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In Actual Play

12/31/2004 icelandknight: Some Points about our RPG sessions
We are a group that have always played together regularly... although recently that means just at Xmas. Mainly because most of the people have moved abroad to work. We used…
In Actual Play
Participants: icelandknight, friartuck, Emily Care.

12/28/2004 James_Nostack: [TSoY] A Very Brief Engagement - Actual Play
Ran through my first session of The Shadow of Yesterday last night, with four players attending, including Clinton R. Nixon, the game's creator. I assume a log will be posted…
In Actual Play
Participants: James_Nostack, J B Bell, friartuck, rafial, Nyarly.

12/24/2004 Lisa Padol: MLWM? -- on second thoughts, make that WGP
Time slipped by since the first MLWM playtest, and I looked at my calendar and realized that we only had one viable weekend day to try again. Beth was out…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Eero Tuovinen, mneme, LordSmerf, Michael S. Miller, Noon.

12/24/2004 Jasper the Mimbo: DnD "the Forest of Dread" or "the Dummy game&
I will kill my computer. I spent an hour writing a play report and right before I posted it. Bam. Gone. I still don't know what happened, but I couldn't…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jasper the Mimbo.

12/24/2004 Jasper the Mimbo: Gaming with dummies. (and we're all dummies)
My group does this thing, where we all call each other trying to figure out what we're going to do on a given day, figure out who's free, when and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jasper the Mimbo, Ben Lehman, Noon, friartuck, Borogove, ejh, daMoose_Neo, Harlequin.

12/24/2004 Jeph: D&D: two new gamers in as many sessions.
So, I'm running this D&D game. It's... totally non-standard for me. For one thing, I can't really say that the group is my group. I only really know two of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jeph, Dev, Jasper the Mimbo.

12/23/2004 Negilent: [HQ: Star Wars] The Corrob Code
Fired up by the Episode Three Trailer my group went back to some old ideas I’d thrown around HQ forum. We had a prelim char-gen here on monday, finished it…
In Actual Play
Participants: Negilent, ScottM.

12/22/2004 greyorm: [3E] The Straw That Broke The Camel
A new (and surprising) update about my continuing adventures with 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons. For those of you not familiar with my game's history, you should check the following…
In Actual Play
Participants: greyorm, Marco, Jasper the Mimbo, James_Nostack, Bankuei, Adam Dray.

12/21/2004 Bob Goat: Convention Games
Hey, So I will be running my very first scheduled convention game (4 hours) at Dreamation '05 and I'm a bit concerned. I've never run a Con game outside of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bob Goat, inthisstyle.

12/21/2004 sirogit: Shadows(Ya shouldn'tna'done that, he's jus'ta boy.)
So, unkowledgable to myself I had agreed to run another one-shot for Chris H and some of his friends, so I picked out Shadows, and played with: Chris M, Chris…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit, Lord_Steelhand, Noon.

12/21/2004 ethan_greer: Her first RPG experience? kill puppies for satan, awww yeah
so yeah, we played kill puppies for satan, and it didn't suck. here's what happened. oh, and just so we're clear, yes, this is going to be one of those…
In Actual Play
Participants: ethan_greer, isaackelley, lumpley.

12/21/2004 Paka: [Sorcerer] Blood Simple '05
I e-mailed 'em: The New Year's Eve Weekend on the evening of New Year's Day we could game. I could run Sorcerer, which is neat because it is capable of…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, RobNJ.

12/20/2004 Doyce: [Heroquest] Spring Fountain {well of souls} pt. 1
On Friday, the group for whom I normally GM DnD got together to play Heroquest. I've been gently nudging at the group to try something other than d20 (because, frankly,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, Bankuei, jc_madden, Mike Holmes.

12/19/2004 GaryTP: Code of Unaris - Actual Play II and a Conclusion
Hi, I've updated my livejournal with the latest transcript from an online Code of Unaris session. It's here. Some conclusions (some of which I already knew and a few…
In Actual Play
Participants: GaryTP.

12/17/2004 Eszed: Prepping The Pool
So last night I was pissing and moaning about having to miss another of our regular gaming evenings and how I was going through withdrawls and so on, when Tony…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eszed, Marco, Ron Edwards, jc_madden.

12/16/2004 Doyce: [Heroquest] Getting ready to run Well of Souls, prep/PCs
Okay, as most of the poor folks reading the Heroquest board know, I'm getting ready to run Well of Souls. * This will be my second time GMing Heroquest. *…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, ScottM.

12/15/2004 Paka: [Burning Wheel] One-shot with ole gaming buddies
I ran a BW game with two friends who have been doing nothing but d20 gaming recently. I can't count the number of times one of them said, "Thanks, Judd,…
In Actual Play
Participants: Paka, bcook1971, abzu, Stigg, taepoong.

12/14/2004 Lisa Padol: Planning Tips Discovered In Play
1. If it's not a big deal, don't draw it out. I figured out this one while writing up a session from some time ago. There was an interrogation that…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lisa Padol, Stigg.

12/13/2004 jc_madden: [D20 FR] An adventure idea.
Not sure if this is really the place to post this so if it's not Dev's please move it or delete it as appropriate. I play in a weekly forgotten…
In Actual Play
Participants: jc_madden, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Grover, Noon.

12/13/2004 abzu: [BW] Must. Kill. Wizard. Part 2
So we played the next session of this arc. This session was a bit belabored by the exigencies of our group and their play style. First, we had one…
In Actual Play
Participants: abzu, Negilent, taepoong, rafial.

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Subsequent Topics
In Actual Play

1/2/2005 Sean: [Universalis] A mind-bending New Year's Eve
So I finally played Universalis with a group of people I've played with twice before (once 3e, once my Narrativist Fantasy Homebrew With No Name - one other lifelong diehard…
In Actual Play
Participants: Sean, Trevis Martin, Valamir.

1/2/2005 bcook1971: [WoD/VtR] It Clicked
My group finished the fifth and final session of our WoD campaign this morning. It was invigorating. Lots of interesting things to share. BW vs. TROS Everyone (including me) is…
In Actual Play
Participants: bcook1971, hix.

1/2/2005 Eero Tuovinen: [HQ] Well of Souls in China
So, I started a little mini-campaign of HeroQuest for a change. I'm currently up north in my little home town, and got an opportunity to play with some high school…
In Actual Play
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Bankuei.

1/4/2005 Negilent: [Burning Wheel] The Bane of Magic
I need to get better at providing Bangs. I also got get rid of this notion that I cannot lay down some rails. Force is good at times. Controversial I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Negilent, bcook1971, Ron Edwards, abzu.

1/4/2005 Tony Irwin: Samurai Badges: Actual play
I wrote Samurai Badges with Step On Up! play in mind. It is a GMless game where players take turns to propose challenges for each other’s samurai characters. The competition…
In Actual Play
Participants: Tony Irwin, Yokiboy, Tim Alexander.

1/5/2005 Lee Short: [SitF] First Session
Let me first say: this game kicks ass. Last Thursday, five of us gathered here at my place in St Paul for a game of Shadows in the Fog. None…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lee Short, clehrich, Kesher.

1/3/2005 Black Iris Dancer: [WoD 2.0] Moral(ity) [split]
Something I like to do that you might wish to consider is not describing the character's mental states (guilt, etc.), but rather his lower-order physical and psychological states. In this…
In Actual Play
Participants: Black Iris Dancer, RobNJ, -IT-, IMAGinES, Monosodium Glutamate, Ron Edwards.

1/7/2005 Clinton R. Nixon: [DitV] Wisdom's Ghost
After an exceedingly lethargic - but still good - game of Sorcerer, my biweekly group has moved to Dogs in the Vineyard. This week, we created characters and went through…
In Actual Play
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Negilent, lumpley, Nyarly.

1/9/2005 ffilz: [Cold Iron] First session of Tekumel campaign
I just started new Tekumel game using Cold Iron, my favorite system from college. thought I'd entertain you all with a writeup... The game started with our new heroes settling…
In Actual Play
Participants: ffilz, Christopher Weeks.

1/10/2005 Negilent: [DitV] Who killed Leah Thomas
The Grudge finally came to Norway, so we had great plans. Watch the movie, and then game until we had to sleep with the lights on. But then we didn't…
In Actual Play
Participants: Negilent, lumpley.

1/10/2005 Vaxalon: [Donjon] First level sucks.
Played Donjon last night. I was DMing, my wife, Heather, and Steve (our usual gaming group) were playing. I liked the way it set up... character creation was nice and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Vaxalon, TonyLB, Bankuei, Matt Wilson, Christopher Weeks, Clinton R. Nixon, James_Nostack.

1/10/2005 Doyce: [Heroquest] Xian Quan, the Well of Souls?
As mentioned here and here, I'm currently running an HQ game for my die-hard DnD group on the alternate Fridays from the regular game. I will talk more about this…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, Eero Tuovinen.

1/10/2005 Doyce: [Heroquest] Spring Fountain {well of souls} pt. 2
As mentioned here and here, I'm currently running an HQ game for my die-hard DnD group on the alternate Fridays from the regular game. Here's what happened in the most…
In Actual Play
Participants: Doyce, Bankuei, joshua neff, Christopher Kubasik, Mike Holmes, Peter Nordstrand, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Bryan_T.

1/11/2005 Nev the Deranged: Universalis - as yet unnamed story
So I finally wrangled my friend Shannon into playing Uni again. I'd hoped for a third player but none was available, so I was like "screw it- we're playing something…
In Actual Play
Participants: Nev the Deranged, ScottM, Mike Holmes, Valamir.

1/11/2005 sirogit: The Shadows of Yesterday - Zexies Midnight Runners
I just got finished with a game of Shadows of Yesterday I just ran. Everyone had a totally awesome time. This game is special because I wanted to test a…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit.

1/12/2005 Vaxalon: [PTA in IRC] Sky Prophets
Last night, in IRC, we started putting together an IRC game. After throwing a bunch of ideas around, we settled into a groove and started getting creative. I learned this…
In Actual Play
Participants: Vaxalon, John Harper, ivan23, Matt Wilson, anonymouse, Nathan P., LordSmerf.

1/13/2005 kaikatsu: Advancement, Dungon Ecology,
First of all, it goes without saying if you need characters to advance quickly, there is no reason not to hand out more XP and treasure. I regularly hand out…
In Actual Play
Participants: kaikatsu, Ron Edwards, cappadocius.

1/13/2005 Dantai: What's wrong with our group?
Well other than the usual sexual schisms. Our role-play group has been utterly crap over the last few years - we just can't seem to find any game that everyone…
In Actual Play
Participants: Dantai, matthijs, Mike Holmes, greedo1379, Bryan_T, ADGBoss, Ron Edwards, Scripty.

1/13/2005 taepoong: [Burning Wheel] Scripts in Action!
One of the most difficult things many Burners have to learn to accept is the Scripted Combat mechanic. It's definitely the hardest sell for the game. Since we've been having…
In Actual Play
Participants: taepoong.

1/15/2005 Jason Petrasko: [The Tomb] Questions in the place of Keys
I've been on a quest for a system that fits a particular setting for many a moon. This is one incident on that journey I thought people might be interested…
In Actual Play
Participants: Jason Petrasko.

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