The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Publishing

2/3/2003 ace pilot: Some Publishing Format Questions
Hello all, I wanted to get folks’ opinions on couple of points: The writing for my RPG is going well, I’ve started playtesting, I’m holding the artists’ meeting later this…
In Publishing
Participants: ace pilot, Jared A. Sorensen.

2/3/2003 Michael Hopcroft: Taxes
How many of you have already done your taxes for 2002? Last year it was my tax refund that essentially paid for my trip to GenCon, and this year will…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards.

2/2/2003 Ron Edwards: GenCon 2003: thread #1
Hello, OK! I am now reserving the Adept Press booth for GenCon. At least two other companies have agreed to share this booth on an equal basis, paying for the…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Gwinn, Jared A. Sorensen, Matt Snyder, Michael Hopcroft, Michael S. Miller, Nathan, Matt Wilson, Mike Holmes, Jeffrey Miller, Clinton R. Nixon, Jürgen Mayer, Dan Geyer, Andy Kitkowski, abzu, KeithBVaughn, nerdnyc.

1/31/2003 Michael S. Miller: Do Indies have Competetive Advantage?
In the Indie Effects on Existing Industry thread, Walt said: One more shady practice can be added to Cruciel's list: Sell your product for below cost to drive competitors out…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Tim C Koppang, Ron Edwards, JSDiamond, Le Joueur, Bob McNamee, Walt Freitag, clehrich, contracycle, Valamir.

1/30/2003 Andy Kitkowski: What Indie RPGs came out in 2002?
Hey all, I again apologize for another Indie RPG Awards thread. Every time I sit here for like 5 minutes poring over the forum descriptions, and none of them seem…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Jason L Blair, Valamir, Jared A. Sorensen, M. J. Young, Nathan, Michael S. Miller, clehrich, Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, Shreyas Sampat, Jürgen Mayer, lumpley, Paul Czege, Jonathan Walton, quozl, Tim Gray, Gonster.

1/29/2003 Matt Gwinn: Does running at GENCON sell games?
The game submission forms are up at the GenCon web site and I've been contemplating submiting a couple sessions of Kayfabe. My problem is that I'm not sure if it's…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Jack Spencer Jr, Adam, Michael S. Miller, wraeththu, Pramas, Michael Hopcroft, Dan Geyer.

1/29/2003 Nathan: Possible Promotion Model (yea, yea sounds real fancy)
Howdy, Like many of you, I write a lot, and I have a ton of ideas for games. Many of these ideas get a bit of work before they are…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, Jared A. Sorensen, Paul Czege, philreed, clehrich.

1/28/2003 Matt Gwinn: Indie Effects on Existing Industry
I had a recent debate on another forum that stemmed from CafePress' decision to do print on demand publishing. The debate basicly revolved around how that will effect the current…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, b_bankhead, Valamir, talysman, Jack Spencer Jr, Clinton R. Nixon, Pramas, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, Walt Freitag, Matt Snyder, Le Joueur, greyorm, wyrdlyng, Michael Hopcroft, clehrich, jrs, Ben Morgan, contracycle, cruciel.

1/24/2003 Ardwen: First attempt at producing an RPG
I'm not sure if this is where a post like this should appear but, here goes. I have recently had the opportunity to have a RPG printed and perhaps distributed.…
In Publishing
Participants: Ardwen, Valamir, Jack Spencer Jr, Sidhain, rafael, Pramas.

1/23/2003 Andy Kitkowski: What about publishing games as Magazines?
Something I was thinking about: Magazines. Sure, the paper is a little thinner, and overall it can sustain more damage by folding, tearing and the like, but magazines are often…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Jack Spencer Jr, Valamir, Bankuei, geekspeakweekly, Clinton R. Nixon, Jürgen Mayer, Michael S. Miller, James V. West.

1/22/2003 ace pilot: How do you design your Character Record Sheets?
Hey all, I wanted to know how people put together Character Record Sheets for their games? Do you do it by hand? Word Processor? (e.g., Word) Photoshop? Other? Cheers.
In Publishing
Participants: ace pilot, Shreyas Sampat, Enoch, M. J. Young, Jack Spencer Jr, richks, cruciel, Ben Morgan, Jared A. Sorensen, unodiablo, Jürgen Mayer.

1/19/2003 clehrich: Copyright and references to RPGs
This is from the "watershed games" thread, where Ron Edwards wrote: As for solutions, the only way is to open up the culture of the hobby to wider understanding. There…
In Publishing
Participants: clehrich, John Kim, Ron Edwards, quozl, btrc.

1/17/2003 Matt Gwinn: Doubling Up On Art
Here's the scenario: You pick up a game at your local RPG shop and it looks great, really cool art and a good system. then you grab the supplement which…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Matt Snyder, Andrew Martin, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, quozl, contracycle.

1/17/2003 ace pilot: What do YOU buy? Why?
While the people who visit this site, and who post may not be representative of the greater RPG audience, it might be interested to hear what products people believe in…
In Publishing
Participants: ace pilot, Jake Norwood, Alan, clehrich, cruciel, Ron Edwards, Shreyas Sampat, Clinton R. Nixon, Jack Spencer Jr, Clay, Michael Hopcroft, Jonathan Walton, contracycle, xiombarg, richks, Scott_Lynch.

1/14/2003 rafael: Dread gets reviewed
If you're curious, you can check it out here: I'm kind of enjoying the feedback that a review generates -- there's the review, then there's the responses to the…
In Publishing
Participants: rafael.

1/8/2003 Valamir: Getting Paid
A topic that's come up alot recently. My question is this...WHY is it so hard to get paid...and I guess a corollary IS is really? 1) All suppliers in all…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir, philreed, kamikaze, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards.

1/8/2003 Michael Hopcroft: When Real Life Shoots You in the Foot
It's kind of hard for me to concentrate on publishing right now. I just lost my day job after only three months, my rent comes due on the first of…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Andrew Martin, J. Backman, Ron Edwards.

1/7/2003 Clay: Toys for Websites
For those of you who run your own web sites, I have a new tool at Lazarus Internet Development which you may find useful. Newsreel lets you keep one of…
In Publishing
Participants: Clay.

1/2/2003 kwill: Adams Bookshop South Africa: Quotes requested
Hello Forgers (Additional comments edited in below...) After falling off the web for almost a year, I am now back, hurrah! I am currently working at an (independent!) bookstore here…
In Publishing
Participants: kwill.

1/1/2003 rpghost: Self / ePublishing Handbook
We'll be writing a ePublisher Primer for sale at and we're interested in input from all the people in the industry. This site is host to many non-d20 and…
In Publishing
Participants: rpghost, stingray20166, Valamir, jgbrowning, James V. West, Michael Hopcroft, Gold Rush Games.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

2/4/2003 Michael Hopcroft: Is Origins worth it?
I'm pondering whether it would be worthwhile for me to attend Origins. I went to Origins last year believing it to be essential, only to find I did little business…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Valamir, philreed, Mike Holmes.

2/4/2003 Michael Hopcroft: CafePress Stores
Well, I just spent about twenty minutes updating a CafePress store that has generated about two dollars in commissions since it was founded. I'm hoping some of the times I…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Nathan, Mike Holmes, Paka, Roy, xiombarg.

2/4/2003 Matt Gwinn: hotel room conundrum
I have a question about alternate hotel rooms. has its registration system up and running, but there is no way to get a hotel room through the system without…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Michael Hopcroft, Matt Wilson.

2/5/2003 Shade Cydel: GenCon Questions
Hey All, Well second post, and second question.... I suppose I could read and catch up on all the posts, but I would have to isolate myself from the outside…
In Publishing
Participants: Shade Cydel, Michael S. Miller, Jürgen Mayer, quozl, Michael Hopcroft, Clinton R. Nixon.

2/5/2003 Michael S. Miller: Booth notions
Another booth idea hit me in the shower. As Ron said, there was a bit of a problem with "Which guy belongs with which game?" While I fully support mingling…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Matt Gwinn, Mike Holmes, Matt Wilson, Paul's Girl, Clinton R. Nixon, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, philreed, Valamir, GreatWolf.

2/5/2003 Jared A. Sorensen: Funny stuff, now over [split from GenCon 2003]
[quote="Ron Edwards"]You, Matt, are a freakin' great demo-er and closer. If we farm people to you, Kayfabe gets played and gets moved. Hence, we work toward your strengths and get…
In Publishing
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, hardcoremoose, Jürgen Mayer, Jeffrey Miller, Ron Edwards.

2/6/2003 Andy Kitkowski: We're Live!
I'm going through all my Indie RPG Awards-related threads and letting everyone know who subscribed to them that we're live! If you released a game last year, REGISTER IT!…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Valamir, Michael Hopcroft.

2/10/2003 Michael Hopcroft: Too Many Conventions!
Now I have yet another con to worry about. Every time I turn around someone tells me there is a convention I simply must attend. Not only do I have…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Jason L Blair, Michael S. Miller.

2/10/2003 Michael Hopcroft: GAMA Trade Show
I won;t have a badge at the GAMA Trade Show, but I will have a badge. I hope to learn a lot at the Manufacturer's track, but my mood is…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Ron Edwards, philreed, Jake Norwood.

2/11/2003 Michael Hopcroft: DunDraCon Plans
Is anyone here going to DunDraCon in San Ramon this weekend? Tempted as I was to cancel, I've decided to follow through and have some fun at the convention. I…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft.

2/11/2003 ace pilot: Some Printing Questions
Hello All! Things are going extremely well for my RPG project- the core rules are written and being tweaked as playtesting continues, I have a cabal of excellent artists working…
In Publishing
Participants: ace pilot, Matt Gwinn, Chris Passeno, Mike Holmes, samdowning, Valamir, abzu.

2/12/2003 Treves: Sales #'s
Hey there folks, This is about publishing a CD rather than music - I'm investigating the possibility of selling a CD of background music for horror gaming. I plan to…
In Publishing
Participants: Treves, Mike Holmes, Jared A. Sorensen, GMSkarka, Matt Gwinn.

2/12/2003 Scott_Lynch: A GenCon Noob Asks About Booths
Howdy all-- So, I was looking at booth photos from the '02 con and trying to construct a mental image of what mine will look like this year. I'm after…
In Publishing
Participants: Scott_Lynch, Jason L Blair, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

2/13/2003 Paul Czege: building community via blog
Hey everyone, I've been thinking a lot about Nathan's recent call to arms for indie folks to start promoting themselves better. And he's right, Jared really is outpacing most…
In Publishing
Participants: Paul Czege, Le Joueur.

2/17/2003 Walt Freitag: Walt's Annoying Word Usage Rants
After months of soul-searching(1), I've decided to post this at the risk of being seen as the Aunt Jo (an actual aunt of mine, who really does write letters to…
In Publishing
Participants: Walt Freitag, clehrich, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, cruciel, Le Joueur, Bob McNamee, quozl, Scorpio, Paganini, xiombarg, ethan_greer.

2/18/2003 Jack Spencer Jr: Annoying style/formatting rant.
I was going to post this to the word rant thread, but screw it. It's off topic and should be it's own thread. I'm going to rant a it about…
In Publishing
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, Matt Snyder, KeithBVaughn.

2/20/2003 Michael Hopcroft: Travel to multple conventions
One of the major anime conventions, FanimeCon in Santa Clara, has asked me to help with their game programming (this happened at DunDraCon). All fine and dandy, but it poses…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, talysman, Matt Gwinn.

2/20/2003 Ashlin_Evenstar: Does Cover Matter?
Greetings! I am coming close to finishing up work on my RPG. Layout and art are taken care of, so I'm in the process of choosing printing options. The main…
In Publishing
Participants: Ashlin_Evenstar, quozl, Mike Holmes, Sidhain, Scorpio, Valamir, Paul Czege, clehrich, Ron Edwards.

2/21/2003 Michael Hopcroft: Day jobs for a publisher
What is the best kind of day job for a publisher/business student to be looking for at this time (given that there is essentially no economy in Oregon, where I…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Jason L Blair, Mike Holmes, Le Joueur, greyorm, Paul Czege, geekspeakweekly, Darklance, Clay, abzu, clehrich, Dav, Chris Passeno.

2/21/2003 Michael Hopcroft: School & Publishing
My admissions officer confirmed with me today that I will begin taking online classes at Devry Univeristy's business school on April 28th. Anything that helps me become a better entrepenuer…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Scorpio, Valamir, Treves, wyrdlyng, Rob Donoghue, Ron Edwards.

more subsequent topics >>