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In Publishing

11/16/2004 Kuma: Heads-Up for the No Press Anthology folks ...
I was just able to download the NPA from for free. I don't know if this is something that you guys have set up for promo purposes (the POD…
In Publishing
Participants: Kuma, abzu, greyorm.

11/16/2004 GregS: Valherjar: Core Cover for Critique
Alright Gang, Time to throw myself on the mercy of the court. Suggestions and ego crushing comments are welcome. ;) The one thing I know about it already, though, is…
In Publishing
Participants: GregS, indiedog, madelf, greedo1379, jdagna, Shreyas Sampat, greyorm, tldenmark, Jack Aidley, timfire, matthijs, Cemendur.

11/15/2004 smokewolf: Comments please
Here is the most recent cover design for The Swing. What do ya think? Also here are several past models... (one I am currently using)
In Publishing
Participants: smokewolf, timfire, GregS, Bob Goat, abzu, Jasper, indiedog, Walt Freitag.

11/12/2004 clehrich: Intellectual Property -- Technical Adobe Question
Hi, I'm trying to add a Creative Commons distribution license to my PDF game, in Adobe Acrobat 5, and the instructions on the Creative Commons website do not match the…
In Publishing
Participants: clehrich, Bob Goat.

11/12/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Dungeons/Dummies] System as promo?
[url=][Dungeons/Dummies] Draft 3 - The Assembled![/url] I was doing some planning for the upcoming cons when I started thinking about how I might promote my Dungeons/Dummies game. At the rate…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, LordSmerf, Ron Edwards.

11/12/2004 Jonathan Walton: Idea: Free to Non-Roleplayers
So I'm in the middle of writing this extremely long article on the origins and development of wuxia for my in-the-works progressive roleplaying journal, Push. And I was thinking, "How…
In Publishing
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Jack Aidley, Matt Snyder, timfire, ethan_greer, jdagna.

11/10/2004 GreedIsGod: Anyone Else Hate Intellectual Property?
My guess is probably 'No' for the same reason most union-members don't hate unions: Economic interest. Just the same I despise it. A common argument for IP in writer circles…
In Publishing
Participants: GreedIsGod, Ron Edwards, Reimer Behrends, Malak, efindel, contracycle.

11/8/2004 jdrakeh: Formless unleashed on unsuspecting public!
Well, not really (in my enthusiasm, I've been plugging it pretty hard). Here's the link... I haven't seen the final product (and, lacking a private internet connection I can't…
In Publishing
Participants: jdrakeh.

11/5/2004 thelostgm: Website Help
Hey all. I am trying to find a web hosting company for a website I want to create for gamers in my home town. I would love some suggestions if…
In Publishing
Participants: thelostgm, Clinton R. Nixon, Nathan P., Nathan, Mike Holmes, MisterPoppet, daMoose_Neo, indiedog.

11/5/2004 Jack Aidley: Best image formats for .pdf?
Hi there, The images for Great Ork Gods are (finally) getting done - but I'm unsure about what image formats I should be getting my brother to give them to…
In Publishing
Participants: Jack Aidley, Matt Wilson, Eero Tuovinen, Matt Snyder, abzu, madelf, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, Malak, dredd_funk, 16CBH.

11/4/2004 smokewolf: Question about blank page?
Alright guys, I am about finished with my latest editted copy of The Swing. My formatting starts every chapter on the left hand page and that page is a chapter…
In Publishing
Participants: smokewolf, Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, Matt Snyder, daMoose_Neo, jdagna, Shreyas Sampat, Chris Passeno, madelf, abzu, Michael S. Miller.

11/2/2004 Simon W: preview It's a Dog's Life 2nd Edition cover art
This is not yet complete, but it is a preview of the new edition cover art The snake will be a rattler in the finished version (the artist had…
In Publishing
Participants: Simon W, Paul Czege.

11/1/2004 Bob Goat: Promotion, Promotion, Promotion
Hey Folks, Outside of GenCon, my sales of CoS have pretty much been non-existant and I am at a loss at what to do to get things going. I was…
In Publishing
Participants: Bob Goat, Yokiboy, Ed Cha, anonymouse, jdagna, daMoose_Neo, Michael S. Miller, inthisstyle, GregS, abzu, smokewolf, Vincent R. Venturella, urbwar, James Holloway, GB Steve, Ron Edwards, Ria, Eero Tuovinen.

10/28/2004 timfire: [Mountain Witch] Help w/ Promotional Take-Away
Hi y'all, Clinton has graciously offered to demo MW for me at GenCon SoCal. But in addition to the demo, I was hoping to provide some sort of promotional piece…
In Publishing
Participants: timfire, daMoose_Neo, Andy Kitkowski, GregS, Roy, Ed Cha, greedo1379.

10/27/2004 timfire: Repeating yourself?
Hi y'all, One of the things I'm trying to do with MW is edit/layout the text in such a way that all relevent information on a given topic is present…
In Publishing
Participants: timfire, TonyLB, inthisstyle, Jasper, Jack Aidley, Ben Lehman, daMoose_Neo, jdagna.

10/26/2004 The_Confessor: Free PDF Programs
I'm sure you guys get this all the time, but: I'm working on a sci-fi rpg that I'm planning on releasing for free, but I'd like it to look as…
In Publishing
Participants: The_Confessor, Simon W, timfire, seasong.

10/26/2004 Ron Edwards: [Arc Dream Publishing] Wow!
I have just been the recipient of the single most admirable (financial) act I've ever witnessed or heard of in role-playing publishing. Over a year ago, one of the companies…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, indiedog, Widener, daMoose_Neo, Paul Czege, jdagna, Jonathan Walton, Alex Jurkat, Shane Ivey.

10/24/2004 Clay: Scribus, or beating dead horses
Over a year ago the Linux DTP package Scribus was mentioned in these fora as a tool not ready for prime time. In that year Scribus has come a long…
In Publishing
Participants: Clay, efindel, Clinton R. Nixon.

10/23/2004 Strutinan: Hello from DaemonEye!
Hello, my friend Tristan told me about this site (he's the guy writing "The Gray"). I own a very small independant RPG company called DaemonEye Publishing. Amoung our 3.0/3.5 psionics…
In Publishing
Participants: Strutinan.

10/22/2004 zaltar: Possible translation of EndLand
EndLand is a post-atomical german rpg formerly commercial become free. Unluckly the manual, a masterpiece of graphical design, is actually only in german. Will be translated in English by some…
In Publishing
Participants: zaltar, greyorm.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

11/17/2004 tldenmark: Best method to sell PDF's from your own website?
I've been working on a number of games, and hopefully will have at least one of them ready for Gen Con SoCal in December. I'll definitely have them ready for…
In Publishing
Participants: tldenmark, Ron Edwards, jdagna.

11/19/2004 Tav_Behemoth: Personal Victory: Ken Hite Review
Since I've been a fan of Ken Hite's Out of the Box column for substantially longer than I've been a publisher, it's impossible to overestimate how psyched I am that…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, Ben Lehman.

11/22/2004 Grand_Commander13: What makes an excellent layout?
Hello again everybody. My RPG is moving along at a nice pace; we're hoping to have it up for sale as early as the twelfth of December, as a matter…
In Publishing
Participants: Grand_Commander13, jdagna, Eero Tuovinen, GaryTP, Jonathan Walton, jerry.

11/22/2004 clehrich: RPG Prose Style exemplars
As most of you know, much of my professional work is, unfortunately, devoted to grading--I mean teaching writing, as in academic prose style. Not surprisingly, then, I have been working…
In Publishing
Participants: clehrich, Ben Lehman, Rob MacDougall.

11/23/2004 daMoose_Neo: Kids, lisences, and RPGs
Hmmkay, I'm very excited about a new prospect. Tomorrow I'm going to be speaking with someone about giving an older property near and dear to my heart a game treatment,…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, clehrich, Jonathan Walton, madelf, Andy Kitkowski, Mike Holmes, mindwanders.

11/23/2004 Simon W: It's a Dog's Life (as a book/movie?)
In the week before It's a Dog's Life went on sale at RPGNow, I ran two last playtest sessions with two completely different groups of players. One group is largely…
In Publishing
Participants: Simon W, Ron Edwards.

11/23/2004 Tav_Behemoth: Free PDF when you buy the print edition
I just saw that Gary and Goldleaf Games is offering a complimentary PDF of Code of Unaris to anyone who's purchased the print edition. Behemoth3's done the same with the…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, Ron Edwards, GaryTP, Mike Holmes, urbwar, Nathan P..

11/24/2004 MarktheAnimator: How to promote your online forum?
Hello, I've made an online forum for my game, Fantasy Imperium. I was wondering if anyone out there has any ideas for how to promote an online forum? What…
In Publishing
Participants: MarktheAnimator, jdagna, Grand_Commander13.

11/29/2004 smokewolf: The Swing is 1 year old
The Swing will be 1 year old in December. It spent 2 years in development and I can not tell you what the last 3 years have been like for…
In Publishing
Participants: smokewolf, Jasper, jknevitt.

12/2/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Indie RPG Awards for 2004: One Month Left to Publish!
Just wanted to throw this out there to the folks who are working to get their final bits of PDF and print material together. The third (and last for me,…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Jonathan Walton, jdagna, chadu, daMoose_Neo.

12/2/2004 leegarv: Tales From The Floating Vagabond looking for new home
Hi, Lee Garvin here. Please forgive me if this post is innapropriate for the list, I'm just trying to get the message out. I'm dropping this announcement in here because…
In Publishing
Participants: leegarv, ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, greyorm.

12/2/2004 Dregg: Ads for the Forge
Hello, I'm about to do layout for my first self publsihed work "Pulp Era: Cinematic Adventures in the Yesteryear" and I would like to put a ad in the back…
In Publishing
Participants: Dregg, Jonathan Walton, Ron Edwards, abzu.

12/2/2004 Ed Cha: We've officially launched Indie Press Revolution!
This is big, exciting news for the RPG creator-publisher. We're going to have banner ads on EN World and up soon and start promoting the site. Details in this…
In Publishing
Participants: Ed Cha.

12/3/2004 Blankshield: Use of quotes
I have some ideal quotes that I want to add to Death's Door, but they ain't mine to use. I have some queries as to fair use and attribution before…
In Publishing
Participants: Blankshield, clehrich, LordSmerf, Paul Czege.

12/3/2004 J B Bell: The Shadow of Yesterday's Open Source Publishing Adventure
Heya, Clint, You mentioned on these boards that TSOY was something of an adventure in using 100% open source tools. I haven't been able to search up much more about…
In Publishing
Participants: J B Bell, Clinton R. Nixon, Dev, Tav_Behemoth.

12/4/2004 jknevitt: Indie Publishing! Aieee!
Let's assume for the time being I've got an indie system (like everyone else here) that's in the alpha stage that I want to publish (like everyone else here). So,…
In Publishing
Participants: jknevitt, Trevis Martin, timfire.

12/8/2004 gobi: Meatbot Massacre and the Ransom Model
This doesn't pertain to RPGs specifically, but it's still a gaming-related online publication with an experimental distribution model, so I figured I'd give everyone a head's up on it. (And…
In Publishing
Participants: gobi, Jasper, inky, Vaxalon, ethan_greer, Tav_Behemoth, GregStolze, Valamir, Malak, Mike Holmes, Nathan, Noon, GaryTP, contracycle.

12/8/2004 Christopher Kubasik: PDF Games? Aren't those like that Internet-thingee?
Hi. Over in the Actual Play review of GenCon SoCal, there are reports (still!) of piss fights over what constitutes a "real" company vs. a "vanity" set up. If you…
In Publishing
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, ethan_greer, TonyLB, Matt Wilson, jdagna, Tav_Behemoth, clehrich, Clinton R. Nixon, daMoose_Neo, Bankuei.

12/9/2004 Tav_Behemoth: WotC Market Research: Four Million D&D Players in 2004
I thought this post by Charles Ryan, the brand manager of D&D at Wizards of the Coast, might be of interest to folks here: specifically the estimate that the number…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, abzu, jdagna, Vaxalon, Jack Aidley, rpghost, GaryTP, daMoose_Neo, tymotzues.

12/9/2004 Clinton R. Nixon: The world (of rights) is a complicated place
I had a long talk with a new friend tonight, and the topic of independent games and rights came up. This may sound strange coming from a Forge admin, but…
In Publishing
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, abzu, Bob Goat, madelf, Tav_Behemoth, jdagna, Ben Lehman, Blankshield, greedo1379, clehrich, Eero Tuovinen, GaryTP, GB Steve, greyorm, daMoose_Neo.

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