNamee.

8/21/2002 Paul Czege: an infinity of eight: Master Type/Aspect combinations
So, you know that part of creating a Master is deciding on Type and Aspect, and that the Types are Feeder, Breeder, Collector, and Teacher, and the Aspects are Brain…
In My Life With Master Playtest
Participants: Paul Czege, hardcoremoose, Matt Gwinn, lumpley, Mike Holmes.

8/21/2002 Ron Edwards: Third print supplement - actually
Hello, Well, it looks as if the third print supplement for Sorcerer will be a reality in the early part of 2003. The previous thread about this was Third print…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, Zak Arntson, wyrdlyng, Jason L Blair, jburneko, Ferry Bazelmans, Fabrice G., Clay, Mike Holmes, Jeffrey Straszheim, lumpley, jrs, Uncle Dark, Ian Charvill, Jack Spencer Jr.

8/21/2002 Game Mistress: Little Fears
I am really not sure if I am in the right place. I went to the Key20 publishing site in the hopes of finally finding little fears character sheets, but…
In Key 20 Publishing
Participants: Game Mistress, Jason L Blair, Comte, Adam.

8/21/2002 kamikaze: Art for Malevolence
I'm getting close to complete on my Malevolence setting (still need to finish the gear and a few other parts, and playtest the sample adventure before I add it…
In Connections
Participants: kamikaze.

8/21/2002 jgbrowning: questions
I've been lurking here for a long time and im finally thinking of getting into the publishing business. i got 6,000 that i can spend and still have 2000 in…
In Publishing
Participants: jgbrowning, Paul Czege, Le Joueur, Ron Edwards, Misguided Games, Demonspahn.

8/21/2002 Philippe Tromeur: simply "Donjon" ?
Will Clinton R Nixon's RPG simply be named "Donjon" or "Donjon Crawl" ? In France, we already have a "Donjon" RPG based on a "Donjon" series of comics. Isn't there…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Philippe Tromeur, Gordon C. Landis.

more subsequent topics >>